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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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17 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

I'm not a guy that rages out if something isnt op. Matter of fact, anyone that sees me on here probably sees me arguing in defense of frames that people consider weak. Oberon, and especially his current iteration are in this boat. 

Smite-I personally feel like this is a good spot, but seeing as a lot of people dont, it should probably get some kind of synergy with hallowed ground like his other 2 moves. I propose that the damage per orb isnt split if both oberon and an enemy is on a hallowed ground patch when struck by an orb. This is the only move in his kit that has no hallowed ground synergy for some reason, and this change incentivizes people to build for power strength, since it would not only increase the utility of his entire kit, but it would also give him the damage, should he choose to use the energy required for that synergy. People dont want to be punished for trying to maximize a move. 

Hallowed ground-The single best thing about this rework, the only thing i would change is to make the status chance flat, and unaffected by power strength, but only if my proposed change to smite didnt happen. Right now, if you want to maximize the punch of smite, you need negative power strength, but you're nerfing the rest of your entire kits utility in that process. If smite stays how it currently is, i think that keeping a flat 15% radiation chance is fair. 

Renewal-I personally love what was done with renewal, but from observing the community, i think cutting the per teammate drain entirely would keep people happy. I understand that its purpose isnt to just indefinitely keep your teammates tanky with a HoT, but this is what the community wants. It wouldnt break the game, it would make him easier to use, and in fairness other frames with energy drain abilities dont use energy nearly as fast while the abilities are also killing enemies. Its a fair argument that renewal should only drain what it currently drains for one teammate, across the board.

Reckoning- Its funny how people were always saying this is his only good move pre rework, it only got better, but now they think its trash. Either way, crank the armor debuff up to 40%. Its nothing op, other frames can shred armor better, and to fully shred armor, oberon would still need 250% power strength to do it. That means at the very LEAST he would need both a maxed blind rage and a maxed transient fortitude. If you didnt wanna destroy your efficiency, it would take FOUR power strength mods to accomplish full armor shredding. So yeah, 40% is fair, without being overpowered. I would also be willing to sacrifice the blind on reckoning to get past 50% at base. No one intentionally uses the blind anyway.  Either those suggestions, or just make the armor shred max armor instead of current armor. 



-Make smite orbs not divide between enemies when both oberon and enemy are on hallowed ground 

-Make Hallowed Grounds status chance a flat 15 or 20% 

-completely remove renewals per target energy drain entirely, and raise the base energy per second just a bit to compensate 

-Raise reckonings armor shred to 40% at the very least. Or make the armor shred affect max armor instead of current armor. As of right now, its just a really expensive corrosive proc. 


All this in mind, i'm pro-oberon rework, and found it to be fantastic. As good as hallowed ground is, i feel the need to cast reckoning SOO much less now, and with renewal being a toggle, there is literally never a time when phoenix renewal wont be a boon to your team. Plus smite does $&*&*#(%& damage when enemies dont have armor (which is why the ability to full shred armor for using 150 energy should have been a no brainer)

Hey! We've played together in Mot Survival, not sure if you remember me but I was the Oberon player before the Oberon rework.

Anyways, I am also a fan of the rework and feel like his kit is really strong and the best way to improve it is by adding an energy gaining mechanic to his kit, similar to other frames like Limbo, Nidus, Octavia, and Saryn that rely on the synergies within their abilities to function properly.

This would open up build paths and indirectly buff the rest of his kit by doing so. Not having to rely on Rage for energy would be huge for him, and being able to drop an efficiency mod in favor of more duration or power strength would be as well.

The way I'd implement it would be by either:

1) While on Hallowed Ground, the projectiles his Smite creates would generate energy per enemy hit. <--- This would allow less efficient, strength builds to function while also solving his energt problems. He would be able to build similarly to Nidus if this were implemented and that would be huge for him.


2) Something as simple as gaining X amount of energy for each enemy killed on Hallowed Ground.

Those changes alone would indirectly buff the rest of his kit by providing more build variety and would allow him to function much more fluidly.

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Just now, Music4Therapy said:

Hey! We've played together in Mot Survival, not sure if you remember me but I was the Oberon player before the Oberon rework.

