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A Moba like conclave mode


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There is already mods. Have players do 45 minute matches with Moba-like team play. 4v4 Tenno start at level 1 and can level to 30, New mods could be used but some of the regular ones for pve could be made to work. For people who come from MOBA background I'm sure you see how the mod system in warframe already has moba feel, warframe conclave is lacking and I'm pretty sure this could bring something new to pvp in warframe/end game. I know personally if they add the thrill of moba pvp to warframe it could become a hit, maybe even put new titles like paragon out of biz. I've always wanted a mmorpg game mixed with moba pvp content and I have yet to see someone pull it off. I wont start shooting out idea, I think saying Warframe/moba/conclave is good enough start for people to build ideas.

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45 minutes is way too long and the typical MOBA-style match is too slow for Warframe.

The Dark Sector PvP concept they had was interesting, with mods levelling up over time and having 'lanes' instead of just an arena, but a proper League or DotA style would simply not work in this game, especially not enough to contest with any other dev that builds a MOBA from scratch instead of tacking one on to an existing game.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Its true, A true moba style wont work, I guess I'm saying that warframe already has fast paced action like moba already has. There are already factions that could serve as the (minions) Mod system generally works like moba, the only difference would be that mods would be purchased in the arena and added to several things unlike the basic(limited slots) a moba ususally has. Saying 45 minutes is too long is just an opinion, If you are someone who likes a bit of strategy 45 minutes is not long enough but I understand that not everyone would be interested. 

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But Conclave is MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena).

Anyway, Warframe is a PvE-oriented game, and I would expect poor implementation of PvP modes here, as well as low populace of players enjoying it - kinda what we can see with Conclave. If you want to play MOBA, your best bet is to go and play one.

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Eeeeehhh. Maybe for update 30 or something. DE really needs to focus on the game they have right now, not add in (another) completely new game mode.

To be clear, I'm not opposed to the idea itself, I think it's a neat idea. I just don't think this type of thing is where DE's efforts need to go right now.

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yes, but instead of MOBA-like i want to see less minions, so it will be more on the tenno vs tenno action, which is the fun part of mobas. also, i think we should keep the normal warframe movement system because is fun and i like it. the mods idea is weird, it means when players kill eachother someone gets advantage later, and why? he already beat that guy, he shouldn't get stronger. also why 45 minutes? i don't even stay in defense missions for 45 minutes, something like 10 minutes is enough. also capturing towers and stuff sounds kinda boring, i'd rather just have the score based on killing, because the killing is the fun part of the moba.

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If it worked for Smite, I don't see why it wouldn't work for Warframe.

Some one needs to came up with a really good game mechanic that doesn't slow down the warframes, but also keeps the game balanced.



Well I am on vacations, might as well brainstorm a bit to came up with a good idea.

Edited by NecromancerX69
Time to brainstorm
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I agree with the posts, and I personally don't have a clear idea as to how it could be implemented, ill leave that to the professionals. and the community, I don't think I'm the first person to have thought of that but I really enjoy moba games, as well as mmorpg games and I don't see a better game to experiment then warframe, I mean if it turns out that It doesn't have an appeal it wont effect the game at all, conclave is a good place to experiment for DE.

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In my opinion, Warframe PvP is already so complicated [between movement mastery, aim requirements, weapons/mod knowledge, frame knowledge, map knowledge] that adding moba style mode would be too inaccessible.

I also think that it would quickly degenerate into snowballing matches as one team outperforms the other and gets their level up bonuses. This is only avoided in the popular moba games due to an overwhelming excess of players that allows them to have ranked matchmaking.

Dota 2 population for example is over 20x the number of warframe total players.

Edited by Pythadragon
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6 minutes ago, Pythadragon said:

In my opinion, Warframe PvP is already so complicated [between movement mastery, aim requirements, weapons/mod knowledge, frame knowledge, map knowledge] that adding MOBA style mode would be to inaccessible.

I'm rank 9 and as far as I know I got to warframe's end game in under 1 month, there is nothing about warframe that is complicated. This game just has a learning curve like any other game, But regardless It's your opinion and I do not have any issue with opinions. I guess I can tell that it would take moba fans to make this idea shine but since I'm posting this in a warframe forum which is mostly a pve game with I'm guessing mmorpg/first person shooter gamers and I know that MOBA only reaches a specific audience, It's a massive audience though, huge attraction for lots of modern games who are looking for a game that can be played for many years and makes repetitive game-play feel a lot less of a grind.

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1 hour ago, swift4ace said:

There is already mods. Have players do 45 minute matches with Moba-like team play. 4v4 Tenno start at level 1 and can level to 30, New mods could be used but some of the regular ones for pve could be made to work. For people who come from MOBA background I'm sure you see how the mod system in warframe already has moba feel, warframe conclave is lacking and I'm pretty sure this could bring something new to pvp in warframe/end game. I know personally if they add the thrill of moba pvp to warframe it could become a hit, maybe even put new titles like paragon out of biz. I've always wanted a mmorpg game mixed with moba pvp content and I have yet to see someone pull it off. I wont start shooting out idea, I think saying Warframe/moba/conclave is good enough start for people to build ideas.

So basically you're asking for that Dark Sector solar rail war mode to come back?

