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Update 9: Vor's Revenge


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"New star map functionality with Cinematic dioramas."



This is HUGE S#&$ !

Everything on esthetic to the detriment of the ergonomics.


This update isn't bad, but a lot of choices are debatable and this one is the worst.


1) Click on a mission

2) No player ? Don't want to play alone / host

3) Oh ! Players on this map !  OR  I gonna try this one, or this one or this one.

4) Fast, easy, effective


Now :

1) Click on a mission

2) @(*()$ stupid zoom with stupid cinematic.

3) No player ? Can't see other maps so echap

4) Try another mission.

5) No player ? Echap again

6) this several times

7) Finally.


Yes, the less clicks necessary, the better. This should be cardinal.

Before Update 9, whenever there were multiple alerts running, I could just click my way down the list and know straight away which ones, if any, had BP/artifact rewards but now I have to press escape twice between each one.

Also, I can no longer tell which nodes I haven't done yet.

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Love the update however there are a lot of fold that yet need to be ironed but this is a normal thing.

Auras: I may be one of very few persons that actually like the new approach - it adds some depth to each frame (e.g. Frost is primary tank - it makes sense that he is best suited for boosting squad with defensive auras). I don't even mind they eat from mod capacity pool. People are just too used to old system.

Nightmare Mode: It surely could be more beginner-friendly. On the other hand... this is war after all. Think about it as of enemy regrouping his forces - you don't have influence on that. Skull nodes rotates every few hours just like enemy forces moves during conflict.

Stellar Map: Looks awesome, it finally resembles rail, sadly lacks functionality. Vote indicator is must-have. Nodes could use some clear colour code.

All in all great job DE!


4. While the old starmap was completely functional and mostly usable, they decided to rework the map and do nothing for the mod management UI, which was nor functional nor usable since stone ages.
I still have to scroll 60 pages (they still not fixed the display of that number of pages so I see only "next" button and pages starting from 7) of mods to find what I need, and I need to do that again and again since there are no loadouts and I even can't use same mod in two guns or frames.

I believe that new Foundry supposed to be sneak-peak of whole new UI so mods window could be reworked even ATM. Sadly there was a bug and Foundry interface was temporary reverted.

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Thanks DE. You destroyed your game with update 9. Your aura idea is bad because many frames have no capacity for these mods. And because aura slots are polarised. So now I can choose only from 2 aura mods for my Mag, Ember or Banshee? No Energy Siphon, no Enemy Radar, no Rejuvenation anymore for these frames? Game became very difficult for new players especially on solo mode. This mode is impossible hard especially on last planets and missions even for high leveled frames. Why did you not balance it? Your Solar system map, mission map, match lobby and mod window are still very uncomfortable and non-informative. Your new frame has a worst design I've ever saw in this game.

You had to spend more time working on this update. Many bugs now. Very bad. -_-

Edited by AntLion
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Thanks DE. You destroyed your game with update 9. Your aura idea is bad because many frames have no capacity for these mods. And because aura slots are polarised. So now I can choose only from 2 aura mods for my Mag, Ember or Banshee? No Energy Siphon, no Enemy Radar, no Rejuvenation anymore for these frames? Game became very difficult for new players especially on solo mode. This mode is impossible hard especially on last planets and missions even for high leveled frames. Why did you not balance it? Your Solar system map, mission map, match lobby and mod window are still very uncomfortable and non-informative. Your new frame has a worst design I've ever saw in this game.

You had to spend more time working on this update. Many bugs now. Very bad. -_-

Just because you thinks it's bad doesn't mean it's bad in general. Learn to use expressions like "I think" or "in my opinion". Many people like U9 however words of appreciation are easily drowned by loud sound of cry.



Any word on the Raptor's drop glitch? I understand that part drops are supposed to be rare (I have eight warframes all level 30) but it doesn't drop a single thing. Once, in about ten runs it dropped a single mod. What's going on?

Got all Nova parts in 6 runs.

Edited by xGryphus
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Guys I know you're working hard to keep the updates and bug fixes commig and we all appreciate the help. 

But please for all that is holy no mission should REQUIRE crazy parkor multi jumps just to reach the exit.   (Infested mission on a Graneer ship, with a big circular tower in the middle of the room you have to run up walls jump from platform to platform.)