Anyways, I am also a fan of the rework and feel like his kit is really strong and the best way to improve it is by adding an energy gaining mechanic to his kit, similar to other frames like Limbo, Nidus, Octavia, and Saryn that rely on the synergies within their abilities to function properly.

This would open up build paths and indirectly buff the rest of his kit by doing so. Not having to rely on Rage for energy would be huge for him, and being able to drop an efficiency mod in favor of more duration or power strength would be as well.

The way I'd implement it would be by either:

1) While on Hallowed Ground, the projectiles his Smite creates would generate energy per enemy hit. <--- This would allow less efficient, strength builds to function while also solving his energt problems. He would be able to build similarly to Nidus if this were implemented and that would be huge for him.


2) Something as simple as gaining X amount of energy for each enemy killed on Hallowed Ground.

Those changes alone would indirectly buff the rest of his kit by providing more build variety and would allow him to function much more fluidly.

Idea: A possible answer to energy depletion 
When enemies standing on hallowed ground are hit by Reckoning, a percentage of the damage goes back to your energy bar. 
-Ditch the blind effect for partial energy regeneration for % of damage done

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33 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Oberon isn't a min/max frame. He's an all-rounder that needs to be built as such. If you don't then you get a garbage Oberon build, which is what a good portion of the people saying his rework was bad are using.

You do realize that him being required to build as an all rounder is what's holding him back, right? Other frames have trash stats in their kits and are thus able to mod in a fashion that places much greater emphasis on what makes their kit great. Oberon?

He needs everything right now. If he had an energy gain mechanic and could function with only 80-100% Efficiency and without Rage he'd be in a much better place due to more build variety. If Oberon could go full on Str+Rng w/ some Dur like Nidus, than he could be a frontline, armor stripping bad &amp;#&#33; support.

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2 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

My biggest problem is Scott, or whoever from DE will trott out 'oh just slap corrupted mods, primed mods, and go with this ver specific setup and don't dare stray into higher end content without playing as defensivly as an eighty year old grandma and he's gonna be just FINE.'

Yeah, even on the DevStream he seemed to nearly roll his eyes at the mention of Oberon's rework not being accepted by the community. 

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While he is on his Hallowed Ground his Smite ability should regenerate energy every time one of the projectiles that it creates hits an enemy.

This would allow him to function without Rage and with only 80-100% efficiency, thus opening more build paths for him and indirectly buffing the rest of his kit.

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17 minutes ago, n_0x said:

She actually does you get heals per kill (that also gives shields and effects also companions, hostagers and specters) that is mostly on equinox paying attention to how much healing she has accumulated But while we are on the topic of Equinox (a literal good example of being better than Oberon) let's talk about Pacify and Provoke, the damage reduction aura, you know the one button press that takes 10 energy to cast and .5 energy an enemy at max without any efficiency. Also something really funny: energy regen effects (energy siphon and zenurik) still work when enemies are in Pacify. Meanwhile we gotta stand in HG wait for Renewal and stand in HG again and get re-Renewal'd because the armor buff ran out and do over again when the armor runs out.

Oh for the other Oberon they don't have the same kit mind you (because that's insane) but there is man called Nidus. You know the real Jack of all Trades. Don't want Nidus? Then you can have Inaros you know the less support and more offensive version. Positive fact though Oberon is a better healer than Inaros

You're misrepresenting pacify.  While very good, it takes time and damage on yourself to build to significant level and even then is a very fragile ability.  Again another ability that functions differently, I don't know why you're comparing them.  You're also brushing over the issue of her taking longer to respond to situations than Oberon can.

The whole nidus/inaros bandwagon?  It's like your not hearing me and stuck in some parroting loop.  They are different frames with different expectations, at least by me.  However, feel free to ask every frame to simply be Nidus,  or you could just take Nidus into every single mission that you run and just pretend its name is Oberon?

