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Enough with the Nitain DE.


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2 hours ago, Eminem2420 said:

The only thing I find more depressing than Nitain is the people blindly defending DE. Nitain was such a bad decision to be implemented. So many obvious cash cows in WF now, its practically unplayable.

What you call blindly defending, I call reasonable explaination of how to pace your progress and obtain a stockpile.

But I'm sure someone will say you're offering a reality check while I say you're partaking in the ever so popular put down insult of white knighting and DE bashing.

Tomato, potato really.

OP; while Nitain is horrible to focus farm, it is fairly easy to passively farm it.  Just hit as many Nitain alerts as you can, reasonably, I mean, don't go neurotic and burn yourself out trying to get this stuff.

It's an item designed to slow down item acquisition and encourage playing something rlse while you wait. 

Working as intended. 

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Nitain has been around for quite some time, if you have issues with it it's because you didn't bothered with any of its alerts, therefore it's your fault.

Now if you complained about new resources like synthula you'd be spot on, especially when DE just introducced it as a reason to play Kuva fortress, they could have shoved the nitain on Kuva Fortress from now on and replace the Synthula costs for Nitain, instead, no, let's just shove yet another resource.

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I like how OP said plainly that he is not seeing enough nitain alerts at the time he usually plays, and so many people go all ''You should do nitain alerts, dude!''.

Because any player should drop everything, log on at any time of the day, and do a nitain alert, surely...

Because there is just no way for developers to make this resource work as a time gate while adding a daily mission for nitain, or adding it to syndicate offerings, right?

There are not enough time gates as it is, with 24 hour built times on forma and 3 day build times on warframes...

It's not like a player that returns from a lengthy break should be able to build stuff. It's his own fault that he went on a break, right?

It's not like a new player should be able to build stuff. It's his own fault that he didn't play this game from open beta, right?

It's not like people have lives outside of the game.

I really don't know where all those ''helpful suggestions'' like ''do the alerts every day'' and ''go ship sabotage'' come from. Do people who suggest these things really not understand that 2% chance on ship sabotage will likely make a player who has little time to play drop the game for good? Do they really think that everyone can spend a few hours every day playing the game, and keep an eye out on the event tracker every waking moment?

And what bothers me most. We got a 5k mutagen samples Hema because we have ''too much resources''.

All those people who boast they have 100+ nitain really don't understand that the next thing may need 200 with the current trend? Or will they be OK with any number that is lower than what they have?

No wonder we got ''go Derelict'' from devs when so many players are quick to suggest ''do alerts'' as an ultimate solution...

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Acquisition of stuff in Warframe basically boils down to:

  • Pay some cash/plat and get the thing right now; or
  • Do some activities in game and/or wait some time and get the thing for free

DE have tried various different mechanisms to achieve this, of which Nitain alerts is one and Argon Crystal decay is another.

At the end of the day there has to be an incentive for players to hand over cash to DE in order to keep Warframe running.

If you don't like the Nitain 'solution', then suggest something else, but it needs to satisfy the criteria above for the free acquisition method and give a real incentive for some players to simply buy the item instead.

Edited by ChuckMaverick
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19 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

Right?! That's exactly why Warframe is consistently one of the most popular games on Steam, has 40k concurrent users and that number is trending upwards!

Oh... wait.

You do realize that only a fraction of registered users actually play right? There is a reason for that. 

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9 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

You do realize that only a fraction of registered users actually play right? There is a reason for that. 

Yes, Warframe is a four year old free to play game, there will be many people who have registered at some point in time who no longer play.

Let's look at the percentage of registered users who have played in the last two weeks for some F2P games on Steam around Warframe's size...

  • Team Fortress 2: 4.52%
  • Warframe: 4.11%
  • Unturned: 3.56%

Nothing particularly concerning there.

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Just now, ChuckMaverick said:

Yes, Warframe is a four year old free to play game, there will be many people who have registered at some point in time who no longer play.

Let's look at the percentage of registered users who have played in the last two weeks for some F2P games on Steam around Warframe's size...

  • Team Fortress 2: 4.52%
  • Warframe: 4.11%
  • Unturned: 3.56%

Nothing particularly concerning there.

Ok. You can continue to ignore problems with the game. I'm not going to waste my time.

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strange why people still complaining about nitain. i only ever do the casual capture or extermination mission for nitain, but i build everthing that needs the stuff and still have more than 100 of it left. maybe some people are just too lazy for even that bit of effort...

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Is there such a thing as a longtime player who is struggling to get Nitain?  

If so, I'm curious what their playtime is. For how long do they play Warframe per day and such. I find it hard to miss an alert each day, I don't even look at the Twitter alerts.

By 1) simply playing the game and paying attention to the mission console in your liset and 2) alert popup messages in the lower right window while in-mission, you will see them all. Overlooking these two things is cause for working on paying better attention.

