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On average, a Smeeta Kavat will use its resource booster Charm effect around once every 16 minutes of active gameplay time.


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Just now, OvisCaedo said:

Well, his claim is that the resource doubling SPECIFICALLY is on that average timing, not any charm buff at all. Still not quite sure about where his claim of the resource doubling being a 10% chance, though, I'd always assumed the chance was evenly split between the 6 random buff types.

so @ 10% chance, every 30s? thats not every 16m. thats on average every 5 minutes. Which is faaaar closer to my experience in game.

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Just now, Skaleek said:

so @ 10% chance, every 30s? thats not every 16m. thats on average every 5 minutes. Which is faaaar closer to my experience in game.

No, it's a 28% chance of "something" happening every 27 seconds. The claim is that only one tenth of those "somethings" are the resource booster. The other 9 times out of 10 you get a "something" it'll be a free reload, or a blocked hit + tiny shield restore, or suchforth.

but again, I have no idea where the claim comes from of it being one in ten being the resource buff instead of one in six. He could be right, though.

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2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

Vacuum is not inefficient at all. It is the biggest QoL ability in this game. If you claim that losing out on 10 energy or 5 bullets is a problem when you are in a horde based shooter, then you are doing something wrong.

Yes it is inefficient. Notice I didn't say losing 10 energy or 5 bullets. I said Vacuum will grab pickups when that's all that's missing from my stores. If I reloaded for 1 bullet, or was in range of an energy leech long enough to lose 1 energy, it would spend an entire pickup on that, too, because that's what it does. Losing 60-80% of pickups I need to sustain my gameplay because I auto-looted at the wrong time and RNG didn't drop any later is a problem. Being required to stay away from dead enemies (and forget using melee) to avoid this is also a problem. The thing that I'm doing wrong in that hypothetical situation is equipping that trash mod in the first place. It does nothing for me but get in the way.

2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

Blood rush has no effect, and it only allows weapons to orange crit, and relying on rng to make a weapon better isnt that great.

That is absolutely false. As a hybrid Resonance/Savage Silence Banshee main, I use a lot of melee. Blood Rush melee weapons always red crit under that buff. Red, not orange. Guns don't, but I never said they did. And this entire game is loaded with RNG. Crit, status, energy and ammo pickups, it's all RNG. In the long run, it averages out, and anything you can do to improve your RNG situation will be a benefit. I never said I rely on this crit buff. I said it has value.

2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

The shield buff is very minuscule (only like 200 overshields)

I clearly know the buffs better than you do, since I actually use them. It completely fills your shields and grants 150 overshields after completely negating a single hit. If you already have overshields, it stacks. I have reached maximum overshields using this alone, by timing my exposure to damage. I can bullet jump straight into a Bombard as it fires, and not only will it not hurt me at all, but it won't kill my companion, which is more than any sentinel user can say.

2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

The reload buff once again, you shouldn't be relying on rng to make a weapon better, just avoid the damage you would take while reloading by bullet jumping.

As I explained above, RNG is everywhere in this game, and if you think improving your odds is wrong, you're just bad at math. I have a whole squad and an objective to think about, and it's not very RNG-dependent when I can store the buff until I need it to apply extra pressure. "Just bullet jump"? What makes you think I'm not doing that constantly? It's not about avoiding damage. I have no trouble with that. It's about avoiding downtime, making sure the objective is safe and/or the mission passes more quickly.

2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

Resource is good for kuva/trace/cryotic, all of the other buffs are able to be obtained by some other means on a much more consistent basis.

No they aren't. You didn't even mention the energy buff, and you just denied the value of a couple of other buffs you can't get with any other companion. Even if you could, it would be more accurate to say you could get any of them by some other means. You absolutely cannot get all of them in one package by any other means. Besides, I couldn't get them by other means without using those means instead of the things I'm already using in their place. This is like those people who try to tell me everything I ever do to strip armor is useless because I should be in a 4x Corrosive Projection squad at all times (as if all four of us don't have other auras to use).

2 hours ago, iPlayPwnsGames said:

If smeeta was as good, and vacuum was as inefficient as you claim, why are sentinels still used over smeetas?

