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Rhino 8.3: Feedback Thread


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Radial damage buff for all players within range (10%,15%,25%,50%)?????????????????????????????????????ok

Damage to melee weapons or guns and rifles or skills?
which the maximum range??
for how long?
which indicator to use in the game? (if you have not please provide)
Please explain better!!!!!!!!!amateurs
Edited by Fofinho7
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Radial damage buff for all players within range (10%,15%,25%,50%)?????????????????????????????????????ok


Damage to melee weapons or guns and rifles?
which the maximum range??
Please explain better!!!!!!!!!



All damage is affected by roar, powers, guns, melee, all of it. Not sure on the range, but it's pretty big.


My the only counter-knockout abilitiy has been wasted... Nooooo! Give the stomp back. Join it with the roar if you want, but the stomp was the most usefult crowd-control ability.


Rhino Stomp is now superior to what both skills previously were. It does more damage than Radial Blast used to due to armor ignore, and it hits in a 20m range +Stretch. You can hit for over 1.5k damage with roar and focus.

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Dude 50 energy is not spammable on a Rhino. 

If you are Frost , i say hell yeah, it's cheap (thanks to the - slot) but not on Rhino.

Rhino's Polarities are all defense, they are NOT making his powers more efficient unless you forma him a few times.


And said ball actually debuffs enemies that walk into it as well. 

then give rhino more polarity thats why they implemented formas remember? :D 

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Personally it just needs to be scaled for higher levels. I like it now. Immunity to conditions and disruptions is amazing. Now it just need to be able to take the damage from higher levels and it will be perfect. The timer removal is cool I think too. Or just remove Rhino from Dueling so the "PVPers" stop whining and we can be done with this bloody frame.

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My shock ability was able to destroy my friend's Iron Skin.

My Latron Prime was able to destroy my friend's Iron Skin.

Did anyone bother testing this at all?


Oh, and that's on top of iron skin still being a joke, as far as everyone is concerned. This is incredibly disappointing.


All the new reworks are buggy and awful. Using shock too much makes a player unable to perform ANY abilities, and melee attacks. There is no associated graphic with Rhino Roar, so no one can tell if it's on or not. Mag's bullet attractor is a mile wide and makes a lv 2 enemy take 13 shots from a fully maxed latron prime, thrice formad with maxed out mods.


I appreciate that you guys are like, making new content, but it's like you don't even test it. Supremely Disappointed in all of you. Why did i buy platinum today?

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Why, just why. Why on earth wouldn't give the old Rhino back and make it so it goes on for only like 15-20 second tops (w/o mods)... 


maybe: 5/12/16/20 or something along the lines... 


Your in-game description said it was the heaviest frame in the game so i bought it solely for that reason and now you guys go meh not that heavy?


I think the community would appreciate a poll on this matter because obviously you guys are failing somewhere. Let us decide what we want not you.


After all maybe the community wants this but as far these angry rhino users (including myself) go we would like you guys to take a


look AGAIN.



Thank you

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Love the new power and the combination of radial blast and stomp... but i agree about Iron Skin with others...

flat numbers do not scale therefore while i may say "thx for the slight buff"

i also have to say "this will not change anything, it will just slow down the level at which Iron Skin will become useless"

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Hi guys,


Some thoughts on his skillset:


Rhino Charge

To keep with the theme, I think this should be like a shoulder ram. Rhino stops after shoulder ramming his victim, his victim flies off and becomes a bowling ball to other victims.

Enemies surrounding Rhino (1m distance) get's knockdown as well.


Iron Skin

Alternative Skillset 1:

Give him scaling armor and speed debuff along with his Iron Skin, like layers of iron.

Maybe something like this:

At 801-1200 Iron Skin: 100% Armor Buff, -40% move speed

At 601-800 Iron Skin: 75% Armor Buff, -30% move speed

At 401-600 Iron Skin: 50% Armor Buff, -20% move speed

At 1-400 Iron Skin: 25% Armor Buff, -10% move speed

Aslo, each time his Iron Skin breaks, let the shrapnel do some slight push back stun to nearby enemies.


Alternative Skillset 2:

Still 400/600/800/1200 but make it so that each enemy damage is capped at 50. So in the worst case scenario, Rhino can at least take 24 hits.


Rhino Roar

Aside from the issues listed (no indicator etc), I would like this to do a slight pushback to surrounding enemies; you know, like they got intimidated by the roar.


Alternative Skillset:

Let Rhino be UNKILLABLE for 4/6/8/12 seconds BUT his shield and health still drops when attacked. Shield will regen if not attacked, as per normal.

Again, some pushback to the enemies surrounding him.

No team damage buff but has self damage buff depending on how low his health is:

Health 81%-100%: +10% damage

Health 61%-80%: +20% damage

Health 41%-60%: +30% damage

Health 21%-40%: +40% damage

Health 1%-20%: +50% damage


Rhino Stomp/Radial Blast

EDIT: It seems that this now ignores enemy armor, which I think is great. I guess addition of the buff below will make it too powerful.

Fine with the changes, would be nice to have some mechanic that can increase his damage.

