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Fully Polarizing a Warframe to start off with more Energy


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For those of you who don't know, any extra mod points you have unspent in your build will give your Warframe 5 energy each at the start of every mission. The default energy you start with is 50, so for example, if you have 3/60 mod points left, you will start missions with 65 energy. So if you want to start with more energy, put on more Forma!

This is something I want to try doing, with Titania first since I want to be using Razorwing right from the mission's start. I'm even thinking of using normal Flow instead of Primed since it costs me 2 less points, but ehh... 10 extra energy on start vs 144 extra max energy might not be worth it. I'll see.

Anyone else done something like this yet? Any tips?

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Huh. I've played Warframe for 2,330 hours and had never heard/noticed this bit of information. Not that I'm likely to put extra forma in things for the purpose of starting a mission with more energy (why not just drop an energy restore?) but still good to know.

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3 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

Huh. I've played Warframe for 2,330 hours and had never heard/noticed this bit of information. Not that I'm likely to put extra forma in things for the purpose of starting a mission with more energy (why not just drop an energy restore?) but still good to know.

I don't mind putting in a few more Formas instead of having to spend an energy restore and wait 10 seconds at the start of every. Single. Mission. I want. To play.

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Didn't know this was a thing. Interesting... Seems like a lot of work for very little pay off to me though, seeing as energy isn't much of an issue once you sort your builds out and utilise any of the other ways of gaining energy fast. Generally by the time you have the resources to forma a frame that much, you also have hit the point where you have the right mods and abilities to utilise the above methods. You also run the risk of restricting your build for no real reason.

Its a cool little factoid though, just seems like more of a hindrance to actually build with this in mind, rather then taking it as a neat little bonus if you have a few extra points there by accident.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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20 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Anyone else done something like this yet? Any tips?

Not worth it in my opinion.

Most of the time it locks your frame on one particular build, and if you ever find something that works better OR if they release a mod you'd like to swap with one of your current mod, you're screwed and have to put more forma(s)

Just using an energy pad at the begining of the mission would be better

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1 minute ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

I don't mind putting in a few more Formas instead of having to spend an energy restore and wait 10 seconds at the start of every. Single. Mission. I want. To play.

I agree with wanting to play immediately. There's no need to wait for the entire energy restore though. A single pulse will restore 100 energy, which is the equivalent of having 20 unspent points on your warframe. Since energy restores give a pulse right when you drop them, you can drop one for that extra starting burst and go.

Not that I'll judge you for putting extra forma in to avoid needing to do this. Once you reach a certain point in the game forma aren't exactly hard to come by.

Come to think of it, I wonder why there isn't a mod that lets you start a mission with up to 100% of your total energy pool. It's something a few people would use but it isn't game-changingly powerful since it just avoids the use of an energy restore at the start of the mission.

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23 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

I don't mind putting in a few more Formas instead of having to spend an energy restore and wait 10 seconds at the start of every. Single. Mission. I want. To play.

Wow, so 10 seconds is your breaking point huh?! (kek)

13 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

I agree with wanting to play immediately. There's no need to wait for the entire energy restore though. A single pulse will restore 100 energy, which is the equivalent of having 20 unspent points on your warframe. Since energy restores give a pulse right when you drop them, you can drop one for that extra starting burst and go.

Not that I'll judge you for putting extra forma in to avoid needing to do this. Once you reach a certain point in the game forma aren't exactly hard to come by.

Come to think of it, I wonder why there isn't a mod that lets you start a mission with up to 100% of your total energy pool. It's something a few people would use but it isn't game-changingly powerful since it just avoids the use of an energy restore at the start of the mission.


@Syvarin makes a great point though, if all you want is enough energy to let you "pop your 4" right away just one tick of an Energy restore will take care of that.

And if you like to PuG the others might actually appreciate that you dropped once since they'll get the energy as well.

I've seen people start to run off and then turn around and come back for a couple of tics because "free energy man!" haha

Myself, I'm in line with the others that would rather not lock myself into such a rigged build, but to each their own, we gotta do what we gotta do.

All that aside, I really Do wish that DE would just let us start each mission with full energy

I mean we start at full Health, Shields and Ammo, so why not full Energy too?!
(prepares for comments about how we that would encourage "rushing" missions and warframe powers are already too op and should be disabled to bring back the good olde days of the game taking "skill" etc. =p)


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3 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

Wow, so 10 seconds is your breaking point huh?! (kek)

@Syvarin makes a great point though, if all you want is enough energy to let you "pop your 4" right away just one tick of an Energy restore will take care of that.

And if you like to PuG the others might actually appreciate that you dropped once since they'll get the energy as well.

I've seen people start to run off and then turn around and come back for a couple of tics because "free energy man!" haha

Myself, I'm in line with the others that would rather not lock myself into such a rigged build, but to each their own, we gotta do what we gotta do.

All that aside, I really Do wish that DE would just let us start each mission with full energy

I mean we start at full Health, Shields and Ammo, so why not full Energy too?!
(prepares for comments about how we that would encourage "rushing" missions and warframe powers are already too op and should be disabled to bring back the good olde days of the game taking "skill" etc. =p)


If I have every slot polarized, I'll have enough spare points to compensate for a few mods not matching the polarity no matter what other builds I'll need for Titania.

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I've done this with one of my frames and I rather like it.  I wind up dropping into an active mission fairly often and not being able to do some kind of AoE right off the bat can be detrimental.  

Personally, I have enough slots to pick up multiple versions of a frame so being build locked isn't that much of an issue for me.  

As to the restores; I only use them in an emergency.  They're tedious to make in the first place, so I'm rather stingy with them.  And I dont like not gaining the full 4 pulses, feels like a waste.

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3 hours ago, Syvarin said:

Come to think of it, I wonder why there isn't a mod that lets you start a mission with up to 100% of your total energy pool. It's something a few people would use but it isn't game-changingly powerful since it just avoids the use of an energy restore at the start of the mission.

That's actually a really good idea for a mod. It's like ammo mutation for warframes ;D

I might fully forma ember since she only has one useful build and is the only one I use on missions where every second counts.

Edited by Sapphic-Sandra
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1 minute ago, Sapphic-Sandra said:


Did you read more than the first post?

Yes. Though I don't know why that would be relevant. It's not like we're wrong, because it would, in fact, heavily restrict the mods available to put on your Warframe. 

And most of the posts after it are saying practically the same thing and/or pointing out that energy Restores exist and this kind of thing isn't necessary.

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In the long run it's probably more efficient, but there are other ways of gaining energy (pizzas, Energy Siphon, and the abundance of crates in the first room of every mission). I prefer to Forma only as much as I need to. It saves Forma and level-grinding, and it also keeps my Warframes more flexible for different mod arrangements.

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