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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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Sorry for that Trientiel. wrong button.




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Tempest Barrage - basically ok, just make the charging indicator more visible. Maybe concentric rings instead of just a flat circle.

Tidal Surge & Undertow - roll both into Undertow, press to puddle, hold to surge. Both augments can still apply to the one power. Also, treat the puddle as a shared enemy target: any allied attacks on puddle are distributed evenly to all enemies inside. This will prevent Hydroid players from killing a bunch of enemies slowly when other players are trying to finish them off, like at the end of a defense wave.

Tentacle Swarm - move to 3 power, make half the tentacles restrain enemies in place with a DOT, the other half of the tentacles just do straight damage and knockdown. No flailing enemies all over place, they become unnecessarily difficult to hit.

New 4th power - posting on a mobile device, forgot which other player mentioned it and can't find it now, but Exalted Anchor would be nice.  Maybe not so much a straight damage ability on par with Exalted Blade, but more of a heavy chain weapon with mitigation and crowd control: combos could include a lot of knockdown attacks, some combos that pull enemies closer, charge attacks could do guaranteed knockback, and gives Hydroid knockdown protection ("anchoring" him to the ground) and some resistance to other status effects. As a trade-off, the heavy anchor could restrict movement somewhat, slowing speed and maybe restricting jumping.

Edited by DaftMeat
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On 13-8-2017 at 10:01 AM, Dukethumper said:

Hydroid Rework

By this time, many people believe Hydroid needs an overhaul, with new frames coming out with complex and beautifully designed systems to make them reach the endgame such as Octavia and Nidus, and old frames being made useful such as Limbo and Oberon, Hydroid is left without and real use, and yes, you can use him, but other frames just do what he does and more, but better, here is a unique rework that can really give people a reason to buy the prime access, here is, Hydroid.

Passive:Sacrifice-When Hydroid takes lethal damage, he becomes the Kraken, consuming his crewman to rejuvinate his health, but only for a short time

First Ability:Recruit-Selects and enemy you become part of Hydroids crew, allowing them to fight with Hydroid against enemies, level changes max amount of crewmen and can only be done every 20 seconds so it isn't op, Has it's own passive that every minute that passes that a crewmen is alive they rank up, up the the fifth rank, 1st mate, giving them increased attack and health at every rank


Second Ability:Tidal Surge-Same as it is now, but now when held for the duration, calls all crew to Hydroids position


Third Ability:Flood-Created a massive version of undertow, doing low damage and keeping all enemies halfway underwater that are in the area at cast, allies standing on the flooded area get, “Flooded” , granting bonus armor and all enemies on the flooded area have 2x drop chance


Fourth Ability:Call of the Kraken-Hydroid becomes the Kraken we all always wanted him to be, granting his crewmen, “Courage”, giving them bonus damage, the Kraken can swallow enemies and keep them in his stomach doing stacking damage for each enemy swallowed, can also use melee to attack with tentacles, doing damage and cc onto enemies, slamming them into ground, not flailing them around.


This is my idea for the rework based off of many things I have heard, this keeps Hydroid his purpose, being a cc frame that synergizes well with team, and not being op because cannot nuke, but helps team. Please give me feedback and once we hit 100 replies I will post a new updated rework idea based off of what you guys changed.

If this gets 100 replies, DE should make this come true, Hydroid is the reason I started playing when he came out, and him never being fixed is why I stopped, but I started again recently and I think if this happens , DE will prove to the community that they care for their old frames and what the community wants and people could stop bashing them, thanks, and I hope you read this DE.

Not quite sure about the crewmen, since summoning is more Nekros' thing, but I like it better than what Hydroid offers now. However, That third abilty is YES. Keeping enemies halfway stuck is great!! Teammates can actually deal damage to them then. And your fourth call of the Kraken. Let hydroid become the Kraken and give him extra melee dmg.
With this in mind, how bout hydroids abilities change a little when he goes kraken mode?
- Like in kraken mode, his first ability would devour instead of turning them in crewmen, giving you health/s as the enemy is being damaged.
- Second ability would be the same, but with a tentacle smash at the end.
- And third ability would create a undertow field, like you described, and if activated again (only in kraken mode) pulls all stuck enemies towards him and splashes them up.