New players shouldn't focus on Nitain content at all, there is plenty of other things to keep you busy in the meantime. You're not going to "lose" or whatever by not having Nitain crafted items. As a matter of fact, new players have it better, they are prepared knowing they need Nitain so while going through early game content they can already start collecting them.  When Nitain was originally introduced with Wukong and its clan research, that was the only new thing for longtime players to aim for, looking fervently for quite a lot of Nitain. Especially for Moon clans needing 1100 Nitain just to cover Wukong research. New players joining existing clans will never have to go through that.

I don't recommend doing Sabotage cache farming AT ALL for Nitain.  By the time I got one after a crazy high number of missions, I already acquired 4 pieces of the Xiphos instead. Stick with the alerts.


Edit: Well look at that.  A Nitain alert as I'm typing this just popped up.

Edited by MystMan
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8 hours ago, Eminem2420 said:

You do realize that only a fraction of registered users actually play right? There is a reason for that. 

You do realize that the player counts are taken each day, right? The average number of players on at one time is still running around 20k. As I write this right now there are 27,390 in-game through Steam alone.

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17 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

You do realize that the player counts are taken each day, right? The average number of players on at one time is still running around 20k. As I write this right now there are 27,390 in-game through Steam alone.

Thats just steam, hoy many more thousands people are playing it directly through the launcher and on their console? Inbetween everything, nost likely around 60-70k players on at any one time. for a gamae as "old" as warframe, that is very impressive.

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21 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

The record of concurrent players on Warframe though steam alone was 68k+ on Nov 11th 2016, and 1.2 million hours were played in-game on that day alone. Hardly seems like the game is dying if we are setting new records of players online.

Shh! You're not supposed to mention facts that contradict the narrative people are trying to spin.

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1 hour ago, sv650racer said:

ITT: I just realize I need _____ resource and I don't have it, that's why this game sucks. :crylaugh:

Nothing to see here, move along. 

Let me fix that for you. 

I just realize I need _____ resource and I don't have it, nor do I want to farm for it. That's why this game sucks. Just give me what I want.

This is what the OP sounds like to me.

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3 hours ago, sv650racer said:

ITT: I just realize I need _____ resource and I don't have it, that's why this game sucks. :crylaugh:

Nothing to see here, move along. 


1 hour ago, imoneoldfart said:

Let me fix that for you. 

I just realize I need _____ resource and I don't have it, nor do I want to farm for it. That's why this game sucks. Just give me what I want.

This is what the OP sounds like to me.

Let me fix that for both of you:

I just realized I need Nitain, but I don't know when I'll be able to get what I need since DE only has it drop from alerts that I may miss due to my daily life or with a 2% drop chance from Sabotage missions, so I may not be able to get any for a very long time depending on what happens in my daily life.

I will never understand why players who are able to make every alert think absolutely everyone can, therefore no one should ever complain about it. There's an old saying that comes to mind; kind of goes along the lines of "Just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean it's not a problem for everyone else."

I personally have a fair amount of Nitain (a little over 30 currently), but ever since starting my job with a constantly changing schedule, today was the first time in two weeks I logged on in time to do a Nitain alert, so I side with those who see the way we acquire this resource as a problem. I'll admit that some times it's because I come home too exhausted to even bother loading up Warframe to see what's going on, but even then, why should players be punished for not being online at an exact moment that DE decided was the only time to get something we need? As a whole, we need better, more absolute ways to get Nitain if DE is going to keep adding it to builds (which seems to be getting much more common), and I can think of two ways players have asked DE to do so that could help everyone:

  1. Keep the four daily Nitain alerts, but make them each run for six hours (the easy solution)
  2. Add Nitain to the Uranus drop table as a rare resource, maybe with a Mutagen Sample level of rarity. The flavor text of the resource says it's "produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms," so it would make sense to get it from a planet that is pretty much nothing more than a lab under an ocean (the practical solution)
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On 3/11/2017 at 8:47 PM, Rawbeard said:

"Nitain alert on? nah. don't need it" *few weeks later* "I need Nitain? DE stahp!" :facepalm:

^This. This. This! F***ing THIS!!!

I'd bet $100 that the majority of people who complain about Nitain don't do the alerts unless they need it immediately. If you don't plan ahead then that is your own fault.


On 3/12/2017 at 1:00 PM, Flirk2 said:


We say "do alerts" because the solution is to do the alerts. Nobody logs in 4 times a day just for Nitain, that's nuts and it's a terrible argument. What we do is we do the alerts when they pop up. That's it. We just do them whenever we see them and it gradually stockpiles. Then when something comes along and needs 20 Nitain, well look at that you already have 17 saved up, and suddenly it's not much of an issue.

Very few, and I mean very few players have a legitimate issue with their schedule that makes Nitain almost impossible. I feel for those players, I really do. RL always comes first, and if their schedule is so incredibly inflexible that they can only play for a small and specific time period then that's unfortunate. If you are a member of that 0.01% of the playerbase, then you're better off trading for plat and buying the thing you want outright.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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6 hours ago, Fukushu said:


Let me fix that for both of you:

I just realized I need Nitain, but I don't know when I'll be able to get what I need since DE only has it drop from alerts that I may miss due to my daily life or with a 2% drop chance from Sabotage missions, so I may not be able to get any for a very long time depending on what happens in my daily life.

