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Cycron feedback


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21 hours ago, Azamagon said:

Altfire addition, please? :3

Would be interesting as alt-fire.


18 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

What if it was scrapped and recycled.


The weapon does look very odd.

DEcycron XD
Reminds me of this:

Not sure if the changes make it any better...

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Reloading Methods:

Any weapon except Cycron, ill use the sonicor.

Stated Reload Speed: 3.0

Full Clip Size: 15

Method: Fire > Empty Clip/press X > Stated Reload time > Can fire with Full Clip (15 Bullets)

total reload time 3.0s > 15 bullets



Stated Reload Speed: 2.5

Full Clip Size: 20

Method: Fire > Empty Clip/Use Ammo > Stated Reload time > Begin Reload/Fire with 1 clip size and restart process > waiting additional time 1.5+s > Can fire with full clip 20

total reload time 5.0s > 2 bullets

total reload time 4.0s > 20 bullets


The FULL reload time should of the cycron should be made to the end of the FULL reload process

total reload time 2.5s > 20 bullets


the best option would be

Current: wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 1 bullet while reloading > clip stops reloading > bullet count 1 > user has to start reloading again or use 1 bullet

Should be: wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 1 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 19 > user can continue firing or reload

Should be (2): wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 5 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 15 > user can continue firing or reload

Should be (3): wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 20 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 0 > user reloads

total reload time between 2.5s to start firing/4.0s full reloaded > (Reload count - usage during reload process)bullets or waits for full clip

Either way the user only waits the stated reload time, with the second method your not screwed if you decide to start firing and your left with 1 bullet after waiting for the gun to reload, if this makes the weapon "over powered" reduce damaged if user fires while charging




Edited by dbzocchi
Don't scream lies, please.
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1 hour ago, dbzocchi said:

the best option would be

The best option would be to allow it to fully reload.  At least it isn't 5 seconds anymore.

Also, the 2nd and 3rd suggestions make no sense.  If there are only 2 charges in the gun when you start firing by interrupting the reload, how are you shooting 5 times, much less 20 more times?

Anyway, don't interrupt reload, that's the best solution.  If your trigger finger is that itchy, slap on a reload mod or two, or just ... you know, use a gun with real bullets.

This new mechanic of infinite bullets is already sketchy at best, messing with it further would likely just compliment things needlessly.  They cut the reload in half if one charge remains in the chamber, I'm good with that.

Edited by Xekrin
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4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Also, the 2nd and 3rd suggestions make no sense.  If there are only 2 charges in the gun when you start firing interrupting the reload, how are you shooting 5 times, much less 20 more times?

the gun carries on reloading while firing so the count will be 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > Stop firing > 3 > 4 > 5.... 15 as the count per reload will always be clip size

or another example 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > stop > 3 > 4 > fire > 4 > fire > 4 > Stop firing > 5 > 6 > 7.... 16 then either hold trigger to 0 or wait reload to 20

Edited by dbzocchi
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Ok, we all are disappointing by the cycron...

Is this because of the damage? A little...

Is it the reload speed? Not completely. It is the small magazine along with 5 seconds to refill 20 bullets. Ontop of this problem of the small mag, The gun eat's the ammo too fast. If we could get a slight damage and status boost, this would help the weapon be somewhat viable so we can take advantage of the mechanic, but PLEASE! PLEASE! fix the small clip and how long the reload is compared to how long you can actually use the weapon. If these can be tweaked the weapon would be fun to use and genuinely playable. The mechanic is cool and I wish it were useable.

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21 minutes ago, RadriarTheGodKing said:

Ok, we all are disappointing by the cycron...

Is this because of the damage? A little...

Is it the reload speed? Not completely. It is the small magazine along with 5 seconds to refill 20 bullets. Ontop of this problem of the small mag, The gun eat's the ammo too fast. If we could get a slight damage and status boost, this would help the weapon be somewhat viable so we can take advantage of the mechanic, but PLEASE! PLEASE! fix the small clip and how long the reload is compared to how long you can actually use the weapon. If these can be tweaked the weapon would be fun to use and genuinely playable. The mechanic is cool and I wish it were useable.

You're asking for a buff, not a rework.

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17 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

Yes, and even with Fast Hands and Stunning Speed I find the DPS downtime to be unjustifiable.

Because you're looking at it at the wrong angle.


Cycron seems to be a weapon made with Mutliwielding in mind. You shoot it, use the clip then switch to melee - Cyrcon's recharge is not a normal reload action, so it's not interrupted by melee. So you use the clip, get to punching, then once the clip is back you return to shooting. Non-stop attack, something you can't do with regular secondaries.

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29 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Because you're looking at it at the wrong angle.


Cycron seems to be a weapon made with Mutliwielding in mind. You shoot it, use the clip then switch to melee - Cyrcon's recharge is not a normal reload action, so it's not interrupted by melee. So you use the clip, get to punching, then once the clip is back you return to shooting. Non-stop attack, something you can't do with regular secondaries.


