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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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17 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

Good ideas, and thank-you providing feedback in a specific, constructive way.

I strongly believe the change to his passive that you propose is far too strong. Since Oberon can continually heal himself, having innate 30% energy regen off of the damage dealt to him means he'd rapidly be getting free and infinite energy as long as he takes damage. Considering that Oberon would be able to stack a Rage mod on top of this, it's just too much.

Thank you for the constructive feedback! I agree that 30% is too high, but I wanted to find a good middle ground based off of what the community decides is a better value. I want to ask though are you in favor of this additional passive? I agree in the fact that it isn't reliable, but it's not supposed to be if he's gaining energy from HG as well. The combined nature of these two forms of energy regeneration provide a constant if set up correctly. Perhaps 15-20% rage is more viable, I'm not sure, let's discuss.

I like your input on reckoning and blue orbs, it would take some pressure off of hallowed ground, and given your statement about renewal, provide a more adaptable solution to the "new" oberon.

Loved what you said at the end and I agree whole heartedly, players must give DE time to absorb opinions and make decisions, but given my previous statement we must recognize that DE operates on a business schedule, meaning things risk being left behind in the constant updating of the platform. This is why the community has to decide on what it is that they specifically want, and it's why I'm appreciating the maturity displayed on this thread. 

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51 minutes ago, MartianGHunter said:

Now feedback part. Oberon has improved greatly and everyone who thinks other wise is clearly an incompetent player and here is why.

Please avoid saying things like this in the future.  Everyone has their own opinion and style of play they prefer.  Suggesting your way is the best way is not a great discussion opener.

Especially since the majority of feedback against the oberon rework is mainly concerned with the increased energy usage which you go on to say is the only problem with the rework, thereby contradicting your first statement immediately.

Also, do you use Rage in your build?  That's pretty much the best way to get energy on Oberon now.

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50 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

sure some ppl seem to complain about energy issue but personally with rage p flow vitality and renewal on at all times (100 strenght 105 dur 175 eff 145 range) i can sustain my heal and cosntant casting of his other abilities

But what happens when the enemy can do more damage than your durability and healing can handle, and fast enough the pheonix renewal can't recharge in time? 

It's too dependent on you being able to take hits from enemies to gain energy. 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

But what happens when the enemy can do more damage than your durability and healing can handle, and fast enough the pheonix renewal can't recharge in time? 

It's too dependent on you being able to take hits from enemies to gain energy. 

that's not a good argument, even tank frames will eventually reach a point in an endless mission where the enemies are dealing to much damage to sustain. granted it takes much longer but it will eventually happen and i think most people who play oberon are capable of telling when to pull out. also  you can easily replace rage with zenurik focus tree or if you raid allot arcane energize.

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3 hours ago, Grimmboski said:

I think AGGP is mistaken in thinking we all want Oberon to be OP

No, I'm pretty sure that he's correct, based on the feedback that he gets. The majority of people that actually main Oberon simply wanted a few numbers tweaked, Renewal changed, and Hallowed Ground changed. That's almost exactly what they did, except they tweaked a few numbers a bit too much and made his energy consumption a bit much for people who don't have maxed out mods.

The majority of the early feedback was from people who were upset that he wasn't as good as their favorite frame. The majority of the feedback, right now, is from a few people constantly making tl;dr posts about how Oberon should be tweaked in the specific way that they want, with the occasional person getting a few words in edgewise.

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3 hours ago, Nirune said:

you've locked most players who would even consider oberon into a renewal build.

Sounds like another case of someone focusing too much on the changes instead of focusing on how the changes affected your older play style.

I have found literally zero difference except that I'm casting Hallowed Ground and toggling renewal on and off really quickly every 20 seconds. I'm also able to actually make use of Hallowed Ground at choke points, unlike before where it would be a set of two ticks of damage and nothing else.

It really shouldn't surprise you that people would, improperly, build an Oberon for one ability, anyway. That's all the majority of players seem to do with any other frame, why would they act any different now? They don't understand how to use Oberon. The majority of Oberon "mains" barely even understand how to use him. These are the people that don't want to listen to people who do understand how to maximize his usefulness.

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3 hours ago, Nirune said:

Phoenix renewal only works once per person or so the mod says, meaning its only useful for you or your party once. with a 90 sec cool down meaning any time say a sortie juggernaut comes it'll only rez one person when you know typically when he does kill he cleaves the poop out of most of the party.

