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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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14 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Modding was easy, i only had to replace my maxed blind rage with transient fortitude and vitality with rage. His renewal drains 62 energy per sec for me and 92 for allies. His reckoning does over 2k initial dmg and smite destroys enemies superbly. I dont use hollowed much.

Even with maxed power strength, Smite/Reckoning's damage drops pretty fast. And the fairly quick damage drop means Reckoning's chance to spawn health globes is practically useless. 

His energy drain is still somewhat ridiculous when you consider that you need to cast Hallowed Ground, then Renewal (assuming you want the full buff), then maintain Renewal, which has a drain per player. Then we consider Smite and Reckoning. And if you want Reckoning to receive its 'scaling' effect you need to cast Hallowed Ground followed by Reckoning. (I'm going to assume you mean 6.2 energy per second for you and 9.2 for allies. That is a pretty hefty energy drain for a frame who wants to cast multiple powers, often times in rapid succession). 

He still has issues.
When the update first hit, and I first played him, I was leaning towards the side that agreed he was good.

Now that I have gotten a lot of play time on him and have tried out multiple builds, I can say that he is mediocre and still needs some minor tweaks. Again, nothing crazy. 

I don't see why some people are so dead set against him receiving changes that would really benefit him. He still isn't in a great place. All long term, and even most short term, missions that I carry out solo are still more enjoyable and easier to complete with other frames. And when it comes to mission with my clan-mates, we still find more uses in other frames. He still fills no roles well, and I'll say again that his Jack-Of-All-Trades style of play isn't befitting of this game. 

I enjoy Oberon, but that doesn't prevent me from seeing his issues. 
Hope DE doesn't leave him. I feel that if they do, then I might just pick up a different frame and continue on. 


Edited by KX297
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@MarrikBroom, I think I've said all I want. I'm out. 

Either they fix him or they don't. Good luck to ya man, hopefully DE gets the picture. 

I look forward to the next update with anticipation, but cation as well. 

Here's hoping to one of our favorite frames, Oberon.
Only time will tell what DE's plans are; Drop or continue. 

Edited by KX297
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y'alls point?

Hallowed ground influence on Iron Renewal happens once and the armor drain is kinda optionall. Reckonings bonus damage is acchieveable trough using any of his damage, including reckoning itself and he was made tanky enough to sustain his energy pool with damage.


He got synergy without the need to constantly SPAM everything. That's ideal.


Kinda dissapointed myself that DE didn't do anything with hallowed reckoning, which does essencially the same as iron renewal now, only having a 10s window on a small range but that's besides the point...the rework itself is a frickin success.

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20 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Your'e being quarrlesom as we have made our points, often repeatedly citing how other frames succeed with synergy and how Oberons's forced hiding half of a poer's skill behind using another power with differing ranges is not proper synergy. I do apologize, but you seem less interested in dialogue and more interested in speaking down to those of us who have made their points.


calm your horses there buddy, i've just joined in giving feedback after reading how smites percentual damage is tiny and how you're basicly "forced to keep hallowed ground up" to feed is ability, what's a straight up lie at this point.


Where the hell did that come from? you talked of speaking down to others did ya?... made examples how YOUR ideal looks like, belittling everyone elses ideal and ignoring results i'd assume from our First encounter? gtfo.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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1 hour ago, KX297 said:

@MarrikBroom, I think I've said all I want. I'm out. 

Either they fix him or they don't. Good luck to ya man, hopefully DE gets the picture. 

I look forward to the next update with anticipation, but cation as well. 

Here's hoping to one of our favorite frames, Oberon.
Only time will tell what DE's plans are; Drop or continue. 

Who cares about the health globes? U have renewal if u want to heal. The health globes issue is a mute point.


Oberons rework is perfect.

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12 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

A matter of opinion and myelf and a fair many others disgree rather strongly. Thing is what we're asking for wouldn't break what he has already, so why do you fling condemnation at those that want a nudge here and there?

Im not condemning u...i merely saying his rework was a success. Ur condemnation of his rework is your opinion. However, everyone is so hungup on the health globe issue...its a very small thing. His renewal omits the need for health globes...attacch Phoenix renewal and u can live as long as u want...no health globes required.


His "forced" synergy for his 2 and 3 as everyone continues on about...isnt forced. If u want the armor buff...use ur 2 then activate ur 3. If u don't care about the armor buff(thats me) then u can toss the abilities as u see fit. Nothing is forced.