When multi-wielding comes out, it may find another niche, sure. But it's current niche was supposed to be "You don't need to worry about ammo!", however the price you pay for it isn't worthwhile, IMO. True you can skip Ammo Mutation out of Cycron builds without worrying about running out of ammo, but for me that 1 mod slot has to be compensated with 2 or 3 mods for reload and magazine/clip size to make it somewhat viable. I played around with the weapon, and while I applaud the attempt at making something new and trying a unique gimmick (really, I do, it's not all about powercreep), in the end I wasn't impressed. It's not Spectra level bad, but it's just not "good enough" to warrant use by me.

Your mileage may vary.


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Overall I find the cycron to be a pretty good secondary. It's damage is good although it has poor sustainability.

I do have a huge gripe with the dual reload mechanic. I strongly feel it's unnecessary. Currently you ae penalized for emptying the full clip by waiting longer for the reload to kick in. This is entirely unneeded from a balance, gameplay and weapon feel point of view.

For example the 20 ammo mag can essentially be viewed as a 18-19 mag instead. That extra 1_2 rounds won't make a difference, it is simply better to wait for a reload than empty the mag. Constantly having to count shots or stare at the ammo count is silly and distracting from the game. I always ran my cycron with about 80% reload speed, 1.4 seconds recharge delay. Playing without ever emptying a clip was a huge adjustment even with that short of a delay. still it was bearable but the even slower reload on empty was not. In kuva flood missions where the game can offer some challenge I ran empty quite often because I had to focus on moving and priority targets, I just couldn't focus on my ammo.

So my biggest suggestion and hope is that you remove the longer ammo recharge delay and just have one delay timer. With 120% reload speed it only goes down to 1.1 seconds vs. 1.4 seconds which is still a relatively long down time for a status weapon. It can reach 200+% status per second with a lot of fie rate but the ammo is eaten up quick and it's hard to control the mag because of the high  fire rate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cut the reload in half, at least, or make it a slower, immediate reload when not in use.

For the love of God, buff that damage.

I just wasted Ducats and Credits getting Primed Slip Magazine, only to realize that it slowed reload time even more, making the weapon even more useless.

Please buff this gun and make it cool.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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It's not the first time that DE designs a cool-looking weapon and gives it S#&$ty status, and they don't bother to buff these weapons coz they think the Riven mods will do the rebalance job for them, yet even godlike Riven mods won't save these poor weapons.

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You should watch some videos on Youtube on it, to see how other players have made great use of it.

It's best to just use reload mods and being careful to not use up all the ammo in the mag. Like this, it easily becomes and endless fire machine.

Ofc, you can probably do the same by sticking a Primed Ammo Mutation on some random pistol...

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5 hours ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

You should watch some videos on Youtube on it, to see how other players have made great use of it.

It's best to just use reload mods and being careful to not use up all the ammo in the mag. Like this, it easily becomes and endless fire machine.

Ofc, you can probably do the same by sticking a Primed Ammo Mutation on some random pistol...

corrupted twin roggas

now thats a sight to die for :3

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15 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

Ofc, you can probably do the same by sticking a Primed Ammo Mutation on some random pistol...

Or you can use actually god-like secondary such as Lex Prime, Brakk , Marelok, Euphona and the likes. And just carry a few ammo cakes, although you probably won't need it since all these weapons are extremely ammo efficient.

I mean lets be honest here...Cycron sucks, big time. I actually can not think of any other secondary that is this bad. Are you really going to defend a gun that takes less time to empty its magazine than to reload it? Come on now.

Edited by DEADSHOT456
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anyone tried a maxed primed heated charge?  I'm almost done leveling cycron for the first time (potatoed in advance) 1.9k something gas with 90% toxin mod, no forma yet, no lethal torrent. instead i started with barrel diffusion to test without more fire rate, around 30% status chance for now.

Edited by (PS4)fullblast35
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After testing it the first thing I asked in my feedback threads is to get rid of the double reload mechanic. It reloads faster if the mag isn't empty versus if it is. This is just non-sense. Having the single reload timer (the faster of the two) would make this gun substantially better without breaking anything. The secondary reload speed on an empty mag just kills it imo.

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2 hours ago, DEADSHOT456 said:

Or you can use actually god-like secondary such as Lex Prime, Brakk , Marelok, Euphona and the likes. And just carry a few ammo cakes, although you probably won't need it since all these weapons are extremely ammo efficient.

I mean lets be honest here...Cycron sucks, big time. I actually can not think of any other secondary that is this bad. Are you really going to defend a gun that takes less time to empty its magazine than to reload it? Come on now.

Brakk and Marelok are no longer 'godlike', no need to mention them here. However there are other 'godlike' pistols that are less ammo efficient, but you can easily make them very efficient with a Primed Ammo Mutation and they would still be very much 'godlike'. No need to be stuck using single shot pistols.

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