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My personal Apology to the Fans


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22 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

Thing is, I don't particularly love most of DE's vanilla art direction (there are exceptions). I don't play the game for the art. Don't get me wrong: The art direction is fine, it doesn't "offend" me, but most of it doesn't take my breath away and I find their designs pretty ho-hum and mediocre.

I think if you have a single art lead controlling every aspect of the game, then the inspiration can get spread a bit thin.  Artists have their own unique style, and it shows through in just about everything they do.  Really, where you have different races and cultures/architecture/technology, you want those different designs to come from different people, to ensure that they don't end up sharing a common theme that would just not be natural.

Look at the film Alien.  Would it have worked if Giger had done both the aliens, and the human's space ships, instead of having the very different style of Chris Foss to work on those?

DE has been making this game for a long time.  The game's scope has expanded considerably, regarding all the different locations and races in it.  What they need are some new ideas and fresh perspectives.  They need to be looking for fresh talent, and doing the opposite of what their glassdoor reviews say they're doing.  Developing it.

I mean, look at WoW and EVE.  In all the years those games have been running, they have both had changes in who was lead designer several times over, which has kept them going with new ideas, environments and aesthetics.

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28 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

-long post-

Gee, I guess it's nice to vent sometimes.

But what I wanted to say is that DE isn't that bad as many people around here seems to imply, even if they don't agree on some changes they make. People keep looking like they've seen nothing but S#&$ this whole year, which makes me question why they still play the game. 

Obviously, DE is bound to make mistakes, because it's people that make a company. Obviously, DE will make questionable decisions if they are profitable, or because they make mistakes, becuase every gaming company does that to a certain extent. Even then, DE isn't the worst company out there, for granted.

Another thing to remebmer is that while DE consists of people, it's still a company. A company that will ask people to do certain types of job once they've been hired. And they surely will pay money if the job is done and they're pleased by it.

What happens if an employee refuses to cooperate, even if he's god tier of good? He'll get fired. That's how it works. Once again, there's nothing wierd about that. And I also have a hunch that's what happened.

Of course, it's nice to have an opinion and all that. But if it's biased by "grudges", "dislikes" and "being upset", it's nothing but a rant, and call it just that. Try to stay neutral while giving an opinion. 

Not to mention how offtopic your post went. DE didn't want to work with Ignus anymore. Hence they stopped working together. That is their right and that's all there is. At this point, as a consumer, all you can do is stop buying their product. if you hate it that much That's how it works, correct me if I'm wrong.

As a community, of course, we are bound to make certain things happen. But telling company whom to hire is not one of those things.

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16 hours ago, tnkfreexx3 said:

I find it funny all people think the future of deluxe skin would be bad based on one nova skin, yet the 95% of the look in warframe is designed by DE them self.

As much as I enjoy the designs from IgnusDei too, yet these things happens, and DE will keep on making good skin in future.

Don't forget there's tennogen too!

The game debut designs, which looked more tolerable to a space ninja theme, were ok. Characters looked more humanoid and designs still more or less, harkened more back to Dark Sector, which was not completely terrible in designs. Excal, Nyx and Rhno for example, borrowed design concepts from that game.

Since then though many frames have been getting more boring or ugly looking since debut, and getting complained about for some time. IE Banshee boat shoes,, Saryn's ugly non symmetrical body in general, Train face pantaloon corpus wannabe Vauban, Limbo, Chroma, No head having and no textured "helmed" Atlas, Guardsman wannabe Inaros with the protruding dog nipples, Wukong(Especially with those damn pantaloons and clown shoes,), or Nezha. Years worth of releases really. Continued hope came with plans to let fans to make more community contributions themselves in the future however.

