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Discussion on Primed Regen


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4 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

It's a possibility that I did not have before. You can make the exact same comparison with Primed Pressure Point. The option is there to use or ignore. The option itself doesn't hurt you in any way, so there is no point in disliking it.

Nothing at all would have been better, like in the last 3 months of Baro since Primed Cryo Rounds?

Well, i have primed pressure point and i still havent leveled it yet, mostly in the vague hopes that Damage 3.0 might have come soon (which clearly it wont) and the mod would have been a waste. In any case the mod yields less power per level compared to the regular pressure point.

This could have been a buff to the regular Regen, instead of making it a primed mod, which has no point in maxing out.

And for me primed cryo rounds was not a good option so i didnt buy it, i would have preffered any of the other elementals.

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Today Baro Ki'Teer brought us another primed mod to play with and enjoy. Primed Regen, as you can see above, allows your downed sentinel additional revives depending on the rank of the mod, up to 3 times at rank 9 (rank 9 only increases health restored, not number of revives.)

Reviving Sentinels is a rather big deal, as many players would rather die and revive than play without their favorite sentinel. Sentinel users have to choose this option over Kubrow/Kavat users who are allowed to revive their pets on the fly and keep the fight going, however Sentinel users have universal Vacuum mods which only the buggy Chesa pet has an equivalent to. It is easy to point to his and decry it as a balance decision, however it is not. It is a Quality of Life decision. Balance is perfectly fine to discuss in terms of DPS, TTL/TTD, EHP, Power efficiency ect. ect.  However non-damaging or game play related changes should be reviewed as how it makes the individual player's gaming experience feel. 

The Real Solution

Provide players with a gear option, Sentinel Repair Tool, that allows you to revive fallen sentinels using the same revive time as a flesh pets. And provide pets a universal vacuum mod. This removes the QoL issues from both and opens up the freedom to select any companion without feeling like you are going without something while you are playing. 

Any other suggestions as far as removing barriers from using companions? I know personally I feel like I am missing drops when using a Kubrow/Kavat/Charger, and playing with a dead Sentinel is like playing with a numb foot. What do you think? 

Edited by Pyus
removed repetitive redundancies
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2 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

"Good" is often subjective, so you may disagree...but for me, a "good" reason is: I can focus on killing enemies.

You may have the knee-jerk reaction of calling it lazy because it's not your preference, but it's actually more efficient.

I'm not knocking your preference of picking things up off the ground.  I don't see why you feel the need to attack and name-call people who prefer not having to focus on picking things up off the ground.

wouldn't it make more sens to pick up loot AFTER enemies are dead, or run around picking up ammo you need? I know vacuum is used for picking up stiff, but that doens't explain why people complained about   the passive version,   as to me, it seemed like ti was just "Og now I have to move closer to the stuffd I want to pick up" which  shouts "lazy" to me


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Salt aside from the previous posts, which I'm just going to try and ignore, I have to agree here. Primed Regen doesn't solve the main issue with sentinals: survivability. It may have practically four lives but after a certain point it doesn't matter. Companions as a whole need to be revisited. 

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1 minute ago, Kuulpb said:

THe only things I honestly see vacuum for are farming, and if you feel you NEED to get that mod that's in the wall.  99% of the time it's a mod you have and don't need since it gives 5 endo an dyou get 2k from sorties often.  SO, again, It probably ios just me, but Vacuum is just.... a stupid thing,  The  Kubrow that picks up loor for you makes sense,  because it's a trained dog, and it makes sense ti can't  go through walls. etc etc. 

In a way it is a preference thing though. For some people the strategic ability to focus more solely on PTFO or just killing mobs, is important enough that vacuum is worth slotting. It isn't about farming, it is about being able to pay more attention to the battle at hand. You call those people lazy, but they would say for them it is a strategic choice that allows them to pay more attention to what is important. 

Those same people would call YOU "inefficient" because you were focusing so much on grabbing loot/energy/ls/etc that you weren't paying as much attention to PTFO or killing mobs.

But you aren't doing anything wrong either. Some, like myself, prefer the control of picking stuff up when and where we want to. For some it does have a strategic reason, like not wanting to pick up an energy orb when it would be partly wasted, etc. Or if you are using Energy/Health conversion and want to have more control over when you pick up an orb, etc. etc.

My point is that there are valid reasons for both that mostly have to do with playstyle.

Those who use Vacuum aren't lazy.

Those who don't aren't "inefficient".  

Both groups just have different priorities in game and different playstyles. 

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Just now, John89brensen said:

Well, i have primed pressure point and i still havent leveled it yet, mostly in the vague hopes that Damage 3.0 might have come soon (which clearly it wont) and the mod would have been a waste. In any case the mod yields less power per level compared to the regular pressure point.

This could have been a buff to the regular Regen, instead of making it a primed mod, which has no point in maxing out.

And for me primed cryo rounds was not a good option so i didnt buy it, i would have preffered any of the other elementals.

Yes, we all would have preferred to have the mechanics we have in mind, instead of what the developers choose in the end. I am not sure why they aren't just buffing weaker mods like you said.

Maybe they consider they will become too strong for too little cost, and maybe they are right. Since this is the option I have now, I will take it. 20k endo and 900k credits for a total of 4 lives for Sentinels is a price I am willing to pay (not like I haven't ranked like 30 Rivens to max in the last 2 months).

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You'd think that if they were going to do this they would review why such a bandaid was needed.
In that case, they would have realised that sentinel death mostly occurs when the player is downed, and when regen kicks in the sentinel can get destroyed again while the player is still in bleedout.
What they could have done was implemented a timer at the very least to offset this issue - e.g. "x" amount of invulnerability time. Already implemented this and is now included in the patch notes.
Plus there are mods like Self Destruct and Spare Parts which rely solely on the death of the sentinel. These mods still aren't any more viable just because they can now die 4 times instead of 2 (they still only occur when dead and not during regen). So imo we're really still back at square one.

Edited by Alcoholism
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Why the incredible salt all over the place? It's not like nothing at all would have been better. It's not like someone is positively forcing you to buy it and rank it to max. Why is the option itself hurtful to you in any way?

Most players agree with me on this one, I am sure. It's just that the minorities seem to be more vocal, as usual.

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The game is entirely about farming, when is vacuum not a valid choice? I like not having to go out of my way to pick stuff up and focus on dealing damage/completing goals. Kavats/kubrows are just as good, they excel at other things, but can't inhale items, pretty balanced trade for red crits and better damage if you ask me. 

But like. 
Primed Regen sucks butt.

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Just now, -BM-Leonhart said:

Maybe they consider they will become too strong for too little cost, and maybe they are right.

So the alternative is to skyrocket prices? Thats a great solution that sounds oddly familiar...

Like i mentioned previously, make Regen a 10 rank mod, even an uncommon mod, but a new legendary one? 

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Just now, Fluffysbeans said:

The game is entirely about farming, when is vacuum not a valid choice? I like not having to go out of my way to pick stuff up and focus on dealing damage/completing goals. Kavats/kubrows are just as good, they excel at other things, but can't inhale items, pretty balanced trade for red crits and better damage if you ask me. 

But like. 
Primed Regen sucks butt.

I know Primed Regen sucks, it's why I made this,  Primed Regen sucks,  but it is somethign that thy gave to sentinels, leaving Kubrows in the dirt.

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I think another solution that could make Primed Regen more useful, and sentinels more useful, would be if there was actually a short invulnerability phase after regen activates. 

Otherwise this mod is almost less than useless. Your sentinel in the situations where you would really want this mod will often die over and over and just keep activating primed regen until it is dead for good. 

Even a few seconds of invuln at max rank would make this more worthwhile. 

Right now it makes the sentinel survive longer, but without some kind of gating like that, I can't see it really being all that useful or really making sentinels last much longer. 


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Just now, armedpoop said:

Care to explain why? Cause as it stands, the mod is completely worthless. Tell me where it would actually be useful?  

To revive your sentinel more. 

Ah, I know what you will say "but it will get destroyed easily anyway at those levels". So what? It gets to have 4 lives for every revive I may spend. That can be a total of 24 times it may get to regen in a mission. I think that is enough to make a difference.

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Just now, Kuulpb said:

I know Primed Regen sucks, it's why I made this,  Primed Regen sucks,  but it is somethign that thy gave to sentinels, leaving Kubrows in the dirt.

So you're complaining that kubrows/kavats didn't get a useless mod? That's like looking at someone holding a garbage bag full of feces and complaining that you didn't get one.

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