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Ferrox and it's alt fire


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Hey everyone, 

Just thought I'd leave some initial feedback on this weapon and it's alt fire. I love the design, it looks amazing and it's sound effects for it's primary fire are great! The primary is really solid and it's reliable. Fun even with the charge time. 

What lets this weapon down is it's alt fire. I figured I'd give it a fair chance, so I equipped my nezha, threw my shield on and then went hunting enemies. Every single time I threw the spear I immediately regretted it. Not only are enemies not cc'd in the slightest other than a simple movement tether but I'm also then left running into a pack of enemies with their guns still working and peppering me with bullets. It really makes the weapon feel bad, especially when it seems your main method of killing things if you use its secondary fire.. is actually killing things with another weapon. If this is designed to be that way, can we at least disarm the enemies hit or make them into lightning rods like volts ult for the duration? If it actually disabled enemies rather than just losing your primary weapon for defending yourself just to tether enemies then maybe we'd have a reason to use that. 

(and incase it comes up.. No i don't want to just cc things with my frame. If i did there still would be no point to its alt fire since i'd already have them locked in place anyway, which still makes the tether pointless)

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I agree. My biggest gripe with this weapon is that there's no real reason to throw it. Its CC effect starts 5 seconds after it is thrown which makes no sense. It also does negligible damage when initially thrown and has no real AOE damage upon impact.

EDIT: Actually, there is a reason to throw it: If you get tired of the game and just want to kill yourself.

Edited by CherryPauper
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42 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

What lets this weapon down is it's alt fire. I figured I'd give it a fair chance,

You're a better man than I.  I didn't even give it a fair chance before I submitted a total rewrite suggestion, but it got lost in the wave of other ferrox feedback and few noticed it. Feel free to look.

I've since used it pretty extensively and my feelings haven't changed.

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It havent come to consoles yet but I feel that the alt fire has no real reason to be an alt fire. I just dont understand why anyone would use it. Now instead of the tether effect. If it had the ability to lift enemies in the air like Bastille (But not give it the same visual look bastille has) then that would be pretty dope.

Or better yet, the weapon alt fire has the ability to take gravity in a certain radius. When u throw it. The end of the weapon will glow taking away the gravity and enemies will float in the air like Titanias ability. Of course when u pick it back up. Enemies in the air will drop or when they float out of the prefered radius.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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i never throw it. its primary fire is too amazing. BEFORE i put in vital sense(crit dmg), i was leveling the thing on ivara. 32k yellow crit headshots. and no body left behind for easy stealth chains. yeah. thats back.

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