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Ember's Deluxe Skin Feedback


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I mean... it's not like they just had to release an Ember skin, is it? I'm sure people would of accepted another frame getting a deluxe, or maybe just one instead of two. Also, as an aspiring Graphic Designer, sometimes you just gotta give the people what they want. I saw the dislike for the replacement early on. Had it been my design, I'd have redone it. Regardless of how hard I worked on it before, that's just part of the business sometimes.


But yeah, don't like it. Won't buy it. Life goes on. 


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9 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

I mentioned none of those things tho, I actually agreed with you to some degree. 

But to be extra clear, if there was a tier evaluation for deluxe skins, Ember’s would be the lowest of them all. 

No, man, you misunderstood. It's not based on what you said, but what a huge chunk of community keeps posting on the forums.

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8 hours ago, Sean said:

Just noticed my first post was edited underhandedly.

Would prefer if this is to happen for the person to have done so to private message me their reasoning.


Here is the newly edited version:



And here's the original version that I screencapped:

  Reveal hidden contents




I really wish I didn't have to screencap my posts now, but the manner that whomever is going about these edits is pretty bizarre and ultimately terrible.

Strange.  My post was harsher than yours, yet it stands unmolested.

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2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

No, it's not a flat out truth.  It's just method that you prefer in how you handle your customers.  There is a difference between that and the "truth".  

Anyone who has and does business knows that there is a limit to how far you go when providing a service or product for customers.  I've done various projects of differing types over the years.  One thing has been clear and consistent in each and every one of them.  The customer is not always right.  You cater to them to get their business, but not at the expense of yourself or end goal.  To do otherwise is just stupid.  

Of course there are exceptions and special cases, but you can not logically expect for any company to absolutely serve without question.  

When you as a company have to put resources and time into making a product, which your aim is to get as much profit from it as possible, ignoring your customers opinion is the worst thing you could do. And that's what happened here. There are people who still like the skin (im glad for them) and compared to the overwhleming negative feedback, they're a vast minority but they went through with it anyway, how do you not expect the costumers, which you expect to buy your product, not backlash at you when this happens? From a marketing point of view, you don't make a product that cost a lot to make and tell customers "don't buy if you don't like it".

Edited by Kiwinille
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8 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

I have the deluxe skin and I can tell you right off that the feet do have details.  They just don't have the usual Ember clawed toes.  As for how refined Ignus's version may or may not be still doesn't override my dislike for asymmetrical aesthetics.  I love Ivara to death, but her left arm quiver still bugs the hell out of me.  Which is why I use armor pieces to help me ignore it.   :D


see, it's nice and all but if only you replace the helmet with majesty helmet. which is a separate product and that's not cool. i just really can't stand the mohawk on the "deluxe skin".

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1 hour ago, akira_him said:


I made this with my phone, still huge improvement

True sir, the skin would more like fit ember more with more flame jets or sumthing.. With the original skin will most likely be unavailable, tweaking parts of this skin would seem like a more possible solution. 

Still, i thought her shoulders are removable armor parts... Too bad it isn't 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:



That is strange.

4 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Strange.  My post was harsher than yours, yet it stands unmolested.


Yeah, and I've tried reaching out to both a moderator and a developer, but neither of them knew the person behind the edits to my posts. The way these edits are done, it definitely seems like someone with administrator privileges, but doesn't help that the person behind them won't simply send me a message on why.

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So basically;


Shut up and don't criticize bad moves which you dislike. Just suck it up and let your ire build up to the point you get fed up from DE making mistakes and never listening to the community because they don't speak.

To me, that's what you're saying. DE states time and time again that they listen to us, the community. The community, a large, very, large segment of this community have spoken out about how they feel towards this horrible new Ember Prime skin which looks like a chicken with matchsticks on its head and arms. People aren't happy, they need to vent about it until DE does something to rectify and fix the issue.


This could all be solved with them stating;

"We've heard you, and value the communities opinions and strong reaction. We will swallow the pride on this and make this the last IgnusDei skin we will work for."

And then offer it for 300-400 plat, because I would SERIOUSLY pay that much for IgnusDei's version. Where as I won't pay a cent for the DE deluxe.

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1 minute ago, Valaska said:

So basically;

To me, that's what you're saying. DE states time and time again that they listen to us, the community. The community, a large, very, large segment of this community have spoken out about how they feel towards this horrible new Ember Prime skin which looks like a chicken with matchsticks on its head and arms. People aren't happy, they need to vent about it until DE does something to rectify and fix the issue.


