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Miter, does the U20 Buff really helped?

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Now , miter was one of the buffed weapons from the release of U20, and now we even got a new mod that could be usefull but the fact that you have 90% chance to disable a nullifier bubble instead of having 100% chance to do it just aiming at the flying thing is just silly. 

Miter is one of my favorites weapons and i'm still sad because this weapon has great potentianl but still a niche pick. I remember that for a short period of time the miter had a particular tweak that was removed right after 2 hotfix. Miter was able to shot 3 blades instead of one ( the damage was split among this blades) and the great thing was that with the heavy caliber it was like trasforming it from a precise weapon to a sawblade shotgun and i loved it. I put 3 forma during that time to create 2 differents configuration based on situation, High precision "sniper" or sawblade shotgan for crowds. Now i think DE removed this "rework" because multishot with the 3 blade mechanic created 6 blade and this could be a "little" problematic on low-spec computers.

I think that they could give another try to that concept. Or maybe add a alt fire mod to shot the entire clip with 1 click , and this could give more sense to the new syndacate mod and a interesting new mechanics.

What do you think?

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it does do nicely now, yes - in consideration of being faster to shoot, the Crits lets it multiply the Slash Status and that means making it effective vs much higher Level Enemies.

that Miter Mod is useless now though - just put Mutation on instead. spam quickfire at the bubble and you'll break it very quickly, so yeah that Mod got made irrelevant already.

Edited by taiiat
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14 minutes ago, taiiat said:

that Miter Mod is useless now though - just put Mutation on instead. spam quickfire at the bubble and you'll break it very quickly, so yeah that Mod got made irrelevant already.

I don't know, for multiple bubbles stacked together, Neutralizing Justice works wonders with Multishot. I'd rather shoot once or twice to pop multiple bubbles in a line than having to spam and reload constantly.

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5 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

I don't know, for multiple bubbles stacked together, Neutralizing Justice works wonders with Multishot. I'd rather shoot once or twice to pop multiple bubbles in a line than having to spam and reload constantly.

This was where I am at. When there are lots of nullifiers around it starts to get a lot more useful, and I was finding it really effective when doing endless Pluto defenses for Ambulas, and the nullies started to spawn often. Plus, that syndicate proc is pretty nice as well. In a Corpus mission where you expect a lot of nullies I think it is an interesting choice, that can be good depending on playstyle. 

I think if they are going to have this mod at all, it should be straight 100% chance though. That 10% ruined my shots more times than I would have liked, and Miter takes a relatively long time to charge even after recent buffs. There is nothing worse than lining up your shot to pop multiple bubbles, and clear the field of those awful things, and it doesn't proc and pop them, because it isn't a 100% chance. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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buff is nice.. but wen u consider that fire rate mod and terminal velocity are mandatory.. u dont have space for new mod witch is pretty much meh...still no punch trough witch is really probelmatic for  charge qwpon.. and shoting without charge..dmg is  very bad

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28 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

They made it better AND worse

I say better because of the stat increases but worse because they took away its punchthrough (and to my knowledge, it was never put back in)

The charged shot has 1 meter of innate punch through. I don't recall whether the uncharged shot ever had innate punch through, but it doesn't now. Between that and the fact that the projectile now has width, Shred and Vile Acceleration allow you to rapidly headshot several enemies at once.

It is my new favorite weapon. Others' tests have placed its DPS as a more consistent Dread, due to its reliable bleed procs, punch through, and easy headshots. I can't personally speak to that as I've done no formal comparisons with other weapons, but what I can tell you is that my build (no riven) kills a lv145 Corrupted bombard in four fully charged headshots. With a +263% damage riven, it kills in three if none of the shots crit. A crit kills in one, even if none of the projectiles procs viral.

No matter how you slice it, that is a damn nice weapon.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

The charged shot has 1 meter of innate punch through. I don't recall whether the uncharged shot ever had innate punch through, but it doesn't now. Between that and the fact that the projectile now has width, Shred and Vile Acceleration allow you to rapidly headshot several enemies at once.

It is my new favorite weapon. Others' tests have placed its DPS as a more consistent Dread, due to its reliable bleed procs, punch through, and easy headshots. I can't personally speak to that as I've done no formal comparisons with other weapons, but what I can tell you is that my build (no riven) kills a lv145 Corrupted bombard in four fully charged headshots. With a +263% damage riven, it kills in three if none of the shots crit. A crit kills in one, even if none of the projectiles procs viral.

No matter how you slice it, that is a damn nice weapon.

I have a Riven that gives me 100% status and 220% damage. I use it with my Mag Magnetize build...let me tell you, nothing is safe, goes thru 145 heavys like wet paper. Body parts flying everywhere. Is it cynical to say that I love it..LoL 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

I don't know, for multiple bubbles stacked together

fair enough.

2 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

I say better because of the stat increases but worse because they took away its punchthrough (and to my knowledge, it was never put back in)

it's been broken for years, but it got fixed shortly after that Update. you're safe!
only took like 2-3 years to fix it.

1 hour ago, ashrah said:

terminal velocity are mandatory.. 

hmmm.... do you also say +Flight Speed is mandatory on all Projectile Weapons?

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

The charged shot has 1 meter of innate punch through. I don't recall whether the uncharged shot ever had innate punch through, but it doesn't now. Between that and the fact that the projectile now has width, Shred and Vile Acceleration allow you to rapidly headshot several enemies at once.

It is my new favorite weapon. Others' tests have placed its DPS as a more consistent Dread, due to its reliable bleed procs, punch through, and easy headshots. I can't personally speak to that as I've done no formal comparisons with other weapons, but what I can tell you is that my build (no riven) kills a lv145 Corrupted bombard in four fully charged headshots. With a +263% damage riven, it kills in three if none of the shots crit. A crit kills in one, even if none of the projectiles procs viral.

No matter how you slice it, that is a damn nice weapon.

Yes, but where is my "buffed" Panthera's Punchthrough?

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21 hours ago, taiiat said:

fair enough.

it's been broken for years, but it got fixed shortly after that Update. you're safe!
only took like 2-3 years to fix it.

hmmm.... do you also say +Flight Speed is mandatory on all Projectile Weapons?

on miter is totally change wepon

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