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New "Priest" Warframe is offensive to my Catholic faith


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1 minute ago, Sintag said:

To the Norse, Loki was the god of lies, of trickery.  Valkyr is shorthand for Valkyrie, who served Freya, who was Odin's wife.


And again, we pull Warframes from damn near everything, from legends of old (Excalibur, Atlas), to the outright bizarre (Limbo, Mirage).  It was only a matter of ti e before this happened.  So as many people have already said, please stop.  Just don't use it if it offends you so.

Fun fact: Limbo is a term invented by the catholic church. It is one of the circles of hell.

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Just now, CrudShuzKong said:

Fun fact: Limbo is a term invented by the catholic church. It is one of the circles of hell.

Huh.  I always thought it was a state of sheer ennui myself.


Looked up limbo as a term.  It isn't a circle of hell, or a part of heaven.  It just...is.

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3 minutes ago, Fiftycentis said:

oh, well, never had enough time to play it even if i would like to have it

I dont play it. But its so big that you dont have to. I find the world very intresting. Im currently reading series of books about it.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i wouldnt know what other religions believe or what they consider religious since i follow The Catholic Nicene Creed in my religion therefore i only see how this warframe makes a fool out of the religious figures i look up to

Your faith must be pretty weak if you get that upset when someone depicts something from Catholicism in popular culture. 

I was raised Catholic and I can assure you no one I know of the faith would give a single care about any of this at all. 

And how it is a "mockery", if anything, it is a paying tribute/homage to Catholics. DE does different themes to show their interest and respect for how cool those themes can be, not to mock. 

I have seen some ridiculous things on these forums, but this tops them all. 


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Just now, Sintag said:

Huh.  I always thought it was a state of sheer ennui myself.


Looked up limbo as a term.  It isn't a circle of hell, or a part of heaven.  It just...is.

In my (catholic) upbringing i got taught that limbo (in german, my language "vorhölle") is part of hell (again in german "hölle"), where people go that while not being sinners themselves, have somehow inherited sin and failed to be cleansed of it first (like unbaptised children).

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

to answer that question im a B- Catholic. C- and D Catholics tend to not care

Ridiculous. Oh for heaven's sake "I am so much more faithful than those OTHER Catholics, so therefore, I am offended by something stupid and inconsequential, whereas they aren't". Do you realize how absurd you sound insulting other Catholics like that, essentially insulting any Catholic who doesn't care about this absurdity like you do? Because you sound ridiculous. I know Catholics that are ridiculously faithful, they go multiple times a weak, they think the regular church isn't strict enough. 

And they would think you are wasting your time over something stupid. The church is not being "mocked" by this frame. You are out of your tree. 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Ridiculous. Oh for heaven's sake "I am so much more faithful than those OTHER Catholics, so therefore, I am offended by something stupid and inconsequential, whereas they aren't". Do you realize how absurd you sound insulting other Catholics like that, essentially insulting any Catholic who doesn't care about this absurdity like you do? Because you sound ridiculous. I know Catholics that are ridiculously faithful, they go multiple times a weak, they think the regular church isn't strict enough. 

And they would think you are wasting your time over something stupid. The church is not being "mocked" by this frame. You are out of your tree. 

Sir/Ma'am........There are no trees allowed in the church.......that is all.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:


I like how you try to put your own mythology over the religion of other people.

I can say that Jesus, son of god is a mythological hero just like Heracles, son of Zeus; Thor, son of Odin; and many more. If you, someone who still believe in any of the ancient religions such as the nord or greek mythologies gets offended by this statement then it's none of my business. 

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. 

"Nezha (哪吒) is a protection deity in Chinese folk religion"

1 hour ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:


I fail to see how this is a mockery of your faith but if they can implement other gods of different religions and mythologies, they should be free to do so from Christianity as well

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

nobody said we were innocent. thats why we have a new testament instead of following the old one that accepted slavery and women mistreatment among other things

...and? The Spanish inquisition was after the new testament came out and so where the crusades and Salem witch trials, etc. What Do you need a new new testament to teach you guys to be nice to others? Falsely accusing  people and burning them alive= bad, drawing influences from a religion to create a character in a game= not as bad as burning people, simple right?

Not like what I say matters though, you'll just continue to be just as arrogant and pious as ever, such is the nature of hardliners like yourself.

Edited by KlutzMeister
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Just now, Skycook3y said:

"Nezha (哪吒) is a protection deity in Chinese folk religion"

I fail to see how this is a mockery of your faith but if they can implement other gods of different religions and mythologies, they should be free to do so from Christianity as well

i cant take into account other deities because its not something i believe in. i have my own religious creed that i must follow. that doesnt mean i will bash other people because they follow other religions, thats their free will to do so. best i can do is pray for them and hopefully they see the one true light one day. 

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2 minutes ago, Skycook3y said:

"Nezha (哪吒) is a protection deity in Chinese folk religion"

I fail to see how this is a mockery of your faith but if they can implement other gods of different religions and mythologies, they should be free to do so from Christianity as well

Got to remember....Catholics/Christians only believe in one God. So all those in other religions, wouldn't be considered gods or actual religions.

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This is preposterous. As someone who grew up in a Muslim family, went to catholic school throughout primary and high school, studied religion and ethics for 4 years, became an atheist then discovered through spiritualism that there is a greater power in the universe. I'd just like to say that if you squeeze a little bit of lemon juice and mustard on some fried fish it tastes really good.

Edited by BeardyKyle
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4 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:

This is preposterous. As someone who grew up in a Muslim family, went to catholic school throughout primary and high school, studied religion and ethics for 4 years, became and atheist then discovered through spiritualism that there is a greater power in the universe. I'd just like to say that if you squeeze a little bit of lemon juice and mustard on some fried fish it tastes really good.

Man, I'm sooooo sorry you had to. I went to Catholic school for the 4th grade and thought that the world would stop spinning. It was an odd experience....for me at least. I couldn't imagine going for that long.

Edited by (PS4)Ariies
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)poodlebingo 65 said:

So the OP has no problem dismembering and generally annihilating every thing that stands in front of him. 'But it's only a game' he replies.

Simulation of virtue...... definition of hypocrisy.


.........The Crusades..........Just saying.

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Just now, Skycook3y said:

That's just hypocrisy, but whatever floats your boat

It's almost worse than that. Like he doesn't have any respect for other people's beliefs. Even when I was a very strong Catholic, I respected that what was mythology to me was often religion to others and what was religion to me was mythology to others. And that those people deserve to have their beliefs be respected as long as they aren't hurting anyone. And that while other people's beliefs may have been absurd mythology from my perspective, so was my beliefs from their perspective. 

The funny thing is even Catholics and lapsed Catholics who know Catholics, etc, don't find any issue here, except for him. It feels more like he is doing this to show all of us how pious he is. It reminds me of his comment where he talked about  how "he cared because he was a higher grade Catholic than the others in this thread". I guess he forgot that pride is a sin... 

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