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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.3.1


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I'm glad Scott said on the devstream that they're still listening to feedback and will continue to tweak Oberon, that what we see now isn't the end of the rework/revisit. I just wish they had enacted that kind of "see it through" policy for all other reworks too, like Mag. Yeah yeah I get it, there's things and stuff that can be done with her, but the low usage rate speaks for itself. An absorb period (like Iron Skin or Snow Globe) for the shield restores on Polarize would have been useful enough to warrant using her once in a while. 


I'll mess around with all sorts of wonky setups when running random fissures. I'll switch up frames and weapons, and really my hope is to never have to be like, "ew, pass" on something in the arsenal. The recent gun balance pass is a success story of adding more options to the roster. For a couple very old, early-days-of-the-game weapons to fall through the cracks, that's one thing, but the warframes themselves should all be more attractive than "ew, pass". 

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On 28.4.2017 at 10:43 PM, Leqesai said:



Why don't you give the devs a break and enjoy the game. 

It was broken since the first Octavias Anthem update 20(.0)

Seeing how a helmet becoming bigger is too hard to fix by putting it back into its regular size.

Fashionframe is the endgame and when the game makes my fashion buggy, I say no ty to Warframe.


I don't see how hard it is to revert the helmet changes (that were 100% accidental since there was no change text about it), I mean who makes a warframe look like a noggle statue.

I'd like to see your frames having a gigantic head. Play the game then :P



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21 hours ago, Kazdaniarz said:

Well in my conclusion the problem with Renewal is not only the effinecy,but the fact if you build this for it you will of course have low energy starving and propably you can use this ability forever, but in the same time the healing power of it just sucks. When we build it for power strength it sucks too. So what we can do with it? The only reason to use oberon in my opinion is his Renewal ability but it's useless. The only way it is atleast  good to try is fact you can use augment mod to stop fatal dmg on your allies, but that's all. If you want to do this you must build a lot of effinecy what like i said makes oberon just more useless. The way he was before was much better. (I mean before hotfix) I was able to make good combination of minus duration (to get more time of use this ability), effinecy (so energy cost when all of my allies needed heal wasn't that bad) and much more power strenght than i can do now so the heal and regeneration from this ability was atleast usefull (not powerfull, but usefull). Now like i said there is no reason to use him, cuz his best ability is just not worth to use...

and this strange mechanic with nullifier. In my opinion it should remove effects to all players when Oberon will be catch in the bubble.

I don't know maybe I'm just too salty for this change, but I know too that I got some good points.

Pls DE try think little more about Oberon once again.

I dont think Renewal sucks and useless. Actually it is already great as it is and combine it with 2nd is a good survivability skills. Try using Rage to get your energy back since you have the Renewal toggled on it is a continues healing, getting damage with Rage replenish energy then with Renewal it is a cycle of that, it's like a cheap Quick Thinking, Rage and Vit mods in one so I dont get your point on that Renewal is useless, and also the armor buff with high power str is also good already.

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On 4/28/2017 at 4:29 PM, Leqesai said:

The small initial range is appropriate given how powerful this ability is now. 400+ armor and 80+ health/second is incredibly useful. Especially when you consider once applied people can run wherever they want without it being deactivated. Just keep your energy up with orbs and efficiency+duration builds.


 if only you could keep the ability active with its energy drain. :]

Edited by KrypTic.
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On 4/27/2017 at 8:29 PM, Leqesai said:

The small initial range is appropriate given how powerful this ability is now. 400+ armor and 80+ health/second is incredibly useful. Especially when you consider once applied people can run wherever they want without it being deactivated. Just keep your energy up with orbs and efficiency+duration builds.

Keep in mind you have 10 slots for mods on Warframes.