Some ideas:

1. Rhino can do RS/RB from mid air, let him land really fast and do more damage depending on how high he was when he executes the move. I was thinking of doing this while jumping off a ledge or something.

2. Allow charging up for higher damage

3. Bonus damage for keeping up Rhino's health.

Edited by Ansheilm
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Hi guys,


Some thoughts on his skillset:


Rhino Charge

To keep with the theme, I think this should be like a shoulder ram. Rhino stops after shoulder ramming his victim, his victim flies off and becomes a bowling ball to other victims.

Enemies surrounding Rhino (1m distance) get's knockdown as well.


Iron Skin

Alternative Skillset 1:

Give him scaling armor and speed debuff along with his Iron Skin, like layers of iron.

Maybe something like this:

At 801-1200 Iron Skin: 100% Armor Buff, -40% move speed

At 601-800 Iron Skin: 75% Armor Buff, -30% move speed

At 401-600 Iron Skin: 50% Armor Buff, -20% move speed

At 1-400 Iron Skin: 25% Armor Buff, -10% move speed

Aslo, each time his Iron Skin breaks, let the shrapnel do some slight push back stun to nearby enemies.


Alternative Skillset 2:

Still 400/600/800/1200 but make it so that each enemy damage is capped at 50. So in the worst case scenario, Rhino can at least take 24 hits.


Rhino Roar

Aside from the issues listed (no indicator etc), I would like this to do a slight pushback to surrounding enemies; you know, like they got intimidated by the roar.


Alternative Skillset:

Let Rhino be UNKILLABLE for 4/6/8/12 seconds BUT his shield and health still drops when attacked. Shield will regen if not attacked, as per normal.

Again, some pushback to the enemies surrounding him.

No team damage buff but has self damage buff depending on how low his health is:

Health 81%-100%: +10% damage

Health 61%-80%: +20% damage

Health 41%-60%: +30% damage

Health 21%-40%: +40% damage

Health 1%-20%: +50% damage


Rhino Stomp/Radial Blast

EDIT: It seems that this now ignores enemy armor, which I think is great. I guess addition of the buff below will make it too powerful.

Fine with the changes, would be nice to have some mechanic that can increase his damage.

Some ideas:

1. Rhino can do RS/RB from mid air, let him land really fast and do more damage depending on how high he was when he executes the move. I was thinking of doing this while jumping off a ledge or something.

2. Allow charging up for higher damage

3. Bonus damage for keeping up Rhino's health.

Rhino Charge is perfect. Its the ONE SKILL that makes him Vauban fun.

Your Iron Skin makes mild sense.

Why on earth would you remove a coop skill? Are you smoking something? Rhino Roar is FINE. It add almost 10 points of damage to my Supra... THAT IS A LOT OF DAMAGE.

Rhino Stomp is pretty nice. Its mostly for stunning I think. I use Charge, big weapons and heavy melee for him. Kinda what he is built around.

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At this point Iron Skin is never going to be the tank skill players want. Change the name to Steel Skin. Convert it to add spikes to your armor. Make it deal AP damage to enemies you come into contact with, scaling with armor value. Remove the taunt, keep the condition immunity and change timer to 30 seconds, and I'll take that as a buff and let the old days of Iron Skin R.I.P.

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Iron skin doesn't scale well with enemies. Don't try to use it with anything above level 50+

Maybe add some shrappnel effect when the IS sstops ? It breaks, sends some flying bits to enemies (that attacks Rhino !) that are staggered for maybe one or two seconds so you have time to get out of here before being shred to pieces. That would still have an effect on high level mobs.

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Rhino Charge is perfect. Its the ONE SKILL that makes him Vauban fun.

Your Iron Skin makes mild sense.

Why on earth would you remove a coop skill? Are you smoking something? Rhino Roar is FINE. It add almost 10 points of damage to my Supra... THAT IS A LOT OF DAMAGE.

Rhino Stomp is pretty nice. Its mostly for stunning I think. I use Charge, big weapons and heavy melee for him. Kinda what he is built around.


Relax. Don't get me wrong, I like the new Roar skill. It's just an alternative I thought of to put him back into that of a rampaging berserker survivor; my impression of Rhino. It's also a way to add back the invulnerability without making it too powerful. 


For the charge, it seems to always be compared to Excalibur's Slash Dash, so I thought it would be a nice change.

In essence, it is still meant to deal damage to enemies in a row, the main difference is where Rhino stands after he's done.

Besides, shoulder ramming people into other groups of people is fun too.

Edited by Ansheilm
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Rhino is no longer the "tank" of the game. People will just have to get over that. But something people need to quit complaining about. If you want to tank, there are other tanks. Not every frame should be appealing to every player, thats why there's many choices.


"Damage" is a small factor in the grand scheme of things. Stagger resistance is a very critical tool. And something you won't get from Excalibur.


But as for the damage, the block is useful for over 99% of the content currently in the game. That being T3 void missions, every single boss, every non-defense mission, and every defense mission up until wave 50+. I'd say that it's enough content to warrant a skill slot. Given that his other skills are all very useful even at "endgame." And given how many other skills in the game exist that are equally "useless" endgame(aka any flat damage skill, etc).



