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Am I the only one who feels that the Tennogen items are too expensive?


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Dont get me wrong, I appreciate the time and effort of these artists and DE, but $6 or $7 for a helmet or retexture is a bit much. I would definetley buy them more often if we got bonuses to go along with it like Plat or Boosters or you could even throw in exclusive weapons or animation sets.

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They are not too expensive.
They are too expensive for some people. Or other way aroung: Some people can't effort them. That's how you should put it. And nothing is wrong with that. That's how things are working everywhere.

Edited by WhiteMarker
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Cosmetics in video games have always been expensive but For me the only real pricing issue I have is with alt helmets as they cost almost as much as a full skin with helmet set.

Let me use Frost as an example, Frost Emperor which comes with both skin and alt helmet is for me in the UK £4.99, all of Frosts tennogen alt helmets (Jotun, Summet and Zastruga) are all £4.79.

Tennogen alt helmets are what are overpriced in my opinion.

Edited by Nova73
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49 minutes ago, Nova73 said:

Cosmetics in video games have always been expensive but For me the only real pricing issue I have is with alt helmets as they cost almost as much as a full skin with helmet set.

Let me use Frost as an example, Frost Emperor which comes with both skin and alt helmet is for me in the UK £4.99, all of Frosts tennogen alt helmets (Jotun, Summet and Zastruga) are all £4.79.

Tennogen alt helmets are what are overpriced in my opinion.

Helmet need as much work as skins because even if they are smaller, they need to make a base model where you put the textures.

I agree possibly expensive price but it still very similar to the plat value of skins made by DE.

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1 hour ago, Nova73 said:

Cosmetics in video games have always been expensive but For me the only real pricing issue I have is with alt helmets as they cost almost as much as a full skin with helmet set.

Let me use Frost as an example, Frost Emperor which comes with both skin and alt helmet is for me in the UK £4.99, all of Frosts tennogen alt helmets (Jotun, Summet and Zastruga) are all £4.79.

Tennogen alt helmets are what are overpriced in my opinion.


28 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

Helmet need as much work as skins because even if they are smaller, they need to make a base model where you put the textures.

I agree possibly expensive price but it still very similar to the plat value of skins made by DE.

....Frost Emperor has custom armor shoulders too

Anyway yeah no it's bullS#&$ XD Helmets alone have not nearly as the same value as a skin+helmet... maybe it was true a year and a half ago but not today ^^


So enjoy the low price awesome skins for as much as it lasts ;) 

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It's not whether or not it's expensive. It's just that for me personally, I don't feel that I am getting $6-$7 worth of purchase. 1 helmet for 1 frame for 1 platform does not warrant $6-$7 for me. Imagine how many more people would buy it if the price was halved, but I'm assuming DE is too scared to try that.

Edited by CherryPauper
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8 hours ago, CherryPauper said:

It's not whether or not it's expensive. It's just that for me personally, I don't feel that I am getting $6-$7 worth of purchase. 1 helmet for 1 frame for 1 platform does not warrant $6-$7 for me. Imagine how many more people would buy it if the price was halved, but I'm assuming DE is too scared to try that.

That's why they're purely cosmetical items. Imagine if the price was half and the sales were exactly the same (the most likely scenario)... there won't be any professional made tennogen item.

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I didn't want to comment, but I feel like I gotta say something: I don't think it's appropriate for content creators to be commenting on this issue, especially when those content creators are subtly arguing for prices being increased. We're the ones making money on tennogen items. Any decisions regarding costs would need to factor in what consumers are willing to pay, not how much content creators want to make. I understand, and even agree, with the argument that alt helmets+skin should be more than alt helmet alone. But I think the fact that content creators have an automatic bias in this discussion (due to profiting off of tennogen) makes it a very skewed discussion. Just my opinion, but I just don't think it's appropriate.

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It's got to be worthwhile for these artists to even work on these skins and helmets, otherwise you get less quality work. That's why the prospect of an Equinox skin or helmet maybe off putting cause it's triple the amount of work. They would have to be priced appropriately if somebody does decide to make them.

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1 hour ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I didn't want to comment, but I feel like I gotta say something: I don't think it's appropriate for content creators to be commenting on this issue, especially when those content creators are subtly arguing for prices being increased. We're the ones making money on tennogen items. Any decisions regarding costs would need to factor in what consumers are willing to pay, not how much content creators want to make. I understand, and even agree, with the argument that alt helmets+skin should be more than alt helmet alone. But I think the fact that content creators have an automatic bias in this discussion (due to profiting off of tennogen) makes it a very skewed discussion. Just my opinion, but I just don't think it's appropriate.

Yeah i understand, i just say the same thing every time there's this discussion though cause nobody ever thinks about it but it's the most important thing, if the artists make too little they'll go find another job and there won't be cool skins you'd want to buy even if they cost less.

