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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.9.1


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Yay, they fixed their one-time conclave event!


  • Still wrong Weapon and Warframe stats for Conclave Loadouts
  • No sign of adding PVP-Mode to Simulacrum
  • No sign of adding Simulacrum shortcut to Liset (but we got a dedicated Cyst-Removal room instead)
  • No sign of improving the cumbersome and slow UI

As i mainly returned to Warframe for its introduction of pvp, i feel slightly pissed that DE give less and less of damns about it

DE, just focus on improving and fixing your existing content for a single update cycle, it won't harm

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16 hours ago, Chueven said:

Why are you people complaing for a FIX to a thing that HAS NOT to be fixed?! 

More people you have in your clan, the more Mutagen Sample you'll have.

The more you require for the research, its not the same for every clan size, so no having more people in your clan won't address the issue.

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18 hours ago, Vitamin.Ex said:

Hema research isn't broken, and the samples drop rate doesn't need fixing. Instead of being lazy about it, try doing Derelict missions. I got ~100 samples in 1 survival run. 

It is obviously broken. And yeah, I can get ~100 in an ODD run. Too bad we need 500,000. I have donated over 7k and we still need more than 300k. So yeah, broken. 

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16 hours ago, Vyce said:

You keep thinking Hema cost is broken. That's cute. You think a HOTFIX will bring new frame or weapons, that's adorable. You think Riven Capacity should be more than 15. Hm. The only legit complaint.

Hema cost is broken. I though the last pacth would bring frames and weapons, but hey, only cosmetics and conclave. I think Riven Capacity should be more than 60, which is the current cap (you should know that). Should be at least 150, since there are currently rivens for 121 weapon types.

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18 hours ago, Noloic said:

Is this a whiners-only Forum? Everytime I read to an update, there usually are 90% whiners and 10% thankfully players replying.

Thanks DE staff, keep up the good work. :thumbup:

People who want the game to improve are usually more active than acolytes.

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16 hours ago, CaelThunderwing said:

the Riven capacity Problem is attributed to the ever growing issue they're facing for Storage at thier data center, rivens could verry well be  " few kb a piece" mods w/ frame data into teh few megabytes or wtf ever, but multiply that by the hundred of thousands maybe even millions of Registered players, that few kb or mb? yea that adds up reeeealy quick Buck-o. then that gets made worse for each new account created. (was last year i think? or year before? they had to deal w/ the quickly approaching network capacity limit they were facing at the time w/ the expansion of the game's popularity/player growth) Maybe when they have a cheaper host or plat sales on other things offset increased capacity at the data center we might see em remove riven Caps. for now discard ones you dont use at all /often enough (you dont need to cling onto every riven you get . )

That's why they charge me 20 plat each riven slot and I pay without complaining about it. All I want is to be able to spend more plat to buy more slots for 20p each. Not asking for free slots. I want to have 1 riven for each weapon, which is currently 121 according to wiki. I can only have 60. Rivens are the only reason I'm revisiting weapons that I only used as MR fodder and I am one of the few who enjoy the Riven system. Its not like 100,000 people would go above the 60 slots limit. We are a niche willing to spend money.

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7 hours ago, lostDead said:

Hema cost isnt broken, they increased mutagen drop rates in derelict, buy riven slots and be more patient about bard and weps jesus christ

No, they didn't increase the drop rates. I can't buy riven slots because I already have 60, that's the point: I WANT to buy them, but I can't. 

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Really sick of getting Ayatan sculptures in sortie.  Please either reduce the chance of getting them, or remove them.  5 days in a row now.  5 DAYS STRAIGHT.  You "claimed" you fixed it, now how about actually FIXING the reward system for sortie?

Edited by Alanthier
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11 minutes ago, Alanthier said:

Really sick of getting Ayatan sculptures in sortie.  Please either reduce the chance of getting them, or remove them.  5 days in a row now.  5 DAYS STRAIGHT.  You "claimed" you fixed it, now how about actually FIXING the reward system for sortie?

common reward...what they NEED to look at is the so-called "X amt of times and you wont get it for a few days" fix they SAID they did a few patches back....doesnt seem to be working

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15 hours ago, Vitamin.Ex said:

I have never bought a booster, I don't use Nekros/Hydroid, and I'm not a liar. 

