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Oberon is Fine


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TL;DR I wanna know why y'all hate Oberon so much. Yeah, I'm salty at people being jerks about playing Oberon. Just cause you don't know how to play/mod him doesn't mean he can't be played/modded well.

You know what I'm tired of?

3 years of people roasting/cursing me for using Oberon. When I was still MR 6, I got screamed at over the mic by a grown-&#! man for bringing Oberon to a Public Sechura run. People insult me for bringing Oberon into Sorties. Ya know, you can pretty much bring whoever the hell you want into Sorties and it'll work. If you don't understand that, and insist that you need a Frost, Trinity, Inaros, or some other meta-frame in your mission, you either need to grind for better mods and/or learn how to mod, or learn how to use other Frames. Yes for Spy missions, taking a stealth frame is generally very recommended, but any other mission type has a ton more leeway for mistakes. Stop using YouTube and the forums as your brain and figure things out yourself. You wanna know what's satisfying? The occasional feeling of knowing that the only reason that my teammates aren't out of revives is because my Renewal slowed down their bleedouts (and when it completely reversed their bleedout before they changed him) and gave me or other teammates time to revive them. 

Oberon was my fifth Frame, and he carried me all the way to the end game. I only have 31 Warframes ("only" in the context of a veteran), and Oberon alone holds 16% of my usage; If you wanna talk EXP gain, only my Loki Prime surpasses Oberon, and it's because of all that stealth grinding. Given that time, I've gotten a pretty good feel for Oberon. He is not terrible, as many posts in different forums attempt to blast into your ears. Wanna know something else? My other top frames are Mag Prime (14%) and Zephyr (12%). Screw the meta, those two carried me too (though with all the Mag changes, she's gotten iffy for me). You don't need "meta" frames to reach the end game.

Sure, Trinity and Inaros beat him in healing, Nyx and a couple other Frames beat him in CC, and Saryn and all other Nuker-class Frames outclass him there. That doesn't mean he's bad. I mean, if you say he's not top tier, I'll completely agree. He's not. The fact that no one wants to use him means he's either outclassed or for some people, hard to use, and the latter pretty much he's outclassed in terms of quality of life. But I guess I'll just list my points out here.


  • Oberon is excellent for early gameplay, even posts that roast him agree with that
    • High base damage
    • Easily obtainable healer
    • High CC, combined with low tier nukes (again, early game)
    • Good status ailments and buffs (Smite Infusion, Status Ailment clear and null, Armor buffs)
    • The fact that he can do almost everything is pretty good. Early on, the quality of the abilities doesn't really matter
  • Pretty Tanky (though in my opinion, it's important to build off of that, so it limits caster capabilities)
  • Synergizes with Rage, with his decent health, armor, and heal over time with Renewal
  • With a power strength/range combo build: 
    • Hallowed Eruption is a massive, energy-efficient nuke, though not enough to one-shot Eximi or other heavies in Sortie and such
    • Renewal will heal for a massive amount for his health pool (I only have 215% strength on one build and Renewal still heals over 1K. More strength is easily obtainable for more healing)
    • Reckoning covers a large range for good hard CC and confusion (yes Nyx outclasses this, but she isn't also a healer and a nuker)
    • Armor Buffs become ludicrously strong, to the point where even low-armor frames like Zephyr can start tanking Lv. 110 Bombard strikes and anything else at that damage-tier
    • Smite can spread several puncture procs around a large area more reliably than a gun (never underestimate the % damage reduction)
  • Range/duration build:
    • Powerful, long-lasting buffs (i.e. armor and status resistance from Hallowed Ground, Armor from Hallowed Reckoning, long healing from Renewal)
    • Long-lasting CC from Hallowed Ground and Hallowed Reckoning (this is unconfirmed, but apparently Hallowed Reckoning's fields have a 100% proc chance of Radiation)
  • Passive provides leveled meat-shields against Grineer and Corpus