Just suggestions, but this is definatly what we need! :D

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4 hours ago, FoxFX said:

There was also some idea to change the shape of Undertow from a puddle into a Water Dome. This was an idea proposed by me and @Trentiel:


SINCE FOX ONLY WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO HIM AND 1 OTHER, LET ME ADD A BIT OF AN IDEA ON YOURS. a giant water spout first appears gathering all the enemies in the area and then becomes the whirlpool clearing the area and  allowing all enemies to shoot and kill what is in the whirlpool. And foxfx if this idea is not good you just want everything to be your idea and you are not looking for solution.

Edited by leadwolf1
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4 hours ago, Vittek said:

I think there's a bit of a lost opportunity in the Undertow rework - sure, a puddle is kinda cool, but not exactly ominous, menacing, or otherwise awesome. Given it pulls in enemies to be drowned, and and has a kraken in the bottom of it, shouldn't it be some kind of whirlpool/vortex of watery doom?

A whirlpool animation would explain how enemies can't get out/get pulled in, make it look much cooler, and tie in better with the whole nautical theme - whereas a puddle just kinda sits there.


SINCE FOX ONLY WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO HIM AND 1 OTHER, LET ME ADD A BIT OF AN IDEA ON YOURS. a giant water spout first appears gathering all the enemies in the area and then becomes the whirlpool clearing the area and  allowing all enemies to shoot and kill what is in the whirlpool

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One of the issues with Undertow is how it isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies slowing down the pace of the game with the addition to the amount of time required to have Undertow deal enough damage to higher level enemies. So I have a suggestion as to keep Undertow's puddle variant but to make Undertow become a new burst-damage and CC ability:




  • Hydroid "creates" a pool of water at a targeted area.
    • If Hydroid enters the pool, he submerges and becomes untargetable and invulnerable to enemies
    • Enemies that wander into the pool will simply be heavily slowed down heavily as they step into the water almost knee deep
    • Hydroid in the pool  can use the Primary Attack key to drag enemies from outside of the pool
      • Flying enemies pulled into the pool floor will remain afloat and be unable to fly until Undertow ends
    • [MAJOR] If Hydroid uses the Melee Attack in the pool, Hydroid pops out of the pool as this:


  • Each Melee Attack used inside of Undertow shows Hydroid turning into a "Water Megalodon" quickly emerging out of the pool to deal burst damage to a section of the pool
    • Each second spent in Undertow stacks a buff which is consumed to improve the damage of the next Megalodon attack
  • In this variant, the pool cannot be moved unless with the ability Tidal Surge, but Hydroid can maneuver around the pool at any area inside it


7 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

SINCE FOX ONLY WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO HIM AND 1 OTHER, LET ME ADD A BIT OF AN IDEA ON YOURS. a giant water spout first appears gathering all the enemies in the area and then becomes the whirlpool clearing the area and  allowing all enemies to shoot and kill what is in the whirlpool.

I apologize if I seem selfish. I twas not my intention to do so. I only wish to share thoughts and ideas as much as possible to help out Hydroid as a Warframe.

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Hydroid Tentacle Swarm... It's fine I guess. 


When you see in the icon packs that there is a Hydroid Icon that clearly shows DE at some point went through the thought process that Hydroid unleashes the Kraken and what they settled on was tentacles that flail about. 

THIS... IS... DE's... CHANCE... to make Hydroid amazing.

A fully animated Kraken sitting half way out of the water and destroying everything within a radius is what is needed here. This could be Hydroid's chance to become epic. For balancing purposes the duration would have to come down a lot because the power would have to be insane. It's a KRAKEN after all. The size of the Kraken could be determined by strength similar to Atlas Rumblers. I think giving it a duration of around 20 seconds once maxed out and power enough to kill anything within seconds of enemies up to level 50ish would be awesome. Feel free to add/remove thoughts about how to balance this.

The other abilities are fine. Put the rest of the work time allotted for Hydroid into this.

No more silly animated tentacles.


