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Nidus: another Ivara situation


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I'm sorry but this grind complaining is actually quite funny.

Of course you will not have a new frame in an easy way spending 30-60 minutes and done, especially not within the first weeks after release. I think this is totally fair.

DE is making a great game with loads of new content coming out quite frequently and if you are so inclined you can enjoy all of that FOR FREE by substituting money for time. Pretty much like how the real world in general works to btw.

DE is in no way obligated to use a lot of time and resources to develop new frames, new weapons new content and then just give it away to us for free. Of course they need to make some money on this as well so we can keep enjoying new content. So either pay up if you want instant gratification or suck it up and acknowledge that it will take you a week or two to grind for it. 

Getting Nidus through running the salvage missions is NOT hard, nor does it take a long time pr say. in my experience now I have gotten a nidus part in every second to third run I do. Not bad at all.

I have also yet to see any of the PUG groups I've joined failing before a full award rotation.

Granted it's a little bit of a bad situation with the poor explanation of the mechanics in the beginning but hey, you get into it in about 2-3 runs anyhow. At least if you put in some minimal effort to try and figure out how it works and not just run around killing things and let everyone else do the mechanics....

Also the drop rate of the serum is a bit low, creating some frustration, but still not enough to make the mission not completeable or impossible to reach rotation C. It's also a bit silly that it is a general drop so the first player to pick it up gets it and the others don't. I've seen some rage for this already for some strange reason too as if players were stealing the drop from each other. Funny since we all use it for the same thing - To complete the mission. But anyway I agree it would be nice the drop was like mods and such, when it drops it drops one for each player. I think this would pretty much solve that part really.

So all of this said, do I find the new mission type fun? No, not really, personally I found it a bit tedious and a bit long pr. round. Are there other mission types I enjoy more? Yes, Are there others again I dislike more? Yes. Do I accept that there will be different missions and different players will enjoy different mission types? Yes

So all in all I enjoy the variation and I think it is great that DE tries out stuff and do their best to give us variation. I have to some degree actually missed the endless missions too, and kind of happy that it has made a comeback of sorts lately, without removing the newer mission types as well. The more different types of missions, the more variation. 

Bottom line, I am not a veteran of this game, I do have a demanding day job so I do not get to sit around playing games all day, neither would I want to really. And even with this background I would say this is no where near a terrifyingly long grind in my opinion. 

Only thing I will agree with is that bugs suck when they happen with things like the index etc where credits or similar is at stake. That is not good. Neither is the lack of clarity on how to actually play the mission in the beginning but as said it becomes clear pretty quick if you try to understand it during the first couple of tries.

Thanks DE for bringing out more great content and new stuff for us to enjoy. Fix the small bugs and keep up the good work :)

Happy Holidays! 


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6 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

Would it really have been that bad to just give us the parts to nidus as we were doing the quest? like every other quest we have. Or at lease guarantee us a nidus part at rotation C of the reward pool?


0 parts out of 5 Rotation C's so far. There goes 2 hours with 0 progress.

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1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

Even if you despise Archwing, you have to admit this new situation is far, FAR worse. Atlas had a 100% drop chance from Jordas and a taxi could knock him out in five minutes. Nidus has a 3/7 drop chance from this new cr@p that takes, what, 30 minutes?

I used to love archwing before the rework, now it's just meh. Not hate, just meh. I was talking about Atlas because a guy talked about farming a fram on a mission instead of getting it trough the quest his bp is rewarded. Of course it was a lot easier than Nidus.

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3 hours ago, 321agemo said:

Its not ivara, its Elytron.



4 rounds of an interception-like mission in order for a chance to gain a 1 of 3 parts of a specific item on an extremely crowded rotation c?


Yep thats the old elytron farm i remember.


to be fair Caelus back in the day was an XP spot, so you could kill 2 birds with one stone. Archwing was also not bugged and required resources from RNG and nekros to complete. Elytron sucked, I agree there, but Nidus is FAR worse.