Well, some sentinel users actually like the unique things their sentinels do, or the other sentinel-exclusive mods. Medi-ray and Guardian are pretty popular; pets won't heal you. Taxon is actually a great companion for Harrow. Djinn does some nice things, and Wyrm is alright. Carrier actually has a use now, and it's a good one.

Then there are people who refuse to use anything that doesn't have Vacuum, because it's the most important thing in their Warframe lives. These are the people who are always killing their warframes when their sentinels die, in order to revive them (as if that's so convenient and such a huge QoL improvement). Why does anyone do things that aren't in their best interest? Because they don't know better. They're not hurting anyone, and it's not my place to tell them how to enjoy a game. That doesn't mean that what they're doing is necessarily smart.

Honestly. "Look, everyone's doing it! There must be a reason!" Who says it's a good reason?

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On 8/3/2017 at 6:27 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

200% additive crit chance

It's not additive; it sets your critical rate to 200% for the duration, which could be good or bad depending on circumstance (but usually good.)

On 8/4/2017 at 1:13 AM, OvisCaedo said:

Still not quite sure about where his claim of the resource doubling being a 10% chance, though

That comes from the game's code, as I mentioned earlier in the thread.

On 8/4/2017 at 4:40 AM, DreamsmithJane said:

Blood Rush melee weapons always red crit under that buff. Red, not orange

As you can corroborate, Blood Rush applies at the end of the equation, resulting in stupid high crit multipliers.  I'm pretty sure that DE didn't intend for this to happen, but I guess they'll figure it out in 2-12 months.

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On 8/4/2017 at 4:40 AM, DreamsmithJane said:

No they aren't. You didn't even mention the energy buff, and you just denied the value of a couple of other buffs you can't get with any other companion. Even if you could, it would be more accurate to say you could get any of them by some other means. You absolutely cannot get all of them in one package by any other means. Besides, I couldn't get them by other means without using those means instead of the things I'm already using in their place. This is like those people who try to tell me everything I ever do to strip armor is useless because I should be in a 4x Corrosive Projection squad at all times (as if all four of us don't have other auras to use).

You could argue that the other buffs can be emulated by other options:

Orange Crits (20%): Adarza is the obvious alternative here.  Adarza doesn't provide orange crits but reliably procs for a flat additive 60% every 30 seconds for a 1/3 overall uptime.  It is typically not as big of a bonus in most cases, but when weapons already do have a big crit chance (over 150%,) this will put them over the top, whereas the orange crit buff could possibly give a lesser bonus or even lower damage output.  Also, Adarza's buff also affects teammates while Orange Crits does not.

Energy Refund (20%): You can use this to stop relying on your Trin/Harrow/pizzas for 10 seconds, but that's all.  Frames that are properly modded (max efficiency or close to it) feel the effect of this buff much less, and those that are not properly modded or are using an exotic build that needs low efficiency need to have that energy bandaid around in the first place.  Because of this proc's unpredictability and low proportion of uptime, it can't be considered a serious asset when it comes to enabling low-efficiency builds.

120 Second Affinity/Resource/Credit Booster (10%): As I mentioned in earlier posts, this is the one truly unique thing that Smeeta offers, and is the only way to get an edge in Kuva/Trace/Cryotic farms, where it shines the most.  Resources and credits can be boosted via the more conventional farming powers (Desecrate/Ore Gaze/Pilfering Swarm/Prowl/Secura Lecta/Effigy.)  Smeeta can help with the casual acquisition of affinity during regular gameplay, but is of little importance during powerleveling and Syndicate rep farm.  It is nice when a focus medallion coincides with the buff, but that happens very rarely, making it unremarkable when it comes to Focus farm.

Instant Reload (20%): Not a huge deal either way and, again, doesn't have enough uptime to be relied upon.  Its effect will be felt on a few weapons, but if it's that critical then you should just use a mod that boosts reload speed or repopulates the clip when holstered.  