This could all be solved with them stating;

"We've heard you, and value the communities opinions and strong reaction. We will swallow the pride on this and make this the last IgnusDei skin we will work for."

And then offer it for 300-400 plat, because I would SERIOUSLY pay that much for IgnusDei's version. Where as I won't pay a cent for the DE deluxe.

It's only a little over 200 platinum, let alone the skin itself is only 165 plat. That pricing isn't that big of a thing, considering all the other skin being just same amount of platinum. 

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Just now, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

It's only a little over 200 platinum, let alone the skin itself is only 165 plat. That pricing isn't that big of a thing, considering all the other skin being just same amount of platinum. 

Its 100-200 more mate. That's over 10 dollars more I'd be willing to spend on the original.

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So when are we going to get IngusDei's Ember Deluxe? I mean, you did make and release his Mag Deluxe. Why aren't we getting the good Ember Deluxe that obviously we want WITHOUT the head dagger?

Edited by Magnus
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Just now, Valaska said:

... You, would beg to differ that is just shy of, to over 10 dollars?

No, because I had to pay for just 165 platinum for just the skin, and around 200 or a bit more over for the full bundle of the syandanna and the weapon skins. I don't know where you're getting the 300-400 platinum from.

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Just now, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

No, because I had to pay for just 165 platinum for just the skin, and around 200 or a bit more over for the full bundle of the syandanna and the weapon skins. I don't know where you're getting the 300-400 platinum from.

I said that I would be willing to pay 300-400 platinum just for the IgnusDei skin, then you claimed that isn't a big difference. Explain to me how its not difference? Also, quite a few people have stated just the same... Over and over, that they would be willing to pay WELL over normal prices Ignus' skin.

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1 minute ago, Valaska said:

I said that I would be willing to pay 300-400 platinum just for the IgnusDei skin, then you claimed that isn't a big difference. Explain to me how its not difference? Also, quite a few people have stated just the same... Over and over, that they would be willing to pay WELL over normal prices Ignus' skin.

Oh, then I misread. I thought you said that they were making the full bundle for the new deluxe skin for ember for over 300-400 platinum, I didn't see the part where you said you'd be willing to offer that much for the skin. Plus, 10 dollars isn't that much of a difference if you're paying for the extra plat. I literally make double that amount of money every hour at work, and I don't see why paying an extra 10 dollars would make that much of a problem. But anyways, sorry for the confusion, lad. 

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I was going to post a poll here in the forums just to see who would win between the two. I didn't do it because it was OBVIOUS who woul win. Still, DE charged on and released a Deluxe Skin that will probably not given them a lot of monetary reward.

We have seen this before where DE sticks to its guns and despite (sometimes TREMENDOUS) feedback, decides to do their own thing. E.g. The entire Hema ordeal, the Design Council Challenges (which are dead now), and now Ember Deluxe skin original art and creator being sacked. This was also the creator of some of the most amazing deluxe skin in-game like: Trinity, Banshee, Mag, and my favourite Frost.

If you look at the Glass Door site, a page for feedback on companies, you will see that DE is not a very well rated one. Essencially, there is a top of a small group of people (the Devs I presume) and them... Everyone else. Some new ideas take very long or are never incorporated because this "top" has a "my way"(?) mind set. Thruthfully, it is their game and they have final say over it, as they should, but sometimes they even trample over another department or players expectations. I agree people don't always know what they want -sometimes you have to go against the grain to show something new- but in the examples I stated earlier it was QUITTE CLEAR that it was going to blow up in they faces (on the DevStream about the Hema requirements it was clear that even Space Mom was not happy).

So, that being said: I am sure that Ember Deluxe will not return for legal reasons. But I urge the Devs to be a bit "open minded" and respect the opinion and feedback of the new artist who will be designing them. As well as players, o course... We have seen Octavia's art and it looks amazing. 

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15 hours ago, Kromatia said:

Stop acting entitled....all of you. Buy it or don't. No one is forcing you to own anything. 

Oh boy.. you know a skin has succeeded when people need to bring up this argument repeatedly. "Hey, your favorite frame has finally got it's deluxe skin and it doesn't look good, but you don't need to buy it!"

Edited by novaliszero
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9 hours ago, (PS4)FatMacBrbn said:

I mean... it's not like they just had to release an Ember skin, is it? I'm sure people would of accepted another frame getting a deluxe, or maybe just one instead of two. 

To us, maybe. Investors aren't so lenient, and release schedules can't change at the drop of a hat. 

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