To get above 400 armor you need over 200 power strength. That's 2 mods minimum on that. 2/10

Then you'll need power capacity. So flow / primed flow. That's 3 mods minimum. 3/10

Then you'll need some duration. So continuity/ primed continuity (because narrow minded would gut his already terrible range even farther). That's 4 mods minimum. 4/10

Then you'll need an armor boost so he doesn't chunk out in 2-3 hits. So Steel Fiber, or Steel Fiber & Armored Agility. That's 5-6 mods minimum. 5/10 - 6/10

Then you'll need enough HP for armor to actually be reliable. So Vitality, or Vitality & Primed Vigor. That's 6-8 mods minimum. 6/10 - 8/10

However because of his terrible base power rating, and how his skills currently 'synergizes' you'll probably have to slot in Rage. So that's 7-9 mods minimum. Which leaves you only 1-2 mods open for range and efficiency. 7/10 - 9/10

Except one of those is an Aura slot, so that only leaves you with 1-2 slots to use, and if you were planning on using Phoenix Renewal since that's apparently his only important skill (according to this rework), that leaves you with 1 or no slots to boost range and efficiency. 9/10 - 10/10

Can you see how limiting his current kit is? How it makes building him rather stringent and boring to some people?

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After analyzing and testing this rework i came to conclusion that Renewal armor buff is the most valuable thing that Oberon has right now. So I build him around that. I ended up using negative duration build. My Hallowed Ground last 8* seconds. I use it only once at beginning just for the armor buffs from Renewal and that's it. Sometimes Reckoning to chill the crowd. And since range is untouched (not enough mod slots) it's hard to get all players close to each other. So Hallowed Grounds is used just to set up armor buff. So yeah, i feel kinda happy to contribute that 400 armor to the team, but at the same time i'm thinking "that's what i was waiting 2 years for?" hmm...

Another cool thing that Oberon has is armor strip on Reckoning, but to make it 100% you need power drift+intensify+transient fortitude+blind rage+energy conversion which hurts the efficiency so bad that you have to put fleeting expertise+streamline which hurts duration... There is just not enough mod slots to build him correctly. It's sacrificing one ability over another so I've decided to pick one most useful and build around it.

*actually i don't need 8 seconds, i need like 2 seconds just to cast Renewal, so i could reduce duration even lower, but with maxed Transient Fortitude+Streamline+Fleeting Expertise the energy drain of renewal still isn't low, so i had to use/waste one of his precious mod slots to buff duration a bit to get that 0,5 energy per second.

Anyway I'm happy that my favorite warframe will get primed soon and want to thank DE for everything you did, doing and will do for us.

Edited by Sebith
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The rework thus far has managed to solve some of the issues I've seen with Oberon, but more can be done. Here are my ideas on this matter.

Range QoL

Increase/decrease the base range of all of Oberon's AoE's to 20m radius at base, including the range of Oberon's secondary orbs from Smite.

Hallowed Ground QoL & Tweaks

  • Change the AoE shape be a circle centered on Oberon, but with its effects extending above the circle for half it's radius, so a base range HG would be a 40m diameter cylinder with a height of 10m. This would allow it to lend its effects to allies in maps which are multi-layered, and would also benefit Titania users when using pixy mode.
  • Increase Hallowed Ground's base status chance to 25%.
  • Hallowed Ground grants Damage Reduction. The DR is a base of 30% maxing out at 60% at 200% power strength. The bonus remains at 100% until an affected ally leaves the field, at which point it begins to decay. If the ally returns to the field the bonus is restored to 100% effectiveness. Decay rate is simply a matter of 100% / duration, rounded to the nearest integer. For example with a remaining duration of 30 seconds, the decay rate would be 3% per second. The DR bonus caps out at 60% at 200% power strength.
  • Str to DR granted
    40.00%   Str = 12.00% DR [Overextended]
    100.00% Str = 30.00% DR [Base]
    115.00% Str = 34.50% DR [Power Drift]
    130.00% Str = 39.00% DR [Intensify]
    145.00% Str = 43.50% DR [Intensify +Power Drift]
    155.00% Str = 46.50% DR [Transient Fortitude]
    170.00% Str = 51.00% DR [Transient Fortitude +Power Drift]
    199.00% Str = 59.70% DR [Blind Rage]
    200.00% Str = 60.00% DR [Transient Fortitude +Intensify +Power Drift]
  • When active, enemies killed within Hallowed Ground's radius return 4 energy to Oberon (Oberon receives this energy even if he is not in the AoE). This effect grants different amounts of energy depending on efficiency round to the nearest integer. The energy returned scales inversely (like Nidus). 45% = 6 Energy, 75% = 5 energy, 100-105% = 4 energy, 130-160% = 3 energy, 190% = 2 energy.

