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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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gram grip

Description- this corpus sword was designed to deal with heavy units and looks like a massive tuning fork, designed alongside the sonicor, this weapon utilizes inmate blast damage, tho the crit is low it has a high status chance, being a tuning fork when you hit enemy's consecutively, it procs the passive attunement, causing the great sword to resonate with each hit, increasing its status chance 10% per stack up to 5 stacks. Attunement is lost upon getting knocked down or not hitting an enemy for 10 seconds.

Edited by (XB1)LUCKIESHOT77
Picture wasn't appearing
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Name; Naven Advaris.

Faction; Ancient Tenno/Infested?

Grip type; Split-sword, glaive/twin swords

Description; (also in image 1)
             Originally the expression of ancient traits in a corrupt Glaive,
                      the Naven Advaris embodies both the lost antiquity of
                              Tenno origin, and the growth of new paths.
              Whether Wielded as a glaive or twin swords, this unique
                       weapon will inspire terror that has not been felt
                               for many ages.


       Inspired by the weapon Nemesis used in Dark Sector, even the name roughly means 'reborn adversary'. In this vein, some suggestions;

>stronger but slower than glaive.
>High slash/status chance.
>Spinning shield to replace in-flight channel attack?
>Charged attack = glaive throw in both stance types?


Thank you for your creation, and for allowing us, the players, to participate in its growth.

Edited by WolvenEdge
Both; adjusted text spacing, refined notes section.
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First of all I apologize for my drawing. I really can’t draw.

Weapon name: Parasol

Faction: Tenno

Grip-type: gunblade – Redeemer.

Brief Description:

Pip pip cheerio, lady and gentle frames.

Below you’ll see the newest trend in fashionframe. Is it an umbrella? A gun? Or a blade? What I present you, Tenno, is a gunbrella (patent pending)! Enemies point their guns at you? Open your Parasol and shield yourself while letting them be dazed by your umbrella’s intricate pattern! Enemies too close? Slash their bodies with swift moves and end their lives with a well aimed shot (punch through is imminent). When not on a mission take Octavia for a date and sing to her in the rain. She’ll be head over heels.

Original Artwork:



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On 03/03/2017 at 6:30 PM, SoulXZero said:

So I came up with this pretty awesome idea (atleast i think so)
think about a weapon that works a little bit like nidus (when i say nidus i mean with transformations that are determined by some kind of given value)
i thought about a weapon that would transform (doesn't have to be a big transformation visually)
I came up with this because I really liked the concept of nidus and thought why couldn't there be weapons like this in the game
here are early concept (sorry for rough lines still trying to learn how to draw in drawing programs. and sorry for no colors still didnt come up with good color combination for the weapon) drawings by me I hope you like them

In this picture you can see the "base form" and the "awoken form" of the weapon (awoken form will be determined by how many kills you get)
base form is nothing special but the awoken form makes the magatama engulf in flames aswell as the three horn like structures
In the lower part you can see demonic like scales growing out of the weapon.
in my mind i thought that this weapons awoken form would increase its range aswell as its damage output and has a low chance to set the enemy on fire for a set amount of time(the numbers dont have to be high just and idea)

Ok so now to the point

Faction: Tenno Demonic Weapon

Brief description:   A Tenno Made Weapon That Bring Fierce Destruction And Flaming Disaster To Any Enemy That Will Come In Range This Weapons Devastating Claws Will Tear Any Enemy That Comes In Its Way This Weapon Feeds On His Enemy's Blood To Grow Stronger. This Ancient Weapon Was Wielded By The Strongest And Fearless Tenno During The War

Tapping Melee Should Use The Fist Grip Animation. Charging Should Do A Strong Punch And While in Awoken Form It Will Shoot A Short Range Fire Projectile Forwards From The Teeno If The Enemy Is Stealth Killed there should be an animation where the weapon goes strait through the enemy's heart


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The FULGOR or LANTERN is a light maze which accumulates stacks of “Reactivity” on every hit (Graphically the head of the weapon will shine strongly) and then release them on a charged attack dealing a bonus explosive damage in a wide area depending on the stacks of “Rectivity”. Longer than a regular hammer, sacrifices damage to get speed and range of attack. Passively, reaching the maximum stacks will provide the weapon an explosive proc. chance bonus.

