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actual thinking: who is getting buffed/nerfed next?


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so. quick disclaimer: this post is about nerfing and buffing. but not through opinions. but through logical thinking and reasoning. if i put your favourite frame on the "nerf" list. that does not mean thats a que for you to start cursing at me for trying to get your favourite nerfed. this is also NOT a "DE plz buff/nerf" post. if you think i misrated a frame. please let me know in a civil manner in the comments.

im going to be looking at what frames should be buffed or nerfed from their relative power to eachother in actual gameplay. the frame im going to use as a baseline is excalibur. this is due to 2 reasons, one is that i play A LOT of excalibur and thus know him realy well, and 2 is that he is the posterboy of warframe. i also think that he is fairly well balanced where he is now (this is the only opinion here) i also have and played all the normal frames. and ill keep primes out of this. since its mostly looking at the abilities.


frames that could potentially be nerfed:

  • valkyr
  • frost
  • inaros
  • loki
  • rhino
  • chroma

frames that could potentially be buffed:

  • banshee
  • atlas
  • hydroid
  • limbo (already getting a rework)
  • nezha
  • oberon
  • zephyr


this is of course. assuming excal is the baseline and our "neutral"

as i said before. please feel free to debate this. but dont put oblivious hate in the comments. did i miss anything? did i put a frame on here that is realy close to excal on here?

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9 minutes ago, stormsasuke180 said:

Nerf Inaros? Why? Oberon needs a buff imo. That passive though.

the reason he is on the allegible for a nerf list is because he is more powerfull than excalibur. which is the logical thinking i used to make the list..... read the entire thing. appart from that. there is no why as i dont "want" inaros to be nerfed. nor am i asking for him to be nerfed. 

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Oberon has been touched up a bit recently already. I believe Limbo is next to be reworked as stated. I wouldn't mind Oberon getting a buff don't get me wrong, but its hard to boost a baseline balanced warframe without nerfing other tools or boosting enemies to compensate.

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Why nerf Valkyr again! No one liked the last one and they didnt even giver her qol or reworks?!

Banshee is prob gonna get some minor touch up's prob before or with her prime ,something to make her a bit better.

Also why Frost ,loki ,rhino and chroma? Chroma especially only prob needs qol not nerfs (or rework of 1 and 4).

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4 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

frames that could potentially be nerfed:

  • valkyr
  • frost
  • inaros
  • loki
  • rhino
  • chroma

frames that could potentially be buffed:

  • banshee
  • atlas
  • hydroid
  • limbo (already getting a rework)
  • nezha
  • oberon
  • zephyr

Valkyr was already tuned. There's really not much else they can do.

Same with Frost. Only nerf they did was make nullies blow bubbles which can be devastating given the circumstances.

Inaros is a CC frame, he's doin his job.

Loki is outdated and will most likely get additions to decoy or disarm to justify power strength in his builds. Currently there's no downsides to having low strength.

Rhino already got touched up, nothing else will change.

Chroma has high survivability but isn't invincible. He's working as intended. Though his other abilities were alluded to getting some sort of buff iirc.

Banshee might get a few tweaks but currently can do monster dps. Though her 4th will most likely get the brunt of it since it can basically shut down entire maps.

Atlas is great. You just suck.

Limbo is pretty clunky and has a steep learning curve. The rework will have a lot to live up to, particularly being able to play pugs without people expressing disgust in the chat box or leaving you to die.

Nezha is untouchable on infested maps.

Oberon definitely needs some tweaks but nothing major. Can expect something tangible when his prime drops.

Zephyr can have her 1 and 2 combined freeing up a space. Otherwise her other abilities are fine.



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5 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

so. quick disclaimer: this post is about nerfing and buffing. but not through opinions. but through logical thinking and reasoning. if i put your favourite frame on the "nerf" list. that does not mean thats a que for you to start cursing at me for trying to get your favourite nerfed. this is also NOT a "DE plz buff/nerf" post. if you think i misrated a frame. please let me know in a civil manner in the comments.

im going to be looking at what frames should be buffed or nerfed from their relative power to eachother in actual gameplay. the frame im going to use as a baseline is excalibur. this is due to 2 reasons, one is that i play A LOT of excalibur and thus know him realy well, and 2 is that he is the posterboy of warframe. i also think that he is fairly well balanced where he is now (this is the only opinion here) i also have and played all the normal frames. and ill keep primes out of this. since its mostly looking at the abilities.


frames that could potentially be nerfed:

  • valkyr
  • frost
  • inaros
  • loki
  • rhino
  • chroma

frames that could potentially be buffed:

  • banshee
  • atlas
  • hydroid
  • limbo (already getting a rework)
  • nezha
  • oberon
  • zephyr


this is of course. assuming excal is the baseline and our "neutral"

as i said before. please feel free to debate this. but dont put oblivious hate in the comments. did i miss anything? did i put a frame on here that is realy close to excal on here?