False. Phoenix Renewal works every 90 seconds on everyone. And because the ability is toggled, you don't need to build for duration. It was a massive buff. I don't get why people don't just toggle the ability off if they don't want to use it.

There is a video on youtube from 2015 of an Oberon player that was able to go 60 minutes solo in t4s without Blood Rush or Focus Schools, players today have become dependant on the schools it seems. With the tools we have today and with his improved kit, going over 60 minutes is very achievable, I've done so multiple times this week alone. The only reason to keep Renewal toggled is if you run Phoenix Renewal, and if you run Phoenix Renewal energy is a non-issue as every 90 seconds you can go back to max energy capacity.

It took a bit, but I got the kit figured out now and it's really solid, count me out of the needs a buff crowd. @Chipputer

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39 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

The majority of people that actually main Oberon simply wanted a few numbers tweaked...... The majority of the early feedback was from people who were upset that he wasn't as good as their favorite frame.


32 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

You seem to be cherrypicking there and classifying all of us dissatisfied as somehow wrong in our view

Marrik, please don't assume antagonism, especially when the Tenno you're having a conversation with clearly states otherwise. Please be civil and polite, or threads tend to devolve into pointless bickering and lose sight of purpose.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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Figured this was the most appropriate place to put this down, probably won't be seen or get enough discussion or promotion to anyway I normally try to keep ideas to myself but the pizza slice power we have has glaring potential to be something else or rather the forced interaction between 2-3 means it just has to out of necessity. But I'll just get to the point, what if instead of the range based stationary ability we had a following area of effect that spread out while stationary have the max spread scale with power range and the speed of it duration based (my thought process is that hallowed ground would decay in places you've been but with duration reducing decay the hallowed ground would reach max range faster) so you might have put together that I intend for hallowed ground to leave trails, which is absolutely correct! I believe it'd give incentive to an Oberon to move more to expand the territory covered by hallowed ground rather than babysit doorways and cryopods trying to get everyone iron renewal. and of course the cost would work the same in terms off power efficiency...

...this next part however might be fanciful of me... BUT!

Wouldn't it be great if hallowed ground expanded the range of all abilities except for renewal? In my mind it fixes the problem with Oberons 4 just having terrible range, and a part of me thinks the orbs that his one spawns would look pwetty seeking enemies that step on hallowed ground and immediately wrecking their day flying around like fairy's... if you're into that sort of thing... I'm secure with my masculinity that's all. There's more I'd ask of Oberon well one more thing but I won't overburden one post with all the details if this post gets a good reception I might reply with my suggestion for his one or just reply/edit it in here later.

hope there are people who'll agree with me and pretty please be nice in replies XD!

I posted this elsewhere not knowing this existed but I figured it'd be worth a repost if you like what you read hive it a like and we'll hope it gets seen!

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30 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

No, I'm pretty sure that he's correct, based on the feedback that he gets. The majority of people that actually main Oberon simply wanted a few numbers tweaked, Renewal changed, and Hallowed Ground changed. That's almost exactly what they did, except they tweaked a few numbers a bit too much and made his energy consumption a bit much for people who don't have maxed out mods.

The majority of the early feedback was from people who were upset that he wasn't as good as their favorite frame. The majority of the feedback, right now, is from a few people constantly making tl;dr posts about how Oberon should be tweaked in the specific way that they want, with the occasional person getting a few words in edgewise.

that may be the feedback, that HE gets, but I spent the entire weekend on the Reddit going over feedback and collating them into feedback videos, and you know what the goal of that discussion was? adding nothing extraneous to his kit, and smoothing out his dependencies into true synergy. With that in mind we also asked for some way to gen energy that wasnt rage related, as we felt that tanking hits isn't a great idea for the sole way for him to  maintain energy for a single ability. that doesn't sound to me like trying to bust Oberon into top OP, but trying to get him into B or B+ tier.

in fact, Im going to be even more specific and list out those most desired changes:

Base stats: Little more armor, Larger Energy Pool

Smite? Good. No real changes.

Hallowed Ground? Match Range to 18, and range scaling to Reckoning. Double Renewal heal per second, and Iron Skins value when its cast on Hallowed ground. Increase the proc chance of the radiation. Give energy refund for kills on Hallowed ground.