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So, I'm not sure if this "revisit" is ever supposed to fix some of the main issues on Hydroid or just bury them, but I see two major points that are really bothering me:

1.  The charged versions of his skills take MURDEROUS amounts of time to prep, and Natural Talent takes up a main mod slot.  If you DON'T charge them, they're ABJECTLY worse than before, making this more of a nerf than a buff to Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm.  The hit to the range of Undertow hurts rather more than I thought it would, even with the mobility, but losing range, duration, AND power on either TB or TS is basically unacceptable.  This is pretty much considered to be the worst 'Frame in game already, so I'm not seeing how this helps anything.

2.  Although focusing on QoL is a wonderful option and direction to go, if we don't have something to build upon in the first place the 'Frame will simply be ignored in favor of other options that simply work better.  In that vein of thought, CC 'Frames FAR superior to Hydroid not only exist, but bring VASTLY more QoL and/or power to a team.  Equinox, Loki, Octavia, and Vauban all come straight to mind, but lets consider something slightly different:  Frost.

Frost is a wonderful example of solid area control, defensive and offensive capabilities.  ALL of his abilities bring good CC (if you use Ice Wave Impedance, which seems to be a requirement), Cold damage is highly effective against all factions (especially the Infested, despite the loss of damage against them), freezing enemies has interesting effects in this game (and 2 skills do this baseline, with a third mod-able), and Frost is considered to be quite tough as far as 'Frames go.

Did you catch that?  A Tank/CC choice is far better at CC than Hydroid, who backs up his skillset with bloody damn little, other than the stupid puddle (which is admittedly much more amusing to use, now that it comes with tentacle-groping options).  Also note that Hydroid cannot rely on 2 of his skills to generate reliable results, nor high damage.  Frost at least has a generally reliable skillset, and he's not really in the same category as Hydroid.

What I'm saying here is that Hydroid is completely outclassed in his plausible role, reliant on RNGesus for output on half his kit, and based off of a design that was frankly ill-considered at the time.  He represents neither a previously successful 'Frame concept nor one that fits the current game model.  In order to proceed, we need something more than what we've seen thus far in the revisit.  Also understand this:  Hydroid is somewhat better off now, if only due to the fact that QoL helps TREMENDOUSLY here, and the fact that his skills flow together is a significant flavor success.

I'll be COMPLETELY frank:  either he needs RNG to hold back tremendous power, or he needs the appearance of randomness covering a solid core of reliable mechanics that MEAN something in Warframe as it is now, and in the future of the game.  Hydroid was a sickly 'Frame, but I think we can manage to cure his skurvy before it drags him even lower in player opinion.  I believe a 'Frame with a focus on water can be a strong force, so long as we look at the things which suck the utility out of him and fix them.


I won't claim I can fix him, but I do have a suggestion.

I've already said it before:  for me, Tidal Bore is the worst charge in the game, simply because it happens to squishy, soggy Hydroid.  If I were to change just one skill on him, I'd have him throw the wave forward (with some mechanic to grow it larger, because Tsunami is better sounding than Tidal Bore), adding additional CC and push capabilities to his kit.  This would give him a disrupt for crowds that wouldn't leave him in the thick of it (or sailing off a ledge, just to respawn in the middle of a barrage of death).  I'm sure good options exist for his other skills, but this is the one thing I'd go with here.

Edited by Cytobel
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27 minutes ago, FoxFX said:



One of the issues with Undertow is how it isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies slowing down the pace of the game with the addition to the amount of time required to have Undertow deal enough damage to higher level enemies. So I have a suggestion as to keep Undertow's puddle variant but to make Undertow become a new burst-damage and CC ability:




  • Hydroid "creates" a pool of water at a targeted area.
    • If Hydroid enters the pool, he submerges and becomes untargetable and invulnerable to enemies
    • Enemies that wander into the pool will simply be heavily slowed down heavily as they step into the water almost knee deep
    • Hydroid in the pool  can use the Primary Attack key to drag enemies from outside of the pool
      • Flying enemies pulled into the pool floor will remain afloat and be unable to fly until Undertow ends
    • [MAJOR] If Hydroid uses the Melee Attack in the pool, Hydroid pops out of the pool as this:
  Reveal hidden contents


  • Each Melee Attack used inside of Undertow shows Hydroid turning into a "Water Megalodon" quickly emerging out of the pool to deal burst damage to a section of the pool
    • Each second spent in Undertow stacks a buff which is consumed to improve the damage of the next Megalodon attack
  • In this variant, the pool cannot be moved unless with the ability Tidal Surge, but Hydroid can maneuver around the pool at any area inside it


I apologize if I seem selfish. I twas not my intention to do so. I only wish to share thoughts and ideas as much as possible to help out Hydroid as a Warframe.

