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Low Utility of "premium" warframes


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I think there is a problem of "premium" frames

by "premium" I mean hard to get and requires lots of effort


If only a small portion of players have these frames, there will be a problem with data


no matter it is under-performed or super overpowered, DE will have a hard time balancing them


Plus fewer players will try to find a way to utilize those frames,


less spotlight, you see fewer players using them 


This is a vicious cycle

What do you think?



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I think you are trying to say the harder to get something, the less players use it and so they are overpowered? Or are you saying that lesser used frames are falling under the meta because some are hard to get and nobody uses them? Either way, DE will eventually look at all the frames in the game, they just need time.

Edited by (XB1)ultimategamerjr
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I think you need more specific examples.  Which frames in particular do you think are "Premium" and unbalanced?  Octavia and Ivara, who have their parts scattered around the star chart?  Base Ash, who only drops from Manics?  "Lots of effort" is also subjective.  For me, farming Hydroid takes lots of effort because that requires fighting Vay Hek, which is a pain for me.  But for others, Vay Hek could be much easier.

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Mesa - ivara - atlas comes to mind when speaking of these frames (although i lucked out on mesa with only 4 runs and atlas was a breeze for me since i do arhwing) yet they got their balance pass. I think it won't be a problem since people who farmed them (from my experience) would actually give a shiβe and give responds

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2 minutes ago, JMP3 said:

For me, farming Hydroid takes lots of effort because that requires fighting Vay Hek, which is a pain for me.  But for others, Vay Hek could be much easier.

Nah, I think we're all in the same boat here. Hek is just not fun to fight at all. Unique boss yes, but only having one weak point, extremely damaging atacks, and all the health ever in the first phase is just not a good recipe for an engaging or interesting fight

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16 hours ago, WorldLiberation said:

If only a small portion of players have these frames, there will be a problem with data


no matter it is under-performed or super overpowered, DE will have a hard time balancing them



huh what data? what will be hard to balance? This is quite simple, if a certain frame is good, it gets popular, they get grinded and farmed, people won't care if they're hard to obatin. If they aren't, they'll just be mr fodder unless DE reworks them or unless some random player finds a useable purpose or exploit for it.

e.g. Atlas is hard to farm but isn't commonly used because he just doesn't have a kit the majority likes. Oberon parts drops like crazy but do people use him often?

Limbo aswell isn't a favorite before, but when the ult exploit happened, lots of people now use him. Heck I'll even admit I'm grinding him rn because of that certain reason, but before I didn't give two S#&$s about him. 


Makes sense?

Edited by KeroroDo
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The only thing i can say is that it's the player that defines if a warframe is good or not, if it's being used to it's full potential or if it was placed in a situation where other players can easily surpass it.

This applies to all warframes, i don't see any premium warframe or any basic warframe being stronger or weaker, that all comes down to the player.

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27 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

I think you are trying to say the harder to get something, the less players use it and so they are overpowered? Or are you saying that lesser used frames are falling under the meta because some are hard to get and nobody uses them? Either way, DE will eventually look at all the frames in the game, they just need time.

What he's suggesting is that it's harder for DE to figure out if something is unbalanced because less players having it means less data to draw from.

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There are currently only two warframes that are neither quest drops nor boss drops, and those would be Ivara and Vanilla Ash, both of which are very good frames, though Ash Prime is honestly easier to get than vanilla. Nezha used to be like that too, but he's in the Tenno Lab now.

I don't consider quest-related warframes to be difficult to get, because you're more or less told exactly what you need to do. Tedious, occasionally, like Chroma and Titania, but not difficult.

Edit: I can't believe I completely forgot about Vauban, Nyx, and Oberon. Nyx and Oberon are easy enough to farm, with Oberon being the Ferrite of Warframe parts and Phorid being a pretty common boss, but I do think Vauban's situation is pretty obnoxious, and I would definitely hate having another frame tied to alerts.

That being said, it certainly isn't the case.

Edited by Dreddeth
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Realistically apart from equinox (more parts but I just went sod it and bought it for plat) none of them are excessively hard to get, although repetitive and luck of rng would be a fair choice of words for getting the parts. 

Vauban may be alert only but I had that REALLY quickly at the start of playing...

Mesa needs a bit of extra work but the actual task isn't hard, same with atlas and nekros.  Ash was more a case of finding the manics than actually being hard work and in the same way so was octavia, finding the music room was the hardest part of that outside of the rng of derelict. 

Ivara on the other hand is imo the worst to get purely because I need to do spy missions and well I hate spy missions... hence why I still don't have it and I'm seriously considering just flogging prime parts and buying it lol. 

Apart from ivara the only frames I'm missing are loki, rhino and excal prime which apart from excal I'm sure will be out again soon enough. 


If it's a lack of data for DE, why not draw on the experience of the design council and talk to them/us because I would bet that most of the people in the group have most frames and can give honest feedback for them to work from.  They could even give a temp access to a 'reworked' frame if they wanted (I'm sure there's a way they could do it with a script etc) and design council could give opinions before it could go live so we don't get another limbo nuke or ash bladestorm (it still hasn't gone away DE) situation. 

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