Back on topic:

Main goals I'd like for Oberon

  • Make him a beast while on Hallowed Ground (He can be overwhelmed while on it currently)
  • Just buff his armor gifts and armor stripping (Don't be afraid)
  • Make Hallowed Ground match reckoning range
    • It's fair if HG requires 1 stretch to reach best potential. (It is still to small with 1 stretch equipped)
  • Release a Tower shield/Mace weapon
Edited by robbybe01234
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1 minute ago, MarrikBroom said:

I wouldn't call it easily because IT IS A LEVEL 120 JUGGERNAUGHT! That was a party trick. Using an enemy that has a weakpsot and no enemies around it so all the orbs can go back in on the original target. IN normal gameplay you have whole crowds wehre that 'scaling' gets spread out between a lot of targets.

You're doing Scott's work for him in justifying Oberon staying broken. Even if his smite is fine (it's not but let's say it is) he has a severe energy economy issue that just bumping up his energy won't fix on its own. Sure having more energy will be nice, but right now he has no way to GAIN energy. Smite enemies on hallowed ground should have a synergy since renewal and reckoning do. Have enemies hit by smite on HG give energy.  That should help. Greadly. I'm hoping that's the one change that turns this boat around.

Well, in my situation it was that Design Council alert. Honestly I nearly lost my sh*t when that level 120 Juggernaut spawned and my Hirudo had no way of shrekking it. Thankfully I manage to spam Smite all the way. But only in that situation did I feel that it was insane, otherwise it's normal in the usual gameplay.

Scott actually said Oberon is broken? How often does he play the frame to come with that conclusion?? Also, personally for me energy economy has always been an issue amongst each Warframe. Frames like Inaros and Nidus have lesser trouble due to being able use Rage on the go while the latter's first ability let him leach off energies. For now we can just stick to Rage and/or Zenurik.

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18 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

Hey! We've played together in Mot Survival, not sure if you remember me but I was the Oberon player before the Oberon rework.

Anyways, I am also a fan of the rework and feel like his kit is really strong and the best way to improve it is by adding an energy gaining mechanic to his kit, similar to other frames like Limbo, Nidus, Octavia, and Saryn that rely on the synergies within their abilities to function properly.

This would open up build paths and indirectly buff the rest of his kit by doing so. Not having to rely on Rage for energy would be huge for him, and being able to drop an efficiency mod in favor of more duration or power strength would be as well.

The way I'd implement it would be by either:

1) While on Hallowed Ground, the projectiles his Smite creates would generate energy per enemy hit. <--- This would allow less efficient, strength builds to function while also solving his energt problems. He would be able to build similarly to Nidus if this were implemented and that would be huge for him.


2) Something as simple as gaining X amount of energy for each enemy killed on Hallowed Ground.

Those changes alone would indirectly buff the rest of his kit by providing more build variety and would allow him to function much more fluidly.

Oh yeah i definitely remember you. You're that maiming strike kesheg oberon that threw away a perfectly good endurance run because you were too cocky. I'm still mad at you for that one lol

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21 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

'Give them an inch and they want a mile.' - DE_Scott

DE will trott out 'oh just slap corrupted mods, primed mods, and go with this ver specific setup and don't dare stray into higher end content without playing as defensivly as an eighty year old grandma and he's gonna be just FINE.'

The alert itself was actually very fun even with the Jugg. I liked it and want to see more of those happen since 'oh hey this lets me push myself.'

As a person with a 6-formaed Oberon, I can't agree with the bolded statement. Even as of now I can only make him decent at most, but he's falling far behind compare to other frames in terms of overall survivability.

And that's a very cynical statement for a dev to be telling to the their playerbase, imo at least..

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30 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

Oh yeah i definitely remember you. You're that maiming strike kesheg oberon that threw away a perfectly good endurance run because you were too cocky. I'm still mad at you for that one lol

LMAO!! I was playing on tilt :crylaugh::thumbup:

People are going to think I'm a baddie now LUL

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I know I may be speaking only for myself but I would be happy with losing damage, both on Smite and Reckoning, power damage ouptut in general, if Oberon would then excel in the other 3 areas: Tanking, CC, and Healing. Hell, I'd be happy with Tanking and Healing and letting his CC stay as is, with a damage loss. I can always make up damage with a good weapon.

