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Telos boltace nerf


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40 minutes ago, Polterghozt said:

Yeah, because reducing your whole gameplay to just spamming slide attacks and macroing it like people did in 2013 is incredibly fun and not harmful to the game at all.

It's not "harmful" for the game at all. And neither were all other weapons/effects.

Or what, mobs complained to you?

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1 hour ago, .Fire_Fly. said:

okaaay found it



well i got nothing nice to say so i'll just leave this link


thanks for that info.

I liked everything that was written in that thread, except for one thing; WHY would they buff the Synoid Simulor of all things? if anything that gun should have been nerfed ages ago. glad a bout the Tonkor changes, but Synoid Simulors, often wielded by Mirage, are FAR more prevalent. I suppose the buffs to underused weapons make up for this to me personally, but this will only help the Spamulor community even more, and I doubt everyone will be happy about that.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

thanks for that info.

I liked everything that was written in that thread, except for one thing; WHY would they buff the Synoid Simulor of all things? if anything that gun should have been nerfed ages ago. glad a bout the Tonkor changes, but Synoid Simulors, often wielded by Mirage, are FAR more prevalent. I suppose the buffs to underused weapons make up for this to me personally, but this will only help the Spamulor community even more, and I doubt everyone will be happy about that.

Truth? I'm actually kinda annoyed about the Tonkor changes ( I don't like or use the weapon fwiw).

Unless something strange happened, it's not the "be all end all" for damage anymore. It definitely was an outlier, but it doesn't appear to be now, so why nerf it?

After it's last adjustment, it got eclipsed by other weapons and now it appears to mainly be a weapon for folks that actually like it and new players trying to contribute in tougher content.

The changes basically make it a deathtrap to use and more likely to kill the user than to reliably kill enemies... It's a dead weapon if the changes go through as is.

The balance adjustment doesn't seem so balanced in this case imo.

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15 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I would rather it just always suck things in (to your insane slide damage) without the "explosive" secondary spin attack, it would be more reliable and, IMO, useful.

Personally, I would be perfectly fine with this vacuum-enemy mechanic and only this. The second mechanic is unnecessary and "too creative."

I, on the other hand, dislike cooldowns in general. Warframe is a high-paced robotic space ninja horde shooter hunter genre, long cooldowns are a dread to player interest. I don't want to be placed on a timer to use the Telos Boltace's special effect.

Also, most of us used Telos Boltace as box openers for missions to help us find Ayatans on the field. I really don't know and/or fear how the Telos Boltace nerf is going to affect our looting experience.

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5 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

I'm hoping the changes stop people macro spamming it with bright colours so I can once more see where I'm going, what I'm shooting etc.


See, I always used a dark energy color for my Telos Boltace but I sympathize about how annoying the particle effects can be when peeps use a bright energy color. The visuals and audio effects could have been reworked, not the original weapon mechanic itself.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on when feedback is taken into account during this "Weapon Balance Pass" thinktank was happening.

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When people spin spam with the telos boltace, or mirage spamulor, you're making the game incredibly boring for your fellow group members. If you're sticking to solo play, all rights to you to complain, but these spammers are not only taking away all the fun by kill stealing, they're unbelievably blinding with all the vortexes and partical effects. 

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On 3/23/2017 at 10:52 AM, FashionFrame said:

When people spin spam with the telos boltace, or mirage spamulor, you're making the game incredibly boring for your fellow group members. If you're sticking to solo play, all rights to you to complain, but these spammers are not only taking away all the fun by kill stealing, they're unbelievably blinding with all the vortexes and partical effects. 

Tbqh, I wouldn't be too concerned about this. There will be other things that will killsteal and rob you of your fun anyway, regardless of what the current meta has/had to offer.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Tbqh, I wouldn't be too concerned about this. There will be other things that will killsteal and rob you of your fun anyway, regardless of what the current meta has/had to offer.


So far, none that can compare to those silly weapons. We'll see in future weapon releases, but in the mean time, we all must celebrate that these weapons are getting "nerfs" that were well overdue 

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Relentless combination with gas build with a touch of invisibility... and maiming strike on boltace became a joke. Tested the heck out of this weapon to get this build right. Didn't slept for 2 days straight because I knew there was potential in this weapon. So I grinded heavily for the mods and oh boi when I got the build right. LVl 125 bombards just melted in 1-2 strikes. When accounted for AOE..It had insanely high dps compared to most other weapons, although it still wasn't really a one shot kill type since you had to raise counters but it wasn't even a challenge.