Even prime variations like Frost Prime, Mag Prime,  Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Trinity and her even bigger booty tumor, Valkyr, and Saryn, all were  either criticized or considered underwhelming(especially when some of those were released before Prime Warframes were given any kind of buffs over the vanilla Warframes), 

Not to mention that a few frames were actually vetted from the community. Such as with Nova, Chroma, Mesa or Zephyr. They overly-altered and ruined Zephyr as far as I am concerned, all they needed to do for Zephyr was to make the pants section more form fitting or armor like for more of that Tenno feel, and then transfer the skin to a female body if they wanted it to be female, but they pretty much changed it completely, not just the gender. They also ruined Chroma, and made an inferior looking gunslinger skin than the community concept that was spread around the forums, in regard to Mesa, which was also male. They should have just transferred that skin over to a female body too like what should have been done with the original zephyr skin, because it honestly looked better than Mynki's gunslinger concept. Even the "void frame" Stalker was taken from fan art.  I don't think you understand just how much DE actually lives and breathes by crowd sourcing community contributions/feedback, and our money. 

Edited by UrielColtan
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You know I can understand that DE might have to change some things from concept art designs to reduce complexity or prevent a Deluxe skin from being mis-identified as another frame. For example, the fine details on the leg and arm joints being toned down or capped off I can understand. The addition of half-a-skirt I can almost understand because the whole hip region is a little too similar to Nova. What I don't understand is the head-knife, the random spikes coming off of the dagger skin, or the significant reduction of the thigh gap by shoring up the groin region which makes Ember's torso look tiny and disproportional.

My opinion doesn't mean a lot to DE I'm sure, but I think cutting ties with this artist is a big mistake on their part. I can understand that, from a business perspective, the whole angry artist being overprotective of his work thing can be disruptive. Thing is, the amount of pure unadulterated rage and entitlement that passes through this forum in a single day surpasses that very easily. IgnusDei may have stacked up the kindling but DE are the ones who burned the bridge in my opinion.

The community wants his art in-game and pays big bucks for it. Look at this 20+ page thread for evidence of that. Whatever happened I know DE wouldn't make this decision lightly, but I also hope they consider changing their relationship with community dynamic. Give him one more chance, create an environment where artists, devs, and the community can talk about changes instead of having this closed back-and-forth discussion.

Edited by Mints
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I'm of the feeling that this is not one of the Premium skins I'm going to buy. Whatever the result, it'll just taste bad to me.

Sorry to hear this happened mate, I probably would have done the same thing

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First, good work, a lot of people liked your work for their own reasons.

Second, i never really liked any of your designs, not because they werent beautiful but because i dont see anything innovative about them.

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14 minutes ago, Mints said:

My opinion doesn't mean a lot to DE I'm sure, but I think cutting ties with this artist is a big mistake on their part. I can understand that, from a business perspective, the whole angry artist being overprotective of his work thing can be disruptive. Thing is, the amount of pure unadulterated rage and entitlement that passes through this forum in a single day surpasses that very easily. IgnusDei may have stacked up the kindling but DE are the ones who burned the bridge in my opinion.

Rob Galanakis is a game developer who I've followed the work of.  Among other things he's worked for CCP (not entirely on EVE though), and is the creator of http://tech-artists.org (a position that is responsible for selecting, creating and educating other team members about the tools and best practices for combining art and code in games, which probably has the single greatest skillset requirements of any role in the industry).

Here are some of the posts from his blog:






I think you can see what I'm getting at.

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9 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

The game debut designs, which looked more tolerable to a space ninja theme was ok, characters looked more humanoid and designs still more or less, harkened more back to Dark Sector, which was not completely terrible in designs. Excal, Nyx and Rhno for example, borrowed design concepts from that game.

Since then though many frames have been getting more boring or ugly looking since debut, and getting complained about for some time. IE Banshee boat shoes,, Saryn's ugly non symmetrical body in general, Train face pantaloon corpus wannabe Vauban, Limbo, Chroma, No head having and no textured "helmed" Atlas, Guardsman wannabe Inaros with the protruding dog nipples, Wukong(Especially with those damn pantaloons and clown shoes,), or Nezha. Years worth of releases really. Continued hope came with plans to let fans to make more community contributions themselves in the future however.