If u like the frame...play him and be content with this exceptional rework. If not...if u can't get passed the health globe issue? Play nekros, desecrate, and enjoy all those juicy health globes. Bask in the glory of the red spheres of happiness.

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Actually if u want to put enemies in stasis...limbo either HAS to banish them or pop cataclysm....you CANNOT utilize stasis without using another ability. So, why pray tell are u not whining about that? That is actually forced synergy...the ability WILL NOT work without another power.




Nidus CANNOT initially generate stack without his 1. Which means his 3 and 4 WILL NOT work without his 1 initially. Good point lol

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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He is quite decent, actually. But i have a few suggestions for improvements and bug fixes.

His 1 if i kill a thing with it it doesn't attack anything nearby. This could be changed or fixed.

His 2 should be a circle and have a base range of at least 20 metres and a cleaner animation. Eek, it's really tacky xd.

His 3 is perfection (could get a 25% dmg reduction, that would make it great to use and some more range.), but his 4 needs to either drop health orbs on hit or drop them on kill while it drops energy orbs on hit so it could solve his energy management (cap it if needed).

His passive needs to be something stronger or maybe he could have a secondary passive with the one he has now that helps his mana issues. Like every time he uses a skill he gets a percentage of his energy back. If it does get put in (probably won't) then his ult could only drop health orbs so he wasn't such a spam frame.

Give him at least 100 more armor. A paladin can't have so little armor and expect to survive well lategame.


These are my ideas for him. I hope his 2 gets these changes or maybe just reduced energy cost due to how you need to spam it. But a 20 range for it and a circle or maybe even an aura could easily make it awesome. His 3 is the best of his kit and it's great, saved me a ton. His ult is great for cc and if it dropped more reliable health and/or energy it would be great. This rework is a bit underwhelming, but surely Oberon can get some buffs that would make him more useful and fun to play.


Edited by Ernestasx
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48 minutes ago, Ernestasx said:

He is quite decent, actually. But i have a few suggestions for improvements and bug fixes.

His 1 if i kill a thing with it it doesn't attack anything nearby. This could be changed or fixed.

His 2 should be a circle and have a base range of at least 20 metres and a cleaner animation. Eek, it's really tacky xd.

His 3 is perfection (could get a 25% dmg reduction, that would make it great to use and some more range.), but his 4 needs to either drop health orbs on hit or drop them on kill while it drops energy orbs on hit so it could solve his energy management (cap it if needed).

His passive needs to be something stronger or maybe he could have a secondary passive with the one he has now that helps his mana issues. Like every time he uses a skill he gets a percentage of his energy back. If it does get put in (probably won't) then his ult could only drop health orbs so he wasn't such a spam frame.

Give him at least 100 more armor. A paladin can't have so little armor and expect to survive well lategame.


These are my ideas for him. I hope his 2 gets these changes or maybe just reduced energy cost due to how you need to spam it. But a 20 range for it and a circle or maybe even an aura could easily make it awesome. His 3 is the best of his kit and it's great, saved me a ton. His ult is great for cc and if it dropped more reliable health and/or energy it would be great. This rework is a bit underwhelming, but surely Oberon can get some buffs that would make him more useful and fun to play.


His 4 DOES drop orbs on kill and his one jumps from enemy to enemy especially well in a small coridor. 

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The only problems with this rework  are his energy reserves being depleted too quickly. He is incredibly energy hungry even with max efficiency, but then you lose out on other necessary mods like power strength. 

Please don't tell me it's "okay" because it isn't. Sure you can take down higher level mobs with his #4 including damage bonus to irradiated enemies, but you might have to hit them again and then again and now you have no energy. 

It would be great if he had an ability to regain energy. Like maybe energy is leeched from enemies on Hallowed Ground? 

He is almost where he needs to be, but for a Paladin he still should be tankier. As of now he still has far too little CC, far too much energy usage, and not enough armor to be an outstanding support. 

I really love Oberon, and I was planning on buying his Prime Access when it is released, but he is very disjointed as of now and I don't think I will be buying it if he remains in his current state, which is upsetting! 

The problems are compounded when I can take any level 10 frame and have it be more effective at accomplishing any mission than with a four Forma Oberon. 

He just doesn't really warrant the frame slot except for his contribution to FashionFrame! Which again is very sad for me personally as it was Excalibur, Oberon, and Nekros who were my main Frames! 

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35 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Take him into anything past level 30 and it becomes 'spam and hope something dies' or at sortie level or at the tail end of long duration survival/defense that 'bonus' goes away, and for lower level Renewal even at base strength has you covered.