Reinforced Shields (20%): This is cool since it both nullifies a hit regardless of its damage and also fully restores shields along with the 150 overshield it provides.  Nice when it happens, but no way to leverage it to great effect due to its unreliability and small uptime (pattern here.)  Because of this, it will often block minuscule amounts of damage, lowering the value of the damage nullification component (which is the only unique thing this proc offers.)  Overshields can be accumulated from things like Shield Charger and Molecular Conversion, or just by using shield pizzas.

Rare Resource (10%): This is mostly helpful for newer players and Dracoborn, and not very helpful to veteran players who have already crafted everything.  Many planets' rare resources are actually so common that they almost never need to be farmed after the early game (or at all,) relative to their degree of use in crafting, limiting this proc's usefulness overall.  Rare resources are much easier to come by than in the past, now that they can spawn in-mission as special containers, which further reduces the desirability of this proc.  Rare resources can be farmed in assassination or endless missions for a decent yield, while a dedicated farming group can increase yield by 308% (more than quadruple;) if you need rare resources (or non-rare resources, which is what most veterans end up farming due to their role in pizza upkeep and such,) you have options.  The Smeeta proc, with its low reliability and explicit RNG-dependence, is far from the top of the list when it comes to obtaining rare resources.

As a final note, there is one more factor which has been understated in this discussion: frustration.  It can be very frustrating and time-consuming [wasting] to try to leverage the effects of Charm's procs in a practical manner.  Any of Charm's procs can be useful in the right context, but the right context arises rarely while the desired procs also occur rarely.  This is perhaps the biggest source of dissatisfaction with the precept overall.  Some people are clearly in Charm's camp, as demonstrated in some of this thread's replies, but they should note that although Charm doesn't seem to frustrate them, there are a lot of others who are frustrated by its fickleness (and its resulting unreliability in a practical setting.)  I will continue to bring my Smeeta to my Kuva/Trace/Cryotic farms due to the unique benefit it can provide, but I won't feel good about it.

Edited by RealPandemonium
Small adjustments to grammar and details
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On 8/4/2017 at 4:40 AM, DreamsmithJane said:

Yes it is inefficient. Notice I didn't say losing 10 energy or 5 bullets. I said Vacuum will grab pickups when that's all that's missing from my stores. If I reloaded for 1 bullet, or was in range of an energy leech long enough to lose 1 energy, it would spend an entire pickup on that, too, because that's what it does. Losing 60-80% of pickups I need to sustain my gameplay because I auto-looted at the wrong time and RNG didn't drop any later is a problem. Being required to stay away from dead enemies (and forget using melee) to avoid this is also a problem. The thing that I'm doing wrong in that hypothetical situation is equipping that trash mod in the first place. It does nothing for me but get in the way.

You do acknowledge that a change in play style is necessary to avoid wasting resources with Vacuum, just as a change in play style is necessary to make the most of Charm's procs.  It can also be argued that your overall collection of dropped resources is lower overall because you do not use Vacuum, which could be viewed as an offset against the increased overall resource gain from Charm's procs.  

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On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

You could argue that the other buffs can be emulated by other options:

Like I said, any of them could. Not all of them, unless you're counting literally every other thing you could do all at once to replace each individual thing this one mod does.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

when weapons already do have a big crit chance (over 150%,) this will put them over the top, whereas the orange crit buff could possibly give a lesser bonus or even lower damage output.  Also, Adarza's buff also affects teammates while Orange Crits does not.

Meaning what, a Dread with Argon Scope? Great. I don't have Argon Scope. Most people don't. And it's already been acknowledged how dedicated options can sometimes perform one of these tasks alone better than Charm does, or operate beyond the scope of Charm's buffs, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Nobody argued that "Charm does each thing it does better than any other option". Cat's Eye does only this, so it had better be good, and it had better have some reason to use it over Charm. That's fine, and I acknowledged the value of Cat's Eye. I said I use it myself, when the situation calls for it.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

Energy Refund (20%): You can use this to stop relying on your Trin/Harrow/pizzas for 10 seconds, but that's all.  Frames that are properly modded (max efficiency or close to it) feel the effect of this buff much less