Renewal QoL & Tweaks

  • Remove the expansion speed of the wave as a mechanic based on power strength, expansion time reduced to 1 second.
  • Cooldown of Phoenix Renewal reduced to 60 seconds.

Reckoning QoL & Tweaks

  • Change HP orb drop rate to 'on hit' instead of 'on kill'. Orb drop chance could be lowered to 30-40% for balance purposes in this case, and multiple casts wouldn't drop multiple orbs from a single target.
  • Change blind radius to be equivalent to 20% of radius (4m base).
  • Change armor reduction functionality to apply against the total armor instead of current armor. I.e. if you were to have an armor reduction rating of 25%, and you use this ability 4 times against the same target, it would lose all of its armor.

Passive Benefits for Sentinels

  • Grant his passive bonuses to Sentinels with the free revive functioning like a fully upgraded Regen.


Edited by Nox_Terminus
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Renewal effects Nekro's shadow of the dead copies draining your energy since the copies health decay. It's annoying as hell to heal the party when all your energy is going to the shadow copies trying to heal with this energy hungry monster with no effect so please fix this. Also what happened to the energy regen when not healing yourself/allies while renewal is active? With 3 energy a sec per ally healing along with the energy drain while renewal is activated, the regen is sorely needed or at least tweak the energy drain to be more manageable. 

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On 4/27/2017 at 4:46 PM, --Q--Voltage said:

Still no fix for:

Still no fix for the Annoance that is this person spamming the board every update with the same thing cause they dont realize A: it's either not a priority at the moment and/or B: As a person that has a friend in Q/A testing for software and programs. Programming is not the easiest job in the world. and C: which is the likely case. They probably did it on purpose because it's what the majority of people seem to be doing and when a trend seems to accure they let it go for abit as they devise how to "fix"(nerf) it to balance out the problem.

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Very good work! But they are still some bugs. The most important for me and the one that appears the oftentest is this one: i often use the double desktop option on windows (or just multitask) and when I stwitch to other application, the loading after extraction for example is endless and I havbe to restart my game...That's not very cool if you are going to your dojo for a trade, you'll loose the name of the player you are trading with...

Edited by GeneralDerekVonPerchman
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Having continued to play him after this, with trying out a range-emphasis build to capitalize on CC and skill "synergy" (still co-dependency), I have to say I've got yet another issue with Hallowed Ground: It assumes allied players will actually stand on the ground. This is not reasonable to expect in Warframe. More often than not your allies will not care/notice you're trying to throw on or renew a defense buff, and will just continue sailing everywhere midair as per usual.

So, here's my continued thoughts on the changes that should be made. Note that I make no suggestions on how potent each effect should be. That is intentional and is something that should be playtested.


  • Decreased Shields
  • Increased Health
  • Increased Armor
  • Increased Energy

Why? Helps combat Oberon's energy issues somewhat, as well as suits his passive and team role as a Paladin tank/healer/CC better.


  • Oberon has an innate Rage and Guardian Derision effect. Whenever Oberon picks up a health or energy orb, a percentage of the restored amount is additionally restored to nearby allies, without being detracted from Oberon's restored amount.

Why? Helps to address his energy problems somewhat, and provides natural synergy with Reckoning. Also reflects a more team-supportive design.


  • Remove damage split from orbs.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: Target additionally fires extra projectiles for a duration after the initial cast.

Why? Damage split makes the current scaling pointless, and punishes players for increasing Oberon's power strength. This makes zero sense. HG synergy adds a bit more damage and CC.

Hallowed Ground:

  • Make the AoE innately a circle.
  • Raise the volume that scans where to place the HG. It scans too low, so slopes are currently a mechanical issue.
  • Remove the requirement for the targets to be touching the ground, and instead allow for hovering over it.
  • Enemies under the effects of hallowed ground have their armor stripped away over time.
  • Extend the status immunity to include all negative status, including energy drain effects and Nauseous Crawler disables.
  • Purges any negative environmental effects in the area, such as acid pools.
  • Allow Oberon to cast all of his skills while on HG at a discounted cost.