Yeah, really, his #4 becomes quite weak against marginally higher lvl mobs.  His other skills become not even worth casting, his #1 dies off almost immediately. 

How does Oberon's healing stack up in later lvls of missions?  A lvl single, lvl 30-40ish Corpus Supra guy was enough to overpower mine at 239% pwr strength.....never mind a lvl 100-200-300 mob, which would basically 1 shot him.  I still think the scaling issue for Oberon is not solved. 

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As far as sick fantasies go (right up there with a 300hp Mercy hnnnnnnng), i think making Oberans Hallowed Ground ability like Frosts globes would go far into the realm of making Oberan a "champion of nature".

If that is at all palatable, would anyone agree that killing enemies with his 4th, or even his 1st, ability would be a cool way to further spread this area? Kind of like creep in star craft. If this new change overtook his old reckoning augment, it could be changed to give a nice little buff to allies armor while they stand on hallowed ground, stacking for for each enemy slammed for a duration.

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21 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Yeah, really, his #4 becomes quite weak against marginally higher lvl mobs.  His other skills become not even worth casting, his #1 dies off almost immediately. 

How does Oberon's healing stack up in later lvls of missions?  A lvl single, lvl 30-40ish Corpus Supra guy was enough to overpower mine at 239% pwr strength.....never mind a lvl 100-200-300 mob, which would basically 1 shot him.  I still think the scaling issue for Oberon is not solved. 

Crap...I love Oberon.  I've not tried his rework, but this ^ is quite concise and hard to argue.  I'm already wondering how to use Naramon and Zenurik...

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32 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I love Oberon too. Hell, I can sortie with the guy and the current revisit is able to see him through and his 1 makes a pretty decent boss killer.c


Though I have to wonder if you can get his power strength down enough so that it only spawns one secondary orb. Imagine one orb hitting boss for 35% of its own health as damage. 


'armor soak that.'

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the buff affects my Kubrows.

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8 minutes ago, Leonix13 said:

Hey he's totally fine... you know as long as you have rage and at least 200 power... maybe.

Yeah, but to get 200+ power, you get rid of range, and maybe efficiency to boot.  Then your skills reach about 5 feet and drain your power fairly quickly.  If you think of using your 1 and 4, you will be out of power so fast you wont know what to do. 

Having to cast and recast his #2/3 and even trying to get it on group members is a waste of time.

Oberon still needs an ease of use pass.  Make it where his skills rely largely on efficiency and power strength.  Increase his base skill ranges so you dont so much need range to get decent effect.  Make his 2 just an armor debuff, a large circle that amplifies is 1 and 4 to any enemies within the 2, and inflicts the Radiation damage as they walk across it.  Also make his 2 a large lasting carpet so he doesnt need to endlessly recast it....im thinkin' something like Nidus's Infested jungle, where any mobs who walk across Oberon's carpet are 100% more vulnerable to all damage types. 

His #3 is both the armor and health regen buff, and it lets out the orbs to chase down allies.  Remove the Direct Damage healing and instead give it 25% more HoT amount.  The buff then persists on allies until Oberon runs out of energy or gets hit by a Nulli bubble. 


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20 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

That's actually the build i have. 95% effeciancy, 208% power, 145% range, 150% duration. It's a pretty solid build as far as I've seen, but it has flaws, of which I've talked about at great length through this.... almost 100 page long thread.

Yes, that was my point. Sadly on topof that not everyone has the mods to get there.

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2 hours ago, BigPapiPimp said:

As far as sick fantasies go (right up there with a 300hp Mercy hnnnnnnng), i think making Oberans Hallowed Ground ability like Frosts globes would go far into the realm of making Oberan a "champion of nature".

If that is at all palatable, would anyone agree that killing enemies with his 4th, or even his 1st, ability would be a cool way to further spread this area? Kind of like creep in star craft. If this new change overtook his old reckoning augment, it could be changed to give a nice little buff to allies armor while they stand on hallowed ground, stacking for for each enemy slammed for a duration.

They really need to get away from Oberon's Fairy or Druid idea.  Hes not at all set up to be either.  Hes very much more a Paladin or Shadowknight kinda "off tank" Warframe.  None of his abilities point towards "druid" or "fairy".  He doesnt even look like either of them.  His Goat face and IDK what the other head is, just look odd as hell.  His default hat, looks like a buck with its nose sawn off.....

Hes very much more Paladin/Knight type.  He deals Radiation damage, you know, the kinda stuff that kills nature, and would totally not be used by a Druid......sooooo, yeeaaahhh....

