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Discovering Hydroid. He is not as bad as people say


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17 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

I'll believe that when I see Hydroid taking sortie Lt Krill solo with a sparring weapon without radiation/invisibility, relying only on his inconsistent mediocre CC. 

Rhino cant do it either. With only his cc... No iron skin... Just his ability... His stomp wont kill anything above lvl 80, even with Roar.

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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Made a thread and didn't realize you made one saying essentially the same.

His ability to lockdown rooms is awesome, and I love the tactical feel that he has. Locking down chokepoints and whatnot.

I also agree with your suggestion to his 1 remaining largely the same but either removing the delay or lengthening the base duration. I actually like where his 2 and 3 are, though. His 4th could use scaling damage as well, perhaps having the tentacles slam enemies caught in them onto the ground for % health based finisher damage? Idk. I'm excited too, though.

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21 hours ago, DP_KRoM said:

If you are in a bad situation, press 3 and leave your team kill the problem while your CC is still active.

That's right. Turn into a puddle and leave everything to teammates. They'll do just fine without Hydroid.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

So? They CAN but rarely does an entire group of enemies avoid his ability. One here... One there... Certainly not enough to completely hate the frame. Hes got great cc

We just need one leech eximus to get throught it to be in danger especially at high levels.

A good CC will affect all enemies in its cast range. Saying that one or two enemies passing throught is not a problem is like saying that a gun what has a slight chance to not shoot when you pull the trigger is reliable.

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His kit is fine in terms of design, but the execution needs work. His 1 needs to consistently CC enemies within its area of influence, and the CC become more unreliable the larger the range. Same problem with his 4, it only really CCs on the initial "pop up" of tentacles, after that, the flailing will maybe catch an enemy a little less than half the time if the enemies run through a tentacle infested area.

His two could use a bigger hitbox because aside from getting incredibly close to an enemy, you won't really "catch" anyone in the wave.


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8 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

We just need one leech eximus to get throught it to be in danger especially at high levels.

A good CC will affect all enemies in its cast range. Saying that one or two enemies passing throught is not a problem is like saying that a gun what has a slight chance to not shoot when you pull the trigger is reliable.

Theres alot if guns like that in the game. Some are even meta. So ya, Hydroid is a great frame... Ty, ur welcome.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Theres alot if guns like that in the game. Some are even meta. So ya, Hydroid is a great frame... Ty, ur welcome.

No matter how hard i try, giving japanese sushi master knifes to my mother doesnt turn him into a sushi chef.

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On 07/12/2017 at 3:18 AM, DP_KRoM said:

I put 4 formas on Hydroid for a CC build.

The results are really satisfying in sorties, he can CC entire rooms easily with his 1 and 4. If you are in a bad situation, press 3 and leave your team kill the problem while your CC is still active. So, He is CC support frame.

However, his 1 has a cooldown and also very low duration (even with 250% power duration). So, if you want to keep your CC active, you cannot stop spamming your skills. That means you almost dont have time to shoot at enemies.

This maybe the thing to be revisited. So Hydroid would be more comfortable to play with. Also his 2 and 3 need love. 

But he is nice. Lets see how DE reworks his skill set


Agreed. Hydroid is a beast.

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On 7/12/2017 at 2:18 AM, DP_KRoM said:

I put 4 formas on Hydroid for a CC build.

The results are really satisfying in sorties, he can CC entire rooms easily with his 1 and 4. If you are in a bad situation, press 3 and leave your team kill the problem while your CC is still active. So, He is CC support frame.

However, his 1 has a cooldown and also very low duration (even with 250% power duration). So, if you want to keep your CC active, you cannot stop spamming your skills. That means you almost dont have time to shoot at enemies.

This maybe the thing to be revisited. So Hydroid would be more comfortable to play with. Also his 2 and 3 need love. 

But he is nice. Lets see how DE reworks his skill set


It's true that he isn't as terrible as people say, but he is the worst frame in the game overall.

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As long as Tentacle Swarm prevents me from killing enemies with something that is not AoE spam, Hydroid needs work. I have quite a bit of fun with Hydroid as he is, but I ignore my 4 key whenever I use him as his 1 is better in ever way IMO. 


And the fact that his 1 and 4 have the exact same purpose is also BS. 


2 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

It's true that he isn't as terrible as people say, but he is the worst frame in the game overall.

And this^ 

People often get too caught up on "X is fine, it can complete Y content" and forget that fine is not good is not great is not perfect. Hydroid is a water bending pirate, you can't tell me his kit is not lackluster with that being his theme. 

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On 7/12/2017 at 9:18 AM, DP_KRoM said:

I put 4 formas on Hydroid for a CC build.

The results are really satisfying in sorties, he can CC entire rooms easily with his 1 and 4. If you are in a bad situation, press 3 and leave your team kill the problem while your CC is still active. So, He is CC support frame.

However, his 1 has a cooldown and also very low duration (even with 250% power duration). So, if you want to keep your CC active, you cannot stop spamming your skills. That means you almost dont have time to shoot at enemies.

This maybe the thing to be revisited. So Hydroid would be more comfortable to play with. Also his 2 and 3 need love. 

But he is nice. Lets see how DE reworks his skill set


He is getting looked into by Scott, as he said on the panel.
There's a thread where we've put together ideas on things that would benefit the abilities here actually if you're interested. Maybe something you'd like to change or add?

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An issue I find with Hydroid is when just about every 2nd infested is an ancient, giving all their friends immunity to his abilities. For example, 10-15 mins into a mission. :/

There are so many frames now that do it much easier and much more effectively.

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