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Why not put Riven mod rewards in PvP?


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People say that they should make PvP much more fun. Although I dont think PvP is bad, I respect that others may find it not good.

But the main problem is, how can you get feedback about a game mode or how bad it is if nobody is playing it?

Atleast with a meaningful reward when winning conclave matches you would revive that game mode again and then we can tell DE what should be improved.

Edited by ChillZi
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54 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

I have no problem with adding loot to Conclave. I'm meerely telling you that if you think adding rivens to it is going to make it popular, you're off base. I enjoy competitive games, I just don't enjoy those where you shoot some one and even though you see the shot hit the kill isn't rewarded. As PvP gotten better? I wouldn't know because I didn't play it much when it first came out, but what matter is if its good now. And that's a big fat no. 

I get what you say but honestly you can't tell me that the supposed to be end game content sorties are well designed and people love to play it because it is fun. This is absolutely not the case. They play it because they want a Riven or something that rewards them for going through that horrible game mode.

Look at all the threads and how people are salty when they didn't get anything good as soon as they completed a sortie (I went through all that hell for a small focus lense etc....)

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Just now, ChillZi said:

lol i didnt say I played it extensively but I like it :)

so you are telling everybody in this thread that "just because we don't like it we shouldn't be against it"
but you like it and that is a strong enough argument ?

why am i even bothering?

Just now, Skaleek said:

Now now, we don't name and shame. You can certainly link your own, if you like.

im not shaming anyone
just questioning the credibility of OP

but here you go this is my profile


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Just now, Skaleek said:

See, you're not so bad at conclave? You can play it legit, no need to afk/abuse/sabotage =)

true but i have no joy from killing other players
all the kills i have is from farming with friends not with randoms

i wouldn't shoot other people in real life so why should i shoot someone in a game?
no one like being shot at or even killed neither in a game nor in real life
and the only joy you can get from PVP is by shooting and killing other players
thats cruel and somewhat mentally disordered

im arguing here because i honestly think its wrong to put such an important item in a game mode that the majority of the community hates
and i don't want to tell my clan mates that they have to do what they hate most to get more/better rivens

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2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

so you are telling everybody in this thread that "just because we don't like it we shouldn't be against it"
but you like it and that is a strong enough argument ?

why am i even bothering?

Wow. So much aggression. I dont get it. I said I like it. I played a bit and thought it was okay. I didn't say that because I like it we all should play but just give it a chance.

My god can I ask a question. What is wrong with you? Are you always this aggressive and linking profile pics (where you dont even have permission to link them) to prove your points.

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5 minutes ago, Weidro said:

true but i have no joy from killing other players
all the kills i have is from farming with friends not with randoms

i wouldn't shoot other people in real life so why should i shoot someone in a game?
no one like being shot at or even killed neither in a game nor in real life
and the only joy you can get from PVP is by shooting and killing other players
thats cruel and somewhat mentally disordered

im arguing here because i honestly think its wrong to put such an important item in a game mode that the majority of the community hates
and i don't want to tell my clan mates that they have to do what they hate most to get more/better rivens

Well i think ive been telling you the same thing over and over but you havent heard me. Just because YOU dont like it, does not mean it shouldnt have competitive rewards. And just because it has competitive rewards, does not mean you HAVE to play it. If your greed/need/want for rivens drives you to hurt yourself, or perform something you don't enjoy, then you must really enjoy having the Riven and it offsets the pain of the grind to get it. Otherwise just keep doing sorties, you gain everything, you lose nothing. This is what's called a win/win situation.

Edited by Skaleek
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Tenno, stop derailing the thread and attacking each other (several replies BladeStormed and Targets marked for later... Your actions have consequences, Tenno.).

Focus on the point of the OP and how to contribute constructively to the matter.

Thank you.

Thread Shurikened from Feedback]General to Feedback]Conclave.

Do not answer to/quote this post, focus on the feedback & ideas.

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Regarding the topic. I would love some cool rewards for pvp that we can use in pve. I only hosted dedicated servers so I never really played much pvp since it was not that good to begin with.

Edited by Yaerion
I removed some moderated content.
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4 hours ago, ChillZi said:

I get what you say but honestly you can't tell me that the supposed to be end game content sorties are well designed and people love to play it because it is fun. This is absolutely not the case. They play it because they want a Riven or something that rewards them for going through that horrible game mode.

