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Hate for Limbo


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

No, it's a problem with the frame. As you point out a "good" player and a little communication can mitigate Limbo's troll potential, but this is mostly unnecessary with all other frames.

Limbo is also incredibly broken...a fact that is largely ignored when discussing what's wrong with Limbo.  I didn't think being able to freeze every enemy for all 10 defense waves so that they can be slowly and safely dispatched 1 by 1 using melee is the sort of "engaging" game play DE is striving for.

If I showed someone that had never seen Warframe before my sortie 3 defense yesterday with a Limbo, they couldn't help but come to the conclusion that Warframe is a terrible game that isn't fun to play.

but that can be said for lots of frames, if I showed someone warframe where a ember is just standing still not doing anything and killing they would also think the game is incredibly dull, or if it was a equinox with maim etc etc

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On 6/18/2017 at 8:16 AM, o0verlord0o said:


I read all the posts saying that Limbo is a stupid frame to use and i just dont get the hate for him

In my opinion i love it when i get him in my team playing excavation/def/rescue. I know many people say he is a stupid frame because he then stands around doing nothing and wanting others to do work while he is "helping" but its the player not the frame, if another frame does the same no one bats an eye. I know there is a troll factor in this frame but you can easily escape the rift by pressing one button. When i play Limbo and people say oh god another Limbo while playing excavation and then start insulting me and then proceed to let the excavator get destroyed than using their meele weapon in my cataclyst with stasis. I mean if they say "dont use cata" and i dont they start getting angry we couldnt def. 

I think he is still 10 times better to have him in my team than a Titania who flies off and is afk.


Pls write me what you think of this i am not trying to bash Limbo haters i just want to understand the hate torwards him.


EDIT: So since people say if you got a good Limbo its ok but what is a good Limbo like. Iplay min range and long dura so i just cover the target but i still get bashed at so also comment what a good "good" is like

As a limbo main, im telling you, with 2 different builds, maybe three, limbo is fit for any mission type.. period.. the only thing is, it depends if its corpus or not xD damn nullifiers..

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On 18 de junho de 2017 at 1:23 PM, cghawk said:

 I'd say they have made limbo even more annoying to play with and as, you can't event try and pick off high priority targets anymore because your 1 is now an AOE so that aspect of gameplay is gone.

Totally agree. Hardly ever use 1 now except on Sortie Defense... And even so. I have alerted DE to this, but alas...

On 18 de junho de 2017 at 1:16 PM, o0verlord0o said:

Pls write me what you think of this i am not trying to bash Limbo haters i just want to understand the hate torwards him.

I am a Limbo main and I can tell you that there IS a form of "warframecism" towards him. No matter what you do or how you build him, or even if you warn other players of Banish and Cataclism, there will always be hating him for the sake of hate.

However, if the player MR is high enough they will have more experience playing diferent frames in combination with other frames and can easelly adjust is/her gameplay. E.g.: I now find more people automatically using melee if I do Cataclism because they assume (rightly so) that I will activate Statis also (I don't use it all the time, but still).

I used to have lots of "problems" with other players, but since the change more people have tried it and (even if they don't use it) they know why he is there and acts the way he does... I have seen more people use him and they do give him the "God level" praise. I usually use him in Sorties and the "hate level" has come down considerably.

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I don't like this new limbo. He may be great to play as, but very annoying to play with.

I liked the old limbo where it was simple and straight forward. Enemies in bubble with me can be damaged and can damage me, enemies outside of bubble can't be hurt and can't hurt me. More often than not, that's all you needed to know to not be frustrated with a limbo.

Now I rarely have any idea what's going on. It's annoying. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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On 6/20/2017 at 1:22 AM, Hypernaut1 said:

I don't like this new limbo. He may be great to play as, but very annoying to play with.

I liked the old limbo where it was simple and straight forward. Enemies in bubble with me can be damaged and can damage me, enemies outside of bubble can't be hurt and can't hurt me. More often than not, that's all you needed to know to not be frustrated with a limbo.

Now I rarely have any idea what's going on. It's annoying. 

as a limbo player he doesn't feel very satisfying to play as either because all the rifting abilities have been made AOE, I can't banish a napalm anymore because I banish a bunch of enemies at the same time and possibly even a ally, rift surge is completely useless unless you have the augment and even then all it does is spread a inconvenience where even as the limbo player are finding it a pain in the &#! that half the enemies are banished and the other half are not because of rift surge, then the pain in the &#! of your passive, I constantly have to go out of my way to get into the rift on some random corner otherwise my team mates might just walk through the unwanted portal and be banished and worst of all nothing tells you they're banished.

what this results in with abilities when playing is the following:

passive: only used for reviving
1: never used, banishes too many enemies
2: never used, makes everything a chaos and inconvenient 
3: only use it if I'm reviving a team mate and they're surrounded by 30 enemies so they can leave that place safely
4: same with above and besides that I use it for nuking and nothing else

so basically the only use for limbo's abilities outside defense missions is reviving and nuking enemies, not very exciting

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2 hours ago, cghawk said:


High power strength build around a rift torrent melee setup is pretty cool and doesn't negatively impact your team. Awesome damage, especially if you have an Equinox/Banshee on your team. You can get 3000%+ damage boosts :D

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

High power strength build around a rift torrent melee setup is pretty cool and doesn't negatively impact your team. Awesome damage, especially if you have an Equinox/Banshee on your team. You can get 3000%+ damage boosts :D

Yeah, but that's only for you, not for your teammates.

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42 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Yeah, but that's only for you, not for your teammates.

Well yeah...just like my stealth damage bonus with Ivara. Don't really think this is a problem, not all powers have to apply to the whole team. 

It's not as if Limbo doesn't have the ability to provide help to teams. Very few frames can remove all incoming damage as effectively as he can.

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Just wanted to add a little thing here:

I understand how a Limbo works. When I see one in the game, I know that the Limbo player might be having good intentions, might be new to him,, or whatever excuse you want to give him. So, I tend to adapt to the Limbo's style, thus, I use melee a whole lot more. (That said, I also understand that not many people like to be forced into doing such things (myself too, at moments, sometimes I just wanna use my Panthera or whatever))

And even so, there are moments when you CAN'T adapt in any other way than to bend over to the Limbo's will. In fact, I had one such experience quite recently in a Sortie:

Mobile Defence. Assault Rifles only. And then a Limbo, who didn't care about our opinions whatsoever. One of the few times I have left out on a mission in the midst of it. Holy cow was that some serious annoyance!

He REALLY does need to become more teamfriendly. No discussion there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm making this post while playing in a team with a Limbo RIGHT NOW. Defense mission. I've asked him point blank to stop with the dimension shift. The Limbo player is responding to "we cannot beat the waves when your dimension shift thing is active" with "Imma do LOTS of dimension shifting because I don't wanna lose lol I am helping lol."

He's actively ignoring the complaints, refusing to modify his playstyle, making it boring and frustrating, and his responses are so full of poor spelling and improper punctuation that it just emphasizes what an idiot he is... and while I was typing this up one of the other players just disconnected. He either quit in disgust or he was so bored he idled and logged out due to inactivity. 

THAT'S why we hate the Limbo.

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There's a few reasons.


its the player not the frame

This is true. And most Limbo players have no clue when to put teammates or enemies into the rift, and end up just randomly putting us in the rift for no reason, hence making us useless for a few seconds.

Another reason is Limbo used to be trash, then he was buffed to the point where he was a "press 4 to win" frame. The nerf to his 4 now means he doesn't do much damage compared to before. This makes him more of a support frame when played correctly (which is what he should be), however some people still think he should do a lot of damage.

Limbo isn't bad, he just has a bad reputation. A good Limbo player can be extremely useful. However there's still the fact that most people who "main" Limbo don't use his abilities to their full extent.

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I'm not the type to hate on play styles too much. I sport a flash accelerant ember and usually end up with 50-70% damage dealt so i'm not one to judge. I also don't immediately leave or throw insults when a Limbo joins the game but there usually comes a point where the Limbo is belligerently ignorant to his own faults that the game is just not worth playing anymore.  

A recent example: Sortie Mobile Defense Eximus Stronghold + Max range/duration Limbo spams Cata/Stasis

I complain about not getting kills, he laughs at my idiocy and tells me to use melee. My melee weapon is un-leveled and un-modded but I stop complaining and figure he should be more than capable of soloing so I take my ember and go loot crates for the full duration of the mission. Some time later he and the two others(mesa and ???nidus???idk) starts dying repeatedly because of eximus aura i presume, being an eximus strong hold and all adding the fact that they were not taking any enemies down, and limbo starts complains that i'm not helping. I laugh and wait it out till end of mission for some well deserved revenge but the mission did take 15-20 mins and it was worth it. It came to a point where there was only one other player and myself left so I extracted when time ran out because the other player was still swamped. 

To balance out the argument I've also met some really good Limbo players. While farming out in the defectors mission for Harrow a Limbo running Cata/Stasis was incredibly helpful at locking down enemies even with eximus auras everywhere reducing the total number of enemies we had to deal with. 

My point is that for sure Limbo is a good frame but like all frames there is a time and place for everything. Who would want a speed nova on defectors or slowva on defense(Messes with spawning and halts the game)? Frost using bubble on survival everywhere he goes? People should just learn to balance this out and be willing to communicate. People are the problem not Limbo, haters and fanboys alike. I'm in that neutral zone that doesn't care either way so lel. 

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the old version of limbo was bad but at least he had some use in rescue and when the defence was a normal dude. Now he can still be use there but if you start using his other power you are going to scrap that playthrought for everybody except yourself. Seriously a power that stop bullet cool not like the 2 main source of domage were from them.


Even if you try to be smart with this version of limbo you will end up screwing someone, which is not something you want to do in a coop-game. The best thing to do is not using you, 2,3,4 and use your 1 only when necessary. Pretty damn boring if you ask me, why using a frame that if i use his power i will probably screw someone while i could use one of the other 32 frame out there and still have fun while everybody else have fun

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On 6/18/2017 at 8:55 AM, Hemmo67 said:

hear me out let's say u are in defense or survival u probaly brought frame that can kill stuff like banshee ember nova ect

rift does not affect abilities your wof and quakes and antimatter balls of (seriously what is that ball) are not affected wether dude is in or out of rift

so there what is the bloody problem c_c everyone has swords and if your enemy is frozen u are 100% safe to go cut him mobility cannot be the issue when we can jump 20 meters in any direction with press of a button

hear me out now, ember sucks for survival aside from low level ones nova and banshee are alot better, however in endgame stuff sonar banshee is just much stronger than quake, nova slowvas alot more useful than speedva and AMD does nice damage however shes mainly a debuff support, heres the issue with this situation. in a low level mission limbo isnt needed since most people will 1 shot everything and will rarely take enough damage to get downed thus he isnt required, and in higher level content where things arent 1 shotted, limbo is simply annoying. tell me why would i want to drop my guns and run to the guy 40 feet away to melee him when i can just shoot him from the spot i was. personally i find it annoying when i play defense in the void and im standing infront the cryopod aiming down with either my snipetron vandal or some assault rifle clearing the corridor and a limbo comes and now i have to run all the way down just to melee. limbo makes things inconvenient and slower than they should be, atleast for me also last i checked bullet jump was 2 buttons then you spam e to melee kill mean while i could have just clicked on my mouse  and had the same result. forcing your team to play the way you want them to play isnt cooperation nor is it beneficial.

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8 hours ago, YandereWaifu said:

hear me out now, ember sucks for survival aside from low level ones nova and banshee are alot better, however in endgame stuff sonar banshee is just much stronger than quake, nova slowvas alot more useful than speedva and AMD does nice damage however shes mainly a debuff support, heres the issue with this situation. in a low level mission limbo isnt needed since most people will 1 shot everything and will rarely take enough damage to get downed thus he isnt required, and in higher level content where things arent 1 shotted, limbo is simply annoying. tell me why would i want to drop my guns and run to the guy 40 feet away to melee him when i can just shoot him from the spot i was. personally i find it annoying when i play defense in the void and im standing infront the cryopod aiming down with either my snipetron vandal or some assault rifle clearing the corridor and a limbo comes and now i have to run all the way down just to melee. limbo makes things inconvenient and slower than they should be, atleast for me also last i checked bullet jump was 2 buttons then you spam e to melee kill mean while i could have just clicked on my mouse  and had the same result. forcing your team to play the way you want them to play isnt cooperation nor is it beneficial.

so u do not use accelerant? i have seen in resistance sorties how banshee's quakes has breezed trough defens

and nova, 3/4 abilities deal dmg, support? don't think so

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On 7/14/2017 at 3:14 AM, Hemmo67 said:

so u do not use accelerant? i have seen in resistance sorties how banshee's quakes has breezed trough defens

and nova, 3/4 abilities deal dmg, support? don't think so

ask any skilled player, they will tell you sonar is legit stronger for endgame runs than quake (alot more practical too given that quake has you stop moving and anything under a nulifier is unaffected and ancients dont take as much damage from it, as are savage silence builds both of which will have you and your team one shotting enemies far stronger than thosee of a sortie 3 defense besides i dont really see simple sorties as endgame as for accelerant yea you could use that i mean its a good buff/cc but most of the time embers melt before alot of my other choices( shes squishy af and you know it), that aside her damage is minimal at higher levels with WOF provided you have the augment becoming a glorified CC rather than dps ability also you know novas 4 is a defuff that doubles damage dealt to targets it has affected and does no damage on its own (requiring enemy death to trigger explosions) and her 3 is a movement type ability that deals no damage so more like 2 damage abilities and then i hardly ever see null star being used and in any case AMD is a bit better so more like 1 that people actually use. please get your facts right


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8 hours ago, YandereWaifu said:

ask any skilled player, they will tell you sonar is legit stronger for endgame runs than quake (alot more practical too given that quake has you stop moving and anything under a nulifier is unaffected and ancients dont take as much damage from it, as are savage silence builds both of which will have you and your team one shotting enemies far stronger than thosee of a sortie 3 defense besides i dont really see simple sorties as endgame as for accelerant yea you could use that i mean its a good buff/cc but most of the time embers melt before alot of my other choices( shes squishy af and you know it), that aside her damage is minimal at higher levels with WOF provided you have the augment becoming a glorified CC rather than dps ability also you know novas 4 is a defuff that doubles damage dealt to targets it has affected and does no damage on its own (requiring enemy death to trigger explosions) and her 3 is a movement type ability that deals no damage so more like 2 damage abilities and then i hardly ever see null star being used and in any case AMD is a bit better so more like 1 that people actually use. please get your facts right


my facts are right you are just downballing other build options

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To be honest, I seriously hate Limbos in pugs now. They've all got a max range bubble and uses timestop which means I can't shoot anyone. But the worst are the ones that go into kuva siphon missions with the EXACT energy color that the Kuva clouds have, GLHF trying to find out where the cloud is coming from. I really wish there was an option to avoid matchmaking in pugs with Limbos, because they're by far the most annoying Warframe I've ever come across in all my years of Warframing.

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On 7/16/2017 at 3:23 AM, Hemmo67 said:

my facts are right you are just downballing other build options

your facts while not completely wrong very correct either as i pointed out and maybe i am downballing other options, however these options arent as efficient as other options. this type of thing happens alot in this community, however that is the nature of "metas". 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Im gonna say some things bc they need to be said, even though this is necroing the thread. I'm relatively new to Warframe though I've played quite enough to know what I'm talking about. I wasn't around for the old limbo so idk what that was like but as it stands from all my gameplay no single frame made me quit bc of a mechanic, what I did see was random hate for limbo, which to me was strange, being bc his abilities are like any other, sometimes abilities don't let u do things, like having to go through frost bubble to kill enemies, or having to deal with volts excessive speed ability, both of which I have zero problem with.

His abilities can be as difficult to deal with as a embers world on fire, maybe less so bc at least you can kill things with limbo max range cata stasis, rather than just hope you find an enemy to kill with wof, and yes I do understand "at least she's killing things" and it all comes down to how you use him.

(Just so everyone knows, I play on Xbox one so maybe it's different on PC but.)

when I started playing limbo I understood there was hate for stasis and so I had that in mind when I made my max range limbo (currently using max duration as it's more effective). My strategy used cataclysm as a energy Regen buff(only using stasis for revives), and since it was so big I usually didn't take any flak for it but for instance on a interception mission, one player decided he hated my limbo, and at first he didn't explain his issue, once the match ended we talked some more, I thought he just didn't know how limbo worked, then he showed me he maxed out limbo, to which I responded "so what's the issue?" And he responded with "ur cutting my capture point in half and it bother me I can't shoot through it" and then left the squad.

So rather than walking 2 meters to attack enemies in my cataclysm (like u would a frost bubble) he'd rather complain in chat, and rather than tell me what the problem was he'd rather yell in chat " STOOOOPP LIMBO!!!". There's hating a frame bc their missusing their abilities and there's hating a frame just to hate them, it's like getting mad at nidus bc he screwed up ur shot with larva. And while this one instance could be construed as "legitimate" I've received hate messages through chat while using limbo in survivals using my min range max duration build, and staying out of peoples way. I get hate for reviving people with limbo. It's frameism.

And don't tell me that most limbo are trolls bcs that's untrue, 90% of limbo players I've met are good players, and I never met a limbo who could effectively troll with limbos rework. Most people don't troll bc there's no point to it. Saying he can troll still is just more frameism. Even if a person decided to do max range cata stasis trolling, most players know to go melee or use abilities or blow stasis though on Xbox u can shoot like 15 zarr shots and still not blow stasis. But still there's no point to it. The 10% who did terrible were new limbo players. Idc if a limbo made u mad 3 years ago get over it, limbo is a viable none obtrusive frame, at least not much more obtrusive than any other frame can be. Sure sometimes he can get in the way but that's when u suck it up and adapt, if you can defeat kela de thaym or a raid then dealing with a bad limbo player should be within ur skill set, stop complaining and be a good player not a weak one. Your bad experience is no excuse to make another player feel bad bc u don't like their frame.

Limbo is fine as is but if I had to change something it would be to allow none limbo players to shoot through stasis or toggle whether they freeze or not, but allow limbo to still keep their shots frozen bc there are applications for that mechanic. That and/or fix  banish so it banishes just one target or replace rift surge with a ability to open a window/portal in rift to attack through or banish targets kind of like how volts shield does, or make rift surge charge your weapons to attack enemies outside the rift and/or deal more damage in the rift.or just make it so banish can banish from the rift like it used to. Those are my thoughts for changes to limbo. But as for limbo hate it's not necessary and please stop.

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