Woah. Okay, let me stop you there. Max efficiency is not the "proper" way to mod a frame. It's just one option, and an option that comes with considerable drawbacks, at that. People keep trying to point out how these buffs have limited uptime over the course of a mission, as if that hasn't been acknowledged and would somehow close the discussion. The point is that they have meaningful impact when they do activate. If the only things you could come up with to respond to this buff are an entire build dedicated to spamming powers, gear that costs materials, or help from other players (you forgot Sahasa/dig dogs), I'd say Charm is doing pretty well here for occupying a single mod slot on your companion. But I never claimed that it "enables low efficiency builds", or that you should plan your entire approach to missions around having this buff often.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

Resources and credits can be boosted via the more conventional farming powers (Desecrate/Ore Gaze/Pilfering Swarm/Prowl/Secura Lecta/Effigy.)

You realize those are also multiplied with this buff, just like a credit/resource booster, right? In fact, it stacks with boosters, too! Everything you can think of to do instead of using this buff will also be multiplied by this buff. Oh, and if the buff isn't active, you can leave stuff on the floor for a bit to wait for it (yeah, that's possible if you're not running Vacuum), so in terms of pickups, the uptime is better than it looks. If you think I'm not getting a good chunk more loot than others in farming missions who aren't using Smeeta, think again.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

Instant Reload (20%): Not a huge deal either way and, again, doesn't have enough uptime to be relied upon.  Its effect will be felt on a few weapons, but if it's that critical then you should just use a mod that boosts reload speed or repopulates the clip when holstered.

When this buff triggers, it lasts until used, so again, the uptime is better than it looks. For another thing, the larger the gun's magazine, the longer it takes to empty it and the more chance there is for the buff to pop up before I need it. Do you know what it feels like to have 300-450 rounds in a Tenora consistently, or 1080 in a Supra Vandal? If I am using two large capacity guns (I have a mag cap and multishot riven for Twin Kohmak), it's likely that I will never need to reload in the middle of combat at all. And you want to tell me I should "just" use up a mod slot on the weapon itself (or two weapons) to not actually achieve that? Once again, you are focusing on the frequency of activation, rather than the impact. When the act of reloading produces a long-lasting effect, it doesn't need to happen often.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

Reinforced Shields (20%): This is cool since it both nullifies a hit regardless of its damage and also fully restores shields along with the 150 overshield it provides.  Nice when it happens, but no way to leverage it to great effect due to its unreliability and small uptime (pattern here.)

No way to leverage it? Yes there is. Control when you get hit. Again, I have demonstrated this by achieving max overshields using only this buff (this was before I got Vazarin's Strengthen Defenses). I don't want to spend resources on restores unless I have to.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

Rare Resource (10%): This is mostly helpful for newer players and Dracoborn, and not very helpful to veteran players who have already crafted everything.

I am in a moon clan, and research costs for new weapons exist. This helps more than not having it, and doesn't stop me from using any of the other methods you mentioned. This is like when people tell me not to build fieldrons because invasions are faster. Building and invasions are faster than just invasions. Charm and farming is faster than just farming. If this were the only thing Charm did, it wouldn't be very interesting, but it's not. Charm does all of these things. That's what makes it worthwhile.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:23 AM, RealPandemonium said:

It can be very frustrating and time-consuming [wasting] to try to leverage the effects of Charm's procs in a practical manner.

I can't argue with a feeling of frustration if you have it, but it's not remotely time-consuming. That's pure fiction. The buffs activate, and you play. Unless you're deliberately avoiding all engagement that doesn't happen under the auspices of your ideal Charm buff, in which case you're completely missing the point.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:52 AM, RealPandemonium said:

You do acknowledge that a change in play style is necessary to avoid wasting resources with Vacuum, just as a change in play style is necessary to make the most of Charm's procs.

A change in play style? Then why is melee widely reputed to be "the best weapon type" (largely limited to a few specific metagame-approved weapons) by the same player base that apparently uses Vacuum 80% of the time? Killing with melee removes all ability to control Vacuum. And no, like I said above, there is no change in play style required for Charm. In fact, it's not possible. If you are expecting to be able to change your whole play style because you have Charm, that is why you're frustrated. You're doing it completely wrong. Charm gives you an edge in all areas of play. It does not transform what it means to have a magazine, or an energy pool, or a farming mission.