Renewal: Reduce the channel cost per person to a flat cost, with the prior change to hallowed ground in mind, reduce the heal, heal per second and Iron renewal buff by 30% when not cast on hallowed ground

Reckoning: increase range to 18 and match range scaling to hallowed ground. Make armor strip independent of hallowed ground and affect all irradiated targets instead. double the value of armor strip and damage to targets on hallowed ground. decrease spawn of health orbs to 25%. Make their spawn chance dependent on enemies effected or killed during its secondary effect.


This sounds like a much more effective, cohesive, SYNERGISTIC but not DEPENDENT , kit that encourages the FULL use of Oberons kit, NOT stacking the current renewal passive and trying to rage tank like Inaros or Chroma, or Nidus, and so on. I dont know about you, but this sounds less like asking for an S tier <Loki Level> Frame, and more like asking for a B+, hell an A- frame similar to equinox, Trinity, or Inaros.

his currently most effective builds as advertised by AGGP and Xeno are all about massive powerstr, low eff, and face tanking their way through the mission as best they can by stacking Iron renewals and hoping the damage output doesn't overwhelm the armor and health per second. This isn't a healthy solution, this should be considered a focused durability build outlier, not his only viable end game build, because, as I have stated before, its prohibitive to use the rest of his kit with that build, as you need every second of Iron renewal you can get. 

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1 hour ago, Buddhakingpen said:

I'm biased as well, he's over 6% of my 2000+ hours mission time, so we're about in the same boat (dont know what that tidbit has to do with anything at all though) and i feel that his job IS to be the poor mans [insert frame].  Its perfectly ok to just be middle of the road and it seems that thats his intended design. My guess is, thats why DE "lost motivation" on him. Because there really isnt much to fix. 

As far as reckoning goes, I put in my two cents on how to make the orb drops balanced. Just keep it as is, and make the drop rate affected by power strength.  If i was using the proposed buffs though, where you can tag an enemy with reckoning for an increased orb drop rate I'd put that at something around 25% affected by power strength and duration. I'm not a fan of stacking it with auxiliary effects though. Just give it a good, simple baseline of mechanics to work with. 20 meters base range, 30% innate armor shred, 50% on hallowed ground. All this extra stuff like orb drops and blind just makes them need to trim the stats that actually matter to make room for situational bullcrap.

The rest of your comment doesnt seem directed at me, as it had nothing to do with what i was saying, so i'll leave that be. 


I would argue that Oberon needs more to make him worth while.  It's okay to be "in the middle of the road" as long as the frame is not overshadowed by others. Obviously it'd be broken if he did everything just as effectively as every other frame, none of us are asking for that, and although the point has been raised that "he's for beginners" I want a clear reason to bring OBERON into a mission over a frame who covers one of his many roles better than he would. I have proposed the changes that I have in an effort to maintain his sense of versatility and mod variability while negating some of his natural weaknesses that prevent most players from choosing Oberon for a mission over another frame. 

That aside, reckoning cannot stay as is. Although your argument for including a blind on it is valid (in that it is situational) the health orb drop is negligible as is. As stated, reckoning is not intended to be a damage ability and never will be, so it makes no sense to include a chance at a drop on kill if it's not designed to kill. Your approach to fixing this by making the ability simpler is valid, but I would argue eliminates a large part of Oberon's utility that he is supposed to be modded for as the situation determines. 

As far as solutions, I approve of your stance on making the utility of a drop scale with your stats, but it must be handled carefully as to prevent explotation of the ability (exactly what you said earlier). I agree with SenorClipClop's argument that having a health orb drop is meaningless as Oberon has a HoT ability and changing it to purely energy orbs is a better solution. 

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Well, I guess I better throw my two cents in(or sense if you prefer, I'm a little off most days).

Everyone keeps saying Oberon is a Druid or Paladin frame, but frankly I've always viewed him Lord of the Forest, King of the Fair Folk and Master of All that come within his domain.

I realize I'm in a minority, but I really liked the old passive.  It played up the Lord of the Forest vibe when the living things of the forest submitted to Oberon's dominion and switched sides.  Yeah, it could be a pain when that one creature was all that was left for the mission to complete and Oberon can't get away fast enough, but still, I would like to see it return in some form.  But I also like the new one as it promotes alternative companions to Sentinel Vacuum.

It currently feels ok.  I'd like the damage a bit higher on the secondaries.  Alternately, and I've seen this mentioned a few times, have the secondary projectiles return some small amount of energy and only once or twice per target.  Also, it might be cool if the secondaries had some form to them, like a banshee or a wraith or a harpy or something.  Doesn't have to be 3D, a 2D sprite would work to keep system performance up.

