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Cap the Cumulative Login System's Unique Rewards


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Bro everyone completed and progresses in the game at their own pace. You can't expect to be on the same login day as a player that's been logging in since day one. I've been around before the login system was introduced and I'm at day 355. And I'm guessung you've joined after I did at some point. So you think you need to automatically be caught up with me just because I'm ahead of you and you don't like it? You cant sit here and expect to be a veteran player magically- that takes time, effort and dedication. DE needs to close this thread because it isn't going anywhere 

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His point is entirely valid. Putting useful and even desirable items behind an insurmountable timewall is a huge turnoff for new  players and probably even more so for returning players. It also makes it next to impossible to take a real break from the game (since you'll miss out on the login rewards then), increasing veteran burnout.

I don't see why the unique items shouldn't end after, say, a year (well, let's make that 365 days and ignore leap years and stuff). There'll be enough event and other items for people to still be able like the special snowflakes they are.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)SaintRain459 said:

Bro everyone completed and progresses in the game at their own pace. You can't expect to be on the same login day as a player that's been logging in since day one. I've been around before the login system was introduced and I'm at day 355. And I'm guessung you've joined after I did at some point. So you think you need to automatically be caught up with me just because I'm ahead of you and you don't like it? You cant sit here and expect to be a veteran player magically- that takes time, effort and dedication. DE needs to close this thread because it isn't going anywhere 

Roll for perception.


*rolls nat 1*

Edited by Callback
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1 hour ago, Callback said:

Why are you trying to defend a system that's exploiting you so hard?


A change to how the system works would benefit you too.  it would mean an end to the forced struggle to keep up with progression and a start to collecting your own continuous actual rewards while the rest of us try to catch up on the progression core.


It would mean making your time a meaningful bonus instead of calling it the minimum.

Its not exploiting me at all. I dont log in just to get another notch towards a reward. I log in because I like to play the game. I have ~2700 hours in the game and still counting. In my eyes.... Im getting a free reward for doing something I normally do anyways.

Im not struggling at all dude. I work hard to run my business, I work hard to maintain my family, I work hard to maintain my clan and community, and I still make time to play or at least do sorties every day. This system rewards dedication.... and you had none. Every decision has consequences and you have to live with that. The nice thing about this system is the fact that as soon as you DO develop some dedication, you will begin to be rewarded too. 

Least of all, those of us who have logged in every day, shouldnt be the ones to unlock everything for you to come back after 12+ months of inactivity to enjoy our deserved dedication for yourself.

In your new system idea, how is it that you contribute to the veterans and everybody else who was here supporting the game when you werent?


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5 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

the rewards aren't pivotal to the game.

they're just sigils, potatoes, and one or two arguably good weapons.

it's not a big deal if you miss them.

noo you just missing Primed mods

mastery rank points from new weapons

potatoes to make your weapons good.


oh and free relics noo not missing anything at all

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5 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

noo you just missing Primed mods

mastery rank points from new weapons

potatoes to make your weapons good.


oh and free relics noo not missing anything at all

you can get primed mods from baro, among other places. mastery rank doesn't mean jack sht to half of the playerbase. weapons function without potatoes.

i could care less about free relics.

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3 hours ago, Cynaren said:

Solution: Get login rewards when logging via nexus app. Everyone's happy. 

This was actually stated in a Dev stream to be intended for the app. Either it's been forgotten or fallen on the wayside though, would be nice to have that functionality. 

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39 minutes ago, TheMetrocop said:

you can get primed mods from baro, among other places. mastery rank doesn't mean jack sht to half of the playerbase. weapons function without potatoes.

i could care less about free relics.

no you cant get primed fury or primed vigor from baro its LOGIN reward only you meen you dont care about mastery rank meny do as meny new weapons are ranked locked. also potatoes are important or you will never have a fully fuctioning weapon or warframe 

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14 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

no you cant get primed fury or primed vigor from baro its LOGIN reward only you meen you dont care about mastery rank meny do as meny new weapons are ranked locked. also potatoes are important or you will never have a fully fuctioning weapon or warframe 

..i'm pretty sure i've seen it before on baro.

no weapon is locked to mr20, let alone the upper 'teens. i could care less, since i certainly don't have the money or satisfaction and motivation to even get up there. i like lore, story. i'm used to getting, 'metro why the living hell are you mr8 with 2k hours ingame' and it doesn't really bother me anymore. potatoes are mildly important, sure, but your warframe or weapon is not going to be a man with cerebral palsy stuck in a group home if i don't install a potato.

stop making it sound game-changing.