If the problem is allowing him to excel in all 4 areas, then cut one. Let him excel in 3. In my opinion, we have plenty of frames that do ridiculous damage, but my thinking is that his Paladin theme, which many people agree upon, would favor tanking, healing and some CC. Just my opinion.

In general though, after reading dozens of posts over the last few days, I think the one thing almost everyone agrees upon is that Oberon needs some sort of self energy generation. I like the idea of cutting power costs while standing on HG, or having an energy return from killing enemies while standing on HG. If we are going to be forced to use HG all the time to succeed with Oberon, lets use it to shore up one of his most commonly agreed upon weaknesses. 

My 2 cents. Thanks for reading.

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Just now, MarrikBroom said:

Reminds me of when I first got final harbinger. I ended up dying after an hour because 'oh hell i'm ENJOYING this too much to pay attention.

It was only funny because of how badly he was trying to convince all of us in the game how good he was with oberon while dying repeatedly, then blaming something different every time lol. "shoot, i was typing!" , "man these spawns suck!" (with him being the one messing them up) "oh so he's gonna just spawn right behind me then?" 

Seeing as the rest of us were using teamwork it was equally infuriating as it was hilarious

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14 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

It was only funny because of how badly he was trying to convince all of us in the game how good he was with oberon while dying repeatedly, then blaming something different every time lol. "shoot, i was typing!" , "man these spawns suck!" (with him being the one messing them up) "oh so he's gonna just spawn right behind me then?" 

Seeing as the rest of us were using teamwork it was equally infuriating as it was hilarious

wtf, either you're just making stuff up or your remembering a different player. Either way, I'd rather we turn our attention towards the rework.

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2 hours ago, n_0x said:

Compared to the "big carpet" you need to always be on to have the status benefit versus just running on the trails he leaves behind or running behind him and a 700hp shield for the team from a non healer frame ? Truly how can anyone compete?

Nezha can heal, though admitted it his usually narrow and not used, Flaming Chakram marks foes with a fire status that causes when the enemy is killed, an explosion goes off that can heal allies near the killed foe. Overall, Nezha is a fair comparison to Oberon, though more focused on mobility than durability.


1 hour ago, Koed said:

If you agree upon Oberon being a JOAT then all the other frames that were mentioned are also JOAT'S. Hell, Oberon doesn't even have a buff making him less of a JOAT than some other frames.

... And stop being so pretentious. You don't sound clever. At all.

While I can understand where you are coming from, at least I think I do, Oberon is a classicc All-rounder as his moves each cover roles that might be done by other specialists and bring them under one banner, that of a Paladin. Valkyr is a dedicated Tank - the most dedicated in fact - with small elements of a Berserker but without much of the Berserker negatives. Nidus is a warframe dedicated around a single burst damage move, durable yes; but not really a healer but rather his Ravenous can do a Heal over Time to allies as well as himself but is mostly for just improving his Virulence. Inaros is a tank with crowd control elements but much of them focus on giving incremental damage while healing the Space Mummy warframe. Scarab Swarm healing allies is less a role covered than just a lovely icing of the cake;  and Devour is mostly about allowing Inaros to slowly heal, kill an enemy, and make a minion but after a patch allowed allies to do so more to be a little more team player than prior. Frost is a team guardian type tank who has moves that damage and make enemies easier to defend against or kill, not really an all-rounder though I totally agree, its a sweet kit with elements of a magic knight. Rhino is a light tank with native armor rather similar to Oberon's and a move to prevent status/damage to himself while his light crowd control elements/damage and a Roar for buffing his damage abilites and thankfully those of his team - its not really an all-rounder but is a flexible and useful kit though it under-performs as enemies out-scale his durability quickly and his damage is low with an emphasis on keeping the enemy from fighting back.

Warframes that fit the all-rounder mold are Nezha, Hydroid with augments, Equinox with her damage/healing and assortment of debuffs/crowd-control. and Oberon. All these warframes cover multiple roles within a team without being the specialist in any particular field. Often such generalists have mini specialties compared to their kin like Oberon being pseudo tanky and sharing defense boosts with healing and having a debuff damage suite. Hydroid being mostly a crowd control warframe but with augments running the range from debuffer, short range healer/status remover, and looter. Equinox has healing and damage elements that have a strong win-more element to them that scales while having debuffs, crowd control, and buffing allies. Oberon himself does damage with light crowd control and debuff, immunity removal of debuffs, armor buffs, heals, and area effect crowd control/damage/debuffs while not being super tanky but reasonably so natively.

