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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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Just now, WhiteMarker said:

And here we go again.
We are no longer beating a dead horse.
We are ravishing its corpse by now. And that's really not nice,

It's a dead horse whose carcass isn't moving itself out of our living rooms, instead it's continuing to rot and spill its fluids all around our carpets. It's really not nice and hard to not notice stinking up the place. If we're talking metaphorically here.

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1 minute ago, Lored said:

And what's problem? If they left Warframe, if not just farm Samples with them.

theyre all starting players  , they just want to do quests and understand the game .. u can't ask of them to go farm mutagen for a weapon they would never use as they wont even know what mutagen is in the first place. thats abusing people "here lets go farm now put ur mutagen in dojo" .. while they dont even know how to aim glide yet.

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The Hema doesn't feel like an achievement that it's made out to be.

If it was the Dojo Bio Lab itself requiring an upgrade to make new types of infested weapons... it would feel less arbitrary.

Just arriving like this and being expensive makes people fear about resource cost creep. And they're not entirely wrong.

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1 minute ago, Gendalph said:

I understand that everybody is sick of Hema whining, but it's not about Hema, more about a game decision which becomes a trend. A bad one.

That's not what it's about. It's about trying to spread new content out over a few weeks instead of an afternoon. You can have an opinion on a decision, but it isn't objectively bad, no matter how much you want to be right and want to fight against every thing DE does.

In my eyes, you are, and always will be, wrong about this, and you won't sway my opinion. See how that works?

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3 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Alright man, fight the power, peace be with you, yadda yadda.

Not every youtuber's opinion is law. Not everyone considered the Hema a problem. Not everyone really gives a S#&$ about video games, and they shouldn't to this degree. It's unhealthy.

Now I'm going to nap before my next shift. Bye.

The only unhealthy thing I see here is how easy people let dev's get away with obviously illogical stuff in a product many of us threw money in.

I gave my money to this game, you better be damn sure I won't shut up when it's becoming a product I no longer want.

Edited by Kawalorn
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4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

We only have the Hema... so what trend are you talking about?

We're trying to make sure they NEVER make this a trend, that this is the ONLY time they screw up this badly

And if we can get them to backtrack on the Hema as well, that'd be a nice victory

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I think a lot of the Hema drama could have been avoided had the research requirements of Dojos were based on a simple members scaling factor. i.e. Instead of costing 5000 mutagen for shadow clans, make it cost 500 mutagen sample for every member in the clan. This would alleviate a lot of the aggravation going forward, not to mention putting a stop to the friendships-ending the current system has started. 

In my clan 3 people had to get kicked for being too casual so that we could go back to ghost. It doesn't seem fair that because of three people, we would need to research for 17 vacant spots too. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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4 minutes ago, Kawalorn said:

The only unhealthy thing I see here is how easy people let dev's get away with obviously illogical stuff in a product many of us threw money in.

I gave my money to this game, you better be damn sure I won't shut up when it's becoming a product I no longer want.

They didn't make the game for you. You're entitled to nothing in this game, they can delete your account at will no matter how much you spent, same with mine. They can even shut you up. You get no say on how the game proceeds. You can give your opinion so long as it's respectful, but spewing the same drivel when most of us realize why this decision was made is counter-productive.

DE gives in way too much into this community because it yells too loud when there is one thing the too- vocal minority doesn't like. I'm glad to see they aren't giving in with the Hema and the Rivens.


By the way, I've thrown well over 1500 dollars into this game, when they make decisions I think are bad, I make a post on why I think it's bad and how I would change it, if they decide that isn't the direction they want to take the game, then I drop it. I don't keep screaming until I get my way. I'm not a child.

Edited by JSharpie
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18 minutes ago, Lored said:

we farm 15k samples less then 1hr in 2 party without boosters.

Make a video showing you get 7500 samples from 1 h of survival without boosters and we can believe you.

Since that doesn't happen, how about you stop lying in our faces?

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21 minutes ago, Harutora-Joushiro said:

So basically spend 225 platinum and get it or spend over a thousand platinum and farm mutagen sample.....typical f2p publisher....

Actually you need to research it because every weapon from now on will have it as a requirement.

