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Bug with Nullifiers and stealth kills


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I've noticed that if I kill a nullifier (undetected) with a weapon that has a long stealth kill animation (i.e. Venka Prime) the nullifier will activate the bubble midway the animation, possibly screwing me over.

This doesn't sound as an intended feature so...

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It's a pretty common issue I find. It's especially bad if you use a weapon that just isn't very fast at doing stealth kills, like the nunchaku for example. To me it kinda just feels like the game is punishing you for doing something you are actively encouraged to do.

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46 minutes ago, Denpoman said:

I've noticed that if I kill a nullifier (undetected) with a weapon that has a long stealth kill animation (i.e. Venka Prime) the nullifier will activate the bubble midway the animation, possibly screwing me over.

This doesn't sound as an intended feature so...

Well, if you poke someone with a sharp object they will react, and that's what happens. Seems intended to me. If you have to use a slow attack speed weapon just don't attack nullifiers where others can see, just like we had to do when they still had their bubbles up all the time. Or just increase your attack (=animation) speed or use a different weapon.  

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It is not affected by the attack speed or speed of the finisher animation afaik. It is as if the bubble generator explodes when the nullifier is killed and nullifies everything in a short range... Happens with ceramic dagger with full fury, happens also with one shot long range weapons. When I see nullifiers on my spy ivara, I use my rakta cernos and headshot them from a safe distance...

Edited by ultragen
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26 minutes ago, kyori said:

Do not know why the bubble will come out as he dies. 

9 minutes ago, ultragen said:

It is as if the bubble generator explodes when the nullifier is killed and nullifies everything in a short range...

As soon as you stab him, he becomes alerted and switches his bubble on. You might notice that he goes down to 1HP for the duration of the animation and only dies once it finishes. That could definitely be handled better.

Shorter animation only means that he's dead before the bubble can inflate enough to touch you.

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I use to have that issue, but haven't had it happen recently.  That's with me using the Venka Prime, Nikana P, and Galatine Prime.  Not sure what's still causing it to happen for others now.  Cool that the team is looking into it though.  :D

P.S.  I still find it VERY satisfying to Stealth kill nullies. 

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12 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I use to have that issue, but haven't had it happen recently.  That's with me using the Venka Prime, Nikana P, and Galatine Prime.  Not sure what's still causing it to happen for others now.  Cool that the team is looking into it though.  :D

P.S.  I still find it VERY satisfying to Stealth kill nullies. 

Cuz faq those guys

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