I don't think anyone is saying that warframes can't be geared to helping others, or dipping their toes into other specialties; but when you take an all-rounder, you are taking a warframe that is trying to do multiple roles largely as part of the main goal and not as an optional path.

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1 hour ago, Music4Therapy said:

1) At best he is about as tanky as a naked Valkyr.

My Valkyr Prime is built for power strength, so that I can have a LOT of melee speed when I use Warcry. She's got a 90% Steel Fiber and maxed out Armored Agility, before Warcry, has 1645 armour. When I use it, it gives me a 128% armour increase as a bonus to the melee speed. She also has a maxed out Vitality, for 740 health. She can tank 8 Level 120 Corrupted Bombard rockets between two Corrupted Bombards before getting killed on the 9th, without blocking.

"Naked", that is, without armour mods or warcry, she can take one hit before dying on the next. Again, without blocking.

With my current build, my Oberon will reach 82 hp/s regen and 411 bonus armour, putting him at 561 armour. Depending on the timing of the rockets between two Level 120 Corrupted Bombards he can take between 4 and 6 before kicking the bucket. Again, without blocking. This is without him being at his "best", with no formas and no exilus and no Transient Fortitude or blind Rage. Just Growing Power, Intensify, and Energy Conversion.

You are wrong.


2) The video means nothing, and Sword & Shield weapons are one of the few weapon types that grant 85% damage reduction while blocking.

If you paid attention to the video, you would have noticed he wasn't using Sword and Shield. He was using Gazal Machete, which is a fine enough weapon if admittedly not the best ever, but is pretty great among machetes. As for how many weapon types grant 85% damage reduction, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but they constitute about a third of the weapon "types", and most of them constitute some of the most commonly used melee weapons. They include, for instance: Heavy Blades (Galatine, Galatine Prime), Hammers (Fragor Prime, Jat Kittag), Nikanas ('nuff said), Polearms (Lesion, Orthos, Orthos Prime, Vaykor Sydon - which works rather well for blocking as it can also charge up a Radial Blind), Machetes (Gazal Machete), Scythes, and only finally Swords & Shields.


No, but seeing that he will have somewhere between a naked Chroma and a naked Valkyr's worth of total armor, he shouldn't be relying on rage. Especially when unlikes many other frames, he doesn't have a trash stat.

Doesn't particularly need one. Plus, it's worth noting that you start getting pretty diminishing returns after 500 armour, which he can reach rather easily. You're overestimating the value of armour past a certain point. Even if I didn't use Warcry, my Valkyr Prime sitting at 1645 armour only gets 84% damage reduction. My Oberon gets 65%. End result, she only takes about half again as little damage, but unlike Oberon, lacks health regen as part of her kit, only life steal as part of her 4, which I tend not to be using a whole lot as its damage output is... regrettable, compared to my actual melee weapons. The health regen closes the gap quite significantly, and if I jam Power Drift in Oberon's Exilus it'll be closed further still as he'll get both more armour and more health recovery.

You are severely underestimating him and just how useful Rage is on him. With shield gating coming down the pipe guaranteed to reduce the frequency of random one hit kills by a significant margin, he'll be well suited to join Valkyr as a tank. In fact, the two would likely pair rather well together, between her armour buff on warcry and his health regeneration for teammates, they'd only really enhance each other in a way that few other 'frames could.


If you try to utilize the armor stripping effect against the grineer, you'll spend most your time out energy. Reckoning encourages repeated use against armored targets. Its rewards you with health orbs for landing kills with it, applies radiation and deals bonus damage to targets afflicted with radiation, and strips targets of armor. If not in a 4xCP squad or if you are solo, you are going to have a hard time trying to strip a meaningful amount of armor from a target consistently without atleast those 3/4 mods mentioned right now.