Why? There's so many things wrong with this skill. The AoE doesn't currently fit his 3rd and 4th skills, and is awkward to try and use on the fly. Expecting players to doublecast it when Oberon already has energy issues is just silly. The slope issue with HG is just needlessly frustrating. Allowing it to affect slightly-in-the-air targets adds tolerance for players who jump around a lot, as well as prevents flying enemies from being 100% immune to the skill. Armor-stripping-over-time is more thematically appropriate for the skill than increasing the damage, and can scale into high level content (It also fits better with the whole causing-enemies-to-turn-on-each-other deal). Energy drain is already an issue with Oberon, and having absolute status immunity incentivizes allies to actually make use of Hallowed Ground. Purging environmental effects makes thematic sense. The main idea is to turn this into a 'safe-haven/sanctuary' type of skill, as opposed to trying to make it an offensive or forced-synergy one.


  • Reduce the base drain when allies not being healed.
  • Reduce additional drain per ally being healed.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: As long as Oberon stands on Hallowed Ground, the base drain of Renewal is removed. Energy restoration methods such as team restores and Energy Vampire may restore energy at this time, provided allies are not being actively healed.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: If an ally is under the effect of Renewal, and currently does not have the defense boost, when they enter Hallowed Ground, the defense boost is retroactively applied based on what it would have been had they been on Hallowed Ground when the skill was initially cast.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: As long as a target is within Hallowed Ground, health regeneration rate is increased.

Why? Renewal is an energy-hungry monster. The healing isn't nearly potent enough to justify the drain. The main nice thing about this skill currently is the armor bonus, which means ideally you'd be able to maintain the skill, which is hard right now precisely because of the energy drain. Also, the defense boost can be a pain to get on allies in the first place, as it currently requires coordinated positioning and them to not jump around, which can be hard. Retroactively applying the defense will encourage mindful allies to seek Hallowed Ground after being placed under Renewal's effects, which ultimately improves Oberon's team synergy.


  • Change the condition of health orb dropping to any time a target is affected.
  • Reduce the chance of dropping a health orb.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: Apply a temporary damage multiplier to targets hit by the initial cast, which increases all incoming damage.

Why? The main use of this skill as difficulty increases is for CC and maybe a chance at health orbs. Currently, the synergy is laughably weak for such an energy cost, so this additional effect should help remedy that. The emphasis of the skill is now entirely on furthering Oberon's support-focused traits, providing extra healing and improved debuffs.

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3 minutes ago, Alusdrann said:

Having continued to play him after this, with trying out a range-emphasis build to capitalize on CC and skill "synergy" (still co-dependency), I have to say I've got yet another issue with Hallowed Ground: It assumes allied players will actually stand on the ground. This is not reasonable to expect in Warframe. More often than not your allies will not care/notice you're trying to throw on or renew a defense buff, and will just continue sailing everywhere midair as per usual.

So, here's my continued thoughts on the changes that should be made. Note that I make no suggestions on how potent each effect should be. That is intentional and is something that should be playtested.


  • Decreased Shields
  • Increased Health
  • Increased Armor
  • Increased Energy

Why? Helps combat Oberon's energy issues somewhat, as well as suits his passive and team role as a Paladin tank/healer/CC better.


  • Oberon has an innate Rage and Guardian Derision effect. Whenever Oberon picks up a health or energy orb, a percentage of the restored amount is additionally restored to nearby allies, without being detracted from Oberon's restored amount.

Why? Helps to address his energy problems somewhat, and provides natural synergy with Reckoning. Also reflects a more team-supportive design.


  • Remove damage split from orbs.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: Target additionally fires extra projectiles for a duration after the initial cast.

Why? Damage split makes the current scaling pointless, and punishes players for increasing Oberon's power strength. This makes zero sense. HG synergy adds a bit more damage and CC.

