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What are relays lacking that would make you WANT to go there?


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You guys do realize that all of these missing features and functions you keep mentioning, which all resemble stuff in a true MMO, are all verboten because of DEs crappy crappy engine, right?  You ever noticed that nobody actually parkours in a relay, they just float around?  That's because DE is too cheap to foot the bill for transmitting that data and because the game engine would crash even if they did do it.  It's funny and sad because there have been games around for years (that DE worked on themselves) that supported far more simultaneous players on a similar host-client format with far better results.  While all these features would be fun to have, and it'd sure be nice to have an open world to explore, that ain't gonna happen with this game.  Ever.

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2 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

One thing I think would help is a dedicated open social space. Like a garden room.

I have a shaky concept for one I think would be good but I can't make it into some decent art. rip

Perhaps a set of gardens, representing the Five Paths in some manner? If nothing else, would be thematic. Could contain a number of things, like tenets of the paths, and maybe even some kind of way to find lenses without having to go through Sorties or the Market and by having it on the Relay, shot at finding people to run with perhaps. It's a thought. Hell, a community garden where people could work on encouraging bonsai or something could be an interesting touch.

Other hand, part of me keeps wondering how many of the locales have great views from a touristy/artiste perspective, be it the view of Earth on Lua, the rings of saturn, the Earth night sky...What about some kind of communal gallery? Bit like there's that thread a few weeks ago hunting for pretty snapshots, what about an ingame way to appreciate imagery or something? Plenty of Fanart for personal use, what about putting it somewhere for the community?

Granted...there's a lot of work involved in such things. Either way, just some ideas.

Still...Encouraging socialisation is a tricky thing. Getting into a conversation with someone can often be surprisingly easy, yet maintained on a one to one level it puts alternate places more useful; bit like making a private lobby after hitting it off with someone. I know I made my share of 'chat' lobbies when playing Phantasy Star P2, at least, and it led to meeting some nice people.

Apologies for going on, either way.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Arctic-Pixie said:

Children, dressed up as their favourite warframes, who wants to trade "cards" (mods) with you, but won't accept any of the more special ones ("sorry I don't know that one...it looks fake"), and for whom you do random emotes with upon interaction. Once a week they tell you a rumour of a monster on a random location, like a former colony where you will fight a grineer maniac or something, where you get toy trophies that can be placed in the liset, and rarely, one of the kids will be dressed as baro ki'teer and will trade you a glyph of baro ki'teer or a lotus sigil drawn by actual children etc for oberon, ivara parts or dread blueprins etc

It would help new players attain some of the common mods a little faster, introduce them to the relays so they see the social aspect and guides, and veteran players would still get the silly weekly toy rewards. It would also breathe life into the world.

Edit: the kids' costumes have to be a bit shoddy but recognizable. No shortcuts like a scaled-down rhino passing for a child ;)


Why can't i give more than one upvote?

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12 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

What would make you want to hang out in a relay?

A couple years ago [DE]Scott mentioned adding clan kiosks to relays.  Top clans from each tier would get a kiosk to advertise their clan and its accomplishments.  Clans would be selected based on a number of criteria, total playtime among active members, achievements unlocked, star chart progress, codex completion, etc.  Clans would be rotated in and out every couple weeks.  I wonder if this is something that's still on the WIP or has it been buried like the sortie reward system?

If it were implemented I think I would enjoy that system.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Arsenal, foundry, mod thingamabob, market console, relic refiner and ability to default yourself to a relay when logging in. Fact that you can't do your everyday stuff in there and having to go through loading screens makes them annoying. I admit I don't socialize on the relays but if it wasn't a chore to even go there I might say hi to other people there. 

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8 hours ago, KyoBladezen said:

Auction house would need its own chat, though. Otherwise we'd have too many people spamming WTS WTS WTS all over the common room chat. 

Nah, do it like other MMOs. you put the item in with the plat you want and the time you want it up there for. If someone buys it, the plat goes to you, item to them. If not, it goes back to you.

It'd help those of us that don't have the time to trade. Or the patience to deal with the Trade Chat.

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Frame/Archwing/Weapon trial room/gunnery range? No I don't mean the SImulacrum.

New players keep having to ask what weapon/frame to get next, and people keep telling them Boltor/Rhino.  It'd be nice for them to have some place where they can demo weapons they don't have.

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