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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.2.3


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35 minutes ago, ApocalypticFlameFury said:

They better not nerf my dragon.......Limbo is my first and always will be my main, and after the Cataclysm nerf I am unaffected because I'm a TRUE Limbo main. Now Chroma better keep his power on Vex Armor....

Well my friend I think they are going to nerf him.Rebecca said they used less than ideal calculations,that vex is OP now and when revisited they are going to make those calculations for vex more ideal(nerfed).

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Just now, BlueTunicLink said:

I dont think she is overpowered. Her amp is able to mutiply the weaker weapons damage and i think thats fine. Her resonance ability ceases enemy aggresion which makes the mallet and resonance combo pointless. If they can do something about that. She would be fine as she is. Imo anyways

Octavia, banshee and inaros are all overpowered ... why isn't DE doing something about those ... 


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10 minutes ago, -CM-Critical said:


"Fun" with Limbo's old Cataclysm came at the expense of 3 other squad mates' fun. It needed some kind of change; the one they picked works, but Limbo is still going to have problems regardless because of his Banish changes.

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As much fun as nuke Limbo was, I'm glad his Cataclysm was changed so now I won't have to see horrible Limbo players who only spam 4.  It's really painful when bad Limbo players control how other people play.  Even though he's not my favorite, he was one of my go to frames for sorties and certain mission types, and with the rework he became more viable for even more mission types.  I'll still bring him to sorties and certain missions that don't require killing and not have to worry about other Limbos running around.  

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DE, why do you insist on renaming these random weapon variants to sound WORSE than before? "Detron Mara" and "Gorgon Prisma" sound all sorts of dumb. They sound better as "Mara Detron" and "Prisma Gorgon." There doesn't need to be unity in this naming system. What sounds better sounds better. Wraith Twin Vipers sounds better, and Gorgon Wraith sounds better than the flipflop.

And meanwhile, you still haven't fixed the bug with the Zenistar being way too big with the Dynasty skin.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • Cataclysm now deals different amount of damage over the time it exists: 25% Damage when bubble is full size, 100% at its smallest size.
  • Cataclysm damage scaling now uses average Health + Shield instead of total Health + Shield of enemies within.

Well RIP Cataclysm Spammers. It was not nice knowing you.

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Hey there DE and everyone else... I do have a problem with something... I have the Silva and Aegis, and when I put the Danaus skin on it, it makes the shield stick perpendicularly out from the warframe's arm. And it is a problem amongst all of my warframes, not just the Feyarch Oberon - which is the frame I was using when the problem arose. It so far has never worked on the silva and aegis, and I haven't tried it on the Ack and Brunt. Thank you for your time reading this, and the love you put into WF. Live Long and Game On!

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Just wanted to say that Cataclysm puts everything around to the rift, which means Limbo should have full interaction with everything inside. Right now he still can't hack, insert datamass to the console, open lockers, destroy objects, use elevators. And let's not talk about the balance issues with invisible Loki around.

Edited by Sebith
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Just now, Sebith said:

Just wanted to say that Cataclysm puts everything around to the rift which means Limbo should have full interaction with everything inside. He still can't hack, insert data mass to the console or pick up items.

i agree he should be able to pick up items and hack consoles, granted this was intentional.... but since he is so squishy and has no use as a spam to kill frame or in the case of console hacking, freeze things in time with 2 + 4 he should at the very least be allowed to once again hack while in his rift bubble because technically yes he has put the hackable into the same plane of existence as himself.

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Really liking this hotfix so far... It addressed most of the things I interact with on a day to day basis mainly raids. So 2 bugs down, what about the bug in Jordas Verdict 2nd Stage when you initially load in, if you go down the stairs it might cause the enemies not to spawn correctly?

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1 hour ago, RistN said:

Well my friend I think they are going to nerf him.Rebecca said they used less than ideal calculations,that vex is OP now and when revisited they are going to make those calculations for vex more ideal(nerfed).

They should only look at Nerfing his 3 once his 1 and 4 are more usable. Even then i want his 3 to stay the same.

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- Not fixing Limbomb Cataclysm spammability
- Assumed reducing inital damage makes ppl stops spamming them

Sigh. Logged in and went akkad for the double cred (daily first win) bonus and met a limbo still spamming cataclysm. Still haev cataclysm globe remaining even after it extracted early.

This is the first time DE kept a broken stuff broken.

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2 minutes ago, Arthera said:

Our reign has just begun.

the reign of time freezing trolls i would imagine? i mean lets be honest what else can he do because of how stasis works, and no the 4 spam or killing with it is dead, no matter how many enemies its essentially useless even with max power strength and max power range with the 3 augment active. testing shows at high lvls, with 20 enemies no shields and no armor, affected by 3 augment and frozen with stasis and allowing the bubble to fully collapse, only does around 15-20% of max enemy health, result, even more useless spamming, rather than spam every once in a while prepare for flashing induced seizures. power strength of 155% was used for this test.

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I've been only playing limbo for a day now (Which makes this nerf quite coincidental). So I clearly don't master him yet, but I'm darn trying to. 

The problem I've got with that nerf is that Cataclysm is the only limbo Skill that allowed me to bring enemies into the rift without having my mates accidentally brought there with them. It happened so many times that a mate like a charging Rhino just jumped into the range of my 1 and got into the void for like 20 seconds, not able to do anything. Now 4 almost doesn't do damage at max range (which is, of course, the only range of this skill I really liked), I clearly have a hard time figuring out how I'm gonna play now, it's a shame, I really like Limbo. 

If anyone's got at least a good advice, I'll take it.

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Just now, bige914 said:

the reign of time freezing trolls i would imagine? i mean lets be honest what else can he do because of how stasis works, and no the 4 spam or killing with it is dead, no matter how many enemies its essentially useless even with max power strength and max power range with the 3 augment active. testing shows at high lvls, with 20 enemies no shields and no armor, affected by 3 augment and frozen with stasis and allowing the bubble to fully collapse, only does around 15-20% of max enemy health, result, even more useless spamming, rather than spam every once in a while prepare for flashing induced seizures. power strength of 155% was used for this test.

The catabombing was bullS#&$. the freeze build is great though. I use 2 playstyles: 1 I claim an area for myself and only melee can be used here. 2 freeze cata surge close cata. this way people can still use guns and ill clean up the frozen guys. somehow with those ways people will whine about it and always will.

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1 minute ago, Musiskey said:

I've been only playing limbo for a day now (Which makes this nerf quite coincidental). So I clearly don't master him yet, but I'm darn trying to. 

The problem I've got with that nerf is that Cataclysm is the only limbo Skill that allowed me to bring enemies into the rift without having my mates accidentally brought there with them. It happened so many times that a mate like a charging Rhino just jumped into the range of my 1 and got into the void for like 20 seconds, not able to do anything. Now 4 almost doesn't do damage at max range (which is, of course, the only range of this skill I really liked), I clearly have a hard time figuring out how I'm gonna play now, it's a shame, I really like Limbo. 

If anyone's got at least a good advice, I'll take it.

just tell your friend to roll out of banish/rift walk if they accidentally caught by it lmao. U can, and has always been able to, roll out of banihsment.

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