Well, I do appreciate that you read and answered back, however I think that yours is not a good thing this time, what I added to the other player Vittak would work better for crowd control and solve the issue of others not being able to kill the enemies, in adding part from your where the water in the whirlpool is knee to waste deep is not a bad thing as well as hydroid being able to enter the pool still becoming invulnerable to enemy attacks. SO if you think of mag's pull and put it into a 360 degree area as well as inaros sand storm but now its water  and nova's slow ability and take only the good parts put them all together this is now what you have. making a semi unique ability for hydroid that works and works well. You also have to understand that this ability would need to be instantaneous for the water spout the drops into the whirlpool bringing all enemies with it, like a giant fast suction going down a drain. 24310-004-84589257.jpglatest?cb=20140430201957 these picture show  the ability , with a little imagination , notice the whirlpool and the area affected by the pull see  on the water you can see the ring area do the same make it an area radius  when the ability is activated.and the lower is the actual whirlpool in which the enemies become trapped in knee to waste deep water trying to get out but always being pulled to the center allowing them to be shot at by the team.

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4 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

Well, I do appreciate that you read and answered back, however I think that yours is not a good thing this time, what I added to the other player Vittak would work better for crowd control and solve the issue of others not being able to kill the enemies, in adding part from your where the water in the whirlpool is knee to waste deep is not a bad thing as well as hydroid being able to enter the pool still becoming invulnerable to enemy attacks. SO if you think of mag's pull and put it into a 360 degree area as well as inaros sand storm but now its water  and nova's slow ability and take only the good parts put them all together this is now what you have. making a semi unique ability for hydroid that works and works well. You also have to understand that this ability would need to be instantaneous for the water spout the drops into the whirlpool bringing all enemies with it, like a giant fast suction going down a drain.


If it is a whirlpool Undertow that you believe would be a better alternative, wouldn't that make the whole Undertow ragdoll enemies into the eye of the whirlpool as well? It feels to me something akin to another Vauban Vortex.

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One of the issues with Undertow is how it isolates enemies from Hydroid's allies slowing down the pace of the game with the addition to the amount of time required to have Undertow deal enough damage to higher level enemies. So I have a suggestion as to keep Undertow's puddle variant but to make Undertow become a new burst-damage and CC ability:




  • Hydroid "creates" a pool of water at a targeted area.
    • If Hydroid enters the pool, he submerges and becomes untargetable and invulnerable to enemies
    • [NEW] Enemies that wander into the pool will simply be heavily slowed down heavily as they step into the water almost knee deep
    • Hydroid in the pool  can use the Primary Attack key to drag enemies from outside of the pool
      • [NEW] Flying enemies pulled into the pool floor will remain afloat and be unable to fly until Undertow ends
      • [NEW] Holding down the Primary Attack input will allow a charge increasing the range and number of enemies Undertow can pull enemies into Undertow
    • [NEW] If Hydroid uses the Melee Attack in the pool, Hydroid pops out of the pool as this:
    • Quote


    • [NEW] Each Melee Attack used inside of Undertow shows Hydroid turning into a "Water Megalodon" quickly emerging out of the pool to deal burst damage to a section of the pool
    • [NEW] In this variant, the pool cannot be moved unless with the ability Tidal Surge, but Hydroid can maneuver around the pool at any area inside
Edited by FoxFX
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7 minutes ago, FoxFX said:


If it is a whirlpool Undertow that you believe would be a better alternative, wouldn't that make the whole Undertow ragdoll enemies into the eye of the whirlpool as well? It feels to me something akin to another Vauban Vortex.

NO adding your idea of the water only being so deep it is just making it hard for them to escape slowing down their movement. I do not know if you ever had a round pool growing up but I did and me and friends would stay to the outside and move as fast as we could around until we made a whirlpool in the pool and then we would try to swim from the center it was difficult.