Hallowed Ground
This currently has the problem of being required for the rest of Oberon's and is incredibly over priced from that perspective and when compared to what you get for your energy usage.  I'm not saying it needs to do more, but it needs something if you don't want to lower the cost.  But if we continue with the titles I imbued Oberon with in the preface, Hallowed Ground could define his Domain.  Maybe within his Domain anyone affected by Radiation procs is forced to kneel or something.  Not forever, just down and back up.  Maybe take a total of 4 seconds?  Not a lot, but enough to give some breathing room.  Or maybe they just...stop.  Oberon's undeniable majesty forces them to pause to acknowledge it.  Just some thoughts.  Also, the graphic looks like like holy ground and more like a mud bog.  Maybe rejigger Nidus' infested puddle into a verdant forest analogue?

This is nearly right on.  It could scale a bit better with strength or the maintenence costs could be a smidge lower.  But it's just about right on as it is.

This does a lot for one ability.  It does damage, 100% procs radiation on everything it hits, knocks everything down, and blinds them.  And it's appropriately expensive.  The blind and the radiation proc work together so that the confusion from the Rad proc has a higher chance of kicking in and the knockdown gives the Tenno a chance to clear out so the confused enemies don't have any other targets at hand.  It's a nice power, does what it needs to.  No complaints, really, maybe make the blind a bit longer.

Oberon is getting there.  He's close.  My biggest gripe is the use of Radiation procs as his primary CC.  It's unreliable at best, utterly useless at worst.  I would suggest working something into his passive or Hallowed Ground that increases the strength of the confusion from Radiation procs.  Also, I don't like having to rely on the Rage mod to maintain my energy.  Maybe he could recover energy, while channeling Renewal, if he stands on Hallowed Ground?

I dunno these are all just my thoughts and some quick ideas on adjustments or further upgrades.  Take them as you will or leave them as you want.

Edited by Sador1978
Wanted to add another thought.
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On 4/26/2017 at 6:18 PM, ScribbleClash said:

Increased casting animation speed.
Changed to an expanding wave of healing instead of a projectile. 
Energy drain starts once wave hits allies, not leading up to it.
Whenever Oberon casts Renewal on an ally standing on Hallowed Ground, it activates Iron Renewal, granting an Armor boost for the entire heal process, once healing is complete the Armor Boost is on a timer.
Renewal doesn’t stop healing when the target ally is at full Health. It will continue to heal as long as it is active.

Enemies with a Radiation Status Chance will now take bonus damage from Reckoning.
Enemies standing on Hallowed Ground will receive Armor debuffs (affected by Strength).

 So much energy usage. Oberon was spammy enough before. Now with his power interactions, the energy drain is ridiculous and the payout isn't totally worth it. 

  • IMO renewal shouldn't be a toggled channel ability. It should be a duration based ability, affected positively by duration. The energy drain is wayy to high.
  • Interaction with Hallowed Ground and Reckoning is nice, but Reckoning's Already his most expensive ability and you need to use hallowed Ground to get the full benefit of it. This honestly isn't a big deal if it were the only interaction that massively drained energy.
  • Interaction with Renewal and HG is great but again, massive energy drain, not enough payout.
  • They removed the Armor buff from Hallowed Ground which was honestly one of the main things that needed to stay and be buffed. 

Honestly, if it wasn't hard enough modding Oberon for Duration before, which hasn't even been fixed, its now a consideration modding him for efficiency too. Plus all his abilities now depend on having the highest power strength possible - at least before you could effective use him as a cc frame with some moderate strength. 

This is what I came back to warframe for after 7 months of not playing and the disappointment is so real. I really hope DE is still taking the issues playing are bringing up into consideration and will continue to Revisit Oberon during the next week or two before leaving him alone forever.


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1 hour ago, Grimmboski said:

that may be the feedback, that HE gets, but I spent the entire weekend on the Reddit going over feedback and collating them into feedback videos, and you know what the goal of that discussion was? adding nothing extraneous to his kit, and smoothing out his dependencies into true synergy. With that in mind we also asked for some way to gen energy that wasnt rage related, as we felt that tanking hits isn't a great idea for the sole way for him to  maintain energy for a single ability. that doesn't sound to me like trying to bust Oberon into top OP, but trying to get him into B or B+ tier.

in fact, Im going to be even more specific and list out those most desired changes:

Base stats: Little more armor, Larger Energy Pool

Smite? Good. No real changes.