Look at all the threads and how people are salty when they didn't get anything good as soon as they completed a sortie (I went through all that hell for a small focus lense etc....)

There's an element of truth to that, but as a whole Sorties are way more fun then PvP imo. There's always going to be those that do something because of the reward and not the game play, but you can't (as a game designer) carter to that group or else there would be no game. You would just be creating content and giving it away.

I was one of the few people that loved the prime system before Relics, and I wish it would go back to that even though I know it won't happen. The reason being that RNG and the Challenge of Staying alive was exciting part of the game, but of course people complained about not getting what they wanted and relics came along. Now people complain about there not being a purpose to endless...No S*%$t! Removing the loot out of that was of course ridiculous, and it caused people to stop playing it. So I agree that good loot is important, but its only important if the game mode is fun and old endless was. With PvP, unless they fix the core issues with the mode nothing is going to change.

Of course if you give a riven to everyone every game I'm sure people would suffer through a few games a day, but that would never happen even if they were to be placed in the pool. At best it would have a 2-10% drop rate (depending on the mod), which would mean many hours of play in order to get one or two rivens. I'm not sure about you, but with only 15 free riven mod spaces and a good chance of getting one in sorties 2% chance in PvP isn't going to make want to do it. I might be in the minority, but I'd rather do some Lor, or sorties.  

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10 hours ago, ChillZi said:

I dont know if many things have changed in warframe since it has been a while when I played the game (now over a month).

One thing (not the only reason) that made me stop was that I was not able to get a Riven Mod from sorties because they are really rare (although they are in the common category) and although I don't like the Riven Mod System I wondered about that a bit.

What I don't get is, why don't they atleast put the Riven Mods and some other PvE rewards (maybe some of the sortie rewards) also as a reward in PvP? Maybe some cool syandanas as well.

It kind of reminds me of destiny where when you played PvP, you would get weapons and armor etc...

This would make people play PvP much more often. And now since dedicated servers arrived, people wouldn't have connectivity issues anymore (atleast I hope they don't). So unfair advantages where a player has a much lower ping then the other shouldn't be there anymore and impact skill that much.

However, the only question is if RnG should play a role in this? Personally I think that people should be rewarded with rare stuff when they play really good.

But I don't know this is just a thought.

People started crying because there was a conclave tactical alert which even as a pvp player I hated the event but what I will say is if they added conclave exclusive rivens that would be really amazing for me as a conclave player to have something unique to me so others can't copy like they always do on ps4


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I think replacing the weekly stance for a Riven would be fine. It's a once-a-week thing, doesn't get in the way of anyone who doesn't like PvP and encourages people to keep playing it and getting good stuff for it. Also somewhat counters the AFKing by being tied to challenges which requires you to DO stuff.

And makes perfect sense since the first Riven we received we got it from Teshin.

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14 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

Having endgame PVE only rewards in a PVP section of the game is just too far. Put your e-peens away, stop trying to change the game to only make it better for yourself, and think logically. This will never happen.

Too far? How? I've been supporting this idea and I doubt I'd even be able to do the pvp weeklies with the amount of time I have to play Warframe. Think logically? Logically PvP'rs deserve to be rewarded for their time invested equivalently to PvE'rs. Logically.

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On 6-1-2017 at 4:22 PM, Skaleek said:

 Logically PvP'rs deserve to be rewarded for their time invested equivalently to PvE'rs. Logically.

With equivalent PVP rewards, not PVE rewards. If there are no equivalent pvp rewards, they need to invent some.

Keep all pve / pvp stuff away from each other. That snowball event is the best example on what happens when pvp pees in the pve pool. LOTS OF RAAAAAAGE!! :devil:

This weekly reward idea is also terrible because it's unfair. It means that pvp players get a chance to get 2 Riven mod each 7th day. One from sortie, one from conclave.

You guys wouldn't want PVP Conclave skins to be obtainable in PVE, right? . So why is it ok now to obtain a PVE Riven mod in PVP?

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That snowball event is the best example on what happens when pvp pees in the pve pool. LOTS OF RAAAAAAGE!!

The "rage" comes from an unreasonable PvE-privilege mindset that should not be further encouraged.
Did Snowday Showdown reward any unique gameplay content?
Was Snowday Showdown the only means of acquiring a new frame or weapon, perhaps?
Could it be that Snowday Showdown unlocked a new quest that was otherwise unobtainable?