Even prime variations like Frost Prime, Mag Prime,  Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Trinity and her even bigger booty tumor, Valkyr, and Saryn, all were  either criticized or considered underwhelming(especially when some of those were released before Prime Warframes were given any kind of buffs over the vanilla Warframes), 

Not to mention that a few frames were actually vetted from the community. Such as with Nova, Chroma, Mesa or Zephyr. They overly-altered and ruined Zephyr as far as I am concerned, all they needed to do for Zephyr was to make the pants section more form fitting or armor like for more of that Tenno feel, and then transfer the skin to a female body if they wanted it to be female, but they pretty much changed it completely, not just the gender. They also ruined Chroma, and made an inferior looking gunslinger skin than the community concept that was spread around the forums, in regard to Mesa, and was also male, they should have just transferred that skin over to a female body too like what should have been done with the original zephyr skin, because it honestly looked better than Mynki's gunslinger concept. Even the "void frame" Stalker was taken from fan art.  I don't think you understand just how much DE actually lives and breathes by crowd sourcing ideas, and our money. 

I'm reading a lot of personal bias into your assertions. You keep talking about the community as a whole, but that's objectively false. The community is no hive-mind. A very vocal minority on the forums does not represent the whole community. There are people like me who really like Chroma, who really like Atlas' chiselled design, who really like Mesa and Limbo. You seem to leave out Loki Prime, Ash Prime, Vauban Prime, Nekros Prime who have stellar designs. Saryn prime and Trinity prime were actually very well received. '...were all criticised'-by whom? Where are the voices of people who liked them being represented?

There are many people who like these skins and aesthetic choices who don't feel the need to throw a tantrum at a drop of a feather. 

Please don't parade your personal preferences as the word of the community. Such as thing does not exist. The 'community' does not do anything as a whole, it does not have unity in that respect.  It is a smattering of individual voices.

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1 hour ago, Kastorius said:

I'm not making them look bad. They're making themselves look bad by butchering Ignus' designs.

In the before-and-after images of his designs, the alterations proposed by DE's art department are terrible. Then again, this is the art department that actually had the stones to show the deluxe Nova skin in public with a straight face, so I'm not surprised. Even more amazing to me is that anyone actually defends it.

I know what DE is. I'm one of their customers, a paying one as a matter of fact, and I'm entitled to my opinion, whether you like it or not. They've been making a slew of asinine decisions this year, and staying quiet (let alone sucking up to them) isn't on my agenda. The usual cycle of life around here is that DE makes bad decisions, everyone complains for a week, then they start sucking up to DE again.

Not me. I hold grudges for years. I'm still pissed off about them trying to sell the Hydroid nerf as a "buff," for example.

Thing is, I don't particularly love most of DE's vanilla art direction (there are exceptions). I don't play the game for the art. Don't get me wrong: The art direction is fine, it doesn't "offend" me, but most of it doesn't take my breath away and I find their designs pretty ho-hum and mediocre. Examples: Rhino's default skin, Vauban's default, at least half of the overly-gaudy, messy Prime skins, awkward old Grineer designs like gunners, older syandanas that look pretty forgettable or flat-out ugly, etc. DE's art designs have been getting better and better recently (the new tileset, newer official syandanas, etc.), but overall, Tennogen and people like Ignus produce the coolest-looking stuff.

I really love Ignus' designs, though, and I mean I REALLY love them. So when DE's art department not only keeps screwing with his designs in a way I dislike, but does so to the point that he blows his top (whether that's "right" or "professional" is immaterial to me) and goes his separate way, such that he won't even be doing any more skins....

That upsets me quite a bit, and I don't particularly care if people's fee-fees get hurt.

Look boy, let me tell you:

First and foremost, it's fine that you say you don't really enjoy most stuff the Art team's done, but let me tell you here, when I joined this game one of the reasons I did wasprecisely for the artistic department. I still remember my first visit throughout the market going through each Warframe up until Nekros, and then going to the net searching pics/vids of it because the Codex was not a thing.

You can't even imagine my "wow" the very first time I saw Frost. Ash. Loki, who was my starter frame. When I joined and Syandanas were brand new, I thought they were coolio scarf pieces. Everyone was so damn excited.

Ignus designs may be as cool as you wish, but he doesn't get to understand any Warframe any better than you seem to do. If you play Assassin's Creed you'll notice one key element in an Assassin is the hood. But that hood has a small detail: It has a point ressembling a beak, so the hood themes keeps going back to an Eagle. Without that detail an Assassin feels less Assassin.