I've never relied on armour stripping to any significant degree. My damage output or damage methods, most of the time, result in killing them fairly easily without needing to. I tend to view Corrosive Projection and armour stripping in general as a crutch that prevents people from going out of their way to find methods for hunting grineer that don't rely on coordinating a full team of auras. There's rarely any reason to go far enough in a survival mission that armour scaling becomes a significant issue, Trials have eight players and it's guaranteed four of them are going to be bringing Corrosive Projection so there's no real need for you to, and Sorties I find can be managed just as well with a hek to the face or an invisible Galatine to the legs, without needing to rely on abilities, so I can feel free to use Naramon's Shadow Step there.

As far as I'm concerned, Reckoning's "armor stripping" is a nice bonus, and nothing more. I'll use Smite on the priority target to interrupt them, then Reckoning to get bonus damage on him and finish irradiating the rest of the party, and whatever few enemies aren't infighting and decide to target me are likely not strong enough to kill me so I'll get plenty of energy back from Rage.


No, you can't. Not every frame requires that they drop a magic carpet on the floor in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their abilities. Hallowed Ground and Renewal aren't anything special without their synergies, Most frames have either 1 or 2 abilities that make the whole kit (Atlas, Chroma, Wukong, Zephyr, etc...) or have a strong overall kit that have abilities that act well independently of each other. Oberon doesn't have that. Same with Limbo, Saryn, Octavia, and Nidus. Their kits rely on the synergy between their abilities in order to maximize their potential and that is why they have energy regen mechanics within their kits, they are combo based.

This is, admittedly, the best argument you've made. But I'd also argue that you're wrong, too. Each of Oberon's abilities, as they are right now, are strong independently. A single target knockdown and confusion that will make nearby enemies target it, as well as use its health to damage those very same nearby enemies. A "magic carpet" that constantly confuses and damages enemies while offering you complete status immunity, with an augment that turns it into a straight up nuke that can and does fry enemies with considerable ease. Team health recovery over time that will increase team survival rate by an insane amount, with an augment that gives them one free life every minute and a half. Wide area knockdown and confusion, plus a chance for a little bonus if something actually dies from it, although it is admittedly a bit of a panic button and should not be particularly relied upon, especially if you've got carpets already confusing enemies.

Every one of those is a decent skill in its own right. Oberon's synergy between 2 and 4 is pretty meh and again, from my perspective, is a "nice bonus". Not worth specifically aiming for, especially if it'll mess up your remaining energy pool. Oberon's synergy between 2 and 3 is very nice, especially with regards to team survivability, but it does not make or break him on its own. Oberon hasn't been combo based in the past, nor is he now. He gets nice bonuses, but doesn't rely on them anywhere near to the same degree as, say, Saryn.


Increasing his energy pool would be a mere bandaid to the much larger issue, because without an energy regain mechanic you are just delaying the inevitability of you being energy deprived (unless you plan on being shot in face).

And I would argue that said bandaid is all he needs. His energy consumption is being blown out of proportion by people who try to spam every single ability as much as they possibly can. Plus, he is well-built for being shot in the face. He is nearly as tanky as Valkyr Prime plus armour mods plus warcry, and is also in a good position to use Guardian Derision and blocking weapons. We have a myriad methods at our fingertips for fixing his "energy consumption issue", so enclosed in quotation marks because I do not believe it to actually be a significant issue. Also, again, I would argue the opposite.


Is this not a reason why they should make a way built into his kit to relieve the issue like other frames that require ability synergy to be effective?

But his kit strongly suggests that you use external means for recovering energy. When you can become as tanky as Valkyr, possibly moreso if you use even basic maneuvering to sidestep danger for a couple short seconds, it makes him well suited to taking damage or blocking to recover energy. When your passive involves buffing your pet companion to have greater survivability, and your kit only builds on that, it makes him well suited to taking a companion that can help him recover energy as he is one of the few 'frames that significantly reduces said companion's chances of death.