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1 hour ago, The_Doc said:

So this:

is wrong.

No its not. If they stop developing the game, then there will be no new rewards, therefore he can catch up. Whether or not people are still playing the game is irrelevant. If the game is shut down there after, then he wont really have to worry about catching up will he.

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Your argument simplified:

  • It creates an increasingly large divide among the community

Your assertion is:

Negative impact on players with inconsistent logins > Positive impact on retention of players with consistent logins.

And yet the system is going strong.

Boiling it down, I can only assume that the results of login rewards, sans emotional upsets, is:

retention/revenues lost < retention/revenues retained/gained.

With that assertion taken to the Nth degree we arrive at  (the very flawed) Argument about why we should all be entitled to Excaliber Prime.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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47 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

No its not. If they stop developing the game, then there will be no new rewards, therefore he can catch up.

If, after ceasing development, the game doesn't remain online for as long as the system was out (the most likely scenario is that it won't) then no, lots of people won't be able to catch up.

48 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

If the game is shut down there after, then he wont really have to worry about catching up will he.

That doesn't make sense. Of course, if the game shuts down the day after primed vigor comes out most people won't ever get it, how is that good? How does it make "you can catch up all you want when they stop making content" any less false?

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Daw, is someone impatient? 
No really, it's a bonus, none of the rewards are key to gameplay. To put it in perspective, I started in July this year, so I'm at about 170 days-ish. I'm watching long-time players swinging zenistars everywhere while I can't get one (yet), but guess what? I don't care. So maybe I'm technically behind. Is it a necessary item? Is it something that directly limits my capability to progress? Not in the slightest. I just simply haven't supported the game as long, so I don't get the cool loot that long-time supporters get. 

Long story short, are you legitimately complaining about getting free stuff? Because that's a real dumb thing to do.

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3 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

..i'm pretty sure i've seen it before on baro.

no weapon is locked to mr20, let alone the upper 'teens. i could care less, since i certainly don't have the money or satisfaction and motivation to even get up there. i like lore, story. i'm used to getting, 'metro why the living hell are you mr8 with 2k hours ingame' and it doesn't really bother me anymore. potatoes are mildly important, sure, but your warframe or weapon is not going to be a man with cerebral palsy stuck in a group home if i don't install a potato.

stop making it sound game-changing.

Don't lie, baro has NEVER had primed fury before. Shut up.

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1 hour ago, The_Doc said:

If, after ceasing development, the game doesn't remain online for as long as the system was out (the most likely scenario is that it won't) then no, lots of people won't be able to catch up.

That doesn't make sense. Of course, if the game shuts down the day after primed vigor comes out most people won't ever get it, how is that good? How does it make "you can catch up all you want when they stop making content" any less false?

If, after ceasing development, the game DOES remain online for as long as the system was out, then lots of people WILL be able to catch up.

Now, if the game goes offline the day after primed vigor comes out, then no... thats not good, for a multitude of reasons. However, if he is that upset about it, then perhaps he should not have abandoned the game for over a year, and supported it instead.

i have no problem with anybody obtaining these rewards. I have a problem with them not earning it.

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Simple solution:  change log-in days to log-in points.  The farther you are behind the current point total, the more you get until you're, say, 10 or 20 behind or less, at which point you only get one.  This helps the people at the forefront feel like special snowflakes for getting everything first by logging in every day and helps everyone lagging behind feel like special snowflakes since they can catch up and get things in a reasonable amount of time despite having gotten into the game after the system started (like myself, 170 days+) or having taken a break.  Everyone can feel like a special snowflake and have all the shinies.

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9 hours ago, Callback said:


  • It prohibits both new and returning players form ever catching up

You and everyone who supports this seem to ignore the other side of the coin of this one: making returning player "catch up" immediately after returning means everyone else should have "no progression" at all. You cannot say you have made a progress that you accumulated over a month if someone else could gain it in a day. New players are NOT supposed to catch up to veterans who kept on playing. If they could, then there is ZERO VALUE in being a veteran.