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10 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

That's not what it's about. It's about trying to spread new content out over a few weeks instead of an afternoon. You can have an opinion on a decision, but it isn't objectively bad, no matter how much you want to be right and want to fight against every thing DE does.

In my eyes, you are, and always will be, wrong about this, and you won't sway my opinion. See how that works?

Please explain how plain grinding is "spreading new content over a few weeks".

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8 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

They didn't make the game for you. You're entitled to nothing in this game, they can delete your account at will no matter how much you spent, same with mine. They can even shut you up. You get no say on how the game proceeds. You can give your opinion so long as it's respectful, but spewing the same drivel when most of us realize why this decision was made is counter-productive.

DE gives in way too much into this community because it yells too loud when there is one thing the too- vocal minority doesn't like. I'm glad to see they aren't giving in with the Hema and the Rivens.


By the way, I've thrown well over 1500 dollars into this game, when they make decisions I think are bad, I make a post on why I think it's bad and how I would change it, if they decide that isn't the direction they want to take the game, then I drop it. I don't keep screaming until I get my way. I'm not a child.

So in short "this game can die for all I care as long as it won't cater to people I disagree with". Yeah telling people to not play anymore if they don't like the changes will TOTALLY be healthy for the game.

Good to know how selfish you are.

Also "when most of us realize why this decision was made is counter-productive": Funny cause I NEVER saw ANYONE give a proper reason for a cost that's not riddled with holes and logic flaws.

Oh and "vocal minority". Hema is first weapon to be equal in being sold for plat and being researched while every other weapon was overwhelmingly more times reasearched than bought. This isn't a minority problem.

Edited by Kawalorn
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Friend of mine suggested the very same idea, I told him no simply because of math. It would have to change the cost of the overall research each time someone new joins or leaves. It will have to do this constantly as long as the dojo is open, which is fine for lower tier clans, not so good for higher ones.

The Tier's should get looked at, as you pointed out having to do additional farming for 17 other vacant people...that's kind of a kick in the groin, but it does seem to be doing what DE wanted, which is making people more active in clans, and that clearly has some negatives to it(kicking people out to be able to manage the resource cost), which in turn will make clan's little more...exclusive in who gets to join.

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7 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I don't keep screaming until I get my way. I'm not a child.

In this day and age, "screaming until you get what you want" is quick becoming more endemic to adults than children

Interesting that you will praise DE for holding their ground and no longer giving in, regardless if it's entirely the wrong issue for them to demonstrate fortitude

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Just now, Gendalph said:

Please explain how plain grinding is "spreading new content over a few weeks".

It's only a grind if you make it a grind.

Some of the beauty of this game is how many tasks you can be accomplishing simultaneously. If they made the Hema a small resource cost, then most people would have had the weapon maxed the day after it released. Larger costs are a means to prevent that. Nitain is a way to prevent that. It's necessary in a F2P game. You can have it now by paying premium currency or you can work for it by playing.

We as players have often been handed weapons on a silver platter, especially us vets with large stockpiles of resources. This, in my opinion, is bad. To counteract this they make weapons cost more to research. And, again, it's a clan. It's not you alone. Instead of complaining, work with your damn clanmates to get the thing you want so badly.

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2 minutes ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:


If we do that then we end up kicking anyone who can't manage "their fair share" Meaning it would be harder for new players to get into clans.

No one is going to take a new player in if they're not willing to teach, train, and deal with their ineptitude as a meta player. On the other hand I've been hearing a huge amount of people have been kicked (even undeserving) just to lower the dojo size. 

P.S. I noticed the Teared as soon as the thread went live :facepalm:

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The Devs need to get out of the mindset that people who play the game and stockpile resources have somehow done things wrong for enjoying the game and spending time on it, and need to be stripped of all the effort they've put into the game. The devs need to understand that resources, cost and effort to research and craft gear needs to be in proportion to the quality of the end product, good stuff should cost more than cheap MR fodder.
If they really want for research to take more time and effort, then adopt an active development process for researching, by either simply copying the same mechanic for the Dojo pigment drops, or a new mechanic of hiring scientists who will work on a project and request occasionally resources and parts to complete the project, that might require a mission to obtain the needed parts to continue the research.

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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