Hallowed Ground:

  • Make the AoE innately a circle.
  • Raise the volume that scans where to place the HG. It scans too low, so slopes are currently a mechanical issue.
  • Remove the requirement for the targets to be touching the ground, and instead allow for hovering over it.
  • Enemies under the effects of hallowed ground have their armor stripped away over time.
  • Extend the status immunity to include all negative status, including energy drain effects and Nauseous Crawler disables.
  • Purges any negative environmental effects in the area, such as acid pools.
  • Allow Oberon to cast all of his skills while on HG at a discounted cost.

Why? There's so many things wrong with this skill. The AoE doesn't currently fit his 3rd and 4th skills, and is awkward to try and use on the fly. Expecting players to doublecast it when Oberon already has energy issues is just silly. The slope issue with HG is just needlessly frustrating. Allowing it to affect slightly-in-the-air targets adds tolerance for players who jump around a lot, as well as prevents flying enemies from being 100% immune to the skill. Armor-stripping-over-time is more thematically appropriate for the skill than increasing the damage, and can scale into high level content (It also fits better with the whole causing-enemies-to-turn-on-each-other deal). Energy drain is already an issue with Oberon, and having absolute status immunity incentivizes allies to actually make use of Hallowed Ground. Purging environmental effects makes thematic sense. The main idea is to turn this into a 'safe-haven/sanctuary' type of skill, as opposed to trying to make it an offensive or forced-synergy one.


  • Reduce the base drain when allies not being healed.
  • Reduce additional drain per ally being healed.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: As long as Oberon stands on Hallowed Ground, the base drain of Renewal is removed. Energy restoration methods such as team restores and Energy Vampire may restore energy at this time, provided allies are not being actively healed.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: If an ally is under the effect of Renewal, and currently does not have the defense boost, when they enter Hallowed Ground, the defense boost is retroactively applied based on what it would have been had they been on Hallowed Ground when the skill was initially cast.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: As long as a target is within Hallowed Ground, health regeneration rate is increased.

Why? Renewal is an energy-hungry monster. The healing isn't nearly potent enough to justify the drain. The main nice thing about this skill currently is the armor bonus, which means ideally you'd be able to maintain the skill, which is hard right now precisely because of the energy drain. Also, the defense boost can be a pain to get on allies in the first place, as it currently requires coordinated positioning and them to not jump around, which can be hard. Retroactively applying the defense will encourage mindful allies to seek Hallowed Ground after being placed under Renewal's effects, which ultimately improves Oberon's team synergy.


  • Change the condition of health orb dropping to any time a target is affected.
  • Reduce the chance of dropping a health orb.
  • Hallowed Ground synergy: Apply a temporary damage multiplier to targets hit by the initial cast, which increases all incoming damage.

Why? The main use of this skill as difficulty increases is for CC and maybe a chance at health orbs. Currently, the synergy is laughably weak for such an energy cost, so this additional effect should help remedy that. The emphasis of the skill is now entirely on furthering Oberon's support-focused traits, providing extra healing and improved debuffs.

Dude, this would make Oberon a friggin blast to play.

Like, nice thoughts man. 

Wish I could like more than once!

This would make him awesome solo and in teams, and would give him both nice offensive and defensive/supportive abilities without being over powered.

Plus, It would finally give use a reason to actually activate and REMAIN on Hallowed Ground, cause currently it's 2+3 and keep moving. As it stands, Hallowed Ground is SUPER lame.


(+100000 in spirit)

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1 hour ago, KX297 said:

Dude, this would make Oberon a friggin blast to play.

Like, nice thoughts man. 

Wish I could like more than once!

This would make him awesome solo and in teams, and would give him both nice offensive and defensive/supportive abilities without being over powered.

Plus, It would finally give use a reason to actually activate and REMAIN on Hallowed Ground, cause currently it's 2+3 and keep moving. As it stands, Hallowed Ground is SUPER lame.


(+100000 in spirit)

Thanks. Haha.

After considering it more, I'd also suggest adding the ability for the effects of Hallowed Ground and Renewal to extend to allied NPCs, defense targets, etc. That plus the status immunity and defense boost should help prevent him from being considered an inferior healer, and more of an alternative to a pure healer, which is what he really should be.