Going back to Ember, as cool as the original design was it doesn't scream Ember. Ember's design has a particularity with her crest going on, which is supposed to simulate a fire crest from a Phoenix (as Ember Prime better puts it). The original deluxe skin concept did NOT get that part right, and that's why Mynki had to add it back in.

So for me saying that DE keeps changing stuff in a way YOU dislike, because YOU don't seem to give a damn about Warframe's artstyle, what makes a Warframe THAT Warframe in particular and what is supposed to be a core part of the DNA of the game, and then proceed to call the changes just terrible because they try to go back to that...

If you can't really understand why some of these changes are made, by God's sake, avoid saying they're doing "terrible" choices and that they're making themselves look bad.

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15 hours ago, LeCauchemare said:

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm getting a bit butthurt from people thinking like you at this point.

He DIDN'T make any skins. He only made concepts/designs. While in reality, DE made ALL THOSE SKINS, even if some of those were bit worse than the others. That DE that is making worst decisions, that DE that is being bashed so hard.

While I too liked a lot of his works and the skin concepts, he's not the allpoweful design god people make him look. He's just another designer. Even if you don't agree with that, he wouldn't have been fired the way he did it if something didn't happen, or if it was not possible to take someone else in his position.

It's one thing if company acts as a $&*^. It's a totally another thing when company does most of the work, but it's being bashed because it fired the artist it didn't want to work with.

I bet Ubisoft or EA would love you, and your rebranding of anything thats not company praise as "Bashed so hard", but letting DE harm themselves is not actually showing you care about them one iota, let alone the customers giving their hard earned money. DE  can be commended for the modeling when they execute  1:1 tranplants of good designs properly, like with Rhino and Ash, which were quite serviceable, and stop ending up wasting work on ugly models. Bad work doesn't get commended and shouldn't be rewarded with money, thats the price to pay with cutting corners or smearing vaseline over work.

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6 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

I bet Ubisoft or EA would love you, and your rebranding of anything thats not company praise as "Bashed so hard", but letting DE harm themselves is not actually showing you care about them one iota, let alone the customers giving their hard earned money. DE  can be commended for the modeling when they execute  1:1 tranplants of good designs properly, like with Rhino and Ash, which were quite serviceable, and stop ending up wasting work on ugly models. Bad work doesn't get commended and shouldn't be rewarded with money, thats the price to pay with cutting corners or smearing vaseline over work.

Because that's exactly what everyone thinks.

4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)WolfSilver117 said:

what happen?

DE hired an artist to make concepts for skins for Warframes. Art team reviewed them and made some changes. Artist got upset. E-mail interchange happened. DE decided for whatever reason it was better to stop working with him.

And now we're making a drama out of this, while thinking DE is this super villainous with moustaches and monocles, and making some kind of martyr out of the designer, while actually I'm pretty sure it's not one way nor the other.

Welcome Tenno to the real endgame.

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13 minutes ago, polarity said:

Rob Galanakis is a game developer who I've followed the work of.  Among other things he's worked for CCP (not entirely on EVE though), and is the creator of http://tech-artists.org (a position that is responsible for selecting, creating and educating other team members about the tools and best practices for combining art and code in games, which probably has the single greatest skillset requirements of any role in the industry).

Here are some of the posts from his blog:






I think you can see what I'm getting at.

I think the main problem with your argument is that Ignus was not at any time a full time employee at DE. He was commissioned to make art work for the company, was given feedback on certain changes, then was expected to make changes. He probably never been to the offices and worked there, and he certainly never worked in the game as a whole. 

What he did for the company is probably the equivalent to what many Tennogen creators do, which is make a skin and wait for approval or a list of changes.

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2 hours ago, -10no-MipMioPin said:

Seems like DE is running with scissors the same way, the "Red 5 studios" did - all the way down to nothing, not taking any damn care about opinion of "26 million of loosers". 

The more DE "works on improvements", the more ashamed i feel about myself supporting DE back in the days with founder's money.

Listen, even reading IgnusDei allude to the events, it sounds as though he was probably being an &#!. All the talent in the world shouldn't  force DE to subject its art team to an abusive, insulting environment.

