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Helminth Cyst feedback


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TL;DR I bolded the only lines that have even the smallest possibility of mattering to you guys.

This Cyst mechanic is the worst thing that any game has ever put me through, and I have been gaming for 20+ years.  It would be fine if I didn't have to relive it every time I get a new warframe. At this point it irks me to the point that I immediately leave any group I enter that has a Nidus in it.

Your probably ignoring me at this point because no relevance to $$$, so I'll throw this in. The Helminth virus specifically lost you $$$ the other day. A small amount in the grand scheme of things, but lost $$$ is lost $$$. A friend knew that I wanted a limbo, so he offered me his 50% off coupon to gift it me it. I was tempted to buy some plat and send it to him in exchange for the coupon. In the end decided not to pay you guys $$$ for plat to get Limbo because I know that the he is just going to immedately get infected as soon as I get him and I'll be unable to play him for a week until I can get rid of it.

Edited by (XB1)Timidobserver
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15 minutes ago, LazyW0lf said:

What? Hasn't console gotten the mechanic to remove the cyst by going into the infected room?

You can only remove is after 7 days thus the last 15 or so words of my post. So, basically, every warframe you make has to have it for 7 days since you'll eventually cross paths with someone that will infect you. This is my understanding of the way this works.

Edited by (XB1)Timidobserver
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4 minutes ago, Nezha_Rose said:

Get infected, paint your frame cancerous pink. close him in the shame corner for 7 days, open it back, poke the cyst, profit.

This is beside the point. It's the feedback section. The point of the post was to express my negative feedback and let DE, who most likely doesn't care, know that the whole thing irks me enough that I opted to pass on a 50% off coupon that would have resulted in me giving them money.

Edited by (XB1)Timidobserver
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My question is - what is your problem with the Cyst?   Are you that bothered by a Pink thing with tentacles on your neck?   And if you are so bothered by it, why not go ahead and just remove the cyst in the room that allows you to do so?   All you have to do is take your frame, walk into a room have it removed and poof gone.   

As is I found the cyst a bit disconcerting at first - I mean it is this pink thing that sits on your neck and after a while tentacles pop out.  But I honestly enjoy that the cyst exists.  It honestly adds a little bit of atmosphere, and let's be honest.  The helminth chargers/infected Kubrows that you can get from it are simply adorable. (Love my little charger - named him Precious and I'm frankly very hestitant to mature him because I love the cute puppy that roams around on my ship and has no risk of dying :3  But I digress.) 

So now my question is that you have this problem - but why not make a suggestion on how to change it in a way that is to your liking? Because it is doubtful that just saying oh well you didnt get money because of this... will fix it. :>

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1 minute ago, GlitchedGirl said:

My question is - what is your problem with the Cyst?   Are you that bothered by a Pink thing with tentacles on your neck?   And if you are so bothered by it, why not go ahead and just remove the cyst in the room that allows you to do so?   All you have to do is take your frame, walk into a room have it removed and poof gone.   

As is I found the cyst a bit disconcerting at first - I mean it is this pink thing that sits on your neck and after a while tentacles pop out.  But I honestly enjoy that the cyst exists.  It honestly adds a little bit of atmosphere, and let's be honest.  The helminth chargers/infected Kubrows that you can get from it are simply adorable. (Love my little charger - named him Precious and I'm frankly very hestitant to mature him because I love the cute puppy that roams around on my ship and has no risk of dying :3  But I digress.) 

So now my question is that you have this problem - but why not make a suggestion on how to change it in a way that is to your liking? Because it is doubtful that just saying oh well you didnt get money because of this... will fix it. :>


-I have a charger already. I don't need the virus on every single frame I make.

-I've said 3 or 4 different times between my main post and the responses to other people that I know this thread doesn't matter and won't "fix" it.

-I was already aware of that suggestion and it is already what I do. As I said before, that is beside the point.

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10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Timidobserver said:

-I've said 3 or 4 different times between my main post and the responses to other people that I know this thread doesn't matter and won't "fix" it.

So uh.... why try then if you believe this? Awareness?

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

Waiting for RNG to be added to the cyst. If you get a cyst beard you can grow mini Laphantis. 

But I do think it was a weird decision to grow a blemish in a game that makes its money (I am guessing a nice bit) on cosmetics. 

I am more or less okay with the Cyst being a thing. It's a part of the story of warframe after all. It's the week on each and every warframe to get it off that is bothersome. Assuming that there isn't some way to avoid it that I am just unaware of, their should be some way to avoid it after you have dealt with it once. 

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Timidobserver said:

and I'll be unable to play him for a week until I can get rid of it.

I'll be honest when I say that you are not the first player I've met that has the same mindset about the cyst. He went on the exactly same rant about not being able to play X frame for a week because of the cyst, "because he didnt want to help spread this system".

What is physicaly or virtually stopping you from playing the frame? A small pink pimple that you can remove after a while and you barely notice it unless you play the entire game looking at your frame's neck?

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8 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

I'll be honest when I say that you are not the first player I've met that has the same mindset about the cyst. He went on the exactly same rant about not being able to play X frame for a week because of the cyst, "because he didnt want to help spread this system".