Hallowed Ground? Match Range to 18, and range scaling to Reckoning. Double Renewal heal per second, and Iron Skins value when its cast on Hallowed ground. Increase the proc chance of the radiation. Give energy refund for kills on Hallowed ground.

Renewal: Reduce the channel cost per person to a flat cost, with the prior change to hallowed ground in mind, reduce the heal, heal per second and Iron renewal buff by 30% when not cast on hallowed ground

Reckoning: increase range to 18 and match range scaling to hallowed ground. Make armor strip independent of hallowed ground and affect all irradiated targets instead. double the value of armor strip and damage to targets on hallowed ground. decrease spawn of health orbs to 25%. Make their spawn chance dependent on enemies effected or killed during its secondary effect.


This sounds like a much more effective, cohesive, SYNERGISTIC but not DEPENDENT , kit that encourages the FULL use of Oberons kit, NOT stacking the current renewal passive and trying to rage tank like Inaros or Chroma, or Nidus, and so on. I dont know about you, but this sounds less like asking for an S tier <Loki Level> Frame, and more like asking for a B+, hell an A- frame similar to equinox, Trinity, or Inaros.

his currently most effective builds as advertised by AGGP and Xeno are all about massive powerstr, low eff, and face tanking their way through the mission as best they can by stacking Iron renewals and hoping the damage output doesn't overwhelm the armor and health per second. This isn't a healthy solution, this should be considered a focused durability build outlier, not his only viable end game build, because, as I have stated before, its prohibitive to use the rest of his kit with that build, as you need every second of Iron renewal you can get. 

You hit the nail at the head, so much this. That's really all he needs.

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Alright Oberon's my favourite frame since he came out. Played around with the rework and now I'll give my ideas of what the pros and cons it are:


  • Smite scaling and hot fix changes. Nicely done.
  • Synergy - Renewal giving armor while on Hallowed Ground, excellent.
  • Synergy - Reckoning stripping a fair amount of armor to anything on hallowed ground, great.
  • Increased Range on Hallowed Ground, lovely


  • Energy consumption. Oberon has a small energy pool, he is already a spammy frame - Typically with Renewal and Reckoning. Now Hallowed Ground is also the bread and butter of his kit and Renewal is a constant drain - it's extremely easy to run out of energy even with Primed Flow and Rage. Especially since his synergies are mandatory and his duration and efficiency is not easy to mod for. Yes, you could manage your energy but his powers are simply not strong enough to not be constantly casting.
  • Hallowed Ground's armor buff was removed. I think this was a very bad idea. Considering the range was increased this should definitely be kept, since it was a big problem for me. Adding a decent armor buff to hallowed ground would not only fix a bit of the energy drain issues but remove some mandatory synergy issues as well. Since his EHP is not notably high, there's no reason why he can't have two armor giving abilities that synergize - especially since the trade off is being on hallowed ground
  • His old passive was meh, but interesting and some of us liked it - especially since we were under the impression more wildlife would be added to the game. His new passive is also meh, and more so considering not all of us like using pets over sentinels. 
  • While renewal being channeled is nice, it is still affected by negative duration, which affects Hallowed Ground - the glue of his kit. Not to mention the energy drain again because of that.
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1 hour ago, Grimmboski said:

that may be the feedback, that HE gets, but I spent the entire weekend on the Reddit going over feedback and collating them into feedback videos, and you know what the goal of that discussion was? adding nothing extraneous to his kit, and smoothing out his dependencies into true synergy. With that in mind we also asked for some way to gen energy that wasnt rage related, as we felt that tanking hits isn't a great idea for the sole way for him to  maintain energy for a single ability. that doesn't sound to me like trying to bust Oberon into top OP, but trying to get him into B or B+ tier.

in fact, Im going to be even more specific and list out those most desired changes:

Base stats: Little more armor, Larger Energy Pool

Smite? Good. No real changes.

Hallowed Ground? Match Range to 18, and range scaling to Reckoning. Double Renewal heal per second, and Iron Skins value when its cast on Hallowed ground. Increase the proc chance of the radiation. Give energy refund for kills on Hallowed ground.