Not strictly saying that's what happened, but don't condemn DE when we don't know the actual conversations that went down. 

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6 hours ago, LazerusKI said:

thanks for that, now i can finally see the divider/skirt/shirt thingy

also i hadnt even noticed the added spikes on the blades

Glad I helped man. :)


5 hours ago, Ryhaal said:

As a Indie game designer I understand why Ignus did this and his amazing work will surely be missed, but I simply cannot get why the DE art team had to make the changes. What I don't understand the most is why going against the flow of the design.

I mean, okay, there's is less detailed spikes and they changed the hip to look less choppy/burnt and more "soft", which is bad but not as bad as some people see it. The addition of cloth is really a not needed change but both version could work if DE could make it more fitting to the overall design. And last we have that tumor-like bulge on the elbow which is a big no and the head spike.

Personally? The head spike could actually work. If it followed the flow, the streamlined design, it would remind of the Ember's Pheonix helmet in my opinion. That's the problem with the spike. It's not bad per se, is just badly placed. Putted there just for the sake of it without no rime or reason or thought. 

And then there is my main complain with this:
What. Have they done. To the anatomy.

THAT WHITE ARM IS COMPLETELY MESSED UP. It's longer than the black one! The legs are bigger, yes but they're also longer and they changed the position of her crotch??? Why?? The head is smaller?! Why DE? Why? Is there nobody there that understands anatomy? Or do we need to make the doll sized proportions you see in Korean MMOs?

Word up! That mohawk clashes with the rest of her helmet, imo... With the skirt, I think it's the worst change. :/

Oh well, perhaps they have really important reasons related to her ingame 3d model? (I don't think so but hey,who knows)

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38 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

I bet Ubisoft or EA would love you, and your rebranding of anything thats not company praise as "Bashed so hard", but letting DE harm themselves is not actually showing you care about them one iota, let alone the customers giving their hard earned money. DE  can be commended for the modeling when they execute  1:1 tranplants of good designs properly, like with Rhino and Ash, which were quite serviceable, and stop ending up wasting work on ugly models. Bad work doesn't get commended and shouldn't be rewarded with money, thats the price to pay with cutting corners or smearing vaseline over work.

Wow, how much dedication does it take to completely miss the point?

Yep, you're completely right. As long as I'm able to play Warframe and enjoy it, I don't care about DE for one bit. Whole point of that post was to enlighten the people that annoy me, because they think that the concept artist is the only thing that matters, while all the work done to create the actual skin is nothing in their eyes.

You can also add that I'm a Blizzard or GamesWorkshop fan to invalidate my point (which I'm not, btw, same goes for both EA and Ubisoft, along with any other gaming company, just in case this wasn't obvious), while I only try to remain neutral. Yes, neutral. Becuase I honestly think that people start to get arrogant, while DE isn't being perfect, but still does not deserve half of the S#&$ it gets.

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12 minutes ago, LeCauchemare said:

Wow, how much dedication does it take to completely miss the point?

Yep, you're completely right. As long as I'm able to play Warframe and enjoy it, I don't care about DE for one bit. Whole point of that post was to enlighten the people that annoy me, because they think that the concept artist is the only thing that matters, while all the work done to create the actual skin is nothing in their eyes.

You can also add that I'm a Blizzard or GamesWorkshop fan to invalidate my point (which I'm not, btw, same goes for both EA and Ubisoft, along with any other gaming company), while I only try to remain neutral. Yes, neutral. Becuase I honestly think that people start to get arrogant, while DE isn't being perfect, but still does not deserve half of the S#&$ it gets.

You know, what worries me most is that now people are going to bring up anything they don't like, think the dev team are youknowtheword, that Mynki is some kind of easily triggered guy, put some monocles and moustaches on their faces and tell anyone that thinks otherwise they're just white knights.


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I think some of the things DE changed on the Ember concept were to make it easier to render in 3D, like the small spikes on the elbow, shoulder, etc. and I think it's pretty standard for concept art to go through changes before it reaches the game.
You can see on her left arm, legs and ribs in DE's version they made the spikes bigger/simplified which makes sense, but they could've done the same on her right arm instead of adding a weird giant lump. it clashes with the rest of the design and makes her have a bad silhouette. Not a huge fan of the torso changes, either. The torso seems way too small and the skirt doesn't work well, if they were gonna add one they should've added something that looks tattered or burnt to fit with the rest of the design.

