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Rebuying Quest Items (for example: Ether Daggers)


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Please bring back the Ether Daggers to the Market by buying it with credits to those who completed Stolen Dreams. Other quest weapons can be purchased like Heat Sword, Broken War drops from Stalker. So it wouldn't hurt to bring them back. Maybe bring them back with a slight buff by increasing status chance to 20% or not, I just want them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. First of all, I apologize for my English as it's not my first language. If your eyes start bleeding I'll send you new ones.

So. I was digging through my list of mastered frames and weapons and couldn't help but notice that my Ether Daggers were still at rank 10. Pretty weird since it's one of the earliest weapons I had and I thought I had maxed it. Turns out I sold them. Dumped them. Out of the inventory. It also turns out that its bluprint can only be obtained once you finish the Stolen Dreams quest as a completion reward. It's not a bug I'm reporing, it's my stupidity. But I was wondering if there was any chance I could get that bluprint again, or if I just should move on and resume my farming.

I saw from that last updates (20.2.0 and before) that more and more quests quand be replayed, which is really great, but, understandably, don't re-give the completion rewards over and over.

Thanks for your answers and contribution, Tennos!

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15 minutes ago, Ankerstilte said:

I saw from that last updates (20.2.0 and before) that more and more quests quand be replayed, which is really great, but, understandably, don't re-give the completion rewards over and over.

They currently do not plan to allow replayed quests to reward the items gained from first-time quest completion, nor can you alter the choices made in the quest in a way that impacts your account, such as with your "morality compass" from TSD and TWW.

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26 minutes ago, Ankerstilte said:


Short Answer:

Long Answer:
My problem is probably isn't as bad as yours but it's the same thing:
You see, I managed to max out my Ether daggers as confirmed by a laurel on my CODEX.
MY PROFILE however, shows that I only have it as Level 6.
In short I did get the 3k mastery from it but it's bugged on my profile and I find that incredibly annoying as a completionist and an old player.

I've submitted a ticket on support, bug section, and even sent pm's.

  • They can't roll back and "un-delete" it for you.
  • They won't give the blueprint.
  • They can't restart the quest.
  • They won't fix the issue since you're case is just one-in-a-million and is not considered "game-breaking".

And no, I'm not exaggerating:


Also look how very little attention this thread is getting.
Anyway. Welcome to the ether-daggers bug club*


Edited by Oranji
Some stuff.
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  • 2 weeks later...

TL;DR: So DE, can you please review your Support limitations/policies for giving back Quest Items or add some way for players to get their sold Quest items back (even buy with Plat from Market)?

I opened a Ticket to get my sold Ether Daggers back and got a unfavorable reply about it

Even after I've read around that many players got them back even after years of selling them.

So I asked why my case was special and couldn't get it, and I got this reply:


Please note that we can only manually restore Event/Daily/Quest Reward Limited equipment if the player has not maxed it out yet (Rank 29 or Lower) as this can be considered as a "Progression block" due to insufficient mastery points. Unfortunately you have already gained all the Mastery points the Equipment can give hence there is no further benefit on your overall progression.

This means you can reach support to get it back only if you never built it or maxed it (IF THAT'S YOUR CASE JUST GO AND OPEN A TICKET  ASAP)

Which wasn't my case, I sold them at max rank and getting them back wouldn't "improve my progress". (I don't care I got the Mastery points, I actually want the weapon, so yeah, they do "block" my desired progression)

Now, why this thread? Well, Support pointed me this way for "feedback".

And I think this is a stupid limitation, I definitely don't understand why they can give it back if you sold it at rank 28-29 but not 30, Does that make that much difference?. I don't even understand why they don't let us buy back from the Market all the Quest rewards that we are entitled to enjoy, I wouldn't mind paying Plat for it, but I'm not even allowed.

So DE, can you please review your Support limitations/policies for giving back Quest Items or add some way for players to get their sold Quest items back (even buy with Plat from Market)?

Please notice I'm talking only about Quest Items, not Event rewards.

I think it's really unfair and flawed that players can't get them back after they sell it, why? (let me give you some points specifically having Ether Daggers in mind)

  • Ether Daggers are obtainable early in the game (just MR3), exactly when the player don't know about the uniqueness of the Quest Items
  • At no point the player is warned about the uniqueness of this item or the irreversible nature of this action (which not even Support can roll back), any UX/UI expert will tell you that's a bad design.
  • The player will never see the Item again, because it's not sold in Market not for Credits or Platinum, not rewarded in Alert or any other timed event. Which in my opinion, is a bit excessive uniqueness for a MR3 quest reward.
  • Easily mistakable with Dual Ethers in the Market (which shares pretty much the same image and similar name). Actually this one in particular hit me. I remember skimming through the market checking if it was there before selling them and I totally confused them with Dual Ethers, and I thought it would be Ok to sell them because they were there.

I'm really sad at this point, I don't even know why I bother typing / formatting all this knowing it won't get any change at all, it will just die like the other endless threads about this subject. :(

I created a Reddit post too, maybe you can find more feedback there

Edited by KurzedMetal
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Same thing here, I was an idiot and sold my ether daggers AND my veritux (the starter archwing sword), and now support refuses to give them back, i've explained my reasoning, but NOPE.

Not Our ProblEm


I know someone already posted this, but try here as well.

Edited by nerfinator6
Putting in a link
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So, is this subject dead? I'd like to point out to my previous discussion in this thread

Is there any plan to let players recover sold quest items back? I'm probably willing to spend a few thousand plat just to get those stupid Ether Daggers back.

Complaining here since WF Support already said "can't do nothing, go give feedback to forums" and that's what I'm doing until I get my Ether Daggers back.

See you next month.

Edited by KurzedMetal
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On 3/29/2017 at 11:40 AM, Celthric317 said:

Ether daggers are mastery fodder anyhow. 

Fang Prime is what needs buffing. 

try it with condition overload and other newer mods, its extremely strong. ive seen then down high level corrupted even faster than a galatine p. 

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