His Prime should just be a seriously beefed up version of his default look.  That Feyrarch looks totally out of place for Oberon....looks like it belongs on Titania or something...

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1 hour ago, KnightCole said:

They really need to get away from Oberon's Fairy or Druid idea.  Hes not at all set up to be either.  Hes very much more a Paladin or Shadowknight kinda "off tank" Warframe.  None of his abilities point towards "druid" or "fairy".  He doesnt even look like either of them.  His Goat face and IDK what the other head is, just look odd as hell.  His default hat, looks like a buck with its nose sawn off.....

Hes very much more Paladin/Knight type.  He deals Radiation damage, you know, the kinda stuff that kills nature, and would totally not be used by a Druid......sooooo, yeeaaahhh....

His Prime should just be a seriously beefed up version of his default look.  That Feyrarch looks totally out of place for Oberon....looks like it belongs on Titania or something...

I think he still falls in line with that trope if you take it from the angle of the unseelie court & martial warrior of the wild, sort of imparted or carrying the energy of the more malignant & destructive fey.

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On 5/16/2017 at 0:35 PM, MarrikBroom said:

HOW?! How is the fact 'oh you want functions of a power? You have to use this other power.


That'd be like going 'oh you want to generate stacks with nidus? Gotta use his 2. Or 'you want to use cataclysm? You need to banish enemies first with limbo. 


Not really considering this already occurs. Want to use Nidis 3 -4? Spam his 1 and 2.


Want that damage bonus from the rift? Gotta banish mobs, stop them THEN you get to use limbos 3.

Want armor buff? Use 2 then 3.

Better comparison

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


Not really considering this already occurs. Want to use Nidis 3 -4? Spam his 1 and 2.


Want that damage bonus from the rift? Gotta banish mobs, stop them THEN you get to use limbos 3.

Want armor buff? Use 2 then 3.

Better comparison

Problem is you are talking about a combo that is targeting enemies (Nidus) vs trying to tag your teammates (Oberon)... Its hard to be a support frame when your power/combo can miss.

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1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

Alright... Which one of you are whining that Oberon needs to be a Nuker? Come on fess up.

I'm hearing from DE Server (Guy not... the actual server) that the number one feedback DE has gotten is 'Oberon Needs to Nuke.'

What and where are they getting this from? If they are doing as DE_Rebecca said and reading the megathread, the majority I keep seeing are having issue with energy cost, not 'I want OP god-monster.' Or people telling us to shut up he's fine. They're the excuse DE is getting handed for not doing maintenance work. I am of the view Oberon only needs a few tweaks, i have listed the tweaks i would make and then wait to see if any values need tweaking.

WTF? I dunno about you, but I just want each of his powers to be able to stand on their own in their respective roles.

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2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Same, but I got word from a guy who apparently talked to DE (I know guy who knows a guy who knows a guy) and that's what they said the feedback DE's been getting a majority of. I have literally done what I think is something I shouldn't have and pinged staffers (Don't do that, please guys don't spam their inbxes) with my suggestion list. I've posted the same list here.

However in order of importance:

1. Either remove the dependance Oberon's 3 and 4 has on his 2, or make Oberon the thing that needs to e on hallowed ground.

1b. Please make Hallowed Ground not look like a sludge pile.

2. Energy cost pass for renewal upkeep.


3. Swap Reckoning's 'on kill' behavior to become 'if killed after being hit by reckoning within x seconds.' As well as swap out health orbs for energy orb drops.

4. Everything Else.

He's painfully close to being where I personally want him to be. just... c'mon guys we've got two or three weeks.

Honestly lets get rid of some stuff, forget the Orbs on 4 and just give it better range, trim back some of the instant heal from 3 and increase the HoT, remove the need for 2's synergy, ect.

They can take away the damage from 2 for all I care if it will get more base range for 2 and 3.

Edited by Leonix13
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On 4/26/2017 at 5:58 PM, Chipputer said:

Oberon is literally 100% more effective than he was before.

If you don't think he is then you're just another person jumping on the bandwagon because you, "totally always loved him, I swear," before his rework.

I thought that for a while too. I had 4 forma in, and still little to no success after the rework. What used to work (buffing allied damage, armoring allies, annoying enemies) no longer did, and I got resentful.

Then I threw on a fleeting expertise and a rage, and took off transient fortitude. That and a phoenix renewal have now made him and his team immortal gods. He is better than I could have hoped, ever. Anyone that thinks he is bad is simply needing the advice I was given when I first played dark souls:

Get. Good. 


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