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I quit LoL, Smite, and a couple other MOBAs precisely because the attitudes that style of game tends to promote resulted in player bases chock full of the scum of the net. If you're not the god of playing your chosen champion in your chosen role, or even if you are but it's not "meta," or even if you are and it is "meta," you will get nothing but relentless, salty, toxic bile vented at you at every opportunity by both teams.

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4 minutes ago, Loxyen said:

So basically you're asking for that Dark Sector solar rail war mode to come back?

I think ill have to do some research, pretty new to the game. But I am a currently going to school for graphic design, met a ton of developers and execution is huge factor, 2 games that might have the same idea behind them can vary in popularity just for the execution.

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4 minutes ago, swift4ace said:

I think ill have to do some research, pretty new to the game. But I am a currently going to school for graphic design, met a ton of developers and execution is huge factor, 2 games that might have the same idea behind them can vary in popularity just for the execution.

This is not about the gameplay, but about the systeme behind the fights. Due to hard exploit DE shut it down and it will be reworked next year or so. (from what I heard so far it will be pve then... which would be pretty lame)

There should be still some videos of gameplay footage out there on youtube.

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5 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

I quit LoL, Smite, and a couple other MOBAs precisely because the attitudes that style of game tends to promote resulted in player bases chock full of the scum of the net. If you're not the god of playing your chosen champion in your chosen role, or even if you are but it's not "meta," or even if you are and it is "meta," you will get nothing but relentless, salty, toxic bile vented at you at every opportunity by both teams.

Nothing should ruin the pve aspect of the game, for someone who doesn't enjoy the stress of competitive gameplay, and all the toxic people, this game offers enough pve that they shouldn't be forced to play conclave. Toxic, salty people will be found in every competitive game. Esp in games like league of legends because they have huge esport scene.

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1 hour ago, swift4ace said:

Nothing should ruin the pve aspect of the game, for someone who doesn't enjoy the stress of competitive gameplay, and all the toxic people, this game offers enough pve that they shouldn't be forced to play conclave. Toxic, salty people will be found in every competitive game. Esp in games like league of legends because they have huge esport scene.

You just don't get it, do you?

Giving Conclave a mode where you have to level up and build items/apply mods as you play is what would, at worst, cause all the salt. At best the mode itself would be poorly received and then ignored, because people don't play Warframe for E-Sport E-Peen bull****.

As Conclave is, it's pretty middle of the road absolutely everywhere, but the minute you add a mode where someone can easily snowball into roflstomping the entire enemy team because they hit max level or completed their item build before anyone else while simultaneously rendering their lane opponent irrelevant before team-fighting even starts through resource denial, suddenly civility follows balance out the window.

It's true that every game has its fair share of salt, but only when you aspire to be a cheap ripoff of LoL will you achieve LoL levels of salt, where people flip their lids at someone for the tiniest freaking deviation from their larger-than-life expectations.

I was there, once upon a time, when Riot realized its game had garnered a fanbase comprised mostly of terrible, bottom-feeding d-bags, and endeavored to fix the issue by cracking down on the worst of the lot. You couldn't go a day without someone ranting on the forums about being wrongfully banned because they thought it was perfectly okay to do something like tell someone to kill themselves over their item build. That's the kind of toxicity you're inviting with your MOBA idea.

I left midway through that purge, and I don't give a damn about what happened to the game from then on apart from popping onto the Champion List every time a new face shows up in "fan-art."

Edited by Dreddeth
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On 12/20/2016 at 2:38 AM, Dreddeth said:

You just don't get it, do you?

Giving Conclave a mode where you have to level up and build items/apply mods as you play is what would, at worst, cause all the salt. At best the mode itself would be poorly received and then ignored, because people don't play Warframe for E-Sport E-Peen bull****.

As Conclave is, it's pretty middle of the road absolutely everywhere, but the minute you add a mode where someone can easily snowball into roflstomping the entire enemy team because they hit max level or completed their item build before anyone else while simultaneously rendering their lane opponent irrelevant before team-fighting even starts through resource denial, suddenly civility follows balance out the window.

It's true that every game has its fair share of salt, but only when you aspire to be a cheap ripoff of LoL will you achieve LoL levels of salt, where people flip their lids at someone for the tiniest freaking deviation from their larger-than-life expectations.

I was there, once upon a time, when Riot realized its game had garnered a fanbase comprised mostly of terrible, bottom-feeding d-bags, and endeavored to fix the issue by cracking down on the worst of the lot. You couldn't go a day without someone ranting on the forums about being wrongfully banned because they thought it was perfectly okay to do something like tell someone to kill themselves over their item build. That's the kind of toxicity you're inviting with your MOBA idea.

I left midway through that purge, and I don't give a damn about what happened to the game from then on apart from popping onto the Champion List every time a new face shows up in "fan-art."

I played league of legends, I honestly only stuck to playing normals, Personally ranked is the only place that I actually saw a lot of toxic crap. Its not like im saying make this mode so important that people are forced into playing it. I see nothing wrong with having a verity of game modes available to people. I'm not even saying I want it anytime soon, there are more important stuff at hand. I didn't say I want a copy paste of league of legends, I said moba like intentionally as a way to describe something that will be lacking moba gameplay. But I do understand where you are coming from, Ive seen the toxic bullS#&$, and I'm not a huge fan of riot myself.

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