On 8/11/2017 at 7:52 AM, RealPandemonium said:

It can also be argued that your overall collection of dropped resources is lower overall because you do not use Vacuum, which could be viewed as an offset against the increased overall resource gain from Charm's procs.

No, it can't. I have no trouble collecting drops. It's called not being staggeringly lazy. Come on. Really? People are attached to Vacuum for the same reason that they die in dumb ways all the time: they don't move unless it's along the shortest possible path to extraction. But I figured you knew that. Actually using the game's movement system, I can cover whole rooms in the same amount of time it seems to take other people to run through them.

Oh, and my second most played frame is Mag, who now has built in Vacuum, but can actually choose when to use it (the ability whose lack is my entire criticism of Vacuum). You know that passive people hate because they all use Vacuum, which they use as an excuse for never using a companion that doesn't have it?

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@DreamsmithJane You're clearly very passionate about various topics in this thread.  You're especially vocal about vacuum but, barring Mag, you must admit that it is inefficient to go out of your way to pick up everything in the room, right?  You could instead sweep the room quickly with Vacuum and be halfway to extraction by the time you're done getting every last Alloy Plate.  It would help if Chesas weren't such a kick in the pants.  Their supposed AI buff hasn't improved anything, unfortunately.  

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4 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

@DreamsmithJane You're clearly very passionate about various topics in this thread.  You're especially vocal about vacuum but, barring Mag, you must admit that it is inefficient to go out of your way to pick up everything in the room, right?  You could instead sweep the room quickly with Vacuum and be halfway to extraction by the time you're done getting every last Alloy Plate.  It would help if Chesas weren't such a kick in the pants.  Their supposed AI buff hasn't improved anything, unfortunately.  

Inefficient? Well, no. You don't walk in a grid to cover every square meter of every room. You walk where the enemies were standing. Usually by going through them to get to the next group of enemies. Granted, it's inefficient to have a Mag, Maim Equinox, WoF Ember, or RQ Banshee kill all the enemies in their spawns, and then run to opposite ends of the map to collect drops, but that seems to be a popular farming method, and there is actually enough time between waves on defense or interception to do that. Moreover, that doesn't actually make the mission any longer (except in the case of Banshee). It just requires more effort, ironically. If you allow (or help) enemies to come to you, looting happens faster. With the right weapon, you can kill a line of enemies as they cross one spot on the ground and create a massive pile of loot that takes a moment to collect. Frenzy Equinox is especially good at this, as augmented Rage is like a localized Speed Nova effect that propagates indefinitely without speeding up every enemy at once.

If you're in a capture or rescue mission and moving at top speed in one direction, then Vacuum will help you gather more loot (if you even kill anything). But most missions require you to stick around for some seconds at least, and if you are maneuvering to fight enemies, you might as well be looting at the same time. Maybe it really is just my bias as a Banshee main who is constantly flying to and fro anyway. All of the loot is going to be under my feet at some point. It might be somewhat inefficient if I were ever actually going out of my way, but I am everywhere, so all Vacuum does is give me less control.

Yes, you could say I'm passionate. It frustrates me how much content many players are skipping in the name of what I see as dubious QoL. I don't have a Chesa yet (it's the only breed I'm still missing), but if the dog moved at all like I do, it should work pretty well. Whatever's wrong with the Retrieve precept, if it were fixed (say, by letting the equipped pet pick up items by walking over them just as if the player had, in addition to collecting when triggered outside of combat) and made available to all pets, do you think that would change things?

And what about Charm? What would make it work for you? Obviously it works for me (and I miss it when I don't have it), or I wouldn't be extolling its virtues for paragraphs on end. But I don't see what could really change the fact that it's just too bloody intermittent for your taste, without making it mathematically the only correct choice of companion for all players who care about the pace of their progress.