I didn't mean to imply that you were, and if that's how my comments were taken, then I apologize.

But my original POV was understandably skeptical, I think. There seem to be an awful lot of people who aren't getting these kinds of results, and to have one or two otherwise-unsupported claims reporting incredibly-large payouts seemed to be closer to BS or bragging than a true account. You set the record straight, and gave people a method we can all use to try and replicate your results; thank you for that.

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18 hours ago, DisasterMedic said:

That people would rather idle through 9 losses than even try to play this garbage game mode should probably be a hint to you guys about this game mod.  And the allocation of staff to work on it.


Sad truth.

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2 hours ago, toafarmer said:

No, I mean the 500k mutagen samples. 


thats no bug thats a Moon clan Cost. base cost is 5k for a Ghost and moon has a 100x. cost multiplier.  the plastid  and nanospore cost should of been a tip off, if you want it so bad go hunt down a ghost clan thats already completed it or plat buy it.  the wait to make one is worth it in the end as using it and leveling it is much better getting to appreciate teh grind you did to get it.

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Any chance you could look into Valkyr in Mutalist Alad V Assassinate? If he takes control of you with his collar and uses the Warcry ability, the effects last the rest of the game, except in reverse when he releases his control over you. (You slow down considerably and reaction time is painful for both you and any squad members caught in the Warcry.)

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1 hour ago, CaelThunderwing said:

the wait to make one is worth it in the end as using it and leveling it is much better getting to appreciate teh grind you did to get it.

Deluded as heck. Just like DE themselves with their "cost ez fine"


thats no bug thats a Moon clan Cost

No one said it's a bug it's a spit in your face.

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2 hours ago, CaelThunderwing said:

thats no bug thats a Moon clan Cost. base cost is 5k for a Ghost and moon has a 100x. cost multiplier.  the plastid  and nanospore cost should of been a tip off, if you want it so bad go hunt down a ghost clan thats already completed it or plat buy it.  the wait to make one is worth it in the end as using it and leveling it is much better getting to appreciate teh grind you did to get it.

That's broken. I have the hema and it is not even that good. Its not about having the weapon: its about fixing broken stuff. I won't change clan or reduce clan tier because DE messed up and is not willing to admit. Also I just stopped spending money on this game until they fix this. I will gladly spend more money when I don't feel they are trying to force people to spend plat hiding new weapons behind insane resource walls. 

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On 2/2/2017 at 3:32 PM, toafarmer said:

No fix for Hema broken research cost

And it isn't going to be "fixed", because lowering the cost would be an insult to everyone who already researched it.

I am all for increasing the drop rates, however. It would be nice to get my Mutagen Samples back into the six digits.

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The hema cost is not broken, the fact that the mutegen sample is a dead end item is the problem. This means that it has no use after you are done researching and building all items related to it. They have a dozen other ones just like it and this was the most effective way that they could think of to use them up and make them relevant again. Do I understand why they did it? Yes. Do I think it was done in a way that was fitting? No. 

Ill even list all the other dead end items. 

Mutegen sample, mutegen mass, detonite  ampule, detonite injector, fieldron,fieldron sample, nitain, tellurium, gallium, cryotic, argon crystal, oxium and control modules.

circuits and rubedo are close to this as well.

Almost forgot the oracle research room in the dojo. It does nothing but eat a few resources and take up space.

Edited by golddrake11
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1 hour ago, Totorochan said:

And it isn't going to be "fixed", because lowering the cost would be an insult to everyone who already researched it.

I am all for increasing the drop rates, however. It would be nice to get my Mutagen Samples back into the six digits.

They did it for vauban and riven mods. They also nerfed secura lecta after lots of people bought it for plat. They removed the credit cost for sculptures to endo exchange after lots of people had traded them. That'a what I can remember in 30s. 

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