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On 27-12-2016 at 3:57 PM, Methanoid said:

ive got millions and even i just gave up, it wasnt the issue of credits in my case, just the sheer boredom of the whole thing, apart from the first "real" actual mission the rest is just cheap boring "filler", did i also mention its boring, very, very, very boring, it was bad enough doing 100 missions in the old gradivus event but at least the missions there had "some" variety on a proper map and you could pickup the usual drops along the way.

Imho DE has been losing their way for a while now, stuff like the rails, archwing, arena etc are all to be fair, complete and utter rubbish, what people like is what they delivered LOOOONG ago, and thats the core gamemodes that made the game popular in the first place.  Arena is just to appease the whining masses that wanted PVP and is a tick in the box, its also 1/2 a job, uninteresting and tbh even quake2 from years back is more fun, from a development team that was hand in hand with unreal tournament this is a pretty p*ss poor effort.

Archwing?  probably another stupid attempt to try and stall/delay veteran players into aquiring everything in game by making them start from scratch mod, wpn,frame,etc wise, just a shame that its completely boring, confusing, pointless and ultimatly no fun whatsoever.

Tbh id be prefer them taking what made them great in the first place and just making that way way way more varied and interesting, i like the endless gamemodes best as thats basically the only realistic end-game available and it always has been, spruce those modes up, make them more varied than the same thing but harder until you crack, i was well impressed playing a defence mission after a year+ away to find a map where after a few waves we suddenly all crashed thru the floor to a different playing field, that was a good addition, more of that please everywhere.

^ all of that instead of all their repeatred "new" stuff being made to deliberatly delay, antagonise and infuriate their playerbase into either ragequits or caving in and buying off their market, its little wonder i cant get my friends/famility to play this and stick to it, even i keep quitting every now and then to see how things are and occasionally collect a few more pointless frames/wpns.

And to counter that they' ve been trying to "force"  people to play daily/regularly with Sorties (daily quests, probably the worst thing to ever have come out of WoW), daily login rewards... Being able to pick this up, take a break and return at will was one of the draws when I started playing, then Prime Vault started happening and it's been downhill on the "play when you feel like"  front ever since.

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3 hours ago, marelooke said:

And to counter that they' ve been trying to "force"  people to play daily/regularly with Sorties (daily quests, probably the worst thing to ever have come out of WoW), daily login rewards... Being able to pick this up, take a break and return at will was one of the draws when I started playing, then Prime Vault started happening and it's been downhill on the "play when you feel like"  front ever since.

Can't argue with any of that and the post by Methanoid which you repled to as it just about sums up how I've been feeling for some time. At one time it was going somewhere but where it ended up was cobbled together hotch potch, neither this nor that, nor t'other.

Edited by CaptainEras
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On 23/12/2016 at 3:28 AM, ZeroGenmu said:

I soloed it and it was easy, dunno why everyone is having so much trouble. Get 10 points and just defend. I used Rhino so it was a cake walk.

Same thing for me, it was tedious more than anything. Started great helping the people in their home and then a very droll set of play the index to exacting standards.

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On 22-12-2016 at 5:22 PM, MrM1 said:

The Glast Gambit is all fun and games until you get this mission 'Win with max 10 points ahead'.

DE: ''Hey, that's a pretty nice idea, right? Let the player pay 160k credits and if they fail, they'll lose all of it. Shouldn't be a big deal, huh?''

Oh, you want to know what I mean? Why I am mad? Ok, listen up: It sounds quite easy. If you get the 10 points and the enemy has 0 for some reason, you don't expect anything bad. But suddenly some random enemy invests 11 or even 20 points at the very last moment. Because you have to be ahead only up to 10 points, it is quite difficult to keep the balance. And if you got 20 points for those cases, you'll realize that it is either too less or too much, so you lose. After losing 3 times (=480k credits lost) I decided to get another strategy: Let the enemies invest in small parts and invest just by 1-2 points ahead each time. Sounds great, but in practice it is also a terrible idea. I couldn't handle that. ''Try  coop, maybe it'll work'' was my worst decision ever. ''Why?'' you ask? -Trollers. Those people who invest about 30 or more points to let you lose. ''Maybe that player didn't understand your objective, mistakes happen'' yeah tell that to the people who do that 4 times in a row, maybe even more since I just quit after those 4 times.

This mission is impossible in solo, and in coop, it is also just terrible because of the trollers.

''You're just salty, take some time and get better strategies'' Huh, yeah. I lost about 2 million credits on this.


DE, this is by far your WORST mission I've ever played. It's a shame because the idea is good but it was brought to the game like you don't even care about people like me (unlucky af).

PS: I still didn't complete the mission.

While I'm sure this experience made you (understandably) angry, I don't agree that this mission is impossible, nor do I agree that this is the worst mission I've ever played. Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I actually completed that '10-point margin' mission in one try by depositing 1-2 coins at a time to get it to 10, then hold on to about 5-10 coins and stand near the vault for emergencies. (Take Tigris/Dread for easy kills and Rhino/Valkyr for survivability.)

However, your point is still very valid. Man the Glast Gambit sucks hard. Not only is it boring, but it's tedious and repetitive too. The first mission was actually super interesting, but then things spiral downwards in an instant. Index, Index, Index, Index, Index with a handicap, Index, Index, Unwinnable Index, Oh a Spy, Index, Index, Index. And that was it. That was the quest. Oh a warframe? Nah you still need to grind your butt off for it afterwards, this quest only gives the blueprint.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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It's the old story. We started [over 3 years ago] with planets on which were nodes to unlock. Then the game setup was refined, finishing with what we have now. Thing is, once the nodes have been unlocked and we have done the different missions over and over the developers look to what might keep us interested, and this is usually where the problems start.

The Syndicate section works because it directly relates to the core game and though I have absolutely no interest in all the fillers ( which make up the rest of the game ), even Star Citizen in Alpha is already going down that tired old path. Games have to, there is no other place to go. Although I do feel sorry for those who have invested 4 years in Star Citizen only to have a handful of the same old, same old to play in Alpha. If developers bothered to do some research they would find it's mainly little kids [physically or mentally], who love whatever version [or guise] of a deathmatch.

These fillers are placed to satisfy a certain type of player but many of us are into our frames and arsenal and would be happy getting different planets with original tilesets to continue our love of the battle and testing our rigs and weapons, we don't want kiddy fillers [even though they do have their place].

I'm out of the game for now - GTA V Online makes for a good substitute -  but as I can't give away all my stuff it's in storage for the forseeable future. I have only to see all the reports on the latest addition to know I have made the right decision and will or will not return at some point. It's the old story, stay away long enough and with all the new stuff [games] coming along we never go back.

For sure, in my view, DE, the game, have lost direction and are making it up on the fly to keep the cash flowing in.

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I failed that one twice but it was not really a big deal as it was my own incompetence that allowed me to lose. 1 was me dying right before i was about to put the points, the other was me becoming too arrogant and not guarding the goal, forgetting that there was a huge stack of points just laying there on the ground. So personally, while i didn't really enjoy it that much after the first few rounds, it was alright i guess. At least i could constantly listen to "Totally not Claptrap" constantly yell in excitement.

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On 12/22/2016 at 0:03 PM, shadrad said:

It's almost like.. gambling has inherent risks...

I gotta be honest, only the most garbage-tier of games/minigames cause players who are on the same team work against each other. It's nothing less a trash game if its going to force you to work against or in competition with your teammates. 

I think its a spectacularly boring mission too, but they might as well have made it a free for all (no teams) with bigger maps and multiple deposit points that shifted around the map if they wanted us to have individual goals to meet.

Edited by Beartornado
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