Ah.....I am sad now, really really sad. TBH telos wasn't my best weapon..heck, It was neither my best melee nor my most favorite one. I got the maiming strike and I didn't even use it on boltace... But still I really enjoyed this weapon. I am a huge melee fan. I don't even care about other nerfs but this one got me really hard. I was the guy who was always pestering my friends to play this game but now, my motivation has took a severe blow. I don't know who to blame, myself..developers or community for spamming the S#&$ out of this weapon.One or two more such nerfs and I don't think I will have the will to continue playing this game anymore. 

They (DE) say that there is no stats change but there is a mechanic change. That is one way to present it. Other way is that they killed a weapon and replaced it with other weapon. My beloved boltace is gone..even if the new mechanic rocks, I will still have to bear the loss of the previous one.   

Dear DE, there is a difference between balancing and killing stuff. You could have ran some numbers to estimate its damage potential and adjust stats accordingly, not too high and not too low but you went too far. I know you guys did it with good intentions but still you ought to know that your decision hurted someone . 

I am now going to see if I can make the new boltace worthwhile with some testing but I think I will most probably end up deleting it. Same goes for Relentless combination. There are just 8 mod slots on a weapon and relentless combination is not worth to replace some other mod with it. For it to be viable for other weapon I will need a weapon with insanely high status chance with slash as a base and really really good reach to get multi hits to get counters up fast.

Nope, I am neither lazy and nor am I uncapable of keeping melee counter up, but there are just better alternatives. I should have been happy about this update but this nerf ruined it.

Now if you are looking to ahem ahem..balance some more  weapons, PM me. 

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The new mechanic sounded... interesting, but in practice I have to say it's frustratingly bad. As in it makes them worse than all the other tonfas to play with. You hit before anything gets dragged to you and you push before you hit - In other words, whenever the ability "works" they're utterly useless.

I feel fairly confident saying that this was not tested in any sufficient way, if at all.

I've said all of this before and I pretty much foresaw the change being too drastic a nerf to be warranted. If the damage had been cut by half, I would've been just fine with it, but this pull/push mechanic is straight up trash.

I'll be honest, they were not in line with the rest of the arsenal at our disposal and as such they were considerably "OP". But they were fun, which is a lot more than I can say for most of Warframe, which is trivialized by every single person you play with from some other powerful combo.

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Hope DE learnt their lesson and to fix weapons that are getting out of hand immediately to avoid all these tears.

Telos Boltace (Sept'16), Tonkor (April'15) & Synoid Simulor (Sept'15). What took you guys so long jeezzzzz.

Only have yourself to blame DE for the mess right now. 

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I never really used the Telos Boltace for its damage anyway, I have my Atterax for that.

I am a little sad that my favourite box opener has been neutered, now my best alternative seems to be the Ignis, which is nowhere near as convenient and means I have no choice of primary if I want easy medallion hunting.

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On 22.3.2017 at 10:35 PM, Husla said:

Vortex idea is cool but having that 2nd slide effect seems unnecessary.

On 22.3.2017 at 11:13 PM, DrBorris said:

I would rather it just always suck things in (to your insane slide damage) without the "explosive" secondary spin attack, it would be more reliable and, IMO, useful.

Have to agree, generally the change sounded interesting and not too bad, though im really missing the slash proc all around me :(

But after trying it out it's a real hassle to use..especially with the cooldown. The sucking in Vortex is nice in such a way, that you dont need that big range, you bring the enemies towards you! The second one of course would be useful if you just wanna get through without taking too much damage. But the problem with how it works now is that its too unreliable, you cant really control when to have which effect, and that it just switches one after the other doesnt help.

Either find a way to be able to CHOOSE which effect you want (though I dont know how really, im thinking of it similar, like with some abilities of warframes where you can cycle through - but I guess for a weapon thats too abstract

Or make it suck only.

I personally would like the first possibility a lot but no idea how to make it that way. Anyways, the way it is now is really bad.



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