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No More Nerfs

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I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..

I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game.. i would completely understand a nerf if this was a PvP game.. but it's not.. (Yes it does have PvP i know) but it's not Warframes bread and butter.

I love you D.E i really.. really.. REALLY do.. but your nerfs completely destroy Weapons/Frames..

UNLESS there is something in the game that can kill all enemies before they even spawn... then yea.. go ahead and nerf that lol, but if one person can kick butt all on his own... then let him... and if you think the Cheesing is a bit to much with a frame or weapon... just use a "DIFFERENT" Weapon/Frame

I'm going to be honest with you.. i might be completely off here... but i feel a lot of people including myself like feeling like our own gods.. a god doesn't wield a nerf bat...

Also.. D.E please... PLEASE just add more unique and difficult enemies.. in my opinion Nullifiers are good for Warframe.. it keeps stuff from getting nerfed... so.. before you take away our toys D.E please consider just adding a larger variety of harder enemies to fight such as Nullifiers.

Ok.. i'v said my peace, maybe i'm off my rocker here.. but i felt the need to say something..


Or do you feel D.E should keep nerfing things into oblivion? 



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where do you people get that idea that PvE games dont need balance between players? that idea needs to be thrown out and burned.

if you never nerf things then your only option to balance things is to buff everything else, which takes significantly more time and usually makes balance worse rather than better in the long run

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game.. i would completely understand a nerf if this was a PvP game.. but it's not.. (Yes it does have PvP i know) but it's not Warframes bread and butter.

That's where you're wrong. 

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It would help if they had a standard to which they balance around, but they dont, they keep releasing more weapons and frames that have greater power than before. We cannot shape our expectations around something if the developers dont have one in the first place.That and the enemy damage and EHP scaling in this game is a complete joke.

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*looks at thread* aw, cute.

DE doesn't just nerf things for their health.  They enact changes which they feel are best for the game's health.  The fact is that the vast majority of their "nerfs" are good for the game, and the vast majority of players know this.  I hate this "DE is the bad guys, they like to ruin their game because they are idiots" nonsense that some people are fixated on just because they didn't read the terms of service.

Also, OP, you act as if you have some kind of ethos to rely on to say that your "stand" is actually meaningful.  It isn't.  For every one of you their are at least 10 people who embrace and agree with the changes which you hate.

Edited by Insizer
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22 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

When you play warframe. You accepted that everything in warframe is subjected to change. Stuff that got nerfed actually turned out to be for the better. With the exception of the Telos Boltace. It's just garbage now. 

I never said i was against change, i'm against oblivion nerfs.

19 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

where do you people get that idea that PvE games dont need balance between players? that idea needs to be thrown out and burned.

if you never nerf things then your only option to balance things is to buff everything else, which takes significantly more time and usually makes balance worse rather than better in the long run

Where do we draw the line? I draw the line when a player can kill everything before it even touches the ground so other player have nothing to fight.. yea i am against something like that.. but i'm not against a single player wielding a massive amount a power for a few enemies at a time.

Edited by (PS4)Kazaroosue
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Well, let me put it to you this way, and I'll try to be succinct:

If DE only has things as strong as something like Tonkor, then how do you think enemies will react? They'll get buffed to the point where they can just eat that increased damage and deal that same one-shot level of damage back at us. Meaning we'll be ridiculously powerful, yes, but enemies will go up proportionally in power to keep up with the difficulty. And we currently have scaling like that but people complain about it, so they're certainly not going to make everything like that. Such an act would be borderline idiocy. 

As such, it is easier to bring down the things that are far too powerful (Read: Pre-nerf Tonkor/Synoid Simulor) so that enemies can be at a manageable level, while our weapons can also have more power variety without some things entirely dwarfing the competition (also old Tonkor/Syn Sim). I do feel compelled to note, however, that Tonkor is still ludicrously powerful. Easily the most powerful explosive and can still clear entire rooms of enemies with relative ease.


Nerfing things to bring them in line with everything else is never a bad thing, especially when those nerfs would enable the development team to further balance enemy scaling based on the new, lower, height of power. 