I don't think you understand. All the frames you mentioned that need nerfs need buffs instead. Limbo is probably gonna get nerfed because he's actually really strong but people don't like him.

Most likely, Mirage is most likely going to get nerfed. People have been complaining. Excalibur might get nerfed too because of his numbers. Every other frame is fine.

Rhino falls off late game.

Chroma desperately needs a buff because he falls off too.

Valkyr doesn't really need a buff but she's not in the best place right now.

Inaros is fine. He is actually really hard to manage since he has no shields but he's pretty powerful. I wouldn't say he needs any tweaking because he's actually not as strong as Excalibur. It seems like you've never played Inaros or haven't played him enough to know how hard it can be to manage him.

Why Frost? No one ever complains about him. He's not stronger than Excalibur. He's far from being stronger than Excalibur. Excalibur can execute everyone. Frost can sorta do that but much slower.

Loki literally has nothing to nerf. He doesn't do damage and he's really really squishy. Nerf him and you'll get the entire community complaining and a frame that no one uses anymore. Should've gone for Ivara. She can do everything that Loki does but better.

Banshee just needs a Prime. She's just really squishy and needs a bit of push to make her one of the strongest frames in the game. 5x more damage is really OP. You sure you want to buff that?

Atlas is a very questionable option. He's a tank melee and he just doesn't fit in. He's good and unique but some people just don't like that playstyle.

Hydroid doesn't need a buff. He has a ton of CC, finisher damage, a decent amount of armor and HP, a press button to win, and he looks awesome. He just needs to be adjusted so that he's not such a shot in the dark.

Nezha is like Mag but instead of killing Corpus, he kills Infested.

Oberon just needs a small rework to his healing and his Hallowed Ground. He's actually pretty good.

Zephyr is just outdated. She just needs some attention.


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Why does frost need to be nerfed? I use a complete CC build on him (power range, efficiency, duration) and there's nothing to be concerned with about that. The build can't insta-kill beyond level 30 and it is solely for Crowd Control.

And those who claim frost is "Press 4 to Win," please think for a sec. Building for strength will surely kill but probably not everything past level 40 because of Eximus giving buffs. There is also horrible efficiency when building for strength so casting will be costly.

Not only that, duration will be bad too. Avalanche is an armor-stripping ability where the armor is reduced when the targets are frozen. Less time spent frozen = no more armor stripping.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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frames that could potentially be nerfed:

  • valkyr
  • frost
  • inaros
  • loki
  • rhino
  • chroma

so tanks frames and loki need to be nerfed, you forgot asimilate nyx

excal is more powerful That these warframes, be tank don't means be broken

pd:valkyr need a complete rework or a buff is just too bored to play

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Inaros under potential nerf.

I mean, I was devouring a level 100 crewman on the today's sortie mission, my teammates were yelling at me cause he wasn't dying fast enough. This was the last wave and I was eating the last enemy, so this game lasted quite a bit... Nerf, yeah. 

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7 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:


I should've come up with some constructive reply but trust me you've very much lack of understanding when it comes to the frames and their functionality and that is what messing up with my good intend of replying normally. First of all your base selection is wrong and that is why your total speculation has become a mess, rather than spamming annoying swishers what else Excal is good at, moreover with a illogical nonsensical slide blind cost with poor functionality? In the end game how much survival capability does he possess again rather than 'Life Strike' swishpamming? Only except for his tactical blind build (you use your skills with weapons to kill & that's the actual way of playing) how much synergy and effectivity his powers have along with considering his weakness to puncture damage? Dont forget now we have endgame content available and even people are staying in survival mission looking for new and rare relics. DE has lately concentrated on team game rather then 1 hit n win or spamming game so your base condition had to be this factor there (underlined) instead of picking a starter level frame, also know that I formaed-maxed him just last night (MR-21).

I'm just bit disturbed after reading your whole thread just because of based on these kinda threads some awkward decisions are taken on some frames, some came out good and some worse naturally but end of the day we players are victim. This is a public forum and everybody has the right to discuss anything in the right manner but its already enough of this nerfing/reworking when minor tweaking can bring huge QoL to game plays and again there are more game breaking issues like wrong relic rewards, unintended host migration, loss of rewards, game freezing, memory leaks, auto HP loss, losing all functionality of a frame in mission etc. etc. etc. never ending list. Try to make a thread on one of those issue next time and it'll be highly appreciated.

