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Zenistar and MR (Hacker?))


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Other players are probably just jealous. It's best to just ignore them.

For a while I thought I was given this by mistake then I did some research and alls well . If they would ask I would tell them the why I don't level up or the actual can't , I get dizzy jumping around and trying aim at specific targets while in motion  .  That or it's just beyond my expertise . Don't know if that makes sense but it is what it is.

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The Zenistar is only obtained after logging in for 300 days, some people just think you would be MR20 by then.

And see this is the problem with the Mastery system, it does not accurately display a player's experiance and time spent into the game. You could stay MR1 forever if you wanted and simply not be able to do some things, but it is an option.

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3 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

Because people judge quickly and base their opinions on mastery rank when they shouldn't. Really... it's just a number that tells how many weapons you leveled and that's it. 

True, but people's brains work that way.  It's primitive, yes but that's the whole "First impressions" thing in a nutshell.  What's the first thing you notice about players as you are all starting a mission (aside from if their fashon frame is on point!) ... a number, next to their icon on the right.  It's noticeable, it's easy.  It's basically information junk food and just like Junk food... it can be nice once in a while but it really isn't all you should have in your diet.

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I wish the only way MR can be seen is when looking at an in-game Profile.

Is there any reason to have it display, when in a match? I can't think of any good reason to have that little number on the player icons, pugging or otherwise, so I wonder if any can be thought of.

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On 9/11/2017 at 7:46 PM, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I wish the only way MR can be seen is when looking at an in-game Profile.

Is there any reason to have it display, when in a match? I can't think of any good reason to have that little number on the player icons, pugging or otherwise, so I wonder if any can be thought of.

Honestly, outside of Trading (so you waste your time trying to trade MR Locked weapons), and MR 1 through what... 3?  There is no reason.  Most people should know how to play the game by MR4.

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2 minutes ago, achromos said:

Honestly, outside of Trading (so you waste your time trying to trade MR Locked weapons), and MR 1 through what... 3?  There is no reason.  Most people should know how to play the game by MR4.

in those cases, trading MR locked items, seems like one of the few uses for that and should crop up in the trade kiosk, and we can still take a moment to check profiles as players chat.

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