I will never understand why players who are able to make every alert think absolutely everyone can, therefore no one should ever complain about it. There's an old saying that comes to mind; kind of goes along the lines of "Just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean it's not a problem for everyone else."

I personally have a fair amount of Nitain (a little over 30 currently), but ever since starting my job with a constantly changing schedule, today was the first time in two weeks I logged on in time to do a Nitain alert, so I side with those who see the way we acquire this resource as a problem. I'll admit that some times it's because I come home too exhausted to even bother loading up Warframe to see what's going on, but even then, why should players be punished for not being online at an exact moment that DE decided was the only time to get something we need? As a whole, we need better, more absolute ways to get Nitain if DE is going to keep adding it to builds (which seems to be getting much more common), and I can think of two ways players have asked DE to do so that could help everyone:

  1. Keep the four daily Nitain alerts, but make them each run for six hours (the easy solution)
  2. Add Nitain to the Uranus drop table as a rare resource, maybe with a Mutagen Sample level of rarity. The flavor text of the resource says it's "produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms," so it would make sense to get it from a planet that is pretty much nothing more than a lab under an ocean (the practical solution)

This person gets it.

Aww...sanity and rationality. Breath of fresh air.

Hang in there.

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8 hours ago, CherryPauper said:

You can farm caches from void sabotage missions for Nitain. It will also give you a chance to farm for Bullet Dance which you can sell for a lot of plat. That's what I used to do when there wasn't a Nitain alert.

Yes, but the chances of getting the Nitain are extremely low, and you need to get all three caches.

Shoot, even with a maxed Thief's Wit mod and Animal Instinct it takes what feels like an hour or more just to get all three. Forget running it multiple times until RNGesus favors me. 

I think I only ever got all three once since I came back to Warframe, and that was because I needed to for a Junction.

Thankfully I have all the time in the world to get Nitain from Alerts and plenty of time to spend checking every nook and cranny for caches- but some people have jobs, children, significant others...

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8 hours ago, Silvus-Sol said:

What we do is we do the alerts when they pop up.

I'm sorry, what part of:

On 13.03.2017 at 1:00 AM, Flirk2 said:

he is not seeing enough nitain alerts at the time he usually plays

Was not clear?

I mean, I can understand not having a problem with Nitain.

What I don't understand is not seeing that there can be a problem.

Your ''solution'' implies a player is on-line while the alert is on AND he is on-line every day.

There is more than 100 total nitain needed at the moment. There will be even more nitain in future blueprints.

I really don't get why is it so easy to ignore a problem that doesn't bother you personally, and ignore that it may bother you down the line if the trend goes on.


8 hours ago, CherryPauper said:

You can farm caches from void sabotage missions for Nitain.

Here we go.

2% chance.

A sabotage mission with finding all 3 caches is at least 15 minutes long.

Good luck spending about 12.5 hours on t4 (4x damage from mobs) sabotage for every nitain extract...

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On 12.03.2017 at 0:58 PM, JalakBali said:

The only way for you to have problems with not having enough nitain now is either:

1) You're building newer things while skipping older ones

2) You never bothered to grab nitain when an alert was on before this

3) He didn't play for long, came back now, new content came all demanding nitain (not just primes, but also archwing, dojo stuff) so now he wants the missing stuff but needs to wait 5 days (assuming you get 1 nitain alert a day) to build one part of Vauban, which takes 19 days (plus 72h of building) to build 1 frame, and where is the rest? 

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17 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

I'm sorry, what part of:

Was not clear?

I mean, I can understand not having a problem with Nitain.

What I don't understand is not seeing that there can be a problem.

There is more than 100 total nitain needed at the moment. There will be even more nitain in future blueprints.

I really don't get why is it so easy to ignore a problem that doesn't bother you personally, and ignore that it may bother you down the line if the trend goes on.

I do understand that there is a problem for a small percentage of the playerbase, in fact the whole bottom half of my post is about that. But that doesn't mean we should try to balance around that small group of people. "If 1 out of 1,000 can't get a thing, then let's change the whole system." Sounds like a recipe for disaster because there is always someone who won't get something.

The real problem is that DE can't make heads or tails of the legitimate Nitain criticism and suggestions, and the people who are just b****ing because they didn't plan ahead and want their thing now. Because the people that are just b****ing use the exact same arguments as those that aren't.


17 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

Your ''solution'' implies a player is on-line while the alert is on AND he is on-line every day.

Of course he'd have to be online when the alert is, and no that he does not mean he has to be online every day. It just means that he does them when he sees them, even if he doesn't need the Nitain at that moment. If it is completely impossible for him to see them due to RL restrictions, then that sucks, but he is an exception and not the rule.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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On 3/12/2017 at 1:07 AM, Varacal said:

and that is why you should always do nitain alerts even when you dont need it

I do this too and sitting with more than 130 nitain and 150+ of mutagen mass, detonite injector and fieldron.

OP you should probably use warframe alert app or deathsnack.

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