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Nerfs are just like Buffs...  They are a fact of life and something that will keep warframe fresh, imagine if nothing got nerfed...  We'd be running around as Iron Skin Rhino's that could never die, or utilizing trinity for 100% invincibility for 100% of the time in the game.

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13 minutes ago, Insizer said:

*looks at thread* aw, cute.

DE doesn't just nerf things for their health.  They enact changes which they feel are best for the game's health.  The fact is that the vast majority of their "nerfs" are good for the game, and the vast majority of players know this.  I hate this "DE is the bad guys, they like to ruin their game because they are idiots" nonsense that some people are fixated on just because they didn't read the terms of service.

Also, OP, you act as if you have some kind of ethos to rely on to say that your "stand" is actually meaningful.  It isn't.  For every one of you their are at least 10 people who embrace and agree with the changes which you hate.

Why the smug "Aw, cute"? No need for that tbh.

Also sense when did i try stating that D.E are the bad guys? i'v put in over 2,000 hours into Warframe, it's pretty clear i enjoy D.E and their game for the most part, it's just the little things get me, i'm not against change... i'm just against them nuking things within the game.

Also where do you get off on me acting as if i have this extremely valid point? i did say "Maybe i'm off my rocker here" didn't i? hinting at perhaps not EVERYONE would be on my side.

Did it offend you when i expressed my opinion? I sure hope i didn't.

And if i am among many more people who think nuke nerfs are alright... then more power to you guys, i'm just speaking my mind is all.

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wow.. just wow.

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game..

have you ever actually TRIED to understand nerfs in a PvE game?

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I love you D.E i really.. really.. REALLY do.. but your nerfs completely destroy Weapons/Frames..

except they don't, I still see people using the damn Synoid Simulor.

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

UNLESS there is something in the game that can kill all enemies before they even spawn...

that wouldn't even be possible, because an enemy doesn't exist in the game until they spawn, you cannot kill what doesn't exist.

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Also.. D.E please... PLEASE just add more unique and difficult enemies.. in my opinion Nullifiers are good for Warframe.. it keeps stuff from getting nerfed...

be careful what you wish for, and no, nullifiers haven't kept things from getting nerfed. we've had nerfs to frames and weapons alike many times since Nullifiers were introduced.

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

maybe i'm off my rocker here

there's no maybe about it...

12 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I never said i was against change, i'm against oblivion nerfs.

it's rare DE ever do oblivion nerfs, the only example of that i can think of was taking away headshots on explosive weapons, which was aimed at the Tonkor and Synoid Simulor but ended up affecting the like of Ogris and Secura Penta as well. all their other nerfs have been specifically aimed at combating something.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

wow.. just wow.

have you ever actually TRIED to understand nerfs in a PvE game?

except they don't, I still see people using the damn Synoid Simulor.

that wouldn't even be possible, because an enemy doesn't exist in the game until they spawn, you cannot kill what doesn't exist.

be careful what you wish for, and no, nullifiers haven't kept things from getting nerfed. we've had nerfs to frames and weapons alike many times since Nullifiers were introduced.

there's no maybe about it...

it's rare DE ever do oblivion nerfs, the only example of that i can think of was taking away headshots on explosive weapons, which was aimed at the Tonkor and Synoid Simulor but ended up affecting the like of Ogris and Secura Penta as well. all their other nerfs have been specifically aimed at combating something.

Where do i even begin with this.. huh.. ok.


Have i tried to understand nerfs in a PvE game? out of all honesty what kinda smug question was that?

And yea, the Synoid simulor is still a decent weapon.. perhaps not like in the old days good.. but it's alright.

And when i said kill enemies before they even touched the ground was me using an example for something being massively broken, don't split hairs with me please.

I never meant it to come across as if Nullifiers kept things from getting nerfed, i meant they help things from getting nerfed, but that's just my own two cents on that, not like you or i have any way to disprove or prove that statement.

And again with the smug meaningless reply to the maybe i'm off my rocker comment.