Renewal: Reduce the channel cost per person to a flat cost, with the prior change to hallowed ground in mind, reduce the heal, heal per second and Iron renewal buff by 30% when not cast on hallowed ground

Reckoning: increase range to 18 and match range scaling to hallowed ground. Make armor strip independent of hallowed ground and affect all irradiated targets instead. double the value of armor strip and damage to targets on hallowed ground. decrease spawn of health orbs to 25%. Make their spawn chance dependent on enemies effected or killed during its secondary effect.


This sounds like a much more effective, cohesive, SYNERGISTIC but not DEPENDENT , kit that encourages the FULL use of Oberons kit, NOT stacking the current renewal passive and trying to rage tank like Inaros or Chroma, or Nidus, and so on. I dont know about you, but this sounds less like asking for an S tier <Loki Level> Frame, and more like asking for a B+, hell an A- frame similar to equinox, Trinity, or Inaros.

his currently most effective builds as advertised by AGGP and Xeno are all about massive powerstr, low eff, and face tanking their way through the mission as best they can by stacking Iron renewals and hoping the damage output doesn't overwhelm the armor and health per second. This isn't a healthy solution, this should be considered a focused durability build outlier, not his only viable end game build, because, as I have stated before, its prohibitive to use the rest of his kit with that build, as you need every second of Iron renewal you can get. 

As a player who's Favourite frame is actually Oberon. I agree with most of this. If I could add/change a few things though:

Instead of reducing Renewal's healing and Iron Renewal's buff while not on Hallowed Ground. I'd simply reinstate the armor buff to Hallowed Ground - as a flat buff. So essentially you still get an increased buff from using them Together but either one done alone would still provide an armor bonus - and now having to stay on hallowed ground for it's buff wouldn't be nearly as big an issue as before because of the range increase, the flat number increased armor buff and the fact that you can move away off it while still maintaining Iron Renewal. I think this would be better since you can keep Renewal up and simply recast Hallowed Ground when you need that extra armor - and seeing as Hallowed Ground is now essential to his kit, this isn't a big deal. Plus, the energy refund from killing targets on HG would so allow for this to work.

Even if the range on Hallowed Ground and Reckoning aren't increased/matched - Energy refunds for kills on HG and Reckoning stripping armor on irradiated targets is a great idea.

Finally, I'd actually like his old passive to be rolled into the new one. For two reasons, it was liked by a lot of people and we always expected DE to add new wildlife to the game, which they are now. Secondly, his current passive forces you to use a pet and some of us prefer sentinels. TBH they are both underwhelming individually and rolling them together in a full "Beastmaster" passive doesn't sound like too much to ask for. 

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3 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

That'd make things interesting, but at the same time we need a way for the wave to not stall out because 'goddamnit where did that kavat go?'

I tried to include this issue as a benefit from smite in my Oberon rework suggestion, but it's long buried in the megathread now

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The sentinels seem to behave like animals judging by their animations and the noises they make. I'm not informed on the lore, but perhaps allowing his passive to affect all companions would be better.


I also like the idea of rolling his old passive into the new one.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)FatMacBrbn said:

The sentinels seem to behave like animals judging by their animations and the noises they make. I'm not informed on the lore, but perhaps allowing his passive to affect all companions would be better.


I also like the idea of rolling his old passive into the new one.

or if trees grew around enemies you kill with a little bit of hallowed ground unerneath?

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That's all the change he needs right now to be finished. 

Roll his old passive in.

Add armor to hallowed ground. Add energy refund for enemies killed on HG. 

I'd even bring back the travelling orbs for renewal since it just has to reach your teammates once and stays active. Plus you'd be able to use the bleedout slow, which currently doesn't make sense.

Everything else isn't that bad considering its largely an improvement from before.


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Basically the idea is to have Reckoning gain extra damage based on how much Renewal heals yourself and your allies. I feel like this fits Oberon's theme very well since the word Reckoning means a judgement/punishment of someones past deeds.

As for the numbers, I was thinking it could be something like: Damage Healed * 10(affected by power strength).

So at base power strength 100 health healed = 1000 reckoning damage
Or with 200% power strength it would be 100 health healed = 2000 reckoning damage 

The damage would continue to scale up the more damage Renewal heals similar to Equinox's Maim ability.

Then I was thinking that instead of irradiated targets taking extra damage from Reckoning since it would now scale, they would instead emit a wave/pulse that heals a small amount of health(50 health?) which would add up to a decent burst heal depending on how many irradiated targets are hit with Reckoning. 