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It does make sense that of you're predominantly killing enemies with melee that it would be easier to get all the drops, especially if you're acting as vanguard for your squad.  When I don't have a sentinel, I do my best to get most resources, especially going out of my way to get mods and endo, though find it very mentally taxing to keep track of where every single thing dropped and to go pick it up after.  I also have a pet peeve about keeping my minimap clear of pickups, so that probably contributes as well.  

Unfortunately, Chesa AI is broken; you have to stand still in an area devoid of enemies for 10+ seconds before it ploddingly fetches some things.  The recent update does not seem to have fixed this at all.

Maybe if Charm's effects could be teased out through gameplay, it would be more fun and more effective but not necessarily brainlessly overpowered.  For example, scoring headshots could work toward queuing up an Orange Crits buff, while preventing damage by rolling could work toward an Overshield proc.  These could be in addition to the compositely random procs, or instead of them; just an idea.  

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2 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Maybe if Charm's effects could be teased out through gameplay, it would be more fun and more effective but not necessarily brainlessly overpowered.  For example, scoring headshots could work toward queuing up an Orange Crits buff, while preventing damage by rolling could work toward an Overshield proc.  These could be in addition to the compositely random procs, or instead of them; just an idea.

I do find skill-based bonuses very satisfying, but that would hardly make Smeeta the "luck cat" anymore. Honestly, I want to see more breeds of kavat.

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  • 2 months later...
On 01.08.2017 at 6:14 AM, YUNoJump said:

The randomness of the buff is 100% intended. They couldn't just add a reliably-activated free resource buff, nobody would use anything else and farming would turn into "wait don't touch that yet i'm waiting for my buff to come back up".

The Smeeta is designed to give random, crazy, unpredictable buffs, which is why one of its possible buffs is objectively better than the only unique ability on the Adarza. Don't treat it as something you should think about, just play normally and be happy when you get the buff as a random bonus, nothing else.

Because it's intended, doesn't mean it's good. Or even remotely good enough to drop Vacuum and rely on this randomness. You could fit 3 kuva missions in this 16 minute time frame.

And what are the odds of getting a booster Exactly when you get Kuva?

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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This is a loot based game.  The only way I would get rid of the quality of life increase of vacuum is if I got a gauranteed over powered boost to resource or affinity for those specific farm missions.  


You lose to much and slows the game down to swap to a pet.  Yes I've used them all, yes multiple forma for max builds, but still go back to helios for free scans, carrier for ammo hog guns, or in rare circumstances, a wyrm with blast status gun for pure melee build.  


Pets get in the way to often (try mining with pet or using a gun without punch thru) and you lose vacuum.  Call it lazy, I don't care.  Ive played long enough with and without it to know nothing else compares.  


Pets are for decoration on the ship until they starve then they disappear for awhile...

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On 8/3/2017 at 1:32 AM, DreamsmithJane said:

Vacuum is garbage. It does nothing but waste whole pickups on marginal deficits and save you minuscule amounts of finger motion. It doesn't even save time, because it doesn't actually make missions any shorter. The fact that most players use Vacuum, and not only that, but find it so important that they won't give it up for real benefits and won't explore any other options, is just embarrassing. There is limited mod space on sentinels, and that is what people choose? I mean, none of this is important, but LOL. The best part of The Vacuum Within was that Carrier got a real precept with value.

Putting aside my utter disdain for the Vacuum fixation, most companions have benefits, and people choose the ones they appreciate the most. There's nothing wrong with that. The fact that I find Smeeta more valuable doesn't mean others are wrong to make the choices they do. Preference is not a zero-sum game.  You said Smeeta is not compelling. I disagree.

Now, I wouldn't complain at all if they were to buff the success chance of Charm a little — say 9% per rank (36% max). Right now, every two times it activates, it is slightly more likely than not to do nothing. But you understand, if Charm's booster alone became "compelling", it would be more broadly used than Carrier ever was. DE is undoubtedly not keen on creating yet another situation where one companion among 15 gets 80% usage.

Pls let us have kittens.  We can literally have kittens together.  They're fun, quite useful, utterly destroy things, bring great survivability, and do not look like floating toilet bowls with stubby guns attached to them.

