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Why we need a vote to kick or in game report function.


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8 minutes ago, Mintaro said:

Not even trolls in kicking people. People can kick you simply because of your warframe or weapons. Atterax spammers? Kicked, Hydroid mans? Kicked, limbo mains? Double Kicked.

Just the thought of that gives me shivers :/

Limbo isn't my main persay (it's Zephyr), but he is my second most used Warframe. I've never had issues with anyone before, but I can promise you if many of them had the choice to kick me the moment the mission starts to not take the chance that I might be the type to "disrupt" their gameplay or whatever weird reason, you can be sure as hell they'll vote to kick me out haha.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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4 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Star chat missions are braindead easy. Literally. 0 reasons to go public. 

Except for the whole part of that post you basically ignored that showed spawn rates are tied to the amount of players in the mission.  If I could play a mission and have the same spawn I do with 4 players as a solo player, you'd have a fair point.  Since I can't, you don't.

4 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

The less people you have in your game the less chances anything will go the way you don't like. By hitting public you accept the chances of running into random idiocy and people playing the game the way they like.

Running around for 45 minutes, as detailed in the OP, holding a necessary item required for the completion of the mission is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.  Going by what I'm reading, you are actively trying to excuse that portion of what happened away and simply blame everyone who hits public.  That's ridiculous.  We aren't talking about someone simply going AFK or mass nuking enemies across the map and I'd appreciate it if you kept your points within the realm of the context this discussion is framed around.

4 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

The op is not a "victim" here

Ridiculous.  If you really feel this way and think such behavior is acceptable simply because "internet anonymity" I'm glad we aren't on the same platform.  Things like this should be addressed.  Period.  Just because you think those names on your screen are there solely for your personal enjoyment and pleasure does not make it so.

Edited by (PS4)horridhal
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This sounds more like they need to add a timer to how long a player can hold onto the required item between consoles. I only have a problem with afkers in alert missions with the annoying friendship doors, having a timer on each player when they stop moving would be nice if you are the only one doing the mission and find this roadblock.

Edited by (XB1)dude1286
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On 8/13/2017 at 11:47 AM, (Xbox One)xImEchox said:

So i was doing syndicate missions and some guy joins and takes the thing for the mobile defense and runs around the map because he needs to get ALL the syndicate marks and he wont drop the thing. Long story short we spent 45min doing nothing but running around then ended up failing the mission. Stuff like this happens too often because people dont like to solo queue. Because of this i think a vote to kick functuion or AT LEAST a in game report system would be pretty great to add.

I would rather see a timer on the datapack that drops it like lunaro if there  is more then one person in the mission. like after a longer time then you would need to get to the next hack point (arond 5 min?) and then the next person has to pick it up or whatever. just to stop this.

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On 13/08/2017 at 4:47 PM, (Xbox One)xImEchox said:

So i was doing syndicate missions and some guy joins and takes the thing for the mobile defense and runs around the map because he needs to get ALL the syndicate marks and he wont drop the thing. Long story short we spent 45min doing nothing but running around then ended up failing the mission. Stuff like this happens too often because people dont like to solo queue. Because of this i think a vote to kick functuion or AT LEAST a in game report system would be pretty great to add.

Contact support and report the user for intentionally stalling the mission.

I know support will handle it and i once contacted rebbeca on a similar issue where i asked if a stalling behavior would be allowed (since it did grant a benefit) and she was pretty clear that despite being a smart move with an actual benefit to someone, it wasn't beneficial for the players in that squad and so it wasn't allowed.

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On 8/13/2017 at 8:47 AM, (Xbox One)xImEchox said:

Long story short we spent 45min doing nothing but running around then ended up failing the mission. Stuff like this happens too often because people dont like to solo queue.

The biggest problem I see here is that the person was dumb from the beginning.


If hunting for ALL the rep items you bring a frame with Loot detector + Thief's Wit + Sentinel(with animal instinct).  Then you destroy all crates on level with frames like range equinox/synoid/telos boltace.

It should take no longer than running across the map to collect all items, especially when you have a radar that can see 3+ rooms away worth of loot.

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Syndicate missions I only run solo mostly for my friend got the opposite 3 so can't really run with him.