  • Almost every aspect of his kit is outclassed or too balanced. Hell, even Reckoning's damage is split between Radiation and Impact, so it deals almost equal damage between Corpus and Grineer
    • Oberon's prospective roles can be filled out by any well-made cell
  • Not super tanky, like Inaros, Frost or Nidus
  • Many frames are very strong without a lot of mid/end-game mods (special auras, Corrupted mods, Nightmare mods, etc.). Not Oberon
    • In order to build him well, you need to do a lot of grinding/trading, more than you would for other frames like Valkyr or Inaros
  • His passive isn't quite one of the better ones (useless against the Infestation)

Alright, comparing the sizes of the sections, this looks pretty biased. But the fact that he's outclassed is already a massive downside; it's big enough to make hundreds of thousands of players despise him. I've compiled this list through my own testing, going through posts hating on Oberon, and the wiki. If ya got something else to add to the cons, I really want to see it; I honestly don't see why people hate Oberon so much, and call him useless. Most of the cons I've seen are comparative ones, not points that actually make him out to be trash.

If you wanna know what I personally do with him, I go with Vitality, rage, power strength, and some duration, hit renewal, run around while being damaged to maintain Rage's energy fill and the heal, since I'm at the point where my weapons outclass almost every nuker I don't need to use Reckoning unless I need CC. I use Renewal to increase bleedout timers, and Hallowed Ground to prevent knockdowns while reviving. Smite is a nice life saver with enough power strength. For this you don't really need range, so I don't bother with Stretch. You have enough health to not get one-shot, and my build heals 860 health over around 6 seconds, so it's heal rate is enough to prevent death by sustained damage if you're mobile (if you're playing this game, you better be mobile).

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Oberon is very much not "fine." He's been and always will be my favorite frame and eternal main, but to say a 2+ year old concept needs no tweaking in light of recent frame reworks and new frame designs--is just you being in denial. He doesn't rightly NEED anything done to him, but why not?

It's "fine" to be functional and useful. It would be GREAT to have a spark of oomph added into an already-functional frame though.

He's scheduled to have his new toys shown off at this year's first PAX anyway. If anything, be grateful to the haters. DE isn't fond of their work being dismissed or going unused. Their outcry is a part of what led to this.

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1 minute ago, Archeyef said:

As I said to someone else about a month ago on the topic of Oberon hate: 

Just ignore them and move on with your mission. Maybe find a group to Raid with that aren't uptight about what you bring. I promise you, they're out there.

Mm thanks for the advice. My problem is with people who just shell out hate. They see me in the relay with Oberon? "Oberon is trash why do you use him."

Running some low level alert with Oberon. "Why are you bringing Oberon?" "Ugh Oberon"

I mean, I already ignore them, clearly. Otherwise I wouldn't have so much time spent on him.

The main reason I posted this is because I'm confused by all the hate, because I honestly feel all those points are null when you consider how easy the game actually is, and how your choice weapons and Frames tend not to matter with the right mods or combos. This other post you linked here with that reply has some good points. For example: "His heal is too slow." That's definitely a problem, but there are two ways to fix that: Negative duration, and more power strength.

Another one: Any frame can run around completely fine without powers, so a tanky Oberon isn't a big deal. Sure, I agree there, anyone with enough skill can dodge shots and return them in kind completely fine with any Frame. Here, I guess it's down to personal preference then: I like Oberon's aesthetics, and he's good at supporting if you look at some of my pros.

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2 minutes ago, DiosGX said:

Oberon is very much not "fine." He's been and always will be my favorite frame and eternal main, but to say a 2+ year old concept needs no tweaking in light of recent frame reworks and new frame designs--is just you being in denial. He doesn't rightly NEED anything done to him, but why not?

It's "fine" to be functional and useful. It would be GREAT to have a spark of oomph added into an already-functional frame though.

He's scheduled to have his new toys shown off at this year's first PAX anyway. If anything, be grateful to the haters. DE isn't fond of their work being dismissed or going unused. Their outcry is a part of what led to this.

Yeah, I guess fine is relative, but I'm using the word in the sense that he is completely usable, and that while he has flaws, they don't bring him down completely.