The only reason there was "rage", as you say, was because certain players had become accustomed to the idea that they should be able to get their hands on anything they want without having to explore beyond their comfort zones.

Also, just because some people are capable of "raging" doesn't mean they have a legitimate argument.
Purely for example, I bet you a lot of privileged individuals were upset by desegregation, no?

Edited by SevenLetterKWord
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41 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

Did Snowday Showdown reward any unique gameplay content?
Was Snowday Showdown the only means of acquiring a new frame or weapon, perhaps?


Those Orokin catalysts and reactors. For veteran players they might not mean much but for new players who play Warframe specifically for PVE, they mean a lot. They start out with nothing and dangling free potatos in front of them in a game mode they did not want to play, ya they understandably get upset about it. They can't say no to that gift horse and miss such valuable reward so they push themselves in a scenario they weren't going to like. And if they afk/idle, others get angry at them. They were put in a situation where nobody would walk away happy no matter what choice they made. Those sigils/skins (except the last one) were pve rewards, why suddenly put them behind a pvp event? I know you're gonna say " useless sigils/skins", but many people will have high value for owning them. We have to respect that.

And the stratos sigil score was made into a mockery. That was always a pve thing where you had to beat a special pve mission to earn it. Now it's just add "tactical alert" to something that has nothing tactical about it and conclavey and your score goes up. What's next?   "Tactical Alert: go scan 100 moss" ?

Exploring beyond their comfort zone?  For 3 years there was a clear line between pve and pvp. A pvp mode that was never really planned for this game in the first place. This game is marketed as a PVE game. Don't go suggesting they should come up with incentives to pvp. No such thing as incentives to let somebody do something they have no interest in. That just drives them away if you keep pushing.

PVP has its own thing and its own rewards (cosmetics and mods). PVE rewards, no matter how insignificant one might find them, they don't belong there. That sets a dangerous precedent. If people didn't complain now, what's to stop them from doing it again and again until that line between pve/pvp disappears completely?  And them we will be getting unique weapon/mods for pve hidden behind pvp walls.

Also, there were people who WANTED to play the event but couldn't due to the broken pvp matchmaker and whatnot. On some days people literally couldn't connect at all but the rest of the game worked fine. Matchmaker in conclave still has issues it seems.
And the event was boringly long, even pvp players mentioned this.


Edited by MystMan
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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 9:44 AM, ChillZi said:

I dont know if many things have changed in warframe since it has been a while when I played the game (now over a month).

One thing (not the only reason) that made me stop was that I was not able to get a Riven Mod from sorties because they are really rare (although they are in the common category) and although I don't like the Riven Mod System I wondered about that a bit.

What I don't get is, why don't they atleast put the Riven Mods and some other PvE rewards (maybe some of the sortie rewards) also as a reward in PvP? Maybe some cool syandanas as well.

It kind of reminds me of destiny where when you played PvP, you would get weapons and armor etc...

This would make people play PvP much more often. And now since dedicated servers arrived, people wouldn't have connectivity issues anymore (atleast I hope they don't). So unfair advantages where a player has a much lower ping then the other shouldn't be there anymore and impact skill that much.

However, the only question is if RnG should play a role in this? Personally I think that people should be rewarded with rare stuff when they play really good.

But I don't know this is just a thought.

first thing, conclave already gets too much attention, arenas, mods, tweaks in every update, they already have a syandana and two armors and a quite vast set of weapon skins, its also the only place you can get most of those items (riv elite armor excluded).  the only thing they haven't given conclave is pve mods and weapons only obtainable there.

this wouldn't be a problem if play data didn't continue to show that its pretty close to wasted development time because close to no one plays it.

I personally think conclave in general was an attempt to pull in new players that really only play pvp games, players that most likely dont care in the slightest about the regular gameplay, community, the direction of the game, warframes longevity, or too much other than headshots, trolling people, and teabagging. Whether or not conclave has succeeded in bringing in players or not, it sucks, doesn't really belong and doesn't deserve the attention it already gets. this is my opinion. if you feel differently that's perfectly fine. you probably do.

from what ive seen in the community, theres more people that want solar rails back than players that play conclave. that's not opinion. even people that complained up a storm about how rails were sooo broken are to the point that i hear them saying things like "i don't care if its fixed, I just want them back, they were fun"

compare that to even conclave players saying conclave sucks and that its practically dead. and this is with over a year of development, a dedicated team, and rewards people want.