As for the Augment mods, they'd need some updating to reflect the skill changes:

Smite Infusion:

  • Smite particles generated can target allies that do not currently have smite infusion, and apply the infusion. Oberon may self-target the effect this way.

Why? Allows for a more offensively-built Oberon, and makes keeping allies infused less of a pain.

Hallowed Eruption:

  • Erupting HG will cause enemies with Smite synergy active to apply a lesser Smite to other nearby enemies. The lesser Smite cannot benefit from HG synergy.
  • Erupting HG will cause allies under Renewal's effect to instantly recover a portion of health, based on the potency of the Renewal.
  • Erupting HG will amplify the damage multiplier on enemies with Reckoning synergy, but this enhancement may only be applied once for the duration of the synergistic effect, to avoid stacking an insane damage multiplier.

Why? If Hallowed Ground is expected to largely focus on skill synergy, then this mod should really extend the effects. Focuses Oberon on a synergy-build.

Phoenix Renewal:

  • Change to be triggered on lethal damage, so as to function with Quick Thinking.
  • Reduce cooldown.
  • Add an energy cost for Oberon on activation.
  • Change to keep Renewal active on the resurrected target after the mod is triggered.

Why? To allow for a more healer-focued Oberon build. The cooldown is the main issue, but just straight-up reducing it might become unbalanced, so the energy cost is to offset it. This mod furthers the unique healer mechanics available to Oberon.

Hallowed Reckoning:

  • Increase duration.
  • Increase radius.
  • Allow radius to be modified by range-increasing mods.
  • Additionally allow fields to function like Hallowed Ground.
  • Allow for gauranteed Hallowed Ground synergistic effect to be applied. (Not sure on this one. Could be overpowered depending on how potent the synergy effect is.)

Why? The point of this mod originally seemed to be to allow for Hallowed Ground carpets, but it wasn't updated for the Oberon rework. The gauranteed synergy is because the mod effectively throws down Hallowed Ground as well. So, this allows for more of a debuff-focused Oberon build.

Defiled Reckoning:

  • Remove orb invisibility aspect.
  • Apply additional debuff that causes recovery orbs to have an inverted effect, and amplified. This can be further amplified by Hallowed Ground's synergistic effect.
  • Orbs picked up and corrupted by the afflicted apply a portion of their inverted effect to nearby allies of the afflicted, similar to Oberon's passive.

Why? I don't really know what to say to the original design of this mod. This keeps the spirit of the original mod (recovery denial), but makes it less terrible. The innate changes to Reckoning should make this more viable as well. I'm less sure of this one, seeing that my PvP experience is minimal, so take this one with a grain of salt.

Edited by Alusdrann
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42 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

And now I'm seeing youtubers going 'dude just get arcane energy. Stop crying I don't get why you're hating.'

Riiiight all I have to do as someone who doens't know the kind of time he has because he's live in help to someone with a heart problem, someone else with siezures, and i have a full time care twin. My situation is fairly unique but the point is not everyone is capable of either raiding or affording the prices. 

So going 'oh just get this hard to farm expensive thing' shouldn't be an answer for how to fix a kit.

Right. No frame should have their base functionality be dependent on other features like that.

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5 hours ago, Alusdrann said:


After considering it more, I'd also suggest adding the ability for the effects of Hallowed Ground and Renewal to extend to allied NPCs, defense targets, etc. That plus the status immunity and defense boost should help prevent him from being considered an inferior healer, and more of an alternative to a pure healer, which is what he really should be.


Woooaaaaaaaaiiit wait wait... wait.... wait. I played around with his new kit a bit but didn't run into any sortie defense things or whatever. You mean to tell me his giant omnidirectional tsunami wave of healing... does not affect allied NPCs?

Um, DE... why? Are they dodge rolling out of the way of my heal or... something?

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Made some slight tweaks.



These changes are designed to allow for build variety, and I believe I've addressed most of the exploitable issues with these changes. Have at it 149487-star-trek-data-shrugs-gif-Imgu-Ox

Beyond this I guess its time to see what they decide to do.

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