I'm not saying he doesn't need anything done to him; I'm not denying anything. I'll say this again: I just want to know why people hate him so much they dismiss the thought of using him in anything above mid-tier.

I've heard some talk of the rework, and I'm curious to see it. Personally, I think he needs a different passive. Even Ember's passive is more useful what with Arson Eximi everywhere. Maybe people will actually start using him. Also, I don't think anyone would be fond of having "their work being dismissed or going unused." 

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8 minutes ago, PlsNerfTrinity said:

He could be better.

Yes, definitely. He might be able to do a lot of things, but you need to go pretty hard into certain stats for him to be useful for late-game. Compared to other frames, he has a harder time with mod setups.

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Broberon 4 life


In all seriousness I love him. The radiation (pesky bombards) and knockdown on his 4 is great, the cc and damage on his one is reliable, and the fact I have to combo abilities in sequence with firing and meleeing, makes him incredibly fun to play. When you're fighting through a sortie exterminate and you have to plan each fight and combo your entire arsenal smoothly for success, is much more satisfying than running in guns blazing with no plan whatsoever. Don't even get me started on how many times his passive has saved my &#! in Grineer sorties from Hyekka Masters.

I love being the Druid/Paladin frame. Can't wait for Broberon Prime.

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He is not Limbo kind of "useful", but then again there are always better choices than Oberon is pretty much all kinds of mission. Oberon is overall mediocre - capable of everything yet not exceptional in anything. Not really a problem in current Warframe coz you seldom fight enemies over lvl 100, therefore he isn't desperate for rework but he does need a buff. And don't expect people to praise you for using Oberon instead of Frost in a defense mission. 

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9 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Mm thanks for the advice. My problem is with people who just shell out hate. They see me in the relay with Oberon? "Oberon is trash why do you use him."

Running some low level alert with Oberon. "Why are you bringing Oberon?" "Ugh Oberon"

I mean, I already ignore them, clearly. Otherwise I wouldn't have so much time spent on him.

The main reason I posted this is because I'm confused by all the hate, because I honestly feel all those points are null when you consider how easy the game actually is, and how your choice weapons and Frames tend not to matter with the right mods or combos. This other post you linked here with that reply has some good points. For example: "His heal is too slow." That's definitely a problem, but there are two ways to fix that: Negative duration, and more power strength.

Another one: Any frame can run around completely fine without powers, so a tanky Oberon isn't a big deal. Sure, I agree there, anyone with enough skill can dodge shots and return them in kind completely fine with any Frame. Here, I guess it's down to personal preference then: I like Oberon's aesthetics, and he's good at supporting if you look at some of my pros.

My guess would be the diverse skillset and the fact that while he does have a niche (support), it's kinda diluted by going in several directions. He's got field manipulation, heals, and CC, which makes him quite versatile if that's your thing, but his theme is more... abstract. He's the druid/paladin.

Now, I will say that for myself, there is something to be said for a "jack of all trades" type, but as others have pointed out, the rest of that saying is "master of none." Oberon is outclassed in most of his roles, and it seems to me that people look to min-max in this game quite often. Which is not necessarily the way to play Oberon. So he gets written off because, "oh, X frame does it better than he does."

Or maybe I'm completely wrong and it's as much a mystery to me as it is to you. Either way, people playing Oberon doesn't bother me at all. Anyone can bring what they like to most of my missions, though I do sometimes prefer some role be filled by someone. Depends on the level.

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I like Oberon, he's great versus Infested as he easily nullifies their two greatest strengths- toxin procs and ancient auras- but he does feel inferior to other frames. Main issue I have is he needs absurd amount of mods which severely cripples his potential. His healing is ridiculously expensive for how average it is and he has way too many augments.

I tend to mod him for durability and range, slap Hallowed Reckoning on and I can easily murder everything infested throw at me as long as some Toxic Ancient doesn't roar too close to me but he doesn't work half as good against other factions. That's my second problem.