On 8/12/2017 at 6:53 PM, DreamsmithJane said:

No, it can't. I have no trouble collecting drops. It's called not being staggeringly lazy. Come on. Really? People are attached to Vacuum for the same reason that they die in dumb ways all the time: they don't move unless it's along the shortest possible path to extraction. But I figured you knew that. Actually using the game's movement system, I can cover whole rooms in the same amount of time it seems to take other people to run through them.

Still mindblowing. I use the frame and gear setups that generates the most chaotic drops yet I do not miss out on loot unless I intentionally ignore it.  People are so fixed on the supposed lazy 'efficiency' yet so many of these people, I've witnessed, kill slow as hell and don't generate half the loot they could anyway. 

Oh well, everything is subjective.



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14 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Because it's intended, doesn't mean it's good. Or even remotely good enough to drop Vacuum and rely on this randomness. You could fit 3 kuva missions in this 16 minute time frame.

And what are the odds of getting a booster Exactly when you get Kuva?

Based on polls, just about EVERY ability, sentinel or pet, isn't worth dropping vacuum for. They should add vacuum to pets, not weirdly buff a resource booster.

If the Kavat gave a consistent boost it would be OP (other than vacuum of course). Why is a free resource boost something that you are entitled to, especially when there are other resource boosts you can pay for? The ability is designed around randomly getting nice things, and as such arguing that it should consistently give the nicest thing isn't in line with the ability. Even the fact that we get a resource boost at all is something, they could have put anything else in that slot and nobody would have cared. Randomness is the name of the game here. If you want consistent resource boosting, spend plat on a consistent boost.

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The reason most people choose a Vacuum + Ammo Case Carrier [Prime] over a Smeeta Kavat is because most people have complete trash luck.  My luck is absolutely horrific, so having a "Luck Cat" basically means that my resource boost Charm will only activate during the last 5 seconds of a mission I am playing on Mars, or I'll get the Damage Drop + Overshield Charm on Hydron right when 10 Lancers come around the corner spraying bullets at me and my teammates so that no matter what I do, I take those all-important 10 damage from that one unavoidable bullet to my full shields and health (It can't happen when a teammate walks in front of me right when I fire my Lenz or throw one of the Plague Star Exodia Contagion arcane's projectile attacks).

For those of you who live a Charmed life (yeah, corny puns are corny), even if only in-game, the Smeeta must be the most amazing companion for which you could ask.  For people like me, we can only improve our game by relying on the guaranteed effects of sentinels, pets, weapons, and warframe abilities and the mods used to improve them.  We are the people for whom it took three months worth of farming to get the blueprint for Octavia's Systems (yeah, on and off, because I can't spend much more than three hours at a time beating my head into a desk), the people who still don't have Harrow's Systems blueprint because saving 400 squads of Kavor isn't enough, yet...  I PAID for Ivara, because I knew that never had any chance of happening (I actually did get two Ivara blueprints on two consecutive missions 3 months after buying her, but I still haven't ever seen any of her component blueprints... I can only assume that someone else in my squad had good enough luck to cancel mine out, not that I needed those BPs anymore).

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The only issue I really have with the Smeeta Kavat charm ability is that its too hard to know which buff you've gotten, would be nice to get like a small little text that said which buff you got so you may actually take advantage of it.

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1 hour ago, Kayll said:

The only issue I really have with the Smeeta Kavat charm ability is that its too hard to know which buff you've gotten, would be nice to get like a small little text that said which buff you got so you may actually take advantage of it.

It’s easy to figure out. 


120 sec: x2 XP and resources 

30 sec: red crits

10 sec: free ability casts

no time: free reload 


15 minutes ago, CarrotSalad said:

youre also forgetting the range of kavats.. Do a bounty in PoE and count how many times you even see that buff when it cant even keep in range to actually pass you that buff.

I'm with the guys who say Kavats are an intentional troll by developers.

Smeeta has amazing buffs, they’re heavily RNG based because they’re amazing. It’s not a troll 


  If you consistansy, then use the adarza kavat, flat 60% CC 

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