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What weapons in this game feel the most satisfying to you?


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- my favourite Rifle would be the Tiberon, because it's got really smooth handling, and hits fairly hard. once I get a Riven for it, I'll be good to go.

- favourite Bow is Dread, because edginess and red crits.

- favourite Sniper is Vulkar Wraith, semi-autos are more forgiving of poor aim, and hip-fire is more comfortable than other snipers.

- favourite Shotgun would be the Tigris Prime, because nothing beats an old-school Boomstick!

- favourite secondary is the Lex Prime, Warframe's very own take on the gold-plated Desert Eagle that every wannabe Gangster owns.

- favourite 5 melees, because I can't pick just one would be Nikana Prime, Galatine prime, Scindo Prime, Jat Kittag and Machete Wraith (last one only because it looks awesome.)

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Welp for one, the Zarr. If you have ever used one then there is no real explanation needed. But if not...it is essentially a naval cannon.  

Next is Javlok. Only reason is to throw it because it feels like your chucking the spear of a god when you do. 

Next is the Rakta Cernos. Bows are just fun and since it has such a fast speed and hits like a truck. Tis the most fun of all the bows.

Next up is the Twin Rogga. Hand held blunderbuss. Not much needs to be said. 

Then we have the Angstum. The shots have major weight behind them

As for melee's it is more so the stances then the actual weapons. Now I use some other weapons more BUT impressive sound work and feel make these weapons at the forefront. 

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6 hours ago, ninjadeboxers said:

wich stats do you have on that riven sir and can you share your build? :D

I just focused on as much damage as possible. All mods are maxed of course.

Serration, split chamber, heavy cal, primed cryo rounds, the other three elementals, and the riven

riven stats are + 62.2% electric, +81.9% slash, and +1.8 punch through. Ive been rolling this, but i havent landed anything better yet.

damage hits for 933.8 per round before damage bonuses. Some enemies you have to focus on headshots a bit more, but it deals plenty damage to get the job done.


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11 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

I just focused on as much damage as possible. All mods are maxed of course.

Serration, split chamber, heavy cal, primed cryo rounds, the other three elementals, and the riven

riven stats are + 62.2% electric, +81.9% slash, and +1.8 punch through. Ive been rolling this, but i havent landed anything better yet.

damage hits for 933.8 per round before damage bonuses. Some enemies you have to focus on headshots a bit more, but it deals plenty damage to get the job done.


I have one with 100% damage or so 60% multyshot and 30% max ammo and it made my braton prime a beast I ll try a mk1 build sir, you inspired me :D

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I genuinely think the Tigris line of weapons is the best designed in the game.

With weapons, you usually have associated skills, "aiming" is omnipresent, "reload control" is another one. The Tigris has three that I think makes it much more enjoyable than a lot of other weapons:

  1. Snap-shotting: An expansion of the omnipresent "aiming" skill required for all weapon, if you use the Tigris you want to spend as little time as possible actually holding the second shell. This has led me to learn how to "snap-shot", which is basically shooting two different target with a single click of the trigger. It is a skill I feel I still need to develop and improve, unlike aiming with a regular assault rifle.
  2. Quick reload: You can shoot faster if you manually reload, instead of letting the auto-reload kick in. I find it much more rewarding to be mechanically involved with the reload instead of letting it happen, thus accelerating the process.
  3. Multi-target: Using your positioning and aiming to hit as many enemies as possible with one or two shells. With a penetration mod, it only involves lining up enemies, but you can also hit enemies that are standing side-by-side, depending on distance and your mods affecting pellets spread.

I like the Tigris, because I feel that learning how to use it actually makes a notable difference in performance, and that I can still learn more despite having used it for so long.

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In general I'm all for weapons that reward you for being accurate. 

I really love the dread it's just to funny to see enemies hanging from walls.

Vectis is also one of my favourite although sniper are not really viable. 

But recently I felt in love with the boar prime again. Those procs. Just amazing! 

As for secondaries I mostly go with spira, and marelok but I really starting to like the rakta ballistica. Still need to test pox ;) my favourite secondary would probably be Dual Toxocist but that fact that the buff can be re-applied makes them at least for me not as fun as they could be!

Melee for me mainly polearms like the lesion or orthos prime but the must fun stance for me is Atlantis Vulcan. So yh I really love my nikondi but mostly I use dual ichor. 

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I just received a riven mod for Paracyst that gives +180% damage, +85% multishot and +3 punchthrough. I knew the base weapon was pretty much trash, so I wasn't expecting all that much, but I've rarely seen armor get stripped that fast on lvl 100+ heavy gunners. And God this thing is a Corpus killer with Gas damage!

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Lex prime: Pretty good sound and damage

Dread: Pretty awesome watching it shred enemies

Vaykor hek:shotgun and sounds pretty nice

Vaykor marelok: love the cool spin after each shot

Ack and brunt with tyl's stance: effective and maniac.

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15 hours ago, ninjadeboxers said:

I have one with 100% damage or so 60% multyshot and 30% max ammo and it made my braton prime a beast I ll try a mk1 build sir, you inspired me :D

Its definitely a novelty thing considering its a starting weapon.... but it goes to show you that ANY weapon can be good and can do the job with enough effort put into it. In fact thats why I did it to begin with because somebody wanted to argue about dps this and that rather than understanding that its all about the minimum dps required to get the job done. I was also bored and thought it would be funny lol, but mainly to prove a point.

With that being said... ive got a nasty Dera too :p and im hoping to pull a riven for that at some point


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To name just a few:

- Zarr - very satisfyying when used in both its cannon and barrage mode, sounds amazing and deals enough damage to feel powerful


- Karak Wraith - wut? The most generic rifle in Warframe? The AK of Warframe universe?

Yes. That's exactly why. There's an undeniable charm in firing this very basic and simple rifle. Everything about it feels just right. Rate of fire, the sound it makes when fired. It may look like a piece of junk that's held togetheer by some duct tape, but you know it's a reliable junk that can take you pretty far with correct setup.

(I also got a awesome Riven for it, which allows me to take it into sorties. Good stuff).


- Sonicor - those ragdolls are hilarious. It might not deal as much damage as other secondaries (nowhere near Lex Prime or Akstiletto Prime), but it has a ton of utility and it's great when you need to remove a threat ASAP


- Tigris Prime - it's disgusting. The amount of damage it deals and its effective range, it's just disgusting. But also a ton of fun to use. You can feel the power in the hands of your Warframe.


- Kohm - it was 1000 times more satisfying before it was turned into hitscan. Now it's just a shadow of its former self, but it's still one of the most fun weapons.


- Buzlok - I might be going insane, but I put 5 Forma in it. It's still very limited, but it's a ton of fun. It sounds and feels like a heavy machine gun. If only I could get a good Riven for it...


Honorable mentions: Braton Prime, Lex Prime, Rubico, Dex Sybaris, Amprex, Sobek with Acid Shells

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Wow no Quanta/Quanta vandal love? Hands down my favorite weapon and QV most used primary Q second most (RIP) love melting away though need to tweak for sortie 2 and above however secondary fire FTW

Rakta Cernos, got a riven with reload and flight speed, machine gun bow it has become (semi automatic but you get the just)

Prisma Dual Cleavers, man I love using these and they look sexy as all hell

Honorable mentions Zhuge, Ignis, Amprex, Tiberon, & Prisma Grakata


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