It's worth noting that on page... 50 or 51, I forget which, I outlined what changes I myself would make to Oberon to improve synergy in a way that would reduce unnecessary energy expenditure slightly, and indeed actually included a mechanic that would allow for a chance to make energy orbs appear, small though it was, but that's as much of a team bonus as it is a bonus for the self.


Oberon still needs a little more work, I think, though I am quite happy with the direction he's gone, and only hope for him to go further in this direction.

My outline:

STATS: 225 base energy, please. 200 minimum.

Passive: Add damage buff to pets, too.

Smite: Needs synergy with Reckoning. Would strongly suggest that in addition to the projectiles, shards also drop out of the target, similar to using Polarize, being about 15% of health/shields spread across them, multiplied by the enemy's armour rating so it can properly scale with Grineer, potentially but not necessarily with the bonus damage multiplier of the armour rating only being targeted against Grineer, like using a faction-specific damage weapon mod. These shards could then be picked up by Reckoning, and when slammed down, will explode, dealing additional damage. Additionally, upon being slammed by Reckoning, the shards will, as with enemy death, have a 50% chance of yielding health orbs. Would also suggest a 10% chance of energy orbs.
OPTIONAL: Would also ALSO suggest a 25% chance of "Armour Orbs", green orbs which would sort of act like a significantly weaker Health Conversion with longer duration.

Hallowed Ground: Strongly suggest a clear border line like it used to have. Furthermore, having to herd your teammates onto Hallowed Ground just so you can offer them the Iron Renewal buff is not a pleasant experience. Iron Renewal already has a duration mechanic for when Renewal is no longer active, so make it so that the buff is applied when teammates who are under the effect of Renewal step onto Hallowed Ground, and the duration will engage when they leave Hallowed Ground's area of effect, encouraging them to stay tight with their teammates. Make it so that if they stay on Hallowed Ground, but Oberon runs out of energy to keep Renewal up, they can still refresh the effect as long as there is a Hallowed Ground active.

Renewal: Would strongly suggest to offer Iron Renewal to the casting Oberon right off the bat, since he is expending energy to keep it up, the effect of which would be doubled if standing on Hallowed Ground. Would also suggest 25m healing AURA, with a short duration of remaining for when they leave its influence, similar to Iron Renewal. If a teammate is ahead of you in the mission, it becomes basically impossible for Renewal's initial wave to reach them and connect, forcing you to recast once you catch up. Also the team heal cost is a little bit too strict and makes it painful to use Oberon with anything other than absolutely maximum efficiency. If the whole team starts taking damage, you can run out of energy basically instantly even if running maximum power efficiency with not insignificant duration. It'd be nice if efficiency and/or duration could affect the cost of teammate healing.

Reckoning: No additional suggestions aside from the synergy with Smite.



Edited by Ardhanarishvara
Reference to previous post, for exampling.
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Just now, Music4Therapy said:

wtf, either you're just making stuff up or that was a you are remembering a different player. Either way, I'd rather we turn our attention towards the rework.

It wasnt a game with a hydroid, saryn and a nidus that dc'ed maybe a week or two ago? You never used a maiming strike kesheg on mot?

Either way though, yeah your name looks familiar if that wasnt you, but I have literally played with only 2 oberons in the past month before the rework. But maybe i'm trippin. 

On the topic of the rework, personally without including what i think the community wants, i just want more armor shredding on his 4. If i get that i'd be happy. He's in a solid spot. Hallowed ground is super strong imo. 

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55 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

'Give them an inch and they want a mile.' - DE_Scott

DE will trott out 'oh just slap corrupted mods, primed mods, and go with this ver specific setup and don't dare stray into higher end content without playing as defensivly as an eighty year old grandma and he's gonna be just FINE.'

The alert itself was actually very fun even with the Jugg. I liked it and want to see more of those happen since 'oh hey this lets me push myself.'

No offense to DE Scott, but didn't DE Scott say that the way for players to deal with scaling armor was that they should bring more Corrosive Projection during a previous devstream? I would like to see DE Scott show off the proper playstyle intended for Oberon or a Developer play-through ala DE Steve or Glen with running the missions and showing the warframe excel. Not saying a person can't - most of us commenting have all played Oberon more than most with lower stats and in some places less effective kit; but perhaps it best to show how 'balanced' something is rather than say it off hand without visual aides for us less blessed with the hard data. I am sure everyone has their own opinion on such things, and would like to see the input the devs bring to Oberon's optimal use in game - I am sure all of us would really.