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I've just spent the past 7 hours trying to farm him. Got 8 or 9 Neuroptics and 2 or 3 systems. The rest being either useless mods or 80 Endo. And at this point, I'm pretty damn convinced the Chassis isn't even in the drop tables. That or the drop chance is ret*rdedly low.

And yes, I'm pissed as f*ck right now.

Edited by S.C.
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11 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

So in order to get Nidus's parts besides his blueprint, you need to farm the new infested salvage mission, a lot. Bringing back old nightmares from when Ivara first came out and I spent the better part of a full week farming for her parts. 

Why has DE not realized that having warframe parts dropping from missions is NOT a good idea? people hated the Ivara grind so they just do it again but even worse! at least with spy missions you could learn how they were done and blow through them in a matter of minuets, but this new mission is 1. an endless mission, so automatically its going to take 5 min just to get a chance at a very rare drop 2. boring as hell 3. too damn hard! now its not hard to complete the mission, but however its extremely hard to keep all 3 of the vaporizers alive and functioning! And for those that haven't played the new mission yet, if the vaporizers aren't blue which requires a constant supply of those cubes, then it doesn't count towards space moms decoding which slows down the mission even more!

Would it really have been that bad to just give us the parts to nidus as we were doing the quest? like every other quest we have. Or at lease guarantee us a nidus part at rotation C of the reward pool?


Honestly, I think it would have been really clever if during the index battles, Nidus' parts were wagered and upon rescuing Neema, you'd get the blueprint. I think it's better to make the quest itself far more rewarding rather than making it short, dry and then have the remaining parts scattered around tedious and boring missions (that are also currently bugged until 8 hours sooner).

Then again, it is Christmas and during platinum sales, people are going to want to buy Nidus rather than grinding vigorously. It's quite cunning on the developers behalf. Yet, rather off-putting. 

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6 hours ago, FlawedLegacy said:

Yeah it's a tad tedious, but past rotation C in the first one I did (and the only one I've done until I go back on later) we got a Nidus helmet BP - so maybe they drop on Rotation C and onwards? Idk - yeah it's tedious and I'd rather buy him because I'm an impatient person like that but I'm gonna stick with it and grind him (since I did so for Equinox before even though that was frustrating at times) since I'd rather save my plat for something else.

the drop rates of the serum was OK in the one I did, by the fourth rotation we'd lost two of the ventilators but before that we'd only lost the one up until rotation 3.

though I will say my preferred way of getting a frame would be via Boss drop or just through a quest like Mirage's or Titania's - because that was actually alright even if you did have to wait with the day/night cycles.

There is no "Rotation C and onwards" it drops on rotation C, only rotation C, which means go 4 rounds and out and start over or stay in to 8 and hope for another, the biggest issue is that the "new game mode" which is just a rehash of the S#&$tiest part of the JV raid is boring, stupid, broken and should not be in the game at all much less turned into its own game mode type and locking the parts in it. I will never have this warframe because I refuse to pay plat to bypass DE's complete lack of effort in fixing something that has been broken forever and instead just porting it over to lock new warframe parts behind it, Warframe has been the only game I have been playing for months, but after this joke of an update I guess its time for me to pack it in and find a new game to play if DE is going to be either A) Underhanded as F*** and intentionally locking this warframe behind broken content to force people to buy it or B) just too @(*()$ lazy to fix their bugs that have been present for forever.

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5 hours ago, 321agemo said:

Its not ivara, its Elytron.



4 rounds of an interception-like mission in order for a chance to gain a 1 of 3 parts of a specific item on an extremely crowded rotation c?


Yep thats the old elytron farm i remember.


Honestly it is neither, Spy missions weren't so bugged they were painful to complete, you don't need an item to drop in spy missions and interception that refuse to drop correctly in order to just progress the mission and neither spy nor archwing interceptions take nearly as long as infested salvage. Nidus is so much worse than Ivara and Elytron farming that they don't even warrant being mentioned together.

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11 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Did you mean: Atlas ?

Jordas always drops a part at the end though. Always.