Either of these suggestions would be fine(well, a new animation is actually pretty necessary), but it's definitely strong in its current form.


If Rhino isn't supposed to be some sort of tank, why does IS have taunt? Why does it have knockdown resistance? Hell, why does IS even exist in the first place, if he isn't supposed to be a tank? At the moment, 1.2k the damage sink is nothing less than OP at low-mid level content, and nothing more than useless at enemy levels greater than 50.


Also, I get stagger resistance from Excalibur. It's called slash dash, it deals a ton of damage to a ton of enemies for half the energy IS costs, and the immunity starts the second I press the button, not after a casting animation finishes like Rhino's.



And again more talk, still yet to see you actually do it. Since nearly every single person who plays this game uses both Redirection and Vitality, it becomes painfully obvious how useful health and shields are. If you're gonna hide in a corner and take 0 damage, why are you complaining about not being able to tank, since you're not playing in such a way that you need it. And the invulnerability would do nothing for you(a completely pointless argument).


But I'm sure you'll just lie and say you've never used Redirection and Vitality, and that's fine. Doesn't really matter. The truth is if you want to accept that Rhino is in a good spot now, you can. And if you want to whine, you can do that to. If you never get hit, play a high damage, low survivability frame. If you want % damage reduction, play an Ember. Rhino is apparently not for you. He will never be invincible again, you need to accept that. But if you can find a way to die with him in his current form, I'm impressed, that takes effort.


What do you mean, more talk? I never claimed Redirection and Vitality weren't useful. In fact they're more useful than IS. It's precisely because I don't want to hide in a corner that I want IS to actually be useful when I go to Pluto.


Why would I lie about not using Redirection and Vitality? It has absolutely nothing to do with IS's current state in the game. I use Redirection always [unless speed running Mercury for Ferrite], and I put Vitality on for Infested defence. I never claimed to never get hit. You made that up lol.



We tried that the first time Rhino was nerfed. It turned out that it sucked massively at high levels, because at high levels the incoming damage is so high that anything less than 100% DR eats through maxed shields nigh-instantly. At least this way we have immunity to poison. 


Immunity to poison should just be kept, and the 80% DR returned.

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I agree with the words of my predecessors - with R-Roar Rhino is no longer a tank (50% additional dmg is a overkill) he is somewhat messed up ...

and even a buffed IS is still paper like at high lvl missions ...

Edited by Cracken
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First lets talk about Iron Skin.

The new lasting forever iron skin is better than the previous version where it would wear off even if it had absorption remaining.  This combined with the increase to that amount absorbed is a nice buff.  My main problem with it is that now that it lasts until broken you can get into situations where there is very little absorption left and you cant do anything except take a hit. (and as far as I can tell you take the damage that goes over the absorption amount including any cc or energy drain that you would have been immune to while it was up) Previously you could wait for it to wear off and reapply it.  It would be nice to have some indication of how much is left of your Iron Skin.  Ideally a bar or a number somewhere. Being able to reapply it while it is up would also make it much better. I am also a fan of completely ignoring knockdowns as opposed to being knocked back but not down like it worked previously.

To make iron skin more scalable I believe that there should be something in addition to or instead of the flat absorption amount.  Making Iron skin use armor would be one possible solution.  Another idea is to go back to a percentage reduction idea (keeping all the immunity to knock back and energy drain and any other immunities that it possesses) but allow your shields to charge under fire.  That lets it scale unlike the current method, but also keeps you from dying because you could never get your shields back up.  This method would probably require returning to a timed system for balance reasons.


Now that that's out of the way.

The new charge animation is nice. (also is it just me or is it shorter than it used to be. I did take my continuity out because of the change to iron skin would that have messed with it?)

I like the roar power.  It feels like something Rhino would do to me and it seems to work very well.  It does need an indicator of range and duration though. The power cost does seem a little high to me but it is a very nice buff.

The combination of stomp and blast is very nice.  It does more damage than stomp due to ignoring armor, and anything that dose not die is stunned.  It is still a bit of a pain to hit weak points on some things after they are stunned sue to the randomness of how they fall though.  I can also understand why some people would not like having to pay 25 energy more to do AoE damage.

Sorry for the wall of text.

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is it only me that have no visual effects on the new roar power?

When do you know when it runs out?


Same for Iron Skin (visual is there, but you don't know how much hp the skin has left)

Also the skin can't be recasted while active.

I would prefere to be able to recast it, when the old one is at 10% hp or so...

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Translation: I tried to go up against the God of Shield Rape and was surprised when I lost!

Of course you did. No frame can stand in front of a Corpus Tech on Pluto and eat hot plasma for breakfast for more than a few seconds. The problem you all have with ember is, in fact, A PROBLEM WITH EMBER. NOT a problem with Rhino and being tanky. Ember is the better tank than rhino because Overheat has insane scaling, so the obvious fix is to nerf Overheat so that a caster frame isn't more tanky than a tank frame. (P.S. DE you should do this so the stupid rhino IS argument will no longer have a leg to stand on, without their precious Ember scapegoat to point to, they will realize just how powerful IS is).

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