Edited by AhmadIvu
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Ember needs a complete overhaul.  Her ultimate is the sole reason people play her. She's a one trick pony. 

Oberon just needs to be balanced better and in a way that makes him more unique.  He's basically Swiss army frame. He does something. Everyone else does but there's someone else who can do it better.  

Zephyr possibly because of her first two abilities.  I think they could be combined into one button with another ability taking over the current second.  

Those are my big three. 

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why the hell frost? his bubble is nerfed for nullifiers and it can be a waste of energy now also it does not protect every damage ( AoE, Status procs, Knockbacks) so you waste your energy for a stationary decent protection that can be nulled in a moment by nullifiers. this nerf was enough. avalanches Range is not as wide as other frames. his strength is meanless in mid game . and if you want do get lvl 26 or max 30 killed then you have to build for full strength. but to midgame it will not help for the endgame. your duration is bad and frost is still at a good place. rhino as well in the right direction. rhino is in a good place, too. no needs of nerf. his augment iron clad and charge are a great iron skin buff and without these augments he survives till mid game if you only look for IS. but you still has to strengthen him up like hell to get a decent protection (without augments) it is no need of nerfs. they buffed nullifiers and enemies like hell. and they also give to the frames their reworks like they deserved it. some frames little buffs after reworks but it is pointless to nerf any frame at the moment in my opinion.

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lol @ inaros nerf...

His only really good ability is his 1 and his 4 is OK - the armor bonus doesn't scale with power strength, the damage/heal is mitigated by armor, plus it has really distracting visual effects.

And he is not even that tanky - has less than 20k effective HP even with all defensive mods (vitality+vigor+steel fiber+armored agility+stand united) and the ult maxed - several other frames can reach similar EHP with damage reduction abilities (valkyr, mesa, mirage, trinity) and it is surpassed by chroma and nekros (health conversion + shield of shadows) all the frames I have listed here have other useful abilities, not just a blind.

Inaros seems tankier because his max health value a bigger number, and maintains most of his EHP even when nullified - which makes him a newbie friendly frame.

Also, all your other frames listed for nerf are fine IMO, but you didn't list to fix Mirage clones and simulor.


Your need a buff list is more on point, but Nezha is fine (he is an all-rounder like oberon, but also a speedrun specialist) and Banshee is really strong, but her 4th needs a rework because it is boring AF.

Wukong also needs a buff, his 1 and 4 is very clunky, the cloud walker is totally useless, but defy is so good, that the frame is played anyway.

Bladestorm still needs a proper rework (got a straight efficiency nerf instead)


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Wow, most of the people here appear to have never played particular Frames...

Inaros : Some here say he's weaker than Excalibur or a CC frame.. wat? He's Immortal and built for Melee. Low on health?-Do some finishers until its full again. Get downed?-Suck health out of Enemies and revive. Low on health but no Melee equipped?-Devour. He literally can't die, and as a Melee-fanatic he is my go-to frame for Sorties nowadays.

Loki : Why? He is squishy as hell, and besides his Radial Disarm and Invisibility has no real talent that would be usefull in most scenarios. Yeah decoy is good when reviving (even though you could just go invisible) and switch decoy in combo with the last mentioned power for Vaults or what not, but he's by far not OP.

Frost : Again, Why? His Globes are fine. Maybe, since hes a defending frame, his avalanche, but that's all i could think of.

Banshee : Some saying she's weak...really? Ever played Interception or Sortie Defense with her? Doesn't look like it. She's damn OP.

Rhino : He's fine and can survive anything above LV 100 with no problems. No nerf for him either since he is not OP in any way. Well, might be arguable since he can't die, but you have to play him right and be somewhat skilled for that so yeah, theres that.

Valkyr :  Fine after the rework, even though she still has her "Press 4 for invincibility" but oh well..will never be touched again.

Also to OPs argument as to using Excalibur as baseline...really? Excal has been my main for the past 4 Years, but how is he an allrounder? He is an Offensive frame, nothing else. All his Abilities synergize with each other in one way or another.

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Any frame with map-wide CC will probably get, ahem, "reworked". That's what they're calling it these days.


Seriously though it'd be nice if they rework enemy scaling first before touching anymore frames. I'd rather deal with toned down enemies and have my frames nerfed later than to fight 2m EHP OHKOing enemies with nerfed frames while hoping that they'd touch enemy scaling soon.

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