I personally think the only thing useful conclave can do for this game is if DE starts tracking and studying player movement in conclave to advance the acolytes AI so they move like anything else in a warframe moves.

as far as throwing in rewards people want, theres already stuff I want from conclave, I still want it because I haven't bothered to play enough conclave to get it. it'd be the same for those rivens.

am I saying you shouldn't get rivens in conclave, no. I am kinda saying I wish conclave wasn't a thing. you probably will get them. conclave seems to get a lot of things. if that happens, the only way I think non pvp players will really be upset is if conclave has a better chance to get them than in pve.

but in conclusion, ill give you my response to anything pvp related, "give us the rails back"

2 hours ago, MystMan said:

You guys wouldn't want PVP Conclave skins to be obtainable in PVE, right? . So why is it ok now to obtain a PVE Riven mod in PVP?

technically I'm on your side of this and really don't like pvp in general, but for the sake of being factual, pve already does reward some pvp content, sentients drop pvp usable mods. on the flip side of that particular note, I wish they didn't, cuz I was hoping they might drop something I actually want

1 hour ago, MystMan said:


Those Orokin catalysts and reactors. For veteran players they might not mean much but for new players who play Warframe specifically for PVE, they mean a lot. They start out with nothing and dangling free potatos in front of them in a game mode they did not want to play, ya they understandably get upset about it. They can't say no to that gift horse and miss such valuable reward so they push themselves in a scenario they weren't going to like. And if they afk/idle, others get angry at them. They were put in a situation where nobody would walk away happy no matter what choice they made. Those sigils/skins (except the last one) were pve rewards, why suddenly put them behind a pvp event? I know you're gonna say " useless sigils/skins", but many people will have high value for owning them. We have to respect that.

And the stratos sigil score was made into a mockery. That was always a pve thing where you had to beat a special pve mission to earn it. Now it's just add "tactical alert" to something that has nothing tactical about it and conclavey and your score goes up. What's next?   "Tactical Alert: go scan 100 moss" ?

Exploring beyond their comfort zone?  For 3 years there was a clear line between pve and pvp. A pvp mode that was never really planned for this game in the first place. This game is marketed as a PVE game. Don't go suggesting they should come up with incentives to pvp. No such thing as incentives to let somebody do something they have no interest in. That just drives them away if you keep pushing.

PVP has its own thing and its own rewards (cosmetics and mods). PVE rewards, no matter how insignificant one might find them, they don't belong there. That sets a dangerous precedent. If people didn't complain now, what's to stop them from doing it again and again until that line between pve/pvp disappears completely?  And them we will be getting unique weapon/mods for pve hidden behind pvp walls.

Also, there were people who WANTED to play the event but couldn't due to the broken pvp matchmaker and whatnot. On some days people literally couldn't connect at all but the rest of the game worked fine. Matchmaker in conclave still has issues it seems.
And the event was boringly long, even pvp players mentioned this.


completely agree

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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@(Xbox One)ashes of suvius

Conclave does not get too much attention, it gets shown a fixed amount of attention that isn't much. If we do the math and add all the changes from PvE and PvP, it's like 1:7 and never comes close past 15% of the changes done to the game in major updates.

Also, the numbers are showing Conclave is growing. I am constantly playing people of zero mastery all the time, these are not alt accounts either. I check G-scores to try to estimate the likelihood of that account being an alt, 80% of the time, they are high G-score players. I could be wrong about this, but I highly doubt that those high G-score players are alt accounts, especially when they have around 20-40k even 100k G points and reason being time needed to reach those scores. Those players like PvP and care more about PvP more than most of Warframes other content. Thousands of kills and no Gear.... Just starter gear... They just want to play PvP. There was never a point in time other than now, was I capable of having continuous almost nonstop PvP matches.

I think Conclave players should be given equipment to earn too and given the ability to build up their arsenal just like PvE, PvE players don't have to look towards our direction, they are not forced to play PvP, but PvP player needs to mind PvE for those unobtainable but usable gear in PvP.

Is this fair? Don't tell me "It's a PvE game" Hate to break it to you like this, but Warframe is a PvP game now too. DE made that turn, and it was a good one. Great business move.