Also, by your logic, Sorties should not be limited to once a day since it is unfair to those who just started playing or returning players since they lost all those days they didn't play for a chance at a Sortie reward roll. Also, returning players should get a button that boosts all of their exp gain since there is not enough time in 24 hours to gain the ground lost against a player who kept playing straight for 365 days 24 hours a day non-stop. Also, I saw someone with a 2,000,000 kills on their stats while I only have 300,000. Obviously this is unfair to me who couldn't catch up to him because he kept killing more while I try to kill more than him but I just don't have the time to do it since I have a job and family to take care of. Also, this one guy is MR23 because he leveled all of the gears available in the game. Obviously I don't have the time to get all the resources and make warframes that takes 3 days to catch up to him so just give a button that I can press to immediately get to MR23?



There is no catching up because the other people who got there didn't use any "catch up". That is not how "fairness" works. Fairness means you and everyone else get the same chance. You chose not to log in. The other people did.

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Are you seriously suggesting that DE should NOT reward loyal players to allow inactive players to not feel bad for their inaction?

You chose not to login for whatever reason and you're trying to block the system that reward those who do

I need more justification that's not "I want to have what they have, but I don't want to put in effort like they do"

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Well, one thing for sure

If DE indeed make sure there's no progression nor the reward to, you can say good bye to no less than 70% of the plat-buyers, game-promoters, veteran-players, and pre-release testers who have invested so much of their time in this game for those progression reward you want to remove.

Because hey, it's a good idea to play a game for more than 3 years without getting anything out of it, just to have new players feels good they're not being left behind, right?!

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The strawman has become strong in my absence.  Wow people are missing the point by miles.


First:  You claim that the fervent players who have every single login recorded are the ones supporting the game?  That's a joke.  Those players with nothing but time are the MOST free-to-play.  They have all the advantage of time farming primes and mods to sell on the market for plat to the actual supporters of the game.  Those are the players who never need to spend plat on themselves because they never miss a potato, exilus, or lens.  Returning players with a strong desire to jump back in at the new current level are the ones who DO buy plat.  And DE knows it.  The daily reward is rigged to favor plat discounts for returning players to tempt them into a big purchase, and they frequently oblige.  From a business perspective, returning players are the LAST people you would ever want to alienate, which is why this system makes so little sense.


Second:  The people who think I want to stop rewarding continuous players?  Where did I ever say that?  I said to cap off the unique rewards from the system, not destroy the system entirely.  I gave a solid argument for the continuation of login sigils to provide a nice cosmetic token for those players to show off, as well as a continuous stream of non-progression related rewards (and argued for increasing their value over simple potatoes and boosters).  I am asking for a system that limits progression-related items to a reasonable span, as a fixed goalpost for new players to strive for, a reason to continue forward.  Actual progress.  In the current system, progress is never made.  You are always behind the current relevant items, and the most you can do is try to postpone the growth of your permanent deficit.


I'm saying that the system should fit with every other system in this game and all other MMOs.  Where players can catch up when their progression outpaces the content schedule.  I'm not asking for time to be invalidated or catch-up to be instant, tho many of you actually in favor of instant catch-up, since the plat buyers who then trade it to you for all the latest primes are doing exactly that, paying DE and rewarding your farm to instantly skip that progress.  If you were so opposed to it you wouldn't "enable" them by selling primes, mods, etc.


And those of you claiming everyone would just up and leave without exclusive weapons in daily login?  Really?  You think just booting up the game every day is the ONLY reason people stick around?  The most shallow piece of "content" on offer is somehow the only source of player retention?  If a daily counter going up is legitimately the only reason anyone continues to play a game, the developers have failed.


The fact is that an infinitely moving progression goal that cannot ever be outpaced serves far more as a source of discouragement than anything for retention.  A smaller system with a fixed endpoint may help new players get into the game, and sure the promise of continuous rewards (which again I am in favor of) does help somewhat with retention by making time spent feel valuable.  The act of locking the bar of progression behind a system that can never be surmounted goes against all of this and is nothing but a source of frustration , hopelessness, and animosity between player and developer.  The losses are huge, and there is basically no gain.  Tying progression to the endless system adds nothing.  The simpler system I'm suggesting retains all of the current benefits while removing the massive negative of player alienation.

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they are missing your points for they are meaningless


why should you, new players and returning players get things faster then i, as someone who made an effort to get something, did?

by your logic and crying/whining you want what i have....  you said you have well over 2k hours in game.... i just hit 1600 hours, guess i used 

my time more efficiently (was here before this current login system) and am at MR22.

just like in real life, you want something, then get up and put in some effort yourself. dont go crying because others did and have things you dont

login rewards are just that... rewards     you want them then put the effort and time in like everyone else... if you want pay to win.. those games are ----->

this is one of the very few games out there where being a wallet warrior doesn't help what so ever...


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