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New "Priest" Warframe is offensive to my Catholic faith


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well RIP to almost every game released since the gaming industry began..

each one has reference to culture or some factual meaning/method/culture/legends etc.. even if this is a troll thread the new frame does not even begin to close to a priest as we don't know the abilities or exactly what they do, we have no idea what hes quest will tell us or its background character.

just one of those Q_Q i need attention threads as everything offends me

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1 minute ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

obvious bashing is obvious, try to hide it more or input a comment thinking im joking like other players on this thread

no, my point is that the roman catholic church is far from innocent, it has its own blood stained history as well


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3 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

no, my point is that the roman catholic church is far from innocent, it has its own blood stained history as well


But you are hurting his feelings by pointing it out! Try being more considerate and choose your words more carefully. The medieval catholics didnt slaughter thousands, they saved them and all those around them by burning away all sin! /sarcasm

Edited by CrudShuzKong
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Just now, NightBlitz said:

no, my point is that the roman catholic church is far from innocent, it has its own blood stained history as well


nobody said we were innocent. thats why we have a new testament instead of following the old one that accepted slavery and women mistreatment among other things

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Just now, (Xbox One)rocketstar31 said:

I am a Catholic myself... completely. I don't think anyone really cares.

I didn't think they did as well. Its funny though, because if Rebecca didn't say priest in her personal opinion....we wouldn't be having this convo. She thought it looked "Priestly" to her. She never stated that it was the "Official" design of it.


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Nezha and Wukong slip by without anger.  Loki, Valkyr?  Norse?  Cool.


But oh noooo, not a priest!  Nooooooo.


We draw inspiration for Warframes from anywhere and everywhere, and I'm kinda surprised it took them this long to make a priest frame.

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1 minute ago, Sintag said:

Nezha and Wukong slip by without anger.  Loki, Valkyr?  Norse?  Cool.


But oh noooo, not a priest!  Nooooooo.


We draw inspiration for Warframes from anywhere and everywhere, and I'm kinda surprised it took them this long to make a priest frame.


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

to answer that question im a B- Catholic. C- and D Catholics tend to not care

Technically, It that didn't answer the question. Fellow Catholics regardless of their standing. And even on that note, I have not seen another B Catholic stand beside you in this. I seriously doubt you are the only one that plays this game and participates in the forums. I know it may seem like you're getting bashed by Goku, Superman, The Hulk, Dr. Manhattan, and One Punch Man simultaneously, however you are entitled to your opinion and no one can take that from you.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

nobody said we were innocent. thats why we have a new testament instead of following the old one that accepted slavery and women mistreatment among other things

I hate to be that guy, but ALL catholics follow the new testament even the ones that lived in the dark ages and during renaissance, the ones that were part of the inquisition or victims of them. It is common knowledge that the catholic church to this day condones and enforces unequality between men and women, a staggering 2000 years of oppression under the laws of the new testament... I am not saying that it is the Bible's fault here though, but the institution's, who used it as a tool for manipulation and oppression...

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:


How do you do that? I mean judge what is and isnt religion and what is and isnt mythology? Do you just say that yours is religion and other people's is just mythology? In that case your catholic belief is mythology as well.

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Just now, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:


To the Norse, Loki was the god of lies, of trickery.  Valkyr is shorthand for Valkyrie, who served Freya, who was Odin's wife.


And again, we pull Warframes from damn near everything, from legends of old (Excalibur, Atlas), to the outright bizarre (Limbo, Mirage).  It was only a matter of ti e before this happened.  So as many people have already said, please stop.  Just don't use it if it offends you so.

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