As Conclave grows it will call for more attention, I think PvE players see this and feel threatened. But, rioting about Conclave and saying "Remove it" is not the right approach. How about giving better feedback, helping them manage the two. Why kill DEs growth? This is the creator and only developer to your beloved game. Do you not want them to continue to do well?

The Conclave is growing and so is Warframes community. This will help keep Warframe lively, We need this. PvE and PvP should NOT restrict each other, but help promote one another.

Edited by (XB1)Tylers Legend
Typing with sleep inertia. lol.
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49 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tylers Legend said:

I think u misunderstood me on a few points. First, I'm not one of the people who say "its a pve game"

in fact, one of my favorite match types was pvp, u may remember it, it was the rails.

let me explain to you about what I meant when I said it didn't belong.

when I started this game, a big part of what drew me in was the strategy of it. Modding for certain abilities, combining those builds with other frames, building team strategy and synergy. Working together. With the two things that made this game stand out to me being the parkour and the fact It wasn't just a shooter. Powers are cool. Melee is cool. I f%&*ing hate call of duty 5 minute matches of shooting things like I have in 40 different games since it was done on the playstation 2.

the rails had teams with a common goal of something greater than who could shoot who quicker, there was a point beyond that 5 minute match. There was a drive to aid your clan or alliance. It was meaningful gameplay. And you didn't need to have a separate catalog of cards to do basically nothing.

I'm sick of seeing powers nerfed into the floor, I'm sick of gimmicks to make em useless, I'm sick of this leaning away from being a unique game and towards being an ill defined blob trying to be every other game on the market.

a year n a half ago we had pvp integrated into pve, in a cohesive system. It wasnt perfect but more people liked it than how many like conclave. Now we have two categories of gamers fighting over who should get attention. This past year, we didnt get rails back, we got less frames, less events and it took em 10 months to make a quest that gave us shyte mechanics. Why? Partially because they were also making lunaro and a bunch of other crap we didnt really want or need. Why? because a large portion of us dont want to shoot eachother in the head and DE missed the point entirely cuz we also dont wanna play lunaro. Meanwhile, there's things from a year ago that haven't been fixed in pve, but pvp gets balanced every update.

So basically the whole pvp vs pve "its both now" bs, all I can reply to that is, it was both before conclave and both are worse off now. This may just be my opinion, but I dont think thats the case. I dont want pvp gone, I want the pvp back that felt like it fit the game and was enjoyed by more than 5% of players who play this game, without having to do it in a shyte loadout that basically makes my powers useless and turns the game into something I didn't sign up to play aka "that shooter thats like 50 other shooters" meanwhile, events and game modes are turning into bad pseudo conclave and tac alerts are turning into full on conclave. It can feel like a slap in the face when after a year, still absolutely no word on anything solar rail, n then they're gonna try to force me to play the pvp ive been avoiding most of the year, after we pretty much got told they wouldn't make us play it.

as said previously, this is my opinion n I don't expect you to share it. But don't act like I was trying to say you shouldn't get things or that I was "rioting about conclave" or saying "remove it" cuz none of thats true, reread my previous post if u think thats what I was saying. Even more important I know DE isnt turning to me for advise on the matter, so ur safe for now lol

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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8 hours ago, MystMan said:

Those Orokin catalysts and reactors.

Catalysts and reactors do not constitute unique gameplay content.

If a player doesn't want to play Snowday Showdown, he won't miss out on any unique gameplay content (besides the event itself).
That player is free to experience 100% of the remainder of the game, just as if the event had never occurred! Imagine that.

The only problem is that certain players just feel entitled to free catalysts and reactors dropped right into their comfort zone.


new players

Oh, we're going to ply the case of the "new players" now?
Allow me to remind you that unlike previous tactical alerts, Snowday Showdown placed all players on equal footing.
Previous tactical alerts had various levels, some of which were feasible only for veteran players with highly developed arsenals.


Those sigils/skins (except the last one) were pve rewards, why suddenly put them behind a pvp event?

The sigils were recycled from previous holiday events.
Had those events been PvP events, would you be complaining about them now?
Or, would you be complaining if Snowday Showdown's cosmetics were all new and "marked" for PvP?

Just because you're used to thinking of certain items as "PvE rewards" doesn't mean they're not allowed to be changed.