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4 hours ago, Lyravain said:

Mag is actually MUCH better post-rework. Frankly, she was the single most BORING frame ever. Sit in once place and spam one ability to win. Kinda like Saryn -in fact, EXACTLY like Saryn. She was only usable against Corpus and even then... meh, unless it was excavation farming, she was ignored. Now, she's a much more active and involved frame, her polarize is useful, Magnetize has some cool interactions with different weapons (beams for example supercharge the detonation while not dealing that much instant damage, while projectiles do the opposite, which is really cool). She strips armor, CCs like a boss, creates areas of safety for her team and can hold down the entire map for an extended period of time if she so desires. Mag is cool now.

ok cool and hydroid ? 'coz this post is about hydroid no ?

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4 hours ago, Lyravain said:

He literally has the exact same powers, with the exact same effects. The only exception being; you can now charge some up for a marginally better result and a little bit of QoL changes. He lost NOTHING, gained a bit. There's NO ability he lost or any effect. Matter of fact, you can still play him EXACTLY like before the re-touch (I refuse to call that a rework). My disagreement isn't whether or not Hydrod's a 'Top Tier' frame or if he's enjoyable. My annoyance comes from people saying 'old Hydroid was better than new Hydroid' despite the fact that they removed NOTHING.

Also, for gods' sakes; would it KILL you to separate sentences or use at least a bit of punctuation? You gave me a headache!

Dude go see a video of darthuum the before and after comparaison the ranges ... "nothing"

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19 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

Well, I do appreciate that you read and answered back, however I think that yours is not a good thing this time, what I added to the other player Vittak would work better for crowd control and solve the issue of others not being able to kill the enemies, in adding part from your where the water in the whirlpool is knee to waste deep is not a bad thing as well as hydroid being able to enter the pool still becoming invulnerable to enemy attacks. SO if you think of mag's pull and put it into a 360 degree area as well as inaros sand storm but now its water  and nova's slow ability and take only the good parts put them all together this is now what you have. making a semi unique ability for hydroid that works and works well. You also have to understand that this ability would need to be instantaneous for the water spout the drops into the whirlpool bringing all enemies with it, like a giant fast suction going down a drain.

I think you guys are missing the point here. Theres no point in making undertow into vauban vortex or nidus larva. The main feature of undertow is its mobility. Hydroid is able to tidal surge around in undertow picking up enemies and bringing them to his team. This is what we call interactive gameplay.....

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to be honest the dude is still bad lol i understand u guys want to to surround his ability with Undertow but it put too much slow pacing on him here is my opinions changes that need to be made

1. change his passive i think his passive is useless KING OF THE SEA  ( standing over Undertow boost Hydroid Armor and power)

2. Tempest Barrage - its a ok ability to me but make sure that the ability is actually targeting enemies and hitting them not hitting things at random.

3. Tidal Surge - honestly i hate this ability it can be useful at times but i rather have him to summon a tidal wave and push enemies back  then actually becoming the wave itself

4. Undertow - is a great ability but it slow the gameplay of him and other player to solve this problem i think that undertow should be a placement ability like Nidus Ravenous ability

(1) Undertow - becomes a placement ability (effected by duration or efficiency)

(2) bring back the previous range it had and it can also be affected by range mods.

(3) hydroid can freely go in and out of undertow by standing over it and pressing the ability again without having to cancel the ability.

(4) high scale damage of Undertow abiltiy of submerged enemies that increases overtime.

(5) 4 to 5 enemies maxed and be submerged into undertow


5. Tentacle Swarm - great abilty but also slow gameplay of him and other players

(1) only dead enemies are swung around by the tentacles but living ones are continuously being knocked down ( for other players and hydroid to finish off withouth slowing the gamplay down)

(2) remove the enemy launch at the start of the ability.


(3) using the Kraken as visual only is kinda lame at least have him roaming around the area and tackling knock down enemies or just  have him roaming  around is nice.


don't forget thxs to his passive theses abilities become more powerful thxs to him standing over or being in to undertow



Edited by (PS4)Joulevette12
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Joulevette12 said:

to be honest the dude is still bad lol i understand u guys want to to surround his ability with Undertow but it put too much slow pacing on him here is my opinions changes that need to be made

1. change his passive i think his passive is useless KING OF THE SEA  ( standing over Undertow boost Hydroid Armor and power)

2. Tempest Barrage - its a ok ability to me but make sure that the ability is actually targeting enemies and hitting them not hitting things at random.