Sorry for rambling, it really sucks to hear this and I'm sad to see him go, Ignus' designs were all really good and I'm gonna miss seeing new ones, but sometimes things just don't work out. Wishing him the best!

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13 hours ago, Evanescent said:

I'm reading a lot of personal bias into your assertions. You keep talking about the community as a whole, but that's objectively false. The community is no hive-mind. A very vocal minority on the forums does not represent the whole community. There are people like me who really like Chroma, who really like Atlas' chiselled design, who really like Mesa and Limbo. You seem to leave out Loki Prime, Ash Prime, Vauban Prime, Nekros Prime who have stellar designs. Saryn prime and Trinity prime were actually very well received. '...were all criticised'-by whom? Where are the voices of people who liked them being represented?

There are many people who like these skins and aesthetic choices who don't feel the need to throw a tantrum at a drop of a feather. 

Please don't parade your personal preferences as the word of the community. Such as thing does not exist. The 'community' does not do anything as a whole, it does not have unity in that respect.  It is a smattering of individual voices.

The indifference or disdain for those mentioned vanilla designs far outweighed the people who liked them, as clear as the parity in regard to the reception of Asuri Nova skin. I know you hate the concept of crowd sourcing for which this game thrived on but you need to learn how things actually work and can improve. I left out a few primes because who said I was saying all primes were ugly, and because I only really needed a few examples to express a point. You conveniently ignored the mention of Trinity's booty tumor which was clowned on, and you must have been under a rock missing all the comments about Saryn Prime looking too plain and not much like a prime. The most praise for her was from the Lore trailer with Ballas narration, but that was more for the lore.


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8 hours ago, Ternski said:

When DE showed this concept on stream most people was like WOW this is so cool! And it is. I don't care was it better before or not. It looks cool, I will buy it.

I think many people will agree with me.

On it's own, YES, I did like it, I did think it was cool.

Compared to the original, I'm like:


Even if I choose to ignore the perceived slight to IgnusDei, which you believe is non-existant, I just don't like the changes compared to the original.

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22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

The indifference or disdain for those mentioned vanilla designs far outweighed the people who liked them, as clear as the parity in regard to the reception of Asuri Nova skin.

What, pray, are you basing your statement on? Are there such stats, where players who liked and did not like it were counted? If there aren't, all we're going on is hearsay. The Forums hardly represent the general reception. 

22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

I know you hate the concept of crowd sourcing for which this game thrived on but you need to learn how things actually work and can improve.

??? Where on earth did you pill '...hate the concept of crowdsourcing' from?


No frames were 'sourced' from the community...at most DE took inspiration and did a take on the theme. For the frames you mention, no attempts were made at transferring the fan concepts into official concepts. What they did was take the theme-dragon frame, gunslinger frame, wind-based frame-and design a frame.

Regardless, where did you get that statement from?

22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

I left out a few primes because who said I was saying all primes were ugly

Well, you imply that the art-direction has worsened in terms of frame design. That would seem to hint at the statement....

22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

, and because I only really needed a few examples to express a point.

.....as does this. 'Few examples'. That must mean there are more? Which means....the rest of the frames?

22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:


You conveniently ignored the mention of Trinity's booty tumor which was clowned on, and you must have been under a rock missing all the comments about Saryn Prime looking too plain and not much like a prime.

No actually. If I humour you for a moment and accept that forum outcry is the standard for community feedback, even then there weren't many posts on Trinity's 'jiggly butt'. It was joked on, but in a loving way, and there was no outcry and mass condemnation like you seem to say. Saryn prime looking less like a prime? I recall a few posts saying she was different, but there was never a volume of posts bashing her design.

22 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

The most praise for her was from the Lore trailer with Ballas narration, but that was more for the lore.

Yeah, as well as her design.

You know what an outcry is? It's the response to Chroma's helmet when it was first shown. That's an outcry. 

I don't know where you get your facts from, but they need a severe check.

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