And the stratos sigil score was made into a mockery. That was always a pve thing where you had to beat a special pve mission to earn it. Now it's just add "tactical alert" to something that has nothing tactical about it and conclavey and your score goes up. What's next?  "Tactical Alert: go scan 100 moss" ?

The Stratos Emblem was never announced as a reward.
It was likely included by accident, and now - unfortunately - DE can't remove it without disenfranchising those who have it.
Understandably, some players were upset by this, but it should not be interpreted as a precedent for future development.


This game is marketed as a PVE game. Don't go suggesting they should come up with incentives to pvp. No such thing as incentives to let somebody do something they have no interest in. That just drives them away if you keep pushing.

Don't be ridiculous.
Clearly, Warframe has evolved a lot over time. What it was at its inception is vastly different from what it is now, original marketing plans notwithstanding.

Secondly, all these incentives are just that: incentives.
No player is punished for skipping the event.

This is the carrot we're talking about, not the stick.
Your argument boils down to: "I don't want to reach for the carrot, so the carrot should never have existed in the first place."

Are we really going to complain about free optional rewards?


If people didn't complain now, what's to stop them from doing it again and again until that line between pve/pvp disappears completely?

The line exists at unique gameplay content.
No PvE gameplay should be locked behind PvP gameplay.
(Even though almost all PvP content is locked behind PvE gameplay.)

Catalysts and reactors do not constitute unique gameplay content. They are resources like any other, especially with free trade for platinum.
You might as well complain about credits or Endo being rewarded through PvP.
Those who complain about free optional rewards are not nobly defending the separation of PvP and PvE, they're just being plain old spoiled.


Also, there were people who WANTED to play the event but couldn't due to the broken pvp matchmaker and whatnot. On some days people literally couldn't connect at all but the rest of the game worked fine. Matchmaker in conclave still has issues it seems.

Connectivity problems exist throughout the entirety of Warframe and are exacerbated while events are active.
Complaining about connectivity specifically as it pertains to Conclave does not strengthen your argument.


And the event was boringly long, even pvp players mentioned this.

As opposed to the thoroughly engaging hour-long survivals of previous events, right?
Meaningless. It's all too easy to find a handful of people anywhere who will complain about having to invest some time to receive rewards.

I swear, the biggest problem this event has was that it happened to be named "Tactical Alert", so it triggered every PvE-privilege apologist.

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On 1/5/2017 at 8:59 AM, TheGuyverOne said:

Why not put them in pvp? Why force people to play pvp to help their personal min/maxing meta along? Why not put them in raids instead, so people actually play those and let the pvp community stay stagnant until it's not an unbalanced cluster. I would rather have pvp be worthwhile and fun to play because they took the time to change and fix things, not a cheap riven grind tossed in to make us want to play it.

It seems 100% fair from my perspective. The vast majority of the game is locked behind PvE content that is mind-numbingly tedious to do at its best. DE practically forces PvP players to play PvE to get any new weapons or frames. With Riven mods being added, the PvP players might enjoy PvE because they will have something to make the game more interesting for them, they might even enjoy the PvE content and continue to play it after getting a good mod. But, with the way you word it, it is almost as if you dont want Gear Equity for a Minority of Players ?

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On 1/5/2017 at 3:57 PM, Bouldershoulder said:

Because conclave has different rules than pve, and different stats. Riven mods are not usable in conclave, why should they be rewarded there?

Why must PvP players play PVE for Endo? They have different rules, yet they use Endo to upgrade mods. 

Not to mention.. in order to get the frames and weapons to PVP with, they must run PvE already. Should DE come out with a Frame and weapons that you can only earn in PvP? (wait thats a good idea)


Why... because why not.

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14 hours ago, Krhymez said:

Why must PvP players play PVE for Endo? They have different rules, yet they use Endo to upgrade mods. 

Not to mention.. in order to get the frames and weapons to PVP with, they must run PvE already. Should DE come out with a Frame and weapons that you can only earn in PvP? (wait thats a good idea)


Why... because why not.

You confuse an extension of the game with a separate game. Warframe's main game mode is PVE, whereas PVP is an extension. Extension is based on the main mode, but has it's limitations to be fair to every participant. Riven mods can't be made fair to everyone because they are randomly generated for each. Also, I would consider it the time wasted if I was rewarded with something I can't use in the game mod I obtained it from, the same if I was rewarded in PVE with a mod I can only use in conclave.

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