Yea, this is closer to Ivara. I didn't mind Ivara because I personally like Spy missions but I can understand how annoying it is to some people. At least Spy missions is more like a puzzle game and you don't always get the same puzzle, only 3 out of 5. Endlessly running the same mission for a chance of a drop is like farming Archwing parts all over again.

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This is the first frame I'm even considering buying, here's why

1.) My frames drop in the mission to farm him

2.) Drop rates and the mission type are annoying

3.) Not enough interest / time to spend around 6 hours for 1 warframe when the quest felt too long already

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It all started with the quest .. where I lost about 600 000 credits due to unfair rules and game freezes after hotfix. But I don't really mind since I have quite some credits atm.

Then I found out the parts drop from new mission ... excited. Played it for few hours and realized this is not something I enjoy. I don't mind the C rotation and the RNG. But making it impossible to run with 3 active nodes .. and sometimes not even 2, increased my frustration.

Did a quick thought and realized its not worth the stress. So I bought it. But I have to say I am not happy about this.

Edited by Mover-NeRo
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OP is right. The mission for Nidus bp was boring as hell.

And the maps on Eris for his parts are just too different.

Because yes, there 2 maps for the same quest on Eris: one have all the vaporizers on the same damn floor, and it's relatively easy to do because the spawning points are well placed.

The other one has the vaporizers scattered on different floors and its spawning points are all #*($%%@ up! A gets all the incoming enemies, B gets some and C is always empy, therefore you can't kill infested and you can't drop those... batteries... you know what I mean.


It's awful. Plain and simple. If only you could have a 100% chance of getting a Nidus part on C it could be more enjoyable.

Edited by Torrempesta
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13 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

If you dont want to grind ... pl . Frames should be A LOT harder to get . I always think since i start this game that farming a new frame in 3-9 boss rush that take you maybe 15 minutes was a joke ...

Harder? Yes! Damn yes!
Boring and uselessly slow? Nope.

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Well, it honestly only sounds as RNG as me farming frost prime recently. Hours of missions just to get the relics, then making them radiant, then the wrong parts dropping, running out of relics and starting again. 

If its really as bad as you say with the in-mission vaporizor drops then I hope that gets patched before consoles get it.

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I don't think any previous frames' farm sucks as much as this one. Equinox's farm might be around the corner but even that mission took less of a toll and you were guaranteed a part.

Ivara's farm is fine. Takes a few runs but you'll get her eventually, all the while getting some nifty mods or relics. Atlas's farm is actually quite easy once you have the right archwing gear. Many people, including I, have solo'd the mission.

The problem with Nidus's farm is that a part is not guaranteed to drop. Okay, dropping on rotation A would have been too easy, fine. Dropping on rotation B, let's make him a little harder to get. Drop him on rotation C with a 14℅ chance and a diluted table is just mean.

I have no problem with a grind but I have a problem when a, it's not fun or b, I don't feel rewarded by it. The mission is not fun and rotation C is not rewarding enough. 

You have to slave through the most boring part of a JV raid for god knows how long per round in hopes you don't give up before you can get to rotation C and probably end up getting another vital sense. Then there's the fact that they screwed up the drop rate for the antiserum so it's super hard to keep up all 3 of the stations even with 2 Nekros. So soon, you'll be down to one station by round 3 and at that point you gotta quit cause who's gonna sit in that mission with one station for over 30 mins. Smh. DE pls.

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1 minute ago, Fearlessmutt said:

Oh look, people complain that they have to play the game to get stuff. Wonderful.

That's not the issue. You fail to understand. The problem is HOW you have to farm things.

Everyone here knows that WF is all about grinding and farming again and again... but it should be fun at least, don't you think?


1 hour ago, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

Well, it honestly only sounds as RNG as me farming frost prime recently. Hours of missions just to get the relics, then making them radiant, then the wrong parts dropping, running out of relics and starting again. 

If its really as bad as you say with the in-mission vaporizor drops then I hope that gets patched before consoles get it.

The only difference is that in the void you still get stuff to sell or trade... 50 endo at rotation C is just utter uselessness.

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