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Attacking should be a sentinel passive ; not a mod /waste


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11 hours ago, Teshin_Dax said:

What do you think?

I will regularly leave my Sentinel without the attack mod in order to prevent it from stealing kills and robbing me of Affinity. (I know it's only only trying to help, but....)

I am okay with keeping it a mod, especially considering a companion gets 10 slots.

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This is, a good idea. If you don't want your Sentinal attacking then don't give it a weapon. If ya do want some support fire, add weapon. I see what ya mean with the wasted mod slot. I guess DE wants you to turn in a mod space for firepower or skip the firepower and focus on defense and utilities. I can understand both ways, but as a player, I do like the idea of saving a mod slot. I can't remember though, do Kubrows and Kavats attack without maul (or bite) installed? I guess the ability to level mods to make attacking better is still a mechanic though.

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On 1/28/2017 at 0:22 PM, Invisum said:

Personally, I never put the attack precept on. Help them survive longer vacuuming and shielding me. 

This. I never let my Sentinel attack. Would rather it just be support. If it attacks, it's not supporting.

That said, I do agree the "attack" mod makes little sense. Maybe instead they should make it Sentinel weapon-based. Just remove the weapon from its slot to make it so that it doesn't shoot anymore. That would make more sense.

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8 hours ago, Night4ce said:

If you don't want your Sentinal attacking then don't give it a weapon. If ya do want some support fire, add weapon.

No. There's this thing called auto-resolve hell.

The only way to avoid auto-resolve hell is to equip a fully modded sentinel weapon before you mod your Warframe's weapon. Being forced to equip and de-equip a sentinel weapon every time you want to change the mods equipped on a weapon is something that definitely should not be a thing.

Until auto-resolve hell stops being a thing, de-equipping a sentinel weapon to stop it from attacking is not a good idea.

Auto-resolve hell shouldn't be a thing to begin with, but at the very least, let's not make this even worse than it already is.

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On 1/28/2017 at 0:26 PM, FrackingBiscuit said:

When Warframe power mods went away, companion precepts should have gone away as well.

they would have to fix the Mod Activation list then...OR we could change the order ourselves (if the abilites were made passive)

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On 28.1.2017 at 9:18 PM, Teshin_Dax said:


Sentinels are weak enough.. And we always need mods like vacuum..
We only have space for 4-abilities .. and attacking something with an installed weapon shouldnt be an ability - makes no sense for me


What do you think?

We need that? No, you want it and nothing else.

And actually there are not enough mods that are worthwile to be put in.

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Yup, that's a really good idea, I have to agree with that so much. Mod space on Sentinels is already very limited, especially with mods we practically need to put in there like Vacuum and (Primed) Regen, and then we also have to install a mod just for the simple and passive move of attacking? That's pretty unnecessary.

Basic attacks really need to become inherent to sentinels, just like they are with Kubrows and Kavats . And If you don't want your sentinel to be able to attack, unequipping its weapon is already a simple mechanic that allows for that option.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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I would be okay with them as precepts if I could mix and match them and each precept did something different.


For example:

Dethcube- trigger happy: constantly fires weapon at anything and everything thing in range, reload times ihonored, accuracy -50%, random targets.

Diriga- cold calculation: focuses on high threat targets before minions.  Accuracy set to 100%, fire rate -50%, always aims for headshots, won't fire unless a headshot is possible.

Wyrm- dragon's wisdom: fires at closest enemies in range, instantly fires at projectiles, mines, and small enemies within 20m.

Shade- shy confidence: always silent, targets enemies only when a kill is ensured, does 300% more damage when enemies are facing away.

Djinn- casually suductive: can target three enemies at the same time within 3m, 30% chance to daze, sleep, or charm enemies.

Carrier- brutally honest: fires at the closest enemy in range focusing on minions first.  Up to 300% damage on enemies that are close, scaling from 0-10m.  

If you could do something like this, you might have some use out of them.

Edited by Danjal777
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