I'm not saying the game shouldn't be without challenge but the rewards for developing parkor skills should be access to addional chests NOT mission enders for those of us who havent figured out how to make 4 perfect jumps with multiple direction changes at the same time.


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YESSSSSSSSSSS im so excited! ! ! 



that... kind of sucks. Well, at least it's going to be really rewarding when you get paris prime :P

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Just because you thinks it's bad doesn't mean it's bad in general. Learn to use expressions like "I think" or "in my opinion".

I said it's bad because it's bad. And it's obvious fact to me. Update 9 has many issues. It brought more negative things than positive. And don't learn me what I have to write.


Many people like U9 however words of appreciation are easily drowned by loud sound of cry.

Many people don't think. Or haven't tried U9 yet.

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i need to know why i have crazy crappy framrates hosting games now? almost everyone in my clan prefferred i hosted because of my hardware and internet, yet right after the patch after the update 9, hosting is pointless. voids, regular missions - my clanmates are running in place for 8 seconds, yet none of this occurs when i solo t1,2,3 and regular missions - no framerate drop and buggyness.


clanmates in europe and texas reported no lag as i hosted all sorts of warframe fun before the patch. now it's $&*&*#(%&. i currently dont host because of this issue. is this being looked into?

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I like this update, but I don't like what they did with the artifacts, because some of them are not good now as before ((
For example, Energy Siphon (it was my favorite artifact), earlier  gives an energy every 2 seconds, and now it must be lvl up to the maximum level for
to obtain energy through the same again every 2 seconds, it's not fair ((

p.s. sorry for english if something not correct

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I generally do like the new Aura system, replacing the old artifact one.
Yeah, its a lot harder now due to being forced to contribute some of your mod space for a toned down energy siphon, but some mods do scale pretty well with some frame. My particular favourite is Rifle Amp, with is current 22.5% bonus to my Rhinos Hek. It does balance things, since mostly only Energy Siphon was used by everyone. Now people have to scale their bonuses according to the frame they are using.
I agree though that some of the Auras should be buffed, since unupgraded Energy Siphon/ Rejuvenation is just bad and even at top, its still not that worth it. I hope that some of these Auras will be rebalanced or their cost mod capacity be retwinkled, to allow people use them more effectivly


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Guys I know you're working hard to keep the updates and bug fixes commig and we all appreciate the help. 

But please for all that is holy no mission should REQUIRE crazy parkor multi jumps just to reach the exit.   (Infested mission on a Graneer ship, with a big circular tower in the middle of the room you have to run up walls jump from platform to platform.)


I'm not saying the game shouldn't be without challenge but the rewards for developing parkor skills should be access to addional chests NOT mission enders for those of us who havent figured out how to make 4 perfect jumps with multiple direction changes at the same time.


I completely agree with this, since when did Warframe become a side scroller platform game, took me almost a half hour to figure it out, the only reason I did not abort was because I needed the plastids, which I did not know we can buy mats now, that was my bad for not reading through the update notes. You won't see me in that part of the galaxy from now on.

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Control Modules no longer rare and drop from lockers and destructible cylinders...  (intended? doubt it) 0o

I reported (added to thread in bug forum). Am I supposed to stop playing until it is fixed in order to not get them? (feels like an exploit)

I got Nova systems, used my last one, then decided to go get more from Neptune boss, but got 3 in that instance from lockers. Then I began getting them in Europa from lockers as I try to get other Nova parts. (!?)


Ran into that map selection bug today. moved stars (mouse click and drag) after picking a planet and could not click a location to play. I hit escape then went back to planet and could then pick a location again.


other than that, Great Update! (still wondering that that "Robotech" comment in livestream 8 was about and expecting my head to explode at some point)

Edited by Floham
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Some of the new graphical changes are very pleasing, but my biggest gripe would have to be the loss of color coding on the mission select screen. There doesn't seem to be a way to tell which missions have been played, just whether or not they have been unlocked. Not being able to tell who has clicked on a mission when count down starts is kind of disappointing, but not being able to reliably cancel the mission count-down is even worse. Sometimes I am able to cancel a mission count down that I started, but most of the time it doesn't work. Pressing escape during count-down should be made to cancel.

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