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Can we have a Warframe with 0 Powers?


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5 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

But then they would waste time and resources to give use something that can already be done by not pressing 5 buttons instead of working at actually useful stuff. Take any frame, put only defensive and utility mods on it, go into the Options menu and disable the 1,2,3,4,5 hotkeys and you have one for free. 

Or they could throw in the recruits as usable side characters? So like alternate game mode? Would it be lore friendly if they used mods?

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Just now, Scandroid said:

Unbind power keys Boom a frame with 0 powers


Just now, reptillicus said:

Excal is about as average you can get in stats

I've changed my mind, I think what I truly want is a Warframe with a super awesome passive and stats, but no powers.

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I don't see the appeal and not quite who this would fit. Each frame has been designed with different abilities and designed around a theme. Aside from yourself, who would want to be bare as possible? 

All it does is takes away from the major feature that makes each frame different is their abilities. And without it, it would be no better than any other frame aside from design.

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18 minutes ago, Asuraph said:

I don't want to deal with temptation. Also I think it's an awesome cheap idea to throw into the pot. Think of the people who would use it as a challenge run. It would be like Solar System run with (Baseframe name here)

Go stand in a nullify field or get Nully-tagged by a bursa.

Just gift me a Tennogen Hagoromo skin and we're even!

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1 minute ago, KyoBladezen said:

This could be coming soon, in a way. DE did say theyd been playing with the idea of operator-only missions with a focus on using transference to possess enemies. 

No abilities were what the TC wanted. Operators, despite being squishy, have abilities.

Edited by SurrealEdge
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Ok, fair point, I'm riding a dead horse here. Seems I'm the only one who thinks this is an awesome idea. But hey, a little discussion was nice! I still think baseframe is a neat concept. But what would be pretty awesome is a Warframe that channels the Void through a passive. To provide a decent example while going weeb, I think I want Rock Lee the frame. 

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Just now, SurrealEdge said:

No abilities were what the TC wanted, operators despite being squishy, have abilities.

You misunderstand what I'm getting at. I had meant to infer that we might be possessing normal people and mobs, leaving us with exactly what OP asked for. A "frame" with no powers and averageish stats. 

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22 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:


I understand why OP might want such a Warframe, but it would be non-canon and basically wouldn't fit into the lore at all, not even slightly. The whole point of a Warframe is, that they're created harnessing such powers.

Maybe and this is just me spitballing...  I can come up with a situation right here that would seem plausable.


Warframe: Null

Description:  Created by the Orokin originally to restrict the user's power entirely in an attempt to make interacting with the user much safer.  This Warframe is more like a mental prison making the user unable to utilize transference or any void like powers.  As it was created as a prison it has no focus and actively blocks any void energies from leaking out.  It was re purposed in the height of the Orokin War vs the sentients to allow Tenno to undertake covert missions without alerting the Sentients to their presense via energy signature.


Bam.  5 second fanfic lore that seems plausable.

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21 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Boy, are you gonna have a wake up call when you go out into the real world.

If you can't handle the temptation of using abilities in a computer game, I strongly recommend you take a course in impulse control BEFORE you screw your life up.

This is constructive, in a different sense. But allow me to interject here and say that I misrepresented myself. I have the capacity to resist buttons. What I wanted is a frame that doesn't have buttons to press and has the capacity of a standard human entity with the exception of mods. I wanted to see who would agree with me. And definitively, I am the minority. Good day sir.

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5 minutes ago, achromos said:

Maybe and this is just me spitballing...  I can come up with a situation right here that would seem plausable.


Warframe: Null

Description:  Created by the Orokin originally to restrict the user's power entirely in an attempt to make interacting with the user much safer.  This Warframe is more like a mental prison making the user unable to utilize transference or any void like powers.  As it was created as a prison it has no focus and actively blocks any void energies from leaking out.  It was re purposed in the height of the Orokin War vs the sentients to allow Tenno to undertake covert missions without alerting the Sentients to their presense via energy signature.


Bam.  5 second fanfic lore that seems plausable.

I like you<3

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He was fused with a nullifier accidentally by a Tenno/frame trying to perform transference. 

He got the worst of both worlds, like a really bad Dragonballz fusion. He got the part that removes his own powers, but he didn't get the shield bubble + drone or the ability to stop other people's. 


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I suppose a "voidless" warframe would be basically a "cool looking humanoid ninja infested unit" lore-wise...

The Null idea sounds more like a comical relief, the ultimate mastery fodder, or the frame you could get by choosing "none" as your warframe as you can do with weapons... But hey, maybe could be a good idea and more attractive to general players if it gets some interesting passives. idk...


Maybe a passive that makes the Operator have double damage and triple energy pool... (as all that void energy would be more accumulated inside, i guess?)... i dont know... does that defeats the purpose? All I know is that not everyone got a like for those kids... but especially because they are weak af... but thats part of the lore too!...... i dont know.


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@OP What about a warframe, that instead of having traditional abilities it has buffs that you can switch between during the mission using energy? 

The first ability would contain buffs related to movement, 2nd would contain buffs related to health/shields/armor, 3rd, would contain buffs that would affect allies(increased energy regen, lifesteal, ect) and the 4th ability slot would contain weapon buffs(adding AoE damage/punch through, temporary bottomless clips, ammo mutation ect).

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5 minutes ago, Neo3602 said:

@OP What about a warframe, that instead of having traditional abilities it has buffs that you can switch between during the mission using energy? 

The first ability would contain buffs related to movement, 2nd would contain buffs related to health/shields/armor, 3rd, would contain buffs that would affect allies(increased energy regen, lifesteal, ect) and the 4th ability slot would contain weapon buffs(adding AoE damage/punch through, temporary bottomless clips, ammo mutation ect).

Cool Idea, but I think the null Warframe is awesome. Krillin frame go!

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