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Did the Wikia miscounted the daily login?


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No.When the update came out there was a short window that some ppl used to get 1 more login day but idk too something is weird maybe these guys failed in login every day so we have to wait till tomorrow or the next days.I can tell you the name in 3 more days :(

Edited by K0bra
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How the hell I managed to lose 50 days somewhere I have no idea.Granted the system is awful anyway. New players will be forever behind that way and even those 50 days feel like eternity, and it doesn't even matter that you spent ~2000 hours playing only the fact that you opened a clinet every day.

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1 minute ago, -Temp0- said:

How the hell I managed to lose 50 days somewhere I have no idea.Granted the system is awful anyway. New players will be forever behind that way and even those 50 days feel like eternity, and it doesn't even matter that you spent ~2000 hours playing only the fact that you opened a clinet every day.

New players are one step behind in every game, especially if that game is 4 years old, and I can argue that's just the way it should be. I joined 2.5 years ago and still was behind in stuff (and still am, luckily the event weapons come back).

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25 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

New players are one step behind in every game, especially if that game is 4 years old, and I can argue that's just the way it should be. I joined 2.5 years ago and still was behind in stuff (and still am, luckily the event weapons come back).

Not really.

In almost every way you can catch up quickly - relatively of course. Especially when it comes to WF and mr system and so on. Can't imagine waiting 300 or whatever it is days just to get p vigor for example or something like that when there will be (probably) a bunch of more relevant rewards. By playing often you can get pretty much everything you want with exception being some limited items like prime access. You can be behind only because you don't play/grind as much call you how you like. But those kind of rewards are just a waiting game which is pretty useless in the long run.



and I can argue that's just the way it should be.

Can not agree with that notion.

Inability to gain access to mods, weapons and warframes (hopefully the only example will ever be excalibur p) creates nothing but problems and encourages a **** elitist behavior of those who managed to get /insert 'rare thing'. Doesn't matter how useful that thing is just the fact that only them have it gets them teh idea that it's valuable. One of the examples being arcane helmets. Most of them are outright trash and cost nothing but just because you can't get them other than from players they begun to think they're valuable just because they "give stats". They don't care that for example Trinity's aura helmet is useless for 99% of players because no one plays Bless and it's only literal use is in raids, they don't care that it gives you ~5seconds of duration (which is nothing).They only care that it's limited so they can ask whatever they want for it. So what they got for free just by playing a 3 minutes alert everyone else can buy for 100 o 500p and can't get anywhere else cause apparently "tying buffs to cosmetics was a bad idea but guess what they're still in the game, only you can't get them anymore"

Edited by -Temp0-
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3 hours ago, Cmdr-A said:

Shouldn't be wrong. I fell behind on daily login by a day and says I get it tomorrow. So should be out now for people who logged on every day since U18



many tears :( I was around since day 1 of the new login system, I got that extra login day, but I had to go on some holidays and now I'm behind by a couple of days.

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15 minutes ago, Arniox said:

many tears :( I was around since day 1 of the new login system, I got that extra login day, but I had to go on some holidays and now I'm behind by a couple of days.

Same but WAY behind. I haven't even gotten primed vigor. 

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I do not understand the point of the system anyways. True dedicated players login everyday and play. All this system shows is who has a computer with warframe with them every day. I am behind because of 2 vacations. People who are MR 2 on December 4th 2015 could have more days than a MR 23 who logs in twice a week to play content. 

I wish there was a system which you play missions to get back days.

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