I'm not sure if something like this has been suggested before but I figured I'd post it while there's still a chance for Oberon changes.


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44 minutes ago, BeardyKyle said:

That's all the change he needs right now to be finished. 

Roll his old passive in.

Add armor to hallowed ground. Add energy refund for enemies killed on HG. 

I'd even bring back the travelling orbs for renewal since it just has to reach your teammates once and stays active. Plus you'd be able to use the bleedout slow, which currently doesn't make sense.

Everything else isn't that bad considering its largely an improvement from before.


Why not just:

10 hours ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:


  Reveal hidden contents

I first saw this suggestion by Marrikbroom when discussing Oberon's paladin theme. As he is able to take damage (as seen by Xenogelion's build) Oberon should have the ability to pull aggro towards him and gain energy from it naturally. This in ideal scenarios, helps manage the CC Oberon provides with his radiation procs. Ideally, enemies won't be focused on teammates or Oberon but each other, when they are not however (or when Oberon needs energy/ distraction from a downed teammate), Oberon should have the ability to direct the flow of battle towards himself, and blocking is a great way to do so. By scaling with the range of Hallowed Ground, Oberon is encouraged to do most fighting on HG which helps with the synergy of his entire kit.

including this buff as well as the current one does not seem overpowered as

  1. Sentinels are more abundantly used by the community than companions
  2. At higher levels the bonuses seem negligible
  3. with the additions to smite listed here, it would add motivation to take control of animals and give players more options on the field. 

 By having these qualities as a combined passive (that could stack with mods) players wouldn't need to worry about those mods being "mandatory" to their build, just a nice addition so they could focus on other modding combinations. If a player wanted to include 'rage' or 'guardian derision' they still could and receive considerable benefits from them and the option to build around them. Though I think I see a point of criticism,"if i got a free buff for my mods, why wouldn't I maximize that buff? That doesn't solve a problem that just makes an existing problem worse" But I would argue that that exact point helps strengthen mine. Any Oberon build you make requires you to sacrifice something (be it power strength, range, efficiency etc.) But the suggested passive instead gives the player more freedom to decide weather they want to make "the ultimate rage aggro build" or just use the passive as a bonus and add a mod like energy conversion instead. This gives players more freedom to experiment, something I think is crucial to the "feel" of Oberon.


Smite Proposed Changes:

  • Kubrows and Kavats hit by smite (and adjacent projectiles) will join your party until their death, receiving companion buffs. Number of animals influenced at a time by Oberon scales with power duration (1-7 animals at a time). (Animals act as members of the squad and do not delay extraction)
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Currently, I for one am satisfied with the damage/minor CC smite provides. It would be nice if the orbs did not scale in the split manner that they do now, but there are ways around that without being too big of an issue and I have enjoyed the playstyle so far, I only want to include one change. Since this ability relies heavily off of which target is initially hit by Smite (and since I have heard some of the community complain about the previous passive being removed) would it be possible to incorporate the previous passive within smite? This correlates to Oberon's theme, provides a small but useful niche, and I know the developers were at first very adamant to keep this passive when it first came out, so it would be nice to not completely scrap the idea. 

To the best of my knowledge, this is not overpowered as it is very niche, but a very fun and useful niche. It requires some play testing in order to get the balancing and numbers right, something I don't know if the developers are willing to go through and program, but it would aid in Oberon's druid theme. 


I still can't entirety agree on the orb effect from previous renewal, this, although tedious as a toggle, is far more powerful. If I have to give up the infinite range of the old renewal for the benefits of the new one I wouldn't mind, the benefits seem to outweigh the cost and it also appears that DE wants to abandon the old renewal's mechanics so it's best we just work with what we got (though I agree infinite range is sorely missed and bleedout slow is now awkward)

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4 minutes ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:

Why not just:

I still can't entirety agree on the orb effect from previous renewal, this, although tedious as a toggle, is far more powerful. If I have to give up the infinite range of the old renewal for the benefits of the new one I wouldn't mind, the benefits seem to outweigh the cost and it also appears that DE wants to abandon the old renewal's mechanics so it's best we just work with what we got (though I agree infinite range is sorely missed and bleedout slow is now awkward)

casting energy on a single kavat/kubrow target to turn it to your side when your passive ability can do it just by being in range. Not to mention the smite cast will probably kill it anyway. The passive would be way better and its actually really fun turning grineer kubrows against them and watching them get mauled.

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