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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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Okay that's it. This is beyond disappointing. Their weird and illogical stance on this subject has completely stained their image for me.
I won't be playing WF for a while. I'll just log in every day and alt+F4 like I always do in hopes that they make up for this stubbornness someday.

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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Stop making threads about this.


We need more threads like this.

This is sibear/vauban p chasis craft requirements all over again. Complaints die out. After few months again something with ridiculous craft/research requirements comes out.

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Today's devstream was very disappointing in regards the hema issue. Derelict is not raining mutagen samples! About a month now and my moon clan is still over 200,000 samples away. All this ducking and diving by DE is so very disappointing due to this one weapon being totally out there cost wise. I like Steve but the excuse he keeps coming up with of not wanting to penalise the few clans that managed the cost at the expense of all the other clans who haven't is utterly ridiculous.

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5 minutes ago, BlueShogun said:

Today's devstream was very disappointing in regards the hema issue. Derelict is not raining mutagen samples! About a month now and my moon clan is still over 200,000 samples away. All this ducking and diving by DE is so very disappointing due to this one weapon being totally out there cost wise. I like Steve but the excuse he keeps coming up with of not wanting to penalise the few clans that managed the cost at the expense of all the other clans who haven't is utterly ridiculous.

The clans that completed the Hema are very clearly the minority. DE needs to just admit they were wrong and fix their mistake instead of denying that they made one and shoving it under the rug.

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11 minutes ago, DSkycroft said:

The clans that completed the Hema are very clearly the minority. DE needs to just admit they were wrong and fix their mistake instead of denying that they made one and shoving it under the rug.

That's the thing, they admitted they made a mistake last dev stream and are now refusing to correct it on this one. 

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I remember farming my &#! off to get zephir done in the old mountain clan I was, a little bit after I droped it to make a new clan with 4 friends, by now a shadow clan and someway hema look even worse than zephir was back that time.
As was pointed, it's not that easy to farm, and it's a fact that not every friend play everyday or have time to farm/grind resources.

When we bring some friends to our small clans they are the friend that don't play a lot but we enjoy playing together and don't mind the few times they log we go with them help farm some material they need for their basic frames and stuff. And Hema is the kind of reason that make you think about kicking those good friends cause you can't take warframe as a 2nd job to farm 8 hours by day cause mutagem drop rates suck even with a nekros.

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29 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I just thought I'd post my own experience with Clan cooperation.


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My friends don't really play this game anymore.... and when they tell me why. I can't really argue the reasons.

Seems like the Clan i created years ago (the second clan i joined). My friends and the new people we recruited stopped playing, and i was left alone trying to farm the recently released Zephyr (i dont know if you remember how obnoxious early oxium farm was). I ended up leaving the clan since i couldnt farm for everything.

In any case my current clan cannot pay the cost of the Hema either, we have almost 250 members, a vast majority of them early and mid game players, so asking them to sit in ODD for hours to farm that 150k we need for the reaserch seems unreasonable to say the least. Heck, i wont sit hours to farm MS, i find it extremely boring for just one weapon. Currently Hema research has been officially halted on my clan.

Also just like you, im unable to get my friends back into Warframe, i fully understand why they dont want to come back.

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2 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Just because it's a game doesn't mean everything should be handed to you. If you want to blow my words out of proportion that's fine, but you know what you're doing and you know it isn't fair to the argument.

Blowing it out or proportion and saying that you're wrong are two different things.

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1 hour ago, DSkycroft said:

Also,if they show us a list of clans that have completed it,they should exclude clan that contributed all the resources in the first 2-3 days. Those are the ones that contributed from stock piles.

And these stockpiles were made, when there was a reason for people to go to Derelict, now the reasons for being there are only kavat genetic codes and the MODs. 

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1 hour ago, Doc-Orange said:

Everything is OK...Mass Effect - Andromeda is coming, Destiny 2 will come! So no need for the Hema or Warframe.

mass effect is fair enough, but if you think Destiny 2 will be good.. well, I question whether you even played Destiny in year one, when it was at it's absolute worst. I'd say i have more chance of getting 3 legendary cores in a row on the Sorties than Destiny has a chance of getting a good sequel. just my opinion, but the opinion of someone who put up with that game's trash until I couldn't take any more (and I was there for a long damn time.).

regarding OP, it's over with now, and hopefully DE won't do it again. I know the situation is different for everyone, and for me it wasn't that bad, despite having few active members because I had a good friend to grind it out with. turns out we were still 39 samples short, but 2 derelict survivals later and we started our Hema Research. a small clan with few active members can still achieve it, as long as they are motivated. and frankly, I'd be fine if they did it again. really. I dare say I almost ENJOYED it.

but I still hope for the sake's of others that they learn from all the salt and don't repeat their mistakes.



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Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

mass effect is fair enough, but if you think Destiny 2 will be good.. well, I question whether you even played Destiny in year one, when it was at it's absolute worst. I'd say i have more chance of getting 3 legendary cores in a row on the Sorties than Destiny has a chance of getting a good sequel. just my opinion, but the opinion of someone who put up with that game's trash until I couldn't take any more (and I was there for a long damn time.).

regarding OP, it's over with now, and hopefully DE won't do it again. I know the situation is different for everyone, and for me it wasn't that bad, despite having few active members because I had a good friend to grind it out with. turns out we were still 39 samples short, but 2 derelict survivals later and we started our Hema Research. a small clan with few active members can still achieve it, as long as they are motivated. and frankly, I'd be fine if they did it again. really. I dare say I almost ENJOYED it.

but I still hope for the sake's of others that they learn from all the salt and don't repeat their mistakes.



It isn't over,because nothing has changed. They flat said they won't change the cost,now they have decided they won't change the drop rates either. I have almost lost all faith in DE after this.

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I know, I know, "NOT ANOTHER HEMA POST" but let's be real here. Does anyone actually want the Hema for the Hema? Not really. A lot of people are worried that they'll need it for a future infested weapon (ie Infested Spear). Can we at least get an affirmation that we won't need it for a future weapon? I know I would be so much more happy that way, even though it was still a...well, lets just say "bad move".

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2 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

Of course they care about their money more than people who give money to them.

I will do the same. No more money from me. 

2 hours ago, Doc-Orange said:

For me as a one man clan its a slap in the face. Its their game, the can do what they want. I'm only disappointed and tired. Normally I would play the Sorties now but I dont feel like it

I feel the same. Just tired of those strange arguments. I found some new games I really enjoy. I will not force my money on anyone.

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19 minutes ago, Zamio said:

I think they know.

We should just get as many people as we can to message them on social media until they realize that we aren't going to go away.

NVM,that won't work. Steve appears to be ignoring me now on Twitter...

Edited by DSkycroft
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DE thinks that we will forget this topic over time. And of course it will getting colder but I will always remember this time as the time my positive image of DE changed to negative. Not because of this single weapon. Its because...

1) They are acting against a big part of the playerbase

2) The arguments are strane and its proofed that they acted different so many times

3) 1st step to pay3win

4) Their ignorance of our feedback

I'm playing not anymore "because of DE...", I'm playing "in spite of DE"!

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What a bizarre way to handle an issue and outcry.... "It's raining mutagen in the derelict." Huh. I mean, I understand that they need to make money, but this just hurts my perspective of DE as a company, particularly with dealing with feedback. I guess this is strike one for me, only time will tell what happens next. I bought the Hema on day one, in the Nidus bundle, so it doesn't affect me, but the way they responded concerns me for the future, especially when DE is usually pretty decent at addressing user feedback, and even taking suggestions, such as the Riven disposition issue. 

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