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Only ever going to say this once, the problem is not Oberon, the problem is every other frame.  

As Warframe progresses, new Frames will have more complicated abilities and will be balanced around the current game play. Older frames will be left in the dust as they are balanced around mechanics from 2015. Each patch should take a look at the state of the game from every frame's perspective and adjust accordingly. When I played DotA2 (2 years ago), every patch they add they update the stats on Heroes across the board to match the current game play, so every Hero falls in line with the current Meta.

How to fix Oberon:

  • Make Renewal a toggle with no duration cap
  • Make Reckoning blind everyone affected by Reckoning, not just the secondary targets
  • Improve scaling on smite (take a page form nidus and give him a power str buff on repeat casts) 
  • Make Hallowed ground damage multiply based on duration mob is in hallowed ground (add a stacking DoT every .25 seconds. mob is in the fire)
  • Change Passive to AoE heal and Attackspeed buff on Melee crit, like Diablo 2 Paladin 
Edited by Pyus
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"Fine" is NOT necessarily equivalent to "good" (and is definitely not "great" or "perfect" ).  


Oberon, Limbo, and Hydroid are all "fine", but they all could sure as hell be a lot better. I am really getting tired of this "good enough" attitude people take with Warframes, pursue perfection not mediocrity. 


That said if DE would just remove the duration of Renewal and make it a straight toggle he would see a hell of a jump in usefulness because, especially compared to the other two mentioned frames, Oberon is not in that bad of a place. 

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3 hours ago, zephyr11221 said:

Mm thanks for the advice. My problem is with people who just shell out hate. They see me in the relay with Oberon? "Oberon is trash why do you use him."

Running some low level alert with Oberon. "Why are you bringing Oberon?" "Ugh Oberon"

I mean, I already ignore them, clearly. Otherwise I wouldn't have so much time spent on him.

The main reason I posted this is because I'm confused by all the hate, because I honestly feel all those points are null when you consider how easy the game actually is, and how your choice weapons and Frames tend not to matter with the right mods or combos. This other post you linked here with that reply has some good points. For example: "His heal is too slow." That's definitely a problem, but there are two ways to fix that: Negative duration, and more power strength.

Another one: Any frame can run around completely fine without powers, so a tanky Oberon isn't a big deal. Sure, I agree there, anyone with enough skill can dodge shots and return them in kind completely fine with any Frame. Here, I guess it's down to personal preference then: I like Oberon's aesthetics, and he's good at supporting if you look at some of my pros.

People actually say that!? I mean as an Ash user i can tell where the Ash hate is coming from (brainless spammers, duh) but OBERON!? What the hell can he do to ruin a mission, nothing from what i know o.0

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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24 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

People actually say that!? I mean as an Ash user i can tell where the Ash hate is coming from (brainless spammers, duh) but OBERON!? What the hell can he do to ruin a mission, nothing from what i know o.0

They simply are unable to tolerate anything that does not fit in with their definition of meta.


There are lot of such people around, not only in Warframe but also in any other games.

Edited by NativeKiller
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Wait, people think Oberon is weak? I always thought he was one of the most OP frames in the game once you build him right. You have a decently damaging 1 that is also an AoE, you have a 2 that is an AoE that boosts armor, a 3 that heals everyone for a very decent amount especially when spammed, and a 4 that is a long range knockdown with confusion. 2, 4, stab, kill, 4, kill, execute, 4, took some damage, 3, 4, murder room, 2, 4, I don't care if they're Lv 140, 4, stab, be OP, piss off friends by killing everything in the sortie, 3, 4. Did I miss something?

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10 minutes ago, Lysserd said:

Wait, people think Oberon is weak? I always thought he was one of the most OP frames in the game once you build him right. You have a decently damaging 1 that is also an AoE, you have a 2 that is an AoE that boosts armor, a 3 that heals everyone for a very decent amount especially when spammed, and a 4 that is a long range knockdown with confusion. 2, 4, stab, kill, 4, kill, execute, 4, took some damage, 3, 4, murder room, 2, 4, I don't care if they're Lv 140, 4, stab, be OP, piss off friends by killing everything in the sortie, 3, 4. Did I miss something?