Who's better than an actual artist to tell you how it works? ^^ Sorry if it seems unappropriated though, i didn't mean to but if my only interest in this was to make more money i would be doing only single helmets and no skins ;) 

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1 hour ago, HitsuSan said:

Yeah i understand, i just say the same thing every time there's this discussion though cause nobody ever thinks about it but it's the most important thing, if the artists make too little they'll go find another job and there won't be cool skins you'd want to buy even if they cost less.

Who's better than an actual artist to tell you how it works? ^^ Sorry if it seems unappropriated though, i didn't mean to but if my only interest in this was to make more money i would be doing only single helmets and no skins ;) 

I do agree on that. If they reduce the current prices of the Tennogen items, or make them plat only on PC, artists won't be willing to spend months making helmets and skins because it won't be worth it. You get what you pay for, and the Tennogen items are worth paying money for (I've bought several Tennogen items and they're definitely worth it imo). By the way, I'm a tennogen artist as well (used to be antoineflemming; recently changed my name). I'm not speaking just as a customer; I do understand exactly what you're saying. And I think I have to agree that the "deluxe" skins should cost more.

The way I figure it is this: A retexture, body or helmet, is worth $2.49 or so (excluding the one Tennogen item that only has a body rexture). Total, that's $4.98, so, pretty much the current $4.99 price for total reskins. Alt helmets cost $5.99, so that suggests a new mesh alone is worth $3.49, since an alt helmet has a new mesh ($3.49) and a retexture ($2.49). So, based on that, you should get $5.99 for an alt helmet and its associated texture, plus $2.49 for the body retexture, to end up with $7.49 (again, adding that extra $0.01) for the "deluxe" skin.

So, yeah, if we're going based on the pricing for total reskins and alt helmets, the price of the "deluxe" skins should be 50 cents more.

Now, I still stand by what I said. While, based on the pricing of other items, the "deluxe" skin needs to cost a little bit more and the body reskin (with no retextured helmet) should cost less, that really doesn't suggest whether or not Tennogen items are too expensive overall. This is because the cost of individual retextures (body or skin) could be too expensive. Or the cost of a new mesh could be too expensive. Whether or not the price of the Tennogen deluxe skins makes sense is barely related to whether or not Tennogen items are too expensive because the price of the deluxe skins is relative to the pricing for other Tennogen items, whereas the expensiveness of Tennogen items is based on how much money customers are willing to pay for cosmetics. As Tennogen creators, it's appropriate for us to say that an item should cost more based on the pricing for other items, but I still say it's inappropriate for us to engage in discussions on whether or not items are too expensive, or the counter point, that they aren't expensive enough. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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I definitely agree that the divide between pricing of helmets and helmet+skin is peculiarly small. 

However, I certainly think all Tennogen items brush the edge of being unreasonably expensive. I'm not afraid to spend money on Warframe - I'm probably more willing than most - but the price of Tennogen items forces me to be extremely discerning with which ones I purchase. 

I couldn't imagine an increase in price unless there are some unprecedented advancements in quality. An increase in price would definitely scare away a portion of potential buyers, and unless you're well-versed in economics and marketing, it's probably not your place to declare how much of a net change in profit an increase or decrease in price would fetch. There are people at DE who are more educated than us that make these decisions.

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10 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I definitely agree that the divide between pricing of helmets and helmet+skin is peculiarly small. 

However, I certainly think all Tennogen items brush the edge of being unreasonably expensive. I'm not afraid to spend money on Warframe - I'm probably more willing than most - but the price of Tennogen items forces me to be extremely discerning with which ones I purchase. 

I couldn't imagine an increase in price unless there are some unprecedented advancements in quality. An increase in price would definitely scare away a portion of potential buyers, and unless you're well-versed in economics and marketing, it's probably not your place to declare how much of a net change in profit an increase or decrease in price would fetch. There are people at DE who are more educated than us that make these decisions.

Yep. We definitely are in no position to say whether or not changes in price will yield a profit. We aren't even in a position to say whether or not more or less people will buy Tennogen if the prices are reduced or increased.

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2 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

 By the way, I'm a tennogen artist as well (used to be antoineflemming; recently changed my name). I'm not speaking just as a customer; I do understand exactly what you're saying. And I think I have to agree that the "deluxe" skins should cost more.

Oh hey antoineflemming :) sorry i had no idea it was you! 

And yeah what you say makes totally sense, but i hope it's clear i'm just trying to inform the users rather than discussing our personal opinion on prices ^^ 

I personally don't think that rising prices is a good idea, but lowering them to a more affordable price could very likely be deal breaker for all the artists and that's what i'm really trying to make people think about.

The rest is really on DE expert hands cause they definitely know better than anybody else what the prices should be.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Venoct said:

DE should allow buy Tennogen stuff with Platinum , something like 600-700 plat per item, it doesn't hurt anyone because people get platinum with real money.

But DE would have to pay the creators. And because of the platinum-discounts it's not easy to calculate how big of a share the creators get.

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