But I did have a similar thing happen in Lua spy mission one time we was 3 ppl doing it and 1 guy was in the room trying to solve it while me and another standing outside the room talking waiting.  After 20+ min the mission failed for there had been no killing or something like that.

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On 8/13/2017 at 8:49 AM, FashionFrame said:

We see these posts all the time, and it has always been the answer: NO! Because of the abuse it would receive and the negativity it would become for our community.

And we already have a report function at the support center. Just take screen shots and provide as much information as possible.

And every time I see these posts come up I have the same answer: There are ways to avoid abuse.

We already have an AFK (and other) tracker that's running. You can have automated system tracking for "kickable" activities. Once those flags happen, then the option can open up quietly to a Super Majority vote.

Let the automate system flag for the Kick, players do the confirmation if they are so inclined. Vote Kick systems get out of hand when PLAYERS are allowed to initiate. Automated Systems get out of hand when they don't have ID10T check on them. When you combine them, automated flagging, human vote to confirm, you have a viable system.

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18 hours ago, Brasten said:

And every time I see these posts come up I have the same answer: There are ways to avoid abuse.

We already have an AFK (and other) tracker that's running. You can have automated system tracking for "kickable" activities. Once those flags happen, then the option can open up quietly to a Super Majority vote.

Let the automate system flag for the Kick, players do the confirmation if they are so inclined. Vote Kick systems get out of hand when PLAYERS are allowed to initiate. Automated Systems get out of hand when they don't have ID10T check on them. When you combine them, automated flagging, human vote to confirm, you have a viable system.

That's actually pretty good! It helps get rid of AFKers very effectively! THAT works! But what I was referring to was no so much for AFK kicking, I was meaning people who vote people to be kicked out of squad for anything. Like "The person was calling names" or "person isn't doing the mission" stuff like that. People would entirely abuse it in that way and why it wouldn't work. But that AFK kick idea is actually really good!

Edited by FashionFrame
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On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 0:47 AM, (PS4)horridhal said:

Except for the whole part of that post you basically ignored that showed spawn rates are tied to the amount of players in the mission.  If I could play a mission and have the same spawn I do with 4 players as a solo player, you'd have a fair point.  Since I can't, you don't.

As someone who mostly solos, I can tell you that the spawn rate difference doesn't really matter.  It's a difference that is no where as large as some would lead you to believe.  There's only one mission type that I can think of where the spawn amount might even matter and that's in Survivals.  Which again proves that it's not that big of an issue because all the Survival records were all done solo.  :D

On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 0:47 AM, (PS4)horridhal said:

Running around for 45 minutes, as detailed in the OP, holding a necessary item required for the completion of the mission is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.  Going by what I'm reading, you are actively trying to excuse that portion of what happened away and simply blame everyone who hits public.  That's ridiculous.  We aren't talking about someone simply going AFK or mass nuking enemies across the map and I'd appreciate it if you kept your points within the realm of the context this discussion is framed around.

I think what he meant was that OP should have realized that it would have been much better to abort the mission much earlier.  Not saying that OP is lacking in common sense, but the sensible thing to have done would have been to abort after realizing the other player wasn't willing to cooperate.  Basically, the OP took the abuse when he could have avoided a good bit of wasted time.  OP pretty much fed the troll by staying. 


Edited by DatDarkOne
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19 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

That's actually pretty good! It helps get rid of AFKers very effectively! THAT works! But what I was referring to was no so much for AFK kicking, I was meaning people who vote people to be kicked out of squad for anything. Like "The person was calling names" or "person isn't doing the mission" stuff like that. People would entirely abuse it in that way and why it wouldn't work. But that AFK kick idea is actually really good!

For stuff beyond AFKing it works as well. Tripping chat filters (for banned words/phrases), or actions like "time holding data-mass" + "distance away from mobile defense target" can also be added into Automated Flagging.

Again, the idea is to create a system of Automated Flagging (some of which could be very aggressive) of various behaviors that open up a Vote Kick option. If the rest of the team doesn't care to look, and it really isn't a problem for that team, then the Automated Flagging system can be as Flag happy as it wants to be. It won't unfairly "kick" anyone on its own.

If the Automated system doesn't ever Flag, then the Humans can't initiate a bias Vote on their own. "Being bad at the video game" is not something that gets Flagged and thus can't be Kicked. Not having "Meta" gear, also no Flag, no possibility of a Kick.

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