And D.E does nuke things i'n my opinion, yes MY opinion, Tonkor, Stealth, that one gravity weapon  that pulls enemies together (Can't think of the name sorry)

telos Boltace etc etc.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Idk? does it end in more passive aggressive comments? 

It ends with people arguing in comment sections over frivolous stuff, eventually causing a topic to close down because people just have to respond to eachother and can't let it go so the topic can keep on being civil.. 

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Just now, achromos said:

It ends with people arguing in comment sections over frivolous stuff, eventually causing a topic to close down because people just have to respond to eachother and can't let it go so the topic can keep on being civil.. 

Well i WISH we could all have a normal civil discussion with people, but when someone (Me) starts expressing an opinion everyone goes crazy..can't have a good normal chat for nothing.  

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Well i WISH we could all have a normal civil discussion with people, but when someone (Me) starts expressing an opinion everyone goes crazy..can't have a good normal chat for nothing.  

Kazaroosue...  This is the internet.  There is no 'normal' here unless the forums become some sort of over-moderated no-fun allowed service, sure you can have calm discussions then but that is such a double edged sword.

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1 minute ago, achromos said:

Kazaroosue...  This is the internet.  There is no 'normal' here unless the forums become some sort of over-moderated no-fun allowed service, sure you can have calm discussions then but that is such a double edged sword.

Yea man, the internet is full of kid's.

If everyone here was an adult there wouldn't be any comment's like this

1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

Thanks man. I needed a good laugh. 


59 minutes ago, Insizer said:

*looks at thread* aw, cute.

DE doesn't just nerf things for their health.  They enact changes which they feel are best for the game's health.  The fact is that the vast majority of their "nerfs" are good for the game, and the vast majority of players know this.  I hate this "DE is the bad guys, they like to ruin their game because they are idiots" nonsense that some people are fixated on just because they didn't read the terms of service.

Also, OP, you act as if you have some kind of ethos to rely on to say that your "stand" is actually meaningful.  It isn't.  For every one of you their are at least 10 people who embrace and agree with the changes which you hate.


38 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

wow.. just wow.

have you ever actually TRIED to understand nerfs in a PvE game?

except they don't, I still see people using the damn Synoid Simulor.

that wouldn't even be possible, because an enemy doesn't exist in the game until they spawn, you cannot kill what doesn't exist.

be careful what you wish for, and no, nullifiers haven't kept things from getting nerfed. we've had nerfs to frames and weapons alike many times since Nullifiers were introduced.

there's no maybe about it...

it's rare DE ever do oblivion nerfs, the only example of that i can think of was taking away headshots on explosive weapons, which was aimed at the Tonkor and Synoid Simulor but ended up affecting the like of Ogris and Secura Penta as well. all their other nerfs have been specifically aimed at combating something.


2 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

Well that settles that. Hes refusing nerfs so they wont happen anymore. Gg no re DE. thatll surely stop them. :)


The day people reply to a thread like this with comments like (((Well i see your point but i disagree with you sir and here is why))) is when pigs fly.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Well i WISH we could all have a normal civil discussion with people, but when someone (Me) starts expressing an opinion everyone goes crazy..can't have a good normal chat for nothing.  

Its honestly kinda hard to have a civil discussion when you open the thread with a list of absolutes that you refuse to bend on. I mean I zoned out the minute you typed that you were not going to accept nerfs anymore. At that point, for better or worse. I put you in the salty simulor users. Im not sure you are here to discuss anything. I am not picking on you, just alerting you to your error.

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Nerfs are needed.  just as revamps, tweaks, and buffs.  The only weapon i'm aware of that got nerfed so hard it was trash is the synoid gammacor.  Can't speak on the telos boltace.  but from what I understand it's still usable.  It just doesn't do what it used to.  so it's different.  and no warframe nerf has ever destroyed a warframe.  Hell i'm glad cataclysm nerf is inbound for the consoles.  my group lost a kuva flood because some guy wouldn't stop trying to nuke the enemies.  It really messed with me in particular because the limbo build I ran was for stalling and seperating the normal fodder from the kuva guardians.  which has helped with great success in other kuva missions.

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