What is physicaly or virtually stopping you from playing the frame? A small pink pimple that you can remove after a while and you barely notice it unless you play the entire game looking at your frame's neck?

Nothing is stopping me? I just don't want to look at it thus my feedback in the feedback section.

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I agree. In a game where we PAY MONEY for cosmetics, it's ridiculous that one is FORCED onto our frames whenever we come into contact with anyone who has it and then proceed to wait for 7 days. DE Should allow any warframe with a cyst at any point of growth to have it removed. I would hope that the term "Ninjas play free" doesn't only apply to the economic side of the game. Why can't we be free to choose how the characters we spend lots of time working on and customizing look? Say what you will, but i'm admittedly salty and in my eyes, for good reason.

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Another one? Another one.

Lemme guess....when something amazing happens with the CYST, you are gonna jump on the Bandwagon of "I always knew there was gonna be something cool about the cyst" just as the players that got rid of the Quest frames because they "sucked" and then later found out how great they can be? Or maybe your in the same camp as those that hated LIMBO before the change and now play him? Better yet....you chill with those that despised the idea of a Bullet Jump....but use it to travel around the game at breakneck speeds nowadays?

You did not cost DE money....you lost out on a 50% coupon to get LIMBO. Trust me when i tell you that DE is not sitting there looking at your screen yelling "GET LIMBO!!! I NEED TO EAT DINNER TONIGHT!!"

The cyst is a starting point for many things in the game. First and foremost is to see what reaction the pretty boys will do when something is attached to them for 7 WHOLE DAYS with a way to remove it. Will they toss tables and crush keyboards and write letters in droves? Yeah....they will. Second was to test out certain ideas they may have in their creative minds for the GAME THEY CREATED to bring some difference to the table. Thirdly, it is part of a storyline that will be done over time to make the "agonizing and annoying" start something to be talked about when you and your ilk are done with the game- Remember when people complained about the cyst and now everyone is trying to get them back on their Frames for the X power it gave?

Or it might get discontinued as too much puffing of chests and tears falling over something inside a video game. You gotta recall that EVERYTIME that DE places something into this game for FREE, it could be something entirely in another game to be sold. Imagine seeing a game where NIDUS is the main character and he infests the enemies to make them into his soldiers to wage a war against a corporation that wants to control the planet. How about a Stealth killing game where ASH is the ninja betrayed by his clan and goes on a revenge trip. These are all things that might have happened but instead, they put them into the game to play.

Its a little programming that you allowed yourself to let it control you more than you controlling it. Congrats.....what is that saying? Oh yeah....you played yourself.

Find something you enjoy and do that as long as it does not harm others. Peace be to you and your mind.

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nidus isent the only cause, some players actually like that thing and leaving it on other frames, so you could get infect by a nova/ vauban/ anything with the cysct on them.

i dont think you can get infected from nidus unless he actually use the chair, and considering he can get infected by other players, then putting the blame and avoid that one spesific frame is kind of a bad judgement call.

would have prefered if that thing would only show itself after its fully matured, like it dos with new frames (even if its a bug (?)) so its not visible untill you can use it for pet or remove it.

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21 hours ago, Insizer said:

I thought console got the permanent fix for the cysts.  You'll have to revisit the dentist chair from hell to take off the cyst and prevent your frame from ever getting it again.

We did, a long while ago.  I don't know how people can be so horrendously obsessed over something that, on some frames (Inaros, Nekros, Chroma immediately come to mind), isn't but barely visible, let alone problematic.

Heck, I've gotten so used to seeing them I look right over the thing, I keep forgetting I can get rid of them because it doesn't even matter.

Also I'm waiting til the next Hotfix so I can get myself a nice, fresh new Helminth.  I've already got the standard one, certainly just me being crazy, but I want to wait til the update to make a new one.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Zashukitsune said:

We did, a long while ago.  I don't know how people can be so horrendously obsessed over something that, on some frames (Inaros, Nekros, Chroma immediately come to mind), isn't but barely visible, let alone problematic.

Heck, I've gotten so used to seeing them I look right over the thing, I keep forgetting I can get rid of them because it doesn't even matter.

Also I'm waiting til the next Hotfix so I can get myself a nice, fresh new Helminth.  I've already got the standard one, certainly just me being crazy, but I want to wait til the update to make a new one.

If you have the permanent fix then why the hell are people still complaining about it?  I was one of the loudest complaining about there being no permanent fix before the permanent came out, but once it came out I shut up immediately.

Freaking drama queens I swear.

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On 3/29/2017 at 7:18 AM, (Xbox One)Timidobserver said:

The Helminth virus specifically lost you $$$ the other day.

no, no it's not, you think it is but it's not the case.

also, if this is the very first game put u into such hardship, then ... congratulation, you had 20 year of beautiful innocent gaming experience, it would happen at some point. However, now that i know this, i feel responsible to warn you about Dark Soul, Undertale and .... Flabby Birds, as those game may create further disbelieve, drive you insane and leave you with only what used to be a dearest phone or computer, now just a ... shadow of what they once were.

PS: Never press the "Z" button in the zephyr appearance screen, if you still love your gaming machine.

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