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What will you do when Warframe dies


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On the final day of it's life, what will you do. Login, go to the relays and socialize, say goodbye to your favorite frames? Goodbye forever. How would you say goodbye?                                                                                                                                    More asking what you'd do on the final login. 


Edited by Zectorcop
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7 minutes ago, EyeLaikCheez said:

Why are you saying that?

(This is a serious question, I've been away for some time due to studies and seeing this worries me a little.)

I'm assuming this is purely a hypothetical...


...though I'm not entirely sure why a game running its course and coming to EoL would worry you.


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I don't plan that far ahead into the future. I anticipate this game being very active for quite a few years to come...its already 4 yrs old, so I suspect I'll be playing this for another 20yrs or so. 

I look forward to the 3d virtual reality warframe of the future. 

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8 minutes ago, Babellon said:

I don't plan that far ahead into the future. I anticipate this game being very active for quite a few years to come...its already 4 yrs old, so I suspect I'll be playing this for another 20yrs or so. 

I look forward to the 3d virtual reality warframe of the future. 

"20 years"



I don't think Steve's beard can go any whiter


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40 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

I'm assuming this is purely a hypothetical...

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...though I'm not entirely sure why a game running its course and coming to EoL would worry you.


It is hypothetical, worry is a strong word. I'd be sad about my thousands of hours of stuff and nearly 4 years of collecting completely gone with nothing but screenshots to show for it. This is a question more twoards people who actually are a bit attached to thier favorite frames. Don't read too deeply Into it 

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5 minutes ago, Freezing-Dragon said:

Probably gonna hug my Chroma...

Or Umbra-Chroma.. maybe..

Umbra 2018soon

I personally want to see them let us download our accounts off the server in the final week or so so week can keep them for this very reason. 

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Well, Warframe already died for me. All my friends left, I have no goals to work towards, barely anything to do. And Nier: Automata just came in, with a fantastic story, way better game-play mechanics, and just killed my remaining desire to play Warframe. I am only here to see if a great clan would recruit me so that I have a reason to stay. 

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