Most people are sheep, they hear one person(Specially if they are on YouTube) say something and next thing you know the whole flock is bleeting right along without ever stopping to think.


I love Oberon, but he does suffer from old age, his powers don't scale past 30 very well even min-maxing but they still retain their utility even into the sortie ranges.

Honestly he just needs a few minor buffs skill wise and purhapes one or two skills needing tweaking, like Hallowed Ground so it affects the area above as we now have air units and Parkour 2.0 so we're not plastered to the ground.


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As Oberon main I could say he is not useless but some tweaks needs on him but not total reworks what others want because the all around not mean useless. Not sure why peoples want to be special in each part of game and want for each frame to be special. Oberon does his job well and can contribute a lot for his team. Some of his skills need a scaling to higher levels but hey there are other frames whom needs some tweaks. I would be angry if they rework him and limbo and hydrid because these frames have a good concept but have flaws too but possibly they can remove their base which makes them as they are. The players like the meta and everyone like to compare their stuff to others and cannot think what they have gotten. The halloweed grounds could be work as an aura and he can be mobile too but after seeing nidus ult is static then there are chances to keep in this way how it's are.

Limbo only needs mostly some changes in the rift mechanics to let peoples loot but otherwise he is a fine survival frame and very hard to beat him. Hydroid needs some tweaks on his abilities and some armor buff but almost all low armored frame needs a little bit more armor.

Zephyr first and second ability can be merged into one and she can given a new ability and tweak her armor rate up to 50 at least. That makes a bit more viable otherwise her shields and health is fine. There is no really garbage frames just some of them out to date a bit and need to revitalize them.

Edited by Sziklamester
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6 hours ago, zephyr11221 said:

Mm thanks for the advice. My problem is with people who just shell out hate. They see me in the relay with Oberon? "Oberon is trash why do you use him."

Running some low level alert with Oberon. "Why are you bringing Oberon?" "Ugh Oberon"

I mean, I already ignore them, clearly. Otherwise I wouldn't have so much time spent on him.

The main reason I posted this is because I'm confused by all the hate, because I honestly feel all those points are null when you consider how easy the game actually is, and how your choice weapons and Frames tend not to matter with the right mods or combos. This other post you linked here with that reply has some good points. For example: "His heal is too slow." That's definitely a problem, but there are two ways to fix that: Negative duration, and more power strength.

Another one: Any frame can run around completely fine without powers, so a tanky Oberon isn't a big deal. Sure, I agree there, anyone with enough skill can dodge shots and return them in kind completely fine with any Frame. Here, I guess it's down to personal preference then: I like Oberon's aesthetics, and he's good at supporting if you look at some of my pros.

At least they dont create fanboy/hate post about him in the forum for no reason ...


2 hours ago, Lysserd said:

Wait, people think Oberon is weak? I always thought he was one of the most OP frames in the game once you build him right. You have a decently damaging 1 that is also an AoE, you have a 2 that is an AoE that boosts armor, a 3 that heals everyone for a very decent amount especially when spammed, and a 4 that is a long range knockdown with confusion. 2, 4, stab, kill, 4, kill, execute, 4, took some damage, 3, 4, murder room, 2, 4, I don't care if they're Lv 140, 4, stab, be OP, piss off friends by killing everything in the sortie, 3, 4. Did I miss something?

If you are "killing everything" with oberon , your friends need some tips  . It's a "meh" frame (fun factor not include in that) , not horrible/bad ... but not a good one .


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I think I might regret saying this but.

every warframe is viable in its own special way. Even limbo

limbo is useful,for people who just want to walk up to the capture or assassinate target and smack them in the face with an oversized hammer

oberon is good for status effects with that sweet radiation procs and curing aloes of procs

mag is useful for people who don't want to waist time aiming

hydroid is just plain, fun

everyone is viable, full stop

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