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The Infested [The Flood]


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Now, this isn't a post to blast DE and compare the Infested to the Flood from Halo; Any type of parasitic virus concept will share similarities to others. We've seen the different forms of mutations that can be created by the Infested depending on their victims, which brings me to my first thought. If the Infested's forms of mutations are determined by what they're infesting to begin with, I find it strange how when we're deployed onto an infested Corpus ship there are Grineer mutations present. If a corpus ship was infested, wouldn't there predominantly be corpus mutations? The same for Grineer maps. Seeing as how I haven't seen any explanation as to how these infestations reach these ships, I can only assume that it started from within (I.E: A recovered specimen or infested victim.)

On a different thought; We've seen in the corpus infested ships Corpus troops being consumed by the infested, as we would expect, which brought up an idea. During conflicts between one faction and the infested, wouldn't it be pretty cool to see the infested actually infect and mutate their defeated enemies (I.E: Grineer soldier into a sprinter)?

Just random thoughts.

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2 minutes ago, Brachion said:

I think we can chock it up to gameplay/story segregation. The Infested wouldn't be nearly as interesting to fight if they could only field Chargers and nothing else in Grineer tilesets, after all.

but they could also make unique infested models for each faction that is supposed to be there. I.E Corpus lobbers, corpus chargers for corpus tilesets, grineer lobbers, grineer chargers for grineer tilesets.

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According to some of the Cephalon fragment entries, the Infested transform their victims based on survival needs, not the biological properties of the victims themselves. They sometimes bear a passing resemblance to their pre-Infested form, but it doesn't sound like it's required by any means.

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I'm assuming the actual reasons why we encounter Chargers in Corpus environments, or Corpus-like Infested in Grineer environments is not because it changes its victims, but rather scraps them for resources and rebuilds them into a schematic that was constructed from the first victims.

This is proven by the Boiler, which deploys spawning pods that create both Runners and Chargers, despite there not being any obvious Grineer or Corpus bodies stored by the creature.

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10 minutes ago, Chakravikari said:

but they could also make unique infested models for each faction that is supposed to be there. I.E Corpus lobbers, corpus chargers for corpus tilesets, grineer lobbers, grineer chargers for grineer tilesets.

Would certainly be cool, but there's also no real equivalent to the mutalist robotic infested (well... mutalist rollers?)


There's also the problem of "ancient" infested being present on recently infested ships.


And I totally don't buy the infested "making" chargers/runners with grineer/corpus characteristics, that's just once again a gameplay v.s. lore thing.

Edited by rapt0rman
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I'd just like the infested to go back to it's dark roots.

The stuff from nightmares. The monsters that you pity. The environments that you dread. The sounds like make you want to hide under a blanket. Tenno cells that proceed knowing any moment there may be an ambush from the ceiling or a full on infested flood that bullets only slow.

Sadly this requires DE to rebalanced powers and weapons. 

Otherwise we get:

See infested.

Press a button.

Infested horde neutralized.

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22 minutes ago, Brachion said:

Making unique model variants for Grineer and Corpus would be a lot of work, so I think we can let DE slide with this one.

Uh, why? More infested units are sorely needed. Corpus crewmen would be the perfect zombies (walkers, you know, like the crawlers we have but before losing their legs).

If we "let it slide" with the devs based only on what takes "a lot of work" the game would never get developed... In fact.. Its. Already. Not. Being. Developed. As of Late.

All this enfasis on store items and lottery mods that are like crack to min-maxers is frankly disheartening. Where do i pay them plat to invest in enemy design? What map access do i have to purchase to finally get them to flesh out the tilesets and level design? I feel that's what it will come down to sometimes, but hey at least then we might start thinking of leaving beta

Edited by Sigmas71
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5 hours ago, Chakravikari said:

but they could also make unique infested models for each faction that is supposed to be there. I.E Corpus lovers, corpus chargers for corpus tilesets, grineer lovers, grineer chargers for grineer tilesets.

@Chakravikari +1 corpus and grineer lovers :3


Just kidding, it´s a +1 for lobbers tho.

Greetings Tennos!

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I agree. I think I made a thread on this way waaaaaaaaay back. I would argue that perhaps the technocyte virus is not just spread by inadvertent infection but is also capable of using the transformed ships it takes hold of to actually travel through the system to infect other areas. we already know it can infect cephalons and AI so it would be 100% viable, not unlike the flood (and kinda like the Tyranids) being able too do that if they have infected a host with the right knowledge to fly a ship etc. I could easily imagine an infested corpus ship being flown straight into a grineer galleon and all hell breaking loose. Shooting infested style breaching pods?

I think thats one way we could explain how we get infested of other types in areas owned by other factions. That being said, It would still be great to see SOME variation. Other factions already have it in small ways like the grineer and to some smaller extent the corpus. So why should the infested be left out? They also need a better name. "The Infested" always struck me as a bit cheesy. But that ship has sailed.

5 hours ago, Brachion said:

Making unique model variants for Grineer and Corpus would be a lot of work, so I think we can let DE slide with this one.

Other factions already have this. Just because something is "a lot of work" doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Coming up with a "working" system for Rivins was a lot of work. TWW was a lot of work. Kelya and Tyl Regors rework was a lot of work. The idle animations for every warframe would have been a lot of work. We can't just shy away from something because its a lot of work other wise nothing would ever get done. Besides, WF could use some more love in the animation, design departments. Rather then just more work on introducing mechanics and systems that will get left untouched for a millennia and stacking more and more things on top of each other. That stuff can still get worked on in tandem anyway with enemy and level design.

4 hours ago, Sigmas71 said:

Uh, why? More infested units are sorely needed. Corpus crewmen would be the perfect zombies (walkers, you know, like the crawlers we have but before losing their legs).

If we "let it slide" with the devs based only on what takes "a lot of work" the game would never get developed... In fact.. Its. Already. Not. Being. Developed. As of Late.

All this enfasis on store items and lottery mods that are like crack to min-maxers is frankly disheartening. Where do i pay them plat to invest in enemy design? What map access do i have to purchase to finally get them to flesh out the tilesets and level design? I feel that's what it will come down to sometimes, but hey at least then we might start thinking of leaving beta

I more or less 100% agree. I often see " its a lot of work" used on the forums and I often wonder why when they are good ideas that they actually agree with.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
Grammar 'n stuff
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