3. Tidal Surge - honestly i hate this ability it can be useful at times but i rather have him to summon a tidal wave and push enemies back  then actually becoming the wave itself

4. Undertow - is a great ability but it slow the gameplay of him and other player to solve this problem i think that undertow should be a placement ability like Nidus Ravenous ability

(1) Undertow - becomes a placement ability (effected by duration or efficiency)

(2) bring back the previous range it had and it can also be affected by range mods.

(3) hydroid can freely go in and out of undertow by standing over it and pressing the ability again without having to cancel the ability.

(4) high scale damage of Undertow abiltiy of submerged enemies that increases overtime.

(5) 4 to 5 enemies maxed and be submerged into undertow


5. Tentacle Swarm - great abilty but also slow gameplay of him and other players

(1) only dead enemies are swung around by the tentacles but living ones are Tempest Barrage being knocked down ( for other players and hydroid to finish off withouth slowing the gamplay down)

(2) remove the enemy launch at the start of the ability.


(3) using the Kraken as visual only is kinda lame at least have him roaming around the area and tackling knock down enemies or just  have him roaming  around is nice.


don't forget thxs to his passive theses abilities become more powerful thxs to him standing over or being in to undertow



What a lot of us are proposing is turning Hydroid into a CC/tanky frame like frost

16 hours ago, Chopx said:

I think is more along the lines of what ppl in the community want. Thx SilentDeathReaper27 for going through this thread and writing this up

hydroid passive.

on kill summons a tentacle max 10.

this is something the comunity wanted changed and i talked to a few people on a lot of difrent sites this is a passive people are ok with that should be easy to implement.

hydroids barrage ability.

when cast from undertow all shots of barrage hit undertow to kill enemiess trapped in undertow.

hydroids tidal surge ability.

all this ability needs is to increase in size with range mods.

And possibly  be able to jump cancel it.

hydroids undertow ability.

this one needs the most work but it is all simple changes.

1. enemies trapped in undertow are trapped even after moving i.e. Tidal Surge.

2. make undertow a castable duration based ability.

3. after casting undertow you can leave it and the undertow should stay for the duration.

4. while in undertow hydroid should get a damage buff on all abilities.

5. when hydroid leaves the undertow he should get a armor buff.

6. make enemies visible within undertow

basically hydroid could go from a low range dps frame to a long range hard CC tank with the use of undertow.

hydroids tentacle swarm ability.

1. enemies killed by tentacles have a chance to drop energy.

2. enemies hit by tentacles are knocked down instead of grabbed.

3. optional if you want to see enemys flying DE make the dead bodies ragdoll when hit with tentacles.

the goal of this was to be easy for DE to implement and fit the theam of hydroid DE has but to also make hydroid more loved by the community.

optional dash ability.

when hydroid dashes he becomes  a water like version  of himself  becomein knock  down immune  and possibly status  immune for a brief  time.

down sides to hydroid.

energy costs.

abilities casted from undertow have less CC range.

you can take a way the stelth undertow gives hydroid.

enemies with high CC. 


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This was always my absolute least favourite aspect of Hydroid. Is Ember releasing the flames of some primordial fire elemental? No. Is Frost tapping into the chill winds of Jotunheim? No. Is excalibur only allowed to use Exalted Blade if the player's name is Arthur? No. So why does Hydroid have to get his power from 'the Kraken'?

I personally think it's really stupid. Warframe has such a great array of mysterious, twisted, alien vibes, and here's little old Hydroid putting on a tricorn and an eyepatch and dancing pirate jigs.

They should never have begun walking down that road, because it's the same theme that led to Limbo looking like an idiot. Hyper-advanced alien war suits? Sure. Let's give it a war-hat. Logic. All of the old frames evoke their theme with their appearance, but without needing hats, eyepatches, coats and stupid descriptions for abilities.

'The Kraken' has no business being in this game, and frankly the descriptions should be changed to just keep it water-themed. This is not 'Warframes of the Caribbean', and I feel it would just detract from the game in what would be yet another artistic compromise. We have far too many artistic compromises already. 

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