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23 hours ago, Urlan said:

No offense to DE Scott, but didn't DE Scott say that the way for players to deal with scaling armor was that they should bring more Corrosive Projection during a previous devstream? I would like to see DE Scott show off the proper playstyle intended for Oberon or a Developer play-through ala DE Steve or Glen with running the missions and showing the warframe excel. Not saying a person can't - most of us commenting have all played Oberon more than most with lower stats and in some places less effective kit; but perhaps it best to show how 'balanced' something is rather than say it off hand without visual aides for us less blessed with the hard data. I am sure everyone has their own opinion on such things, and would like to see the input the devs bring to Oberon's optimal use in game - I am sure all of us would really.

Actually - I recall that he did. Not sure which devstream but I know that I was baffled by that bit. Was it also Scott that told us to just farm Mutagen Samples with drops-boosting frames as a way of saying "Shut up and go farm the loot with an abysmal drop rate for a crap tier weapon"

Edited by LokiTheCondom
ARGHHHH missed a few words
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I don't understand why people seem so against Oberon getting some form of energy refunding or cost reduction.

Personally, I think it would help tremendously. 

I'd also really like to see a Hallowed Ground range buff.

DE obviously wants us to fight on it, yet even at maxed range it is still pretty small. 

I still think it should just be a circle too. None of this "cone that forms more of a circle with range" junk. Things like this just over-complicate the frame for no reason what so ever, similar to how the inverse duration junk just made things needlessly weird. Why make it harder than it needs to be? Just make it a circle which has a base radius that is increased with range mods. Way simpler and much easier to work with. 

I also really miss the old Hallowed Ground visuals. The new one is really hard to see, even worse in dimly lit areas, and is just not very appealing to look at. Maybe that's just me though. (I am playing on max settings).

Anyways, I think Reckoning and Smite are okay for what they are. Damage pretty much drops off for the most part, but they are still good. I kinda would like to see the blind part of Reckoning specifically get looked at, but it's not too big of a deal. 

Oberon is, in my opinion, definitely better than what he was, but that's not to say he is necessarily great yet. Tweaks and changes still need to be made.



(Also, the energy drain per teammate under sustained damage seems counterproductive to team play. It's like i'm punished for healing my teammates. Even at minimum drain, it's like, what, two energy a second if all four players are sustaining damage. I'm not at my PC, but I think that's what it was. Point is, with no current way to get energy outside of relying on things like Rage, RNG energy orb drops, and Arcane Energize (all of which I don't fully agree should be required to actually effectively use his abilities) he seems to consume way to much energy between using his abilities and maintaining Renewal. Again, maybe it's just me, but currently I really don't like having it running. I just heal myself and turn it back off for the most part, and only turn it back on to refresh the armor bonus or give myself a quick heal.)

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In short now that Renewal Heals all allied units it can heal Nekros's shadow  form Shadows of the Dead which a massive energy drain because Renewal tries to heal the shadows from the constant damage that they take. This, unfortunately, makes it hard to heal your fellow tenno with out constantly running out of energy or it forces you to forgo using Renewal entirely when playing with a Nekros that frequently uses Shadows of the Dead. 

My suggestion to fix this with out removing Renewal's ability to heal Allied NPCs is to have a cap on the amount to energy that renewal can drain a second.


Any thoughts on this issue? Or an alternate solution? 

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Ya, they need to do something about it. 

It's super irritating.


(Maybe just stop them from being healed all together? Like, stop spawned specter-unit-things from being healed? It doesn't seem something that would be intended.)

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Doesn't the new Renewal have the old "Instant Healing" and "Overtime Rejuvenation" mechanic still?

If it does, then a simple fix would be : Allow Instant healing to affect all allied units that it touches, but only allow allied Warframes to use the Overtime Rejuvenation.

Edit : Unless I've been wrong all my life and Oberon never worked the way I thought it did.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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