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Type: Hammer

Physical Damage: Only Impact

Elemental Damage Type: Explosive

Stance: Crushing Ruin, Shattering Storm*

Stance Polarity: Vazarin (D)



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How about a Tenno-based sword that uses a sword stance mod like the skana, but it functions like Chroma does and essentially the energy color determines the innate element. Additionally, each element has a different innate effect:

Cold: 100% chance to proc cold status

Toxic: Each attack hit shoots out a little spore that functions like gas damage, has a slight AoE

Fire: Slightly higher base damage than the other 3

Electricity: Channeling cost decreases by 50%

Regardless of what other elements are combined into this weapon, whatever the base element is is the ability that is used. So for example if you have a cold color, and then you add Fire to change it to blast, and then add another mod to add electricity, it'll still function like the cold weapon would and proc cold status on every hit.

Each element also changes the design a little. So a "cold sword" doesn't look the same as a "fire sword" would I can add some design ideas later but I'm no artist. But I think this would be a cool idea. Anyone else agree? Disagree?

Edited by (PS4)ElementalLeaf
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Faction: Tenno (Ether)

Description: This upgraded ether reaper houses two chain whips that can be triggered with a combo. The special razor sharp blades sap the health from enemies and upon returning to their housing a small portion of health is given to the tenno. 

Grip: scythes


Edited by (PS4)Lionheart_S
image wasn't working
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On 3/26/2017 at 1:29 PM, Shad0wWatcher said:

Pretty slick sword mate also, while your permission is great, the OP does state the rule:
●    All submissions become property of Digital Extremes


The "Make the name" was towards D.E.

I'm telling them that I might not be able to make a name by the end of the contest.

But I appreciate the comment, though.

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1 hour ago, Darius_Gideon said:

The FULGOR or LANTERN is a light maze which accumulates stacks of “Reactivity” on every hit (Graphically the head of the weapon will shine strongly) and then release them on a charged attack dealing a bonus explosive damage in a wide area depending on the stacks of “Rectivity”. Longer than a regular hammer, sacrifices damage to get speed and range of attack. Passively, reaching the maximum stacks will provide the weapon an explosive proc. chance bonus.

Faction: Orokin

Weapon Type: Hammer

Physical Damage: Only Impact

Elemental Damage Type: Explosive

Stance: Crushing Ruin, Shattering Storm*

Stance Polarity: Vazarin (D)



look like a fancy pen to be honest xD

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Faction: Tenno

Description: Large, claw-grip weapon. Crafted using Sentient bones and Tenno blades. While dangerous, Sentients are undoubtedly powerful, being able to adapt to any attack. This weapon absorbs the damage type of any blocked attack, and channels it into the blades, temporarily granting bonus damage of that type.

Notes: This is a heavy weapon and has very slow attack speed but high damage and range. Special ability works when blocking (even with Reflex Guard). Special ability grants bonus damage of the blocked type equal to 40% of base damage (after mods). Lasts for 3 separate attacks that deal damage to at least one enemy.





Edited by Yasherets
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Ran out of time, so forgive me for the rough rendering I had to perform using a toaster oven on bagel setting. 

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Same as Silva & Aegis. 

Condensed Description: I present to you the Farad and Kleist, a Tenno weapon that harnesses the energy of its wielder as well as converting incoming damage, focus it, and deal great amounts of electrical damage. The Kleist (sword) deals electrical damage by consuming Tenno energy; while the Farad (shield) converts incoming fire (even when holstered) into Tenno energy and stores it. This stored energy can be discharged through the Kleist, or it can be store until reaching Capacitance. Once Capacitance is reached, the energy pool can be discharged in a single bolt of lightning that will arc from enemy to enemy.


Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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Original Description :P

I present to you the Farad and Kleist, a Tenno weapon that is cable of harnessing the energy of its wielder as well as converting incoming damage, focus it, and deal great amounts of electrical damage to any enemy foolish enough to stand in its path. The Kleist (sword) deals electrical damage by consuming tenno energy and is effected by warframe's efficiency mods; while the Farad (shield) converts incoming kinetic energy into Tenno energy at a rate of 80% efficiency while parrying, 40% while holstered on the backs of Tenno (providing a bit of extra armor), and stores it as a capacitor would. This stored energy can be discharged (as a multiplier of your base damage) through the Kleist by channeling, or it can be store within the Farad until reaching Capacitance. Once Capacitance is reached, the entire Farad energy pool (not to be confused with the Warframe's energy) can be discharged in a single bolt of lightning that will arc from enemy to enemy leaving behind a pile of ashes.  

Detail descriptions: The Kleist is a tuning fork stile sword, which represents the two layers of a capacitor and each side has a different color. Standard coloration would be brass/copper and brushed aluminium/zink as an homage to the first batteries. The Farad is a circular shield with two visual glass ports, also echoing the simple design of capacitors. When the farad is struck by incoming fire, a secondary energy shield (force field if you will) expands to twice the diameter of the original shield providing the Tenno with adequate protection. This effect only happens while parrying. 

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10 minutes ago, Yasherets said:

Faction: Tenno

Description: Large, claw-grip weapon. Crafted using Sentient bones and Tenno blades. While dangerous, Sentients are undoubtedly powerful, being able to adapt to any attack. This weapon absorbs the damage type of any blocked attack, and channels it into the blades, temporarily granting bonus damage of that type.

Notes: This is a heavy weapon and has very slow attack speed but high damage and range. Special ability works when blocking (even with Reflex Guard). Special ability grants damage of the blocked type equal to 40% of base damage (after mods). Lasts for 3 separate attacks that deal damage to at least one enemy.


Captura came just in time for PC users :( 

Nice job.

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Void Pilgrim gloves


Faction: Corpus tech Inspired by an Orokin Relic.

Brief Description: Powerful gloves used by dedicated Corpus Pilgrims in their travels to the void.

Covers the backhand and knuckles and when unequipped. Equipping the weapon makes energy "strings" to flow from the knuckle knobs. When Channeled the weapon is engulfed in "void flames" similar to Limbo's void rift effect, but only on the weapon.

When using the charged attack while channeling it will launch a void portal that banish any who touches it to the void rift. The void portal behaves under the same rules as Limbo's Rift mechanics and its affected by the Warframe's Strength, Duration, efficiency and range mods along with the Melee mods.

Original Artwork: The page keeps ignoring my pic for some reason so in the mean time here is the original directly from my Stash http://sta.sh/01op6f9vteid




Sorry if the Picture looks weird its just that its pretty hot in here and I was too inspired to notice the marks i was leaving XD

Also if you wanna add the Void Pilgrims to the game i already got quite  a bit of lore about them if your interrested ;)

Best of luck to all!



Edit: I have seen some people post a bit more info on their weapons so i might as well add my data too:


Weapon Data:

Damage: 60

Impact: 20

Puncture: 20

Slash: 20

Slide: 240

Jump: 120

Wall: 240

Attack Speed: 0.8

Crit Chance: 12%

Crit Damage: 1.5x

Proc chance: 22%

Channeling Damage: 2.5x

Mastery Rank: 7





- Unique charge attack that hits a single target right in front of the user and staggers them.

- If channeled the charge attack will shoot out a void portal that sends units to the void rift.

- Access to the void rift gives a reliable source of energy.

- Highest channeled damage of all melee weapons

- Channeled attacks can damage enemies in or out of the void rift.



- Low crit chance and crit damage.

- Slow attack speed.

- Channeled charged attack requires Energy equivalent to a Warframe ability.




- If channeled the charge attack will shoot out a void portal that sends units to the void rift.

     - The portal last for 7 seconds. Affected by Warframe's power duration.

     - The Portal will travel until it reaches 4 meters.

     - Portal is about 2 meters tall  (affected by Warframe power Range and melee range mods).

     - Last for 5 seconds  (affected by Warframe power duration mods)

     - Any unit can pass through the portal to the rift plane and follows the same rules as it would with Limbo's abilities.

     - Rift time last for 12 seconds affected by the caster's Duration mods.

     - Initial damage is affected by the weapon's Damage, melee mods and caster's power strength while transition damage is flat 300 Impact unaffected by mods.


Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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Faction: Grineer
Brief Description: A large hammer-type weapon held with two hands equal to that of Fragor and Jat Kittag, Shriark is an example of Grineer's capability to turn savagery into ingenious weaponry: this portable mineral rock cutting tool was turned into a powerful weapon after a mining incident for Grineer workers to use whenever marines aren't available. The name comes from the sound the circular saws make when cutting through ferrite and bones alike. The powercell that powers the device also provides slight electricity damage to enemies it comes in contact with.

Concept artwork:


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4 hours ago, Scharkie1333 said:

Ooph just made it intime,





Sorry If I went a bit overboard with the presentation wanted to try this kind of thing for a while :)

No Presentation version:




This is Saxas a family member to the claw weapon family.


To check out the full details of Saxas use this link: (Mobile users warned) http://extrazoom.com/image-82648.html?s=huln50x50 

I decided to make 2 special mechanics to spice it up a bit but if these seem too far from the default grip type then It can just be a normal Claw weapon, as for the folded version of this weapon when not equipped: Both ripkas venka (and prime) seem to have a magical void masking trick that hides the blades so lets just keep with the theme.


Also a huge thanks to my girlfriend for making the silhouttes for the special mechanics go check her out on DA: http://reviwolfe.deviantart.com/

Seen alot of amazing and great ideas so far keep it up all.


(in the spoiler is some more personal stuff I wanted to post, it doesnt directly relate to the concept so skip if you want)

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About 3 years (when the first melee contest ended) I joined the warframe community and was inspired by looking back at all these amazing ideas people posted, and I told myself that I wanted to reach that kind of awesomness, now a few years later the same opportunity knocks on my door and being able to join in what got me started in digital drawing and design beside all these awesome other players and Devs is something you dont see very often so a very big thank you to all.



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That's Forgotten Peace

Faction: Corpus and Grineer

Description: A large commemorative but solid war axe crafted by the Corpus and the Grineer several decades ago. It would appear that both sides had signed a ceasefire and each of them had forged one half of the axe to formalize the treaty. No one knows who broke the ceasefire first and the weapon was lost in memory and space... until today.

Forgotten Peace have high slash and electricity damage. The grineer side have a motorized saw blade like the Ripkas and several pivoting parts. The Corpus side have a laser taser blade like the Lecta but more laser than taser.

It can be used with Heavy blade stance or without stance like the Scindo or be splitted in two little axes like the Dual zoren with a Dual swords stance. In that case the grip will shrink to be able to use them in this way.



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Weapon of Discord; Acolyte who betrayed Stalker, killed for his crime.

Weapon changes form/stats dependent on stance mod installed; can use Hammer, Polearm, Stave, Heavy Blade stances.

Gauntlet deflects attacks/protect user from direct contact to beam. Weapon unlocks in mission, Stage 1 (no stance) to Stage 2 (fully formed) to stance equipped, upon getting 50 melee kills gains 2 energy regen, after 100 melee kills unlocks Stage 3 where the weapon glows brighter and gains 4 energy regen. Greatsword stance is locked,  only unlocked by getting 1000 melee kills/ single mission, stays unlocked for one week, acts as in-game weapon/ Proof of Skill.

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Using Sentient technology, the Tenno have found a way to harness the Sentient's resistant nature. The Dualyst Sword & Shield combination  presents a shield that takes in damage for its user, and grants temporary resistance to the damage types received. 




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On 3/4/2017 at 4:52 AM, Casardis said:



Faction: Infested

Brief Description: An infested amalgamate that evolved into a Gas-breathing hammer, this biological hazard digests matter, turning them into noxious particle bombs to spit at its foes. Combo counter doesn't give damage multiplier, but instead fills its Gas reserve. All attacks that create ragdoll blasts (Shattered Village combo...) send high-status, short-range Gas bombs in an AoE around you.

Explosion is affected by mods, including Reach and elements, but projectile range isn't. Number of projectiles is three times the combo multiplier, rounded up. With 1.5x, it throws 5 bombs.


Non-important trivia:

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Name taken from Sepsis.
Design inspired by Nidus, Caustacyst, Thorac Syandana, the Boiler and the Juggernaut.
The weapon is more of a heavy mace, but for the sake of identifying, as per DE's request in the OP, it's a "hammer."
Image layout inspired by RedSkittlez.

For more details, check the fan concept page.

I fully support this, Make it happen DE

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Faction : Infested

Grip Type : Tonfa (Originally Conceptualized as Katars)

Brief Description : 

      From times of being cornered and weaponless in infested domain, the Tenno had created the absolute balance of defensive and offensive forms of close combat. Found from the depths of the hive, this is the Abathur, converted from the Infested Ancient's supportive abilites the Tenno used this to survive for long periods of dueling.

      When blocking, the Abathur is combined into one, it will absorb damage and convert into a healing wave that affects all nearby allies. When in it's combative form, Abathur strikes hard but is held back by its weight and is slightly slower than others. 

Below are notes, facts and trivias :) (hopefully this doesn't count as character limit)


That is my little presentation about this concept! Below here are some notes for people to read, facts and trivia about the idea. 

1. The Abathur is basically a random name given to by a friend, I wanted to push through with Nuugo, as it means "To Absorb" in Africa

2. The Blocking stance will slow down the user as the converted effect might be too powerful (Similar to Ivara's prowl speed) but remains unaffected while blocking in mid-air or while sliding.

3. There were supposedly 3 effects for the Abathur's damage conversion buff which are "Damage Reduction, Healing, and Innate Poison on Melee" but decided to end up with the Healing buff as this was mainly made to compensate for warframes that had no sustain in their kit.

4. Directly inspired from the Infested Ancients (The big wobbly branch looking enemy that pulls you and makes squishy enemies tanky? yeah them)

5. I had 2 other pictures and 1 video showing its animation for the transition between forms, but I might get disqualified if I post more. xD

6. This was made by my friends, we we're 4 people in thinking about this and did it for the squishy frames since we get frustrated about them not healing.

7. The hit count to do the "conversion" effect would probably the same as Vaykor Sydon's 15, if not maybe 20!

Edited by Safeira
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(Rapier Grip) This style of weapon may seem clunky and unwieldy, but in the right hands it becomes a devastating force. Keeping true to the Tenno aesthetics, the lance still embraces the style of olden weapons from lost ages, whilst retaining it's functionality. While sheathed on the hip it telescopes into itself and in use, expands to it's full length again.

The unique feature of this weapon is the ability (when equipped as primary) to continuously sprint and deal damage, or  "Jousting".



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Faction: Infested

Description: An Infested stinger made into a rapier-like weapon.

Stance/Grip: Vulpine Mask

Passive: During channeling attacks, the Kidesh takes a percentage of damage dealt and stores it to the hive hand guard. Performing a slam attack will disturb the hive causing the infested gnats to spew out and attack nearby enemies. The gnats will spread to other enemies until the stored damage reaches its end. 

Performing a charged attack will inject the target with a nerve agent that will temporarily paralyze, causing the victim to rag doll to the ground.

Edited by (XB1)TqM FLOUNDER
Couple spelling errors and fixed the image link
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