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Archwings are awful


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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

How is a ground/rock warframe archwing mission?

The quest or boss they are discovered off of is not indicative to the frame itself.  Beyond that, your opinion is strongly shared by many.  At some point DE will get around to addressing it.

Edited by Xekrin
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Once you play it more, you will acquire mods needed for survivability.. It's not so bad if you give it a chance. Once you are a bit more experienced and have decent loadout your view may change.. just give it a honest effort and try to embrace it.

The motion sickness part.. well take some dramamine maybe? Dunno.. that doesn't happen to me..

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49 minutes ago, Etharien said:

Your complaints about archwing sound like you tried 1 archwing mission and said, "this sucks." 


For me it sounds like he tried archwing, gone into extremaly crappy corridor-tileset mission, got hit by invisible power-creep gate (level 5 AW mission having 15+ lvl enemies), his AW started to spin, his head started to ache (motion sickness) and then he decided to write this thread.


And seriously, AW is one huge mess. I really wonder when DE will take some time to fix this... thing.


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3 hours ago, Xekrin said:

The quest or boss they are discovered off of is not indicative to the frame itself.  Beyond that, your opinion is strongly shared by many.  At some point DE will get around to addressing it.

Don't mean to be rude but when 1 year 2 years? 

Do you remember the days when AW was like a bad pin ball machine and you where the pinball? It took them a year to only partly half arse adjust that to what is now. I use the word adjust very loosely. 

Edited by -Akeva-Banshee-
Clem is siphoning my brain.
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3 hours ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

They have junk stats. I HATE ARCHWINGS! I get motion sickness from them. Archwings are a joke. Enemy Archwings are too OP. Atlas the ground/rock warframe is Archwing mission warframe. How is a ground/rock warframe archwing mission? Nothing about Atlas makes you think space battle.  Archwings controls are a pain too.

Since passives are still go for Archwing, I do always prefer to take Atlas for it. None of those knockdowns from flying into walls or getting hit by podrockets. Yes I do know you meant his farming location.

In terms of that though, keep in mind it's not matched for a lot of frames, so this argument doesn't really fly.

9 minutes ago, deothor said:

And seriously, AW is one huge mess. I really wonder when DE will take some time to fix this... thing.

They're working on it again in order to bring it up to speed for JV Nightmare.

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Just now, ScribbleClash said:

They're working on it again in order to bring it up to speed for JV Nightmare.

I hope it won't end as: "little touch up that actually doesn't fix anything, but lets us sell some overrated and overpriced bull### item for real cash"

If DE wants to see AW being fun, then they can't mess it up as they did with void 2.0 and 3.0

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1 hour ago, -Akeva-Banshee- said:

Don't mean to be rude but when 1 year 2 years?

Truthfully, I'm the wrong person to ask, mostly because I'm not DE but also because I actually like the new archwing.  I don't know what it is that makes others so motion sick but it feels pretty smooth to me.  There are a few problems with it but overall I don't mind the new movement system.

Anywho, yeah it will probably be a while, though I imagine it will be sometime this year.

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On the flipside, I love archwing now that I have amesha, and weapons with a decent amount of killing power. The one small gripe I have is the minimap isn't 3d so I never have a clue where to go, and I need a self orienting button because I always end up at like 270* flipped around so I'm seeing everything upside down at an angle

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  • 2 weeks later...

even [DE]Steve stated in multiple streams archwing controls suck... and yet instead of just giving old controls back or even an option to switch back to them. we are stuck with someone bad idea that is keep a large amount of people from playing or enjoying archwing...

funny how the controls are still in the game... sharkwing and titania  both use the old controls.

and no motion sickness/vomiting/vertigo any where to be seen.


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Yes I love Archwing but yes they need another overhaul. And before DE adds AW missions to sorties. These are some issuse that need to be fixed first.
-Minimap overhaul
-getting a balance between Pinball and slug
- a key binding to orient you to the game plain

And many more

Edited by -Akeva-Banshee-
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I liked Archwing. Then they changed the controls.

To me the control scheme wasn't broken. The whole update just appeared out of nowhere for me and I haven't been happy with it since. I only ever wanted the content updated, instead I had a whole archwing scheme I did not like jammed down my throat. Gave it a couple days and then stopped playing archwing. I've only played it once since for a Nitain alert.

Don't tell me I have to get used to it. I've given it a fair shake. Dont tell me I need good gear, I've got properly leveled and forma'd archwing equipment. Saying 'well I like it now' is just as valid as players who say 'well, i used to like it, now I don't'. I know the part that drives me nuts is the unresponsive floatly feeling that archwings now have, which is directly counter to players I've talked to who stated that is exactly what they liked about it. If only we could find some way to compromise. A way to... 'mod' our archwing to suit...

Anyways, I don't believe these arguments will end without a very effective rework of the control options for archwing. Leaving the controls as is or resetting to the old way are certain to upset at least one half of the conversation. I don't envy the people who have to figure this out. But hey, I simply don't play Archwing now. How much worse could things get.

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Archwing movement was really good at day-0. It was fast, smooth and most importantly incredibly cool — ability to do 90+ deg. turns instanly with badass flips is not only useful gameplay-wise, but it felt incredible to move that way. Now we are sluggish baloons. Meh.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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As another that likes AW currently, but then again liked it before as well.   There isn't really a need to self center as there isn't really an up or down in space, its just another direction you are pointing.  Can still understand that it makes some queasy.   Kinda losing your sense of balance and/or direction.  For me, I think its a bit to real maybe, the video game version of the assorted space agencies Reduced Gravity Aircraft, aka Vomit Comets.   

Losing to the enemies though, that's on you. 

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there are some prople that actually enjoy having a space game part to do flips in, stop instantly crying that something is bad the old version was unrealistic because the axis doesnt exist, so theses no up or down, besides, the twisting makes it easier to peform hard turns, so if you dont have a problem with proccessing information upside down, then its actually easier, also, people cried about how bad archwing is, they changed it, now people are crying about how amazing old archwing was and how horrible it is now, make up your minds people.

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4 hours ago, midtarget said:

have ANY of you played a realistic plane or space game?

why yes i have... and the all have minimaps and or huds and gauges that are actually useful and not craptastic as the minimap we have now is

they also have ways of righting yourself no matter what speed or direction your flying(for space ones at least)

i used to play descent(and d3) all the time, those 1980/90's controls are thousands of times better then the junk we have now. and that even included strafing in an extra 4 directions. was our first vector style thrust and manuvering and again lightyears ahead of the controls we have now.


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