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A brief history on invulnerability


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2013 Rhino Skin nerfed to no longer provide invulnerability

2013 Hysteria...(?)

2014 Trinity's Blessing nerfed to no longer provide team inuvulnerability 

2015 Wukong's Defy granted perpetual invulnerability to anyone who wasn't autistic

2017 Harrow's Covenant provides team invulnerability and bonus crit chance 

And so history repeats itself.

I'm not here to bash the invulnerability mechanic, I'm really notDon't even get me started on perma-stealth that everyone has. I just have issues with history repeating itself. I just want to believe that DE knows what they're doing in their quest for a more "fun and interactive" game. But it really makes me wonder when something that was previous deemed unacceptable to come back into the game. Yes Invulnerability is as dumb as it was in 2013 as it is in 2017, that much hasnt changed. I almost feel deceived..."Trinity and Rhino didnt get nerfed for this."

Edited by KuroNekoXlll
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:


Just saying

Oh right, the cat, better add that to time line. I must have just glazed over it cause being restricted to only melee was a significant restriction at the time of Update 11..

Edited by KuroNekoXlll
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Trinity and Rhino were problems because their invulnerability wasn't windowed or restricted pretty much at all. Covenant has a very important difference in that there's a significant period after it wears off where you can't recast it because of the retaliation portion. Compare that to old Iron Skin or Blessing, where pretty much the only time it wasn't up was during the cast animation, and there's a world of difference in how it plays out in-game.

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I've seen this brought up more than once, people trying to compare Harrow's brief invuln with an enforced cooldown twice as long as the invuln, to Trinity's old 99% damage reduction. 

They don't compare. At all. 

I wish people would stop it. It just looks ridiculous. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Why do people continue to insist on comparing Harrow's abilities to old Trinity or even Rhino when they are in no way comparable?

Yes Harrow provides a brief window of invulnerability with his 4th similar to original Trinity.  And that is where the similarities end.
Unlike Trinity Harrow can't keep up the invulnerability 24/7 with no cost or effort.
In fact the ability has a rather lengthy time where it can't be recast at all!  And that time will always be twice as long as the invulnerability period meaning that at the very most he provides invulnerability 1/3rd of the time.

The old Trinity could just keep recasting blessing over and over and over again with no downtime or pauses to maintain complete invulnerability for entire mission.

Just because a frame has invulnerability mechanics doesn't mean that its utterly broken/op/bad/what-have-you.  DE actually made a decently balanced one since you can't keep it up forever and to get the most out of it you actually have to put some effort into it and time it correctly.

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Yes I hate when history repeats itself:

2016(?): Mag no longer 1 shots corpus enemies from scaling with shields.

2017: Limbo given scaling and 1 shots almost all enemies.

